Read Eighteen Summers Online

Authors: Jessie M

Eighteen Summers (19 page)

BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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Do you mean how do I find my food, or do I enjoy it when I get it?” I joke.


I feed from the town. There's plenty. It hurts no one. In fact they don't even know it has happened. And it is a more than enjoyable diet.” I smile in Nico's direction.

Especially when I get to the dessert... Watching him.

“I don't know Candy, I'm sure I'm going to wake up and this is all a strange dream and you're still at home being moody and sulking alone upstairs, listening to that dreadful noise you call music,” Mum sighs with an odd look at me.

It's no dream... and I'm still me. I've always been me and forever will be. Admittedly, I'm a little odd in my ways compared to you. But Mum, I'm so happy now I could cry. But I can't, because vampires don't have tears. Look, please don't worry about me. I've got everything I could ever want or need.”

Her face breaks into a smile. “One more thing Cand.... I mean Cali. Show me your fangs.”

“You've been dying to ask me that, haven't you?” I laugh. I raise my bite and she gasps loudly. I nip my hand and lick the droplet of blood. “See... Beautifully sharp, aren't they?”

Don't ever use them on me, will you love,” Dad says watching me with wide eyes.

We might sneak up on you in the night for a midnight snack when you're asleep.”

Lovely...!” Mum splutters, absolutely horrified.

Just kidding. We wouldn't, ever. Don't even think about it.”


I shudder at the thought.

Having a sensual feast at the neck of my mum and dad is verging on the incestuous and no one else here would contemplate such a thing either. Human relatives and friends are out of bounds.


I go to bed that night, and for the first time since my injury I can let loose with Nico. I am so full of enthusiasm for him, aching with desire in every cell of my body. We hold each other close, whispering tender words of love in between our animal growling and harsh vampire sounds of passionate lovemaking.

“Love you...” I nibble his ear.

Adore you,” He nibbles mine.

He plays with my hair, spreading it out wide on the pillow.

“Thank you for bringing Mum and Dad here. It was your idea, wasn't it?”

I thought you might need a boost in your recovery process. And who better to provide that than the two people you love most in the world, hmmm?”

Apart from you. You're on the top of my love list.”

You're being very loving today Cali. And I like it, very much.”

I want us to be like that, always. Can you?”

It has been a long while since I loved someone quite so in depth as this. I am doing my best to adapt from the cool, self contained vampire I have been for the past few centuries. I may slip up now and then.”

I laugh at his half modern terminology.

“Just tell me you love me once a day. That's all I ask of you.”

I think I can do so much better than that. Now sit up for a moment, will you?”

I sit on my pillow in front of him.

“I'm ready.” For what I'm not sure.

It is traditional for a male vampire to give his female partner a token on their mating.” He takes off his fine gold chain that he always wears around his neck and wraps it around my wrist.  My heart is pounding with excitement. “It is also traditional to say these words, in Latin, which you should easily understand and should repeat back to me....” He takes my hand. “Calista Isadora, do vobis meam vitae.”

My heart is fluttering like mad and my breathing is going crazy.

Could I feel any more love for him than I do right now?

What is your full name Nico?” I ask suddenly, shamefully aware that I have never, ever asked for it.

Nicolo Santo Cesare.”

That is the most wonderful name I have ever heard.”

Why thank you. And now your pledge, please,” He encourages impatiently.

My pledge in Latin and then also in English, so that you know I appreciate and understand it fully.” I take a deep breath to calm and compose myself. “Nicolo Santo, do vobis mean vitae,” I say slowly with heartfelt meaning, “Nico my love, I give you my life. Now you can kiss your new mate.”

I sigh with pleasure all over at the touch of his lips.

“Baby, you're the sexiest, most wonderful living being I've ever touched or known and I love you so,” He says surprising me yet again.

Oh no, you're far sexier and lovelier and whatever,” I insist.

I give you one hundred out of ten on the sexy scale.”

I give you a two hundred out of ten.”

Well. We must surely be the sexiest pair in the world. We are obviously made for each other, aren't we?”

