Read [Draven's Crossing 1] Hidden Diversions Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #Interracial - BW/WM, #Romance

[Draven's Crossing 1] Hidden Diversions (18 page)

BOOK: [Draven's Crossing 1] Hidden Diversions
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As the seconds ticked by, her shadow remained at the door. The hand had stopped jiggling. Opening up his senses, he allowed her emotions to wash over him. He tasted the tang of hesitation with the sweetness of eagerness. All of it was tinged with the bright spice of lust. Underneath it all, there was Isy’s own unique natural scent. Not wanting to let the torture for both of them continue, he called out, “Isy, you can come in.”

There was a moment and then the door knob turned. Her perfume and emotions rushed into the room, driving away the stale trail she’d made before. It was as if someone had turned on the sun in his room. Heat poured over him in waves as she advanced into the space and shut the door behind her. Both of them were covered in darkness and yet he knew she stood between the door and his bed. So close and yet so far away as the cliché went. His fingers ached to hold her, to feel the silken warmth of her skin and bury his face in her neck and inhale deeply. Torger’s lips tingled with the need to kiss her, to feel her lips against his and slide his tongue into her mouth and taste her. He wondered what he’d find there. He didn’t want to think about it anymore.

What’s wrong?” Torger knew what was wrong but didn’t want to come out and say it. His wolf on the other hand wanted him to get up off the bed, strip off her clothes, bury his face between her thighs and eat her out until she came. His cock jerked at that urge. Heat flared along his skin, flushing through is cheeks, down his throat, and crashing into his chest. Prickles danced along his flesh as his nerve endings came alive. His sense sharpened as his wolf came into play, pushing at its restraints, demanding that they finally get what they’d longed for after so much denial. And he couldn’t move.
Frozen by his guilt as his responsibility pushed forward to the forefront of his mind.
Those words screamed in his head, and he felt a tinge of shame.

No shame!
His wolf cried out and growled at its master’s retreating libido. His skin cooled as his heart went back to its normal rhythm.

Shut up.
Stop thinking.”
Isy’s voice came out as a low, husky command. Just like that, the fire inside burst to life. It went from simmer to all out firestorm as Isy advanced toward his bed. How she knew about the war going on in his head he didn’t know.
Do dragons smell things the way other shifters do?
The question pushed back some of his doubts.

The bed dipped under her weight, which served to shove back more of the pressure on his mind.

“Can you…” The question caught around a lump in his throat. It had formed when he wasn’t looking. A nervous sweat began on his forehead. He felt large and unsure of himself, like a teenager during his first experience.

“Your stress and frustration reeks. It’s time to put an end to that. Your doubts and concerns won’t save the people of Draven’s Crossing and it sure as hell won’t help you catch the killer. Now didn’t I tell you to shut up?” Her hands closed around his ankles. He felt them slide up his legs. The cloth abraded his skin. Even though it was smooth cotton, it felt a thousand times rougher than before. He swallowed again, not used to this side of Isy.

Rather than ask, he did as she said and stayed quiet. He didn’t move or even dare to breathe without her say so. His thoughts drifted away with her touch. She ran her hands over his thighs. The scrape of her nails over the cotton intensified his sense of touch. The blunted pain only enhanced his need. Desire crawled through his body as blood thickened in his veins. Her unique aroma became his air. Each gulp sent his head spinning and his mind drifting. He was lightheaded with her nearness.

“You’re going to let me take care of you. I’ll be handling your pleasure tonight. You do what I say and want without a single word, understand?” She placed a butterfly kiss on his stomach, so light it could have been the brush of the wind for all he knew. Her humid breath told him otherwise.

Torger nodded his acquiescence. He let out a yelp when he felt her teeth sink into one ridge of his abdominals.

“No. Let me hear you say it. Tell me, yes, Isy, I understand.” She lapped at the pained flesh with quick licks of her tongue. Each lap pulled a soft groan from his throat as the pain turned to pleasure.

“Yes, Isy, I understand. Please.” He reached for her, wanting to bury his hands in her hair and pull her close but did nothing until told to. His alpha male self went to war over giving power to Isy. It had nothing to do with her being a woman or even a dragon. Everything in him was designed to take care of people, solve problems, and yet he was rescinding control to her. He was allowing her to take care of his problem, solve it for him and take care of him. He wasn’t sure how to respond so he did nothing. Curiosity peeked out from the wolf. It wondered how this would go, not in the least bothered by the shift in power.

Torger remained still as Isy nibbled and licked her way up his stomach. “Your safe word is microphone. Now lie back down, arms extended over your head. I already know where all your toys are, and I’m going to use them on you.”

Torger’s eyes widened and protests filled his mouth. In the past, he’d allowed sexual partners to use his toys on him to see how it would feel but once was enough.

“Don’t worry, it won’t be so bad. I promise.” She purred and added a flick of her tongue to his nipple.

He still wasn’t sure he was up for it.

“Torger,” she began. “Let me take care of you. Give me control. Complete control and you won’t regret it. Now lie back.”

With silent protests still swirling around his mind, he begrudgingly accepted her order and lay back on the mattress, extending his arms over his head to wait. Torger sent up a silent prayer that she wouldn’t go too far.

