Read Drive Me Crazy Online

Authors: Marquita Valentine

Tags: #alpha male, #marquita valentine, #going the distance series, #small town, #nascar, #love story, #bad boys

Drive Me Crazy (11 page)

BOOK: Drive Me Crazy
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She felt herself softening, giving into him. Into his legendary charm that she’d never been the recipient of until now.

I’ll give it a try anyway.” He vigorously rubbed his hand up and down the outside of his thigh. “Let’s see if I got it right.”

Breathing became hard to do as his hand hovered in the air. Her lashes fluttered as he gently touched her neck, his warm palm making her head fall back. She felt the tip of his tongue trace the base of her throat. His soft hair brushed the side of her face.

Carter,” she whispered. “I’m still upset with you.”

Did all the coffee come out?”

Yes, but that doesn’t get you out of the hot seat.”

His tongue touched the lobe of her ear, then his teeth nibbled on the flesh.“No place I’d rather be than in your hot seat.”

Oh God,” she moaned.

A low chuckle emanated from him, dark and full of so much promise that her knees went weak. Reflexes fast as his race car on the final turn at Daytona caught her around the waist before she fell. “Where’s your room?”he asked, kissing his way to her mouth. His tongue slid in just as her lips parted to answer, tangling with hers.

Tearing her mouth away for even a second was almost impossible to do, but she managed to gasp, “Behind me, door at the end of the hallway.”

Is your dad coming home anytime soon?” Carter swept her off her feet and headed down the short hallway. “I’d hate to let him beat the shit out of me for catching me satisfying the hell out of his daughter.”

Dread reared its ugly head, breaking through a haze of lust and longing. If she told him where and who Louis was with, no telling what would happen. And she couldn’t have Carter thinking of her like that. Like she was the daughter of trailer trash, of a man who slept with other men’s wives and discarded them as soon as the next helpless, ignored housewife came along.

Not now, not when it seemed she’d finally gotten him to think of her as not just his kid sister’s best friend. “He won’t be back for a while.”

Carter nudged the door open with his hip. “A while means many things, baby. Humor me and clarify.”

Not for a couple of days.” Usually that was how long he stayed away, when he and his new woman decided to go away together. She prayed Carter wouldn’t ask her to elaborate any further.

He set her down on her feet, and she felt every hard inch of him on the way down. “Then tonight we’ll stay here, but tomorrow you’re coming home with me. In fact I’m thinking that tomorrow is a holiday and there’s no need for us to go into work.”

She closed her eyes as he helped her out of her robe.

Muttering a curse, he said, “Or the next day either.” He stepped away, his hands caressing as they followed the curves of her body. “When the hell did you get a tattoo on your ass?”

Eighteenth birthday.” She shook her head. The tattoo was low on her back, over to the side so it couldn’t be classified as a tramp stamp. “Tried to talk your sister into getting one, too.”

Jesus H. Christ, Melanie. Don’t bring my sister into the conversation.”

Biting back a laugh, her eyes popped open to reveal their reflection in her mirror. She was naked as the day she was born while he was fully clothed. And he was watching her watching him as his hands explored her body.

Does this mean anything to you?”

Us?” she asked. Of course this meant something to her. She’d been in love with him for years.

Your tattoo is about me and you?”

Oh my God.
Face turning fiery red, she looked away from the mirror. “It’s a hummingbird. My momma used to call me that.” Bittersweet memories enveloped her as did his arms. “She said I like to flit from here to there, always moving.”

Guess I’m the mood-killer now, huh.” He kissed the top of her head, a gesture so sweet and telling that she wanted to weep. “Sorry, sweetheart.”

He wasn’t just saying sorry for killing the mood. He meant her mom, too. Carter was just that kind of guy. No, not that kind of guy. He was a man, protective and sexy as hell.

Whirling in his arms, she crept her hands up his wool sweater. “It happened a long time ago, when I was a little girl. Before I knew you. And I’m grown now.” She gave him her best-come-and-get-me-boy smile, cupping her breasts and pressing them together. “In case you didn’t notice.”

I’d have to be dead to not notice.” Admiration gleamed in his sexy green eyes. “But thank you for reminding me…ma’am,” he said in that deep drawl she loved.

Why don’t you warm up your hands again.” It wasn’t a suggestion.

Why don’t I warm you up instead.” His mouth came down on hers, his tongue breaking the seam of her lips as she stood on tiptoe. Rubbing against him, she whimpered in the back of her throat. His hands explored every sensitive part of her that he could reach. Cupping her butt, he lifted her to him and started in the direction of the bed.

She helped him out of his shirt along the way, throwing it in the middle of the room. Even as her back hit the comforter, she was tugging at his belt, ripping it off and unbuttoning his fly as his mouth found her nipple and sucked.

Her head fell back against a pillow, her fingers digging in his back. She found her way to his jeans, pushing them down so she could cup his muscular butt. The very hard length of him rubbed against her thighs, and then hit her stomach as he worked his way back up to her mouth. He bit her bottom lip and tugged, worrying it between his teeth and then soothing the sting with his tongue.

You’ve got the poutiest fucking mouth and one day real soon, I’m going to have it around my dick.” He sealed his lips over hers, taking her breath away and replacing it with his. She couldn’t get enough of him. He rolled onto his back, taking her with him.

