Dream Lover (Denim and Spurs Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Dream Lover (Denim and Spurs Book 2)
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Laciee blinked. “Elephants and blowholes?”

“Do you think everyone has their life planned out to the perfect ending? It doesn’t happen. This is life, Laciee. It’s a chance. A gamble. Down that hall you have a man who left his ranch to come find you. And you’re out here complaining that he loves you? What do you need him to do? Give up ranching and move here after living in all that openness just because you had a bad childhood down there?” She crumpled the bag in her hand. “You have a man who wants you in his life. Regardless of how you feel about the Raineses, Karis is family. When are you going to stop letting Branchwater’s haters beat you? Go home. Be happy. Rub it in their faces when you see them about how happy that hot as fuck cowboy has made you. Get fat with his babies and parade them around town. Stop living in the past and move on. Time to grow up, Laciee.” She shook her head and returned to Italian, “And I thought we were stubborn.”

Vic went to the door. “Now, wake him up in a very nice fashion.” She flashed a grin. “Unless you’d like me to do it for you.”

“Go away, Vic.”

“Love you.”

“Pain in my ass bitch.”

“Good to know my love is reciprocated, full heartedly.” She ducked out of the door only to peek her head back in. “In all seriousness, Laciee. Your happiness is staring you in the face. Grab onto it with both hands and damn it, don’t let go.
deserve it.” She blew her a kiss and vanished.

Fixing herself a glass of water, Laciee thought about her words. And Karis’. And Gian’s. They were right, all of them. Putting the glass on the counter, she took a deep breath before making her way back to her bedroom.

Judd lay where she’d left him. On his back, one arm up over his head, offering her a clear view of his chiseled torso peppered by dark hair. Her lavender sheets had never looked so good against a person. She inched closer, nibbling her lower lip as she did so. Smoothing her hand over her belly, she flashed back to Vic’s words. Have his babies. They’d not used protection again. Could she be pregnant now? Was it possible his offspring already existed within her?

She pushed down her sweats and crawled on the bed in her long shirt. Making her way up between his legs, she tugged on the sheet. Inch by inch she drew it down, exposing his naked body. His cock lay against his thigh, and she moved closer before reaching for it and curling her hand around him, slow strokes as she lowered her head and flicked her tongue over the crown. Then she took him in her mouth, tasting both herself and him. He shifted beneath her with a groan as his hands sank into her hair.


The way her name fell from his lips in the deep moan had her own body tingling in response. So much was said with that single word.

Relaxing her jaw, she allowed him to set the pace he desired. Her fingers caressing his balls had her adjusting her position, so she could take more of his shaft. Her pussy throbbed, clenching in anticipation.

“Shit, Laciee.” His deep voice wrapped around her, plucking at her nipples and clit.

She hummed around his length, her saliva making him slick as he swelled even more in her mouth. His taste was addictive and she longed for more.

He palmed her ass with one large hand and squeezed the flesh. His fingers drifted lower to her pussy and pushed in. She widened her legs, allowing him easier access.

“Come up here,” he ordered, pulling on her hair.

She released him, swiping her tongue along the large mushroom head, tasting the salty essence of his pre-cum. Slowly she moved up his chest, enjoying each defined muscles beneath her lips.

He pushed his fingers deeper into her, and she whimpered. “Judd.”

“Take my cock, Laciee. Guide me home.” He removed his fingers and sucked them clean.

Straddling him, she curled her hand around him and held him still before lowering herself down. Her eyelids fluttered as he filled her. There was no other feeling like this in the world.

Pelvis to pelvis, she swiped her tongue along her lower lip. His eyes were so dark with the depth of his passion.

“Do you have any idea how absolutely beautiful you are?” He cupped the nape of her neck, drawing her to him and his mouth. “I love you, Laciee.” The words whispered along her skin, bathing her in more emotion than she’d ever experienced, it warmed her and had her closing her eyes.

His kiss brushed her eyelids, absorbing the tears there. “Make love to me,” she whispered.

He ran his hands along her arms and down to the hem of her shirt before he removed it from her body. Then he laced their fingers together and flexed his hips driving his cock deeper into her.

“All night.”

* * * **

Judd hadn’t lied. Laciee bit back her groan of stiffness as she began to swing from the bed.

“Where are you going, darlin’?”

“Trying to move.”

His warm hand settled upon her belly, and he drew her back to him.

“I remember the first morning with you,” he said. “You’d roped me then, Laciee. That hasn’t changed.”

She altered her position so they were chest to chest. His scruff—thicker and darker—covered his jaw. It had done a number on her inner thighs as he’d clamped her legs around him while he ate her pussy more than once through the night.

Their lips touched as she stared into his eyes.

“What are you proposing?”

His gaze remained straightforward, just like the man. “Same I have from the beginning. Stay with me. Live with me. Marry me.”

