Read Eagle's Refuge Online

Authors: Regina Carlysle

Tags: #Romance

Eagle's Refuge (4 page)

BOOK: Eagle's Refuge
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Callie studied the careless cut of her tousled blonde hair and examined the barely there look of her makeup and hoped Mac would approve. She wore a sleeveless linen cropped top in a soft aqua color paired with black linen capris and matching black flats.

Earlier she’d tucked her two-piece bathing suit into her oversized leather purse since Mac had requested it.


Wondering what he had planned, she turned when she heard his footsteps on the front porch and his subsequent knock. Nerves fluttered through her belly. She opened the door and drank in the sight of him looking hotter than hell in his jeans and a solid

white shirt with mother-of-pearl snaps marching down the front of it. The contrast of the white against all that dark skin made her catch her breath. Lordy, he was gorgeous!

“Hey, Mac.”

She stepped back as he came inside and sent his gaze around her living room before settling on her. He gave her a hot up-and-down look and smiled. “Well don’t you look good enough to eat.”

Now didn’t that conjure an image?

“Hungry are you?” she said, grinning.

Mac laughed and pulled her into his arms. “You know it,” he whispered against her lips. His kiss was soft at first then gradually deepened, practically stealing her breath.

She’d always been a sucker for a good kisser and Mac Moreno was a blue-ribbon, champion kisser in her estimation. His tongue swept deep and Callie felt her toes curl just a little bit. Her pussy tightened, growing wet in anticipation of what he could do to her body with that mouth of his. She let herself fall under his spell, the scent of his subtle cologne heady and appealing, awakening her senses in a way they hadn’t been for such a long time.

When he broke the kiss his eyes burned hot into hers. She fought back the disappointment and went for her bag. Within a minute or two they were driving the streets of Morgan’s Creek as Mac showed her around. They drove by the school and several businesses. He pointed out the courthouse that sat nestled in the town square.

Some of this she’d seen, of course, but Mac added extra touches and bits of history that she hadn’t known.

“So we’re going to dinner?”

Mac reached out to adjust the air conditioner vents then gave her a look. “Yeah, we’ll have dinner at the ranch.”

“The ranch?”

“I share ownership of White Eagle Ranch with my sister Leah and my brother Dash.

As I mentioned, I built a house out there on the property but I haven’t moved into it yet.”

“Why not?”

Mac shrugged. “I’m working up to it.”

She sensed a story there but didn’t press. Twenty minutes later, her eyes went wide at the stately pillars marking the entrance to the ranch. Impressive. Her curiosity grew.

His little apartment in back of the club was okay but why on earth wouldn’t he have moved in already? This place was spectacular. Off in the distance, she spotted what she assumed was the main house along with an outcropping of barns and other buildings.

Beautiful rolling pastureland stretched out into the horizon with big brown cows, Herefords she supposed, munching grass and meandering around everywhere. No, she didn’t know much about ranches. She’d seen a few but damn, this place was impressive.

Instead of heading toward the big house in the distance, Mac took a left-hand turn down a graveled road and drove another half mile or so.

“Oh Mac, it’s beautiful,” she said when the single-story Spanish-style house came into view. It was a sprawling structure with its tan stucco, dark-brown tiled roof and arched doorways and windows. Several large yucca trees occupied the gentle curve of the circular drive and someone had lovingly landscaped the place to perfection. Her eye for plants and flowers was beyond satisfied with the assortment of blooming crepe myrtles, hibiscus and oleander. “I can’t believe you haven’t moved into this place yet.

Did you do the landscaping?”

“Spoken like a florist.” Mac shook his head. “No, I hired a local outfit to do it for me. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty planting things but I just don’t have the time between half days here at the ranch and the rest of my time at the club.”

As she continued to take in his house, she finally looked over at him. “You know what they say about all work and no play?”

His smile was brilliant in the late afternoon sunlight. “I think we should do something about that. Don’t you?”

Mentally rubbing her hands together as a whip of desire coursed through her veins, she laughed. “Sounds like a plan, Mac.”

Hours later, when full dark settled over the land, Callie stood at the back door leading from Mac’s spacious master bedroom to the outside patio. Mac had declared after a dinner of grilled steaks with all the trimmings, they would christen his new pool.