Want to show me how sexy and lovely I am My Lord Nico?”

He places a finger to my lips.

“Do not speak another word. Tonight is all for you my love.”




September 2017 - London

The exceptionally beautiful girl is dressed in a short tartan skirt, baggy leather knee length boots, and a loose black sweater. Her curly dark shiny hair is plaited to the side and hangs prettily on her shoulder. Large silver hoops dangle from her ears and her face is accented with a splash of red lipstick while a thick layer of mascara flutters on her already luscious eyelashes. She is the epitome of a modern twenty year old, casual and fashionable.

She looks across the road from the shadow of the trees in the small Kensington square. Her eyes gleam with pure hatred and intense jealousy. She has stewed in her misery and despaired for years and finally had enough of the mental torture. Now her mind and body are ready to take action against the source of her distress.

“There is no way in other than through the front door,” She explains to her dark haired companion.

We can climb their walls and smash in the windows,” He suggests.

No they will be alerted far too easily. We must wait for them to emerge. Then we will strike quickly. Let us settle and wait.”

Sevi darling that could be hours or fucking days...”

Shut up. What else have you to do, hmmmm? What pressing engagements are in your diary? Sit and be patient. We have to avenge. I don't care about anything else. They killed Vincenzo, my blood brother and your half cousin. I want them to suffer as he did.” She fingers the flick knife in her skirt pocket sensuously, running her nails down the groove on its hilt.

One quick jab to her heart and she's done... and Saba can finish him off...

“You know I can't stand hanging around bored. Fuck this for a laugh.”

Saba, how I detest your brand of slang. You are getting worse and worse. Five years watching modern television has not given you the best example of the finesse of the English language.”

Well fuck you too honey.”

Later, when we are victorious.”

What about now? I'll be quick.”

Come then, but keep your eyes on the door.”

He picks her up and enters her swiftly.

“You are so handsome Sabato... I cannot ever resist you. But I do so wish you would become more cultured. Perhaps you can make more of an effort, for me?”

You like my rough edges baby. You just won't admit it. Now shut up while I fuck you...”

They begin to move frantically against each other. The noises they make are far removed from human sounds. They muffle the harsh snarling that escapes them by burying their faces in each other's shoulders.

A few minutes later she springs backwards to the ground in an energised passion.

Feeling better now?” She asks her lover with a grin.

That'll do me for the next few hours. But I need some of the red stuff.”

Oh for God's sake! Sometimes you are like a child. I want this, now I want that... Go feed then. But please do not drain the poor creature too much, try to be subtle whilst we are here.”

You're so soft and Gianni at times. They're just food.”

No, I'm not soft. I'm being careful. We are at their doorstop, anyone could see you. Be quick and brief, now go...”

She watches him run off with a smile.

Mmmm, so, so handsome and highly sexed... and mine.

The last five years had been more than just a way of passing the time. She was becoming very attached to her piece of rough.

Oh Sabato, Sabato... What shall I do with you?

Severina takes up her watching position, resting against the tree trunk.


Little did she know that there were no Gianni in the house and there hadn't been for the last six months. Her wait was in vain. The Gianni household had relocated to Italy at Calista and Nico's joint request. Sixteen hours later she would discover this fact and this would fuel her rage even more.


They had slaughtered her lover, Raffaele, and murdered her brother.


She would be avenged. How ever long it took and wherever they were.


Severina was strong and smart and not about to let these misdeeds go unpunished...








About the Author

Books by Jessica Miles (Jessie M)


- Sexy Romantic fiction 18+

Touch of Eden
- Sexy Romantic fiction 18+

62 Days
- Sexy Romantic fiction 18+

White & Black
- Sexy Romantic Fiction 18+

Eighteen Summers
- Erotic Paranormal Fiction 18+

Rose Blood
- Light Paranormal Romantic Fiction 17+

Blood Match
- Paranormal Romantic Fiction 18+

The Pairing
- Light Paranormal Romantic Fiction 17+

Dark Demons
- Romantic fiction 16+


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BOOK: Eighteen Summers
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