Drunk Dial (Hard Core #1) (Hard Core Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Drunk Dial (Hard Core #1) (Hard Core Series)
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I’d spent so many years learning how to defend myself, developing my strength and wit, but hearing that York was in my corner, that I could always count on him, made me feel even safer than the gun that had become my constant companion. “I believe you.”

“I never thought I’d feel this way,” York said hoarsely. “But something about you just does it for me.”

I smiled at his choice of words. “Nice to know I do it for you. The feeling’s mutual.”

“I’m not just talking about the sex, though that’s incredible.” He grinned, making my heart stutter. “I’m talking about…” He shook his head as though he was searching for the right words, but they eluded him. “The fact that I fall asleep thinking about you. I wake up thinking about you. I think about you in the shower. I get my fucking bell rung when I’m sparring with Ace because I’m thinking about you.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the picture he painted, knowing full well his best friend wouldn’t hesitate to take advantage of his distracted state. “I think about you all the time too.”

“But it’s more than just thinking about you.” His eyes landed on mine, and I knew whatever he was about to say could be a game changer for us. “I want to be with you all the time. I want to come home to you. I want to wake up next to you. I want to curl up and watch TV next to you.”

I swallowed, trying to make sense of what he was suggesting. “It sounds like you’re talking about living together.”

“It may sound crazy, since we haven’t known each other that long…” He looked adorably uncertain when he said, “But fuck, Lace, I love you.”

It wasn’t the romantic declaration most girls probably hoped for, but I wasn’t a roses-and-poetry kind of girl. I was tattoos and motorcycles, like York. I was fight night and football, like York. I was working out hard and playing harder, like York. God, he was right about us being perfect for each other.

“I love you too.”

His kiss crushed me, but not with its intensity. With its tenderness.

“I know what I want, Lace. You with me. All the time.”

“Before I answer that, we should talk about what happened last night.” I wanted him to know that I hadn’t slayed all my demons yet. “I had a flashback when we were in your car and you started—”

“Ace told me.” He shook his head. “I’m so sorry I stirred up all those bad memories, baby. I’m even sorrier that I reminded you of that bastard in any way.”

York was as far removed from Jordan as a man could be. The only thing they had in common was a penis.

“I can’t promise I’ll ever be able to forget what happened with Jordan,” I admitted, thinking about what Reese said. “There may be times when I wake up in the middle of the night screaming because I’m back in that warehouse—”

“And I’ll be there to hold you,” he whispered, pulling me into his arms. “To tell you that everything’s gonna be all right. Because it will, Lace.” He slipped a finger under my chin, tilting my head back so I could meet his eyes. “As long as I have you, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do, nothing I can’t take on. I want you to feel the same way.”

“I do.” I’d never felt stronger than I did when I was with York. “I’ve spent so many years alone because I thought a relationship would make me weak. But you just make me feel stronger, better…” I smiled. “More invincible, and that’s a pretty great feeling.”

“Does that mean you’ll move in with me?”

Since I was pretty sure Rachel intended to take Ace up on his offer, I’d either have to find a cheaper place or a roommate, but that wasn’t why I wanted to move in with York. I wanted to move in with him because… I couldn’t get enough of him. I couldn’t imagine not wanting to be with him every minute of every day, but I had to ask. “Are you sure you won’t get sick of me?”

He leaned back as a slow smile spread across his handsome face, then he kissed me. “I’m not worried about that.”

“I’ll take over your closets and drawers, you know.” That was a total lie. I wasn’t a girly-girl with tons of clothes and shoes. I just wanted to scare him a little.

“I’m okay with that,” he said, nuzzling my neck.

“You know you’ll have to do all the cooking, right?”

He was already popping the buttons running down my shirt. “Sure, no problem.” He popped the front clasp of my bra and made me gasp when his thumb and forefinger closed over my nipple.

“I’m paying my own way.”

“Lacy,” he warned, wrapping his huge hand around my ribcage. “I don’t want your goddamn money. Keep it. In fact, moving in with me means you can give your brother notice that you won’t be working for him anymore. You don’t need to be working two jobs, running yourself ragged.”

I sat up straighter, shifting to face him. “Are you
me to quit my job?” ‘Cause that was not going to fly.

He chuckled, shaking his head. “You think I’m that stupid? I was merely suggesting it. Now that I’m back to training all day, we’ll only have our evenings together. I don’t want you to have to work three nights a week.”

His argument was rational, but I had a feeling he had an ulterior motive for suggesting I quit the club. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the guys who come in there and ask me out, would it?”

He trailed his lips down my neck, and I forgot why I was calling him out.

“Maybe,” he admitted before his tongue flicked over my ear, and I shuddered. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a fucking Neanderthal who doesn’t want other guys coming on to my girl. Happy now?”

My arms circled his neck as tears filled my eyes. With anyone else, I would have been embarrassed by the display of emotion, but not with him. “Am I happy now? Honestly? I’m happier than I’ve ever been, York.”



Coming Soon

BOOK: Drunk Dial (Hard Core #1) (Hard Core Series)
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