It was a beauty, dominating much of his large, beautifully landscaped backyard. So here she was after changing into her two-piece suit feeling a little uncomfortable.

Maybe it was a throwback from her days as a preacher’s daughter and all those lectures about modesty but she was nervous. Butterflies danced in her belly as Mac lazily swam the length of the pool. His body was backlit by pool lights as he cut through the sparkling water. They’d kept things light and fun through the course of the meal preparation and later as he’d given her a brief tour of the house but always there had been an undercurrent, a sort of knowing, of what might come later.

Looks like later was suddenly now.

Summoning her inner diva, she opened one of the French doors and stepped out onto the beautifully tiled patio. “Looks like you got a head start,” she hollered.

Mac stood in the pool and shoved his shoulder-length wet hair out of his eyes.

Callie swallowed hard at the sight of him nearly naked. His chest was utter perfection, cut with muscles formed, she suspected, from years of physical labor and his six-pack abs made her fingers itch. Below the surface of the water he wore simple black swim trunks. Mac smiled, his teeth flashing white in the darkness. “Couldn’t resist. Damn, you look cute. Come on in.”

Barefoot, she walked past his patio furniture, which included a table and chair set and a chaise built for two, and made her way to the edge of the pool. A big round hot tub connected to the pool at the shallow end so Callie tiptoed around the wide tiled

edge and sat there as Mac waded up to greet her. Grinning, he planted his hands on either side of her thighs. “Are you coming in?”

Playfully she pushed at one yummy bare shoulder. “Why are you in such a hurry?

You’re lucky to get me out here at all considering that big meal I just had. My belly is downright poochy.” She patted it in emphasis.

Mac laughed and moved his eyebrows up and down. “Ah hell no, honey, I love your belly. The first time I ever saw you I thought…man, what a sexy belly.”

She loved a laughing, teasing man and could play the game but then Mac caught her hands and pressed his mouth there, right above the line of her bikini bottom. Callie sucked in a breath and held it, paralyzed with the intense urge to have him. His tongue teased and licked as a gasp curled up, then released from her throat. Mac looked up, his dark eyes no longer showing a dollop of humor. Intensity blazed from them. Drops of water clung to his thick, black lashes like diamonds. “I like everything about you, honey. Every beautiful bit.”

Mac straightened and stepped between the spread of her legs. The heat of his body wrapped around her like a heady sexual wave and then he leaned in to take her mouth with voracious hunger. His muscular chest pressed against her breasts, rubbed there, and Callie felt her nipples instantly tighten. She wanted his hands there. Now.

Immediately. And then they were. Her breasts filled his palms to overflowing as he lightly kneaded them, his thumbs tracing seductive circles around her nipples as if he had all the time in the world. Callie whimpered.

Mac broke the hot kiss and stared down at her, a muscle bunching in his strong jaw.

His fingers plied her nipple and Callie gasped. “This what you need, darlin’?”


His eyes narrowed as he reached for the tie at the nape of her neck. “Let me take care of this for you.” Reaching behind her, he untied again, this time at her back, until the scrap of fabric fell between them. Mac’s eyes went hard with lust, his gaze fastening

on her breasts as he took the bikini top and negligently set it aside. “This is what I’ve been waitin’ for, darlin’.”

She wanted to speak. She wanted to tease him again and make him laugh but she just couldn’t. Overwhelmed by the moment, she finally gasped when Mac lowered his head and took one nipple into his warm mouth to suck. Instantly her fingers went into his wet hair to hold him closer. Sensation swept from her nipple, through her center to settle in her quivering pussy. Her bikini bottom was drenched by the time he moved to the other breast, gently devouring until she wanted to howl with frustration. Mac’s big hands swept her bare flesh slowly, provocatively as his mouth hungrily sucked it deep.

His mouth moved lower as he stroked her ribs with his tongue, nipped with his teeth. Callie’s nipples, hard as gems, received the light brush of evening air and puckered even more, making her want, for just a split second, to grab his hair and bring his mouth back where it belonged. But then she was distracted again by the way he bent lower to tease her belly and drag his tongue along the line above her bikini bottom. Mac sent his hands along the sensitive insides of her thigh and finally, finally stroked the seam of her pussy with his fingers.