“You’re proposing to me in bed?”

“Would you rather my cock be deep inside of you? Until I can go no further? Where I can feel your heartbeat as if it were my own?” He splayed his hands along her back. “I already feel that.”

“I’m no good in Branchwater.”

“Bullshit. You’re amazing in Branchwater.”

“I can’t face the law there, not after all that happened.”

“Cian won’t care.”

She scrunched up her face. “What does he have to do with anything?”

“He’s the new sheriff.”


“You miss a lot when you run, baby. Bolton had orchestrated the attacks on my ranch. Because—before you ask—we were getting too close to one another. He didn’t want that but wanted you to come to him. Depend on him. That’s changed now. He’s gone. Branchwater is changing.”

She ran the advice she’d received over in her mind. “Are you sure?”

“We may not have a long history, but my feelings are true. From the moment you tumbled into my arms.”

Take a chance.
Her grandmother’s voice rang loudly in her mind.

She sucked his lower lip into her mouth and pressed as close as she could get to him. “Yes.” She nipped his lip and released it. “On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You ask me again as you are so deep inside of me you can feel my heartbeat.”

He lifted her and entered her with a single stroke. “Absolutely.”


One Year Later


“Will I see you this evening?” Judd asked, staring at the woman he loved more than anything else in the world.

“Not until late. I’m done at eleven.” Laciee shoved her boots on and laced them before checking her EMT uniform.

“You’re perfect.” He hauled her up to his chest and kissed her. “I love you, Mrs. Travers.”

She smiled, lighting his heart, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I know you do. And I love you, too.” She brushed her mouth along his. “I have to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

He walked her to her SUV and gave her one more kiss before allowing her to go to work. Things had settled a bit more for her, and she hadn’t had any more issues. Their wedding had been a small ceremony in New York with Karis and Wyatt, who’d brought Jolene with them, Dustin and Finn, along with the entire Carracci family. So he took her word it was small.

The rest of his day rushed by, but he couldn’t go to sleep without her and so he waited up for her. When the front door opened, admitting her, he was leaning against the back of the couch, ankles crossed and hands on the top of the cushions.

“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” she asked, setting her bag by the door as she closed it behind her.

“Bed is lonely without you.” He pushed away and moved to her side, cupping her face and kissing her, an act he never got tired of doing. He tugged on the end of her braid and released her as she stepped back to her bag and knelt by it.

“Here,” she said, handing him a wrapped present.

He cocked an eyebrow in silent question as he took it. There were black and brown cowboy hats on the beige paper. “What’s this for?”

“It’s a gift. Something you open,” she teased.

He chucked her under the chin. “The reason is?”

“I attended a party tonight for Jolene since she’s heading off to college soon. I made it for you, no reason to be so suspicious. Open it.”

He slid a finger under the tape and removed the box. Then lifted the lid. Her gaze bore into him as he pulled out a black teddy bear with a brown hat on as well as a white shirt. A safety pin with a note was on the shirt.

“Looking to start my stuffed animal collection?”

She gave him a pointed look and he unpinned the paper, staring at the words on the shirt below it.

“My Daddy’s the #1 Cowboy.” He read it two times before looking at her, confused. She stared at him, eyes patient. Dawning settled in, and his heart tripped a few times before it regained its normal beat.

“Laciee?” Christ, his voice was deep and unsure.

A small shrug. “I found out today. It’s on the paper.”

He read it then stepped flush to her, hauling her to him. “We’re having a baby?”

“One of us is doing the actual having, anyway,” she teased.

He muttered his thanks before kissing her. She placed her hands on his face. He had the bear against her neck as he began kissing her once more.

This woman was his future. She may have thought he’d been a dream in the beginning, but he’d become more to her. So much more. This was their home now. She’d faced her demons and had won. The future was theirs for the taking.

“Do Vic or Karis know?”

She shook her head. “I wanted you to be the first to know.”

Pride swelled in his chest. A baby. He was going to be a father. Judd swept her up in his arms and carried her up the stairs.

“Judd, I need to shower.”

“I need

“I’ll always need you, too.” She burrowed close to him and allowed him to carry her.

As he laid her upon the bed, Judd saw her love for him shining in her eyes and he knew this wasn’t a dream. She was here and she was his for the rest of time.




Also by Aliyah Burke and TEP


With This Ring

A Denim and Spurs Book




Coming Soon


Justice is Always Ready

A Graham Family Novel






Aliyah Burke is an avid reader and is never far from pen and paper (or the computer). She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached
. She can also be found on
or Twitter:

She is married to a career military man. They are owned by three Borzoi, and a DSH cat. She spends her days sharing time between work, writing, and dog training.






Twisted E Publishing, LLC





BOOK: Dream Lover (Denim and Spurs Book 2)
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