Sitting up, she grinded against his erection and raked her nails across his chest. A chest made of muscular pecs and a washboard stomach. Dear God, she should pin a picture of it on her Pinterest page, under ManCandy. “Maybe you’ll return the favor and put your mouth on me again. Maybe we can do it at the same time.”

He groaned. “Can’t take much more.” In one swift move, he had her pinned under him and entered her with one long finger. “Fuck. You’re so damn wet. Reach into my pocket and get a condom.”

Which one?” she asked, desperate for him to be inside of her, and not just his finger.

Doesn’t matter; they’ve all got one.”

He eased a second finger inside of her and pressed up. An involuntary shriek left her. “Oh God.” She grabbed the first foil packet with the tips of her fingers and lifted it to her mouth, tearing it and throwing the packet to the side.

I want to taste you so bad…but I can’t wait.” He snagged the condom from her and rolled it on, then the blunt head of his erection replaced his fingers and he pushed inside.

His head fell to her shoulder, fingers threading in her damp hair, and flexed his hips. She whimpered at his invasion. As he stretched and filled her. Even if she hadn’t had sex in almost two years, he was still hung like a porn star.

And they were moving like two odd puzzle pieces being shoved together. It was awkward and hurt like hell. This wasn’t what she dreamed about. This was…They needed to slow down.

Carter…not so fast,” she gasped, hips pressing into the mattress. “I haven’t had…

He froze. “You’re not virgin, are you? Because if you are I’m going about this all wrong.”

Why—virgins deserve more than hussies like me?” she asked, tears stinging her eyes.

Dammit, Melanie.” His head snapped up, eyes dark and jaw clenched. “Why do you assume the worst about me? More importantly, why do you assume the worst about yourself?”

Because she’d been reminded her whole life that she was from the wrong side of town, the wrong side of the tracks and was nothing but trash. Turning away from him, she stared at the wall. Posters still hung on her wall. Teen heartthrobs and favorite bands smiled back at her.

Look at me.”

No,” she whispered, because if she did, she might cry. And God knew there was no crying in the middle of sex. Not unless it was the good kind.

I’m trying to take it easy on you, because I don’t want to hurt you and I have no fucking clue as to what you have and haven’t done. What you’re used to and what you like.” Now she did turn to face him, finding his emerald green eyes fixed on her. “I’m going on instinct, on those sexy little moans and whimpers that I love hearing you make. Then you scare the shit out of me—” He shook his head. “—
. I’m inside of you—you’re tight as hell…wet as hell—and we’re having a fucking conversation, instead of …fucking. Help me out here.”

She moved her hips and he slid in deeper, a low rumble coming from his throat. Gazing into his eyes, she managed a smile. “I wanted you to slow down, because I haven’t had sex since Trent and I broke up.”

Ah, hell.” He moved his hand to her face, running his knuckles over her cheek. “That’s a long time.”

His touch made her feel all vulnerable. When he kissed the tip of her nose, she felt positively special, which was flat out stupid and dangerous to her well-being. “Don’t feel too bad for me. I do have B.O.B.”

A crooked grin replaced his look of tenderness. “Think I can give ole’ B.O.B. a run for his money?” He began to move his hips and dipped his head, brushing her lips. “I don’t require replacement batteries.”

Giggles escaped her mouth before she could help it, then full blown laughter. That is, until he tugged her nipple into his mouth and sucked. His large, callused hand on her hip held her in place while he worked his way inside of her. Letting her thighs fall open, she jolted when he went deeper.

There you go. Fuck me back,” he growled, slipping his hand under her. His fingers dipped between her cheeks, teasing that very private area that she’d allowed no man to ever explore. “You like that?”

Maybe,” she said in a breathless rush. The tip slid inside and her eyes widened, little sparks of pleasure and pain radiating from that very spot. “Oh!”

Trust me,” he said, his voice low and dark.

Trust him? Of course she trusted him. She loved Carter. Her heart beat out the syllables of his name. And now that he was inside of her, making her body crave him more than ever, she was going to be a mess when things between them ended. Things

She wrapped her legs around his waist, crossing her feet at the ankles, and was rewarded with a hard thrust that she felt from head to toe. In fact, her toes curled so hard that they popped.

His thrusts became steady, his finger teasing her and going deeper until she didn’t care where he put anything as long as he didn’t stop.

He coaxed her lips open, mimicking what his cock was doing to her with his tongue. She curled her own around it, eliciting a growl from him. Tearing his mouth away, he removed his finger and planted an elbow on each side of her.

You’re squeezing my dick so tight,” he said, his movements relentless and precise. Every forward roll of his hips, sent his groin in direct contact with her clit, until her entire being focus on that. “Never felt anything so good.”

I need—” Another roll of his hips and she let out a strangled cry. “Please.”

Know what you need, Melanie.” He bit down hard on her shoulder and ground against her.

Pleasure and pain crashed inside of her, blending until she didn’t know where one stopped and the other began. She went over the edge, crying out Carter’s name, God’s and who knew what else.

Her eyes closed as he picked up the pace, prolonging her orgasm until he pushed himself deep inside of her. “Oh fuck,” he growled as he came.

For long minutes, she held him in her arms, stroking his back and placing kisses on his neck. So overwhelmed by what had happened, she almost said ‘I love you’ right then and there. But something, mostly the almost absolute knowledge that Carter didn’t feel that way about her, kept her lips sealed tight.

BOOK: Drive Me Crazy
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