“God! Mac!” She choked on the words, sinking her fingers into his hard shoulders, widening her legs for a firmer touch.

Mac made a rough sound and dipped his fingers into the front of her bikini bottom to stroke her wet flesh. “Damn, Callie.” Acting swiftly, ignoring her gasp of protest, he removed his fingers from her drenched pussy and lifted her legs to spread her across the surface of the wide, tiled edge of the hot tub until she lay there like a randy sea nymph. Mac swiftly untied the strings at her hips and plunged his fingers deep. In and out, his fingers stroked, gathering the moisture there.

“I love the feel of your cream on my fingers,” he said low as he fucked her slowly, steadily with them.

Callie’s hips arched as pleasure swamped her. It had been so long since she’d last had sex she was ready to go off like a rocket. Lust curled low in her belly as Mac settled his mouth there to gently nip at her skin.

He drew his tongue over her, increasing the speed of his sexy finger fucking.

“Gonna taste that cream soon, honey. Count on it.”

“Mac, I’m—”

“Yeah, I’m with you.” Whipping deep, swirling his thumb over her throbbing clit, he killed her, just killed her. Desire knotted hard and then released with the speed of a comet as she came.

“Not done here, Callie.” Mac kissed her lips then gathered her up and brought her down into the pool. The feel of the water surrounding her only heightened her sexual hunger. Feeling light, buoyant, she wrapped her legs around his lean waist as he carried her deeper and then over to one side of the swimming pool. Callie buried her nose in his chest, breathing him in, loving the feel of her pussy pressed to the hard muscles of his belly. His cock, hard beneath his trunks, prodded her until she held tighter and squirmed against him. It had been so long, so, so long for her and she had to believe the fates had created Mac Moreno just for her. She was suddenly thrilled to pieces she’d waited for him to end her sexual drought.

When Mac carried her to the side of the pool, he disentangled her legs until they slid down against his. Keeping one arm solidly around her, he reached for a condom sitting there.

“Looks like you had seduction in mind, Mac,” she whispered.

“Honey, I’ve had seduction in mind from the first minute I looked at you. Take my trunks off, Callie.”

Callie settled her hands at his waist and gave his trunks a tug, feeling a momentary drag when the wet fabric caught on his hard cock. Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, she worked them past the obstruction until his erection sprang free. The trunks forgotten at the sight of all that lovely hardness, she quickly abandoned them to cup his

thick stalk in her hands. Warm, no, not warm, hot. He was so hot, thick and pulsing with life in the very palm of her hands. Stroking from base to tip and down again to lovingly stroke his balls, Callie barely noticed when Mac finally discarded the trunks and sent them floating off in the other direction. She looked up and saw his eyes were closed, his face a stony mask. “Ah man,” he whispered. “I’m dying for you. I can’t wait.

It’s been too long.”

Too long?

She’d thought she was surely the only one deprived of sex around here.

Needing him so badly she ached, Callie watched Mac rip open the package and hand the condom to her. “Put it on me.”

She brought the bit of latex below the surface of the water and slowly covered him.

He groaned, the sound low and as sexy as hell, before he grabbed her around the waist, lifted and then settled her over his cock. “Ready?” he whispered as the thick, fat head settled at her opening.

In answer, she wrapped her arms around him, buried her face against the curve of his throat and squeezed tight. Then he lowered her slowly, by devastatingly tiny increments until he was buried to the hilt. Pleasure swept her as he stuffed her pussy full of his heavy cock. Mac’s hands found her ass and held on as he turned to press her back against the side of the pool. In. Out. In. Out. Oh my God, so damn slow. Callie swore she could feel every bump and striation brush her vaginal walls, and each down stroke made her tremble as if she were caught in a storm. Then he moved faster.

“Can’t wait. Need more.”

“Yes, Mac. Give it to me.”

Faster and faster he surged deep, rotating his pelvis against her clit at each pass until her head swam with sensation. Her body clasped him, milking him, and she knew sex had never been this good before. Setting her teeth against his hard muscular chest, she fought against crying out, against falling completely apart, but then choice was taken from her as her body seized and she came in a giant tsunami of feeling. Waves of

BOOK: Eagle's Refuge
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