She slipped off of his body, taking the imprint of her flesh with her but not her warmth. That sensation hummed over his flesh, making him yearn for her return. He heard the opening of his chest of toys and her rummaging around. Different thuds on the wooden floor made him wince and pray even harder. By the time she got back on the bed, his heart was hammering against his ribcage for a whole different reason. The lump returned to his throat, and his cock had lost some of its rigidity in the face of the unknown. Still, he didn’t utter a peep. Not when she grabbed his left wrist and slapped the cuff on it and then attached the other manacle to the bed post and did the same to his right.

“Torger, close your eyes and spread your legs,” she ordered in that same husky tone.

Slowly, he followed her command, wondering what she was going to do to him tied down. He had ideas and not all of them sounded too bad, but the echo of the thuds came back to mind and the fear crept back on him. Thin trails of sweat slipped down his temple and dampened his hairline. The sheet was removed leaving him totally naked. He felt so open and vulnerable to her.
What if she doesn’t like the way I look naked? What if my dick is too small? What if I look fat? I know I’m lying back but I’ve been eating a lot of junk food and downing a lot of beer lately.
His anxiety became more prevalent as she wrapped a Velcro cuff around his ankle and attached it to the post on the footboard. She did the other and then climbed back up his body, placing kisses as she went, until she was once again over him. Not saying a word. No compliments or anything to put him at ease. He tugged at
this bindings
, even going so far as to call his wolf for help. The animal, much to his annoyance, didn’t respond. It just stared back at him, satisfaction in its gaze at finally being with its mate.

“It’s okay,” she said softly. “I won’t hurt you…much.” Isy nipped the side of his neck before sucking the patch of skin into her mouth. “God, you’re gorgeous.
So tan.
Muscles everywhere.
I could play with you for days. Jesus, this is going to be so much fun.”

He wasn’t sure if he was going to have a heart attack in relief that she liked the way he looked naked or that she was going to play with him…for days. His heart continued to beat erratically against his ribcage as his breathing wheezed out of him. With every breath, his lungs couldn’t take up enough air to get him stabilized and calm. The human portion of him was scared that she’d leave him like this and Urban and Jagger would find him. They wouldn’t let him hear the end of it, telling everyone about the time Isy tied him up and left him there. Maybe even covered in whipped cream or some shit like that. Torger began to pull on the cuffs in earnest. The bottom ones gave with a loud rip that split the air, but the handcuffs remained stubbornly intact.

Isy ran a hand over his
her touch only calmed him a fraction as his fears ran rampant. He wanted to scream out for help. His brain wouldn’t shut off as more nightmares inundated him, with images even. He was panicked and cornered and unsure of how he’d get out of it. Isy could turn out to be the killer. Even more absurd notions bombarded him, yet he didn’t utter a single word. None of the formed sentences or phrases could get past the lump that had increased in size in his throat.

“Torger, you’ll hurt yourself.
Isy’s voice came from a distance. It was garbled and low. All he heard was his name. Isy pressed her lips to his. The world stopped and tipped on its axis as all thoughts came to a screeching halt. His arms relaxed and his legs stopped moving. His heartbeat slowed. He couldn’t breathe but didn’t care. Their lips moved together in a slow dance. When he opened his mouth, her tongue slipped in to twine and glide against his, teasing and taunting him. She pulled back and gave him another peck before running a hand over his face and then into his hair. “Better?”

Torger nodded. “Better,” he croaked out. Heat filled his cheeks at how he’d acted. A sense of embarrassment took hold.

“Good. You sit tight while I placate the gossip hounds at the door.” She slid off of him before he could respond. All he knew was that his brother and Jagger had probably heard what was going on and came to check but didn’t want to intervene in case it was a good thing happening.

He could only groan and hope she would hurry back to him.


* * * *

Isy climbed off the bed feeling a bit shaky. She’d never seen anyone so scared about being tied down before. But then again Torger was used to giving orders and being in charge. It was understandable that letting go of control would be extremely hard for him. There had been moments when he’d struggled to get out of his bindings that she thought he would go and hurt himself in the process. Sweat dotted her brow as her heart returned to a normal beat. Her dragon had been going ape shit. The sight of Torger so terrified had led to its own anxiety for the health of her mate. Isy had barely been able to keep her head clear with all the emotions swirling through the air. As she moved away from him, she decided to give him a bit of time to himself, just to relax into being cuffed to the bed. She’d only redo his ankles if he wanted her to. Isy hadn’t blindfolded him yet. He’d been too scared for her to do that. As she opened the door, Urban and Jagger stumbled into the room.

“Jesus! I’m blind! Oh my god! I’m blind!” Urban shouted and stumbled away, banging into walls as he went.

I need alcohol. I’ve seen Torger’s dick.” Jagger groaned. “I’m not gonna be able to forget that. Where the fuck is the good stuff?” He moved toward the kitchen as well.

Isy shook her head. “If you hadn’t been leaning on the door like a bunch of morons you wouldn’t have seen jack shit. Now go investigate and leave us in peace. We don’t want to be disturbed unless it’s an emergency. And your blindness and stupidity is not the end of the world.”

She slammed the door shut and began to laugh. Torger’s deep chuckle joined in, filling her with relief that she hadn’t traumatized him. Isy returned to the bed and settled down between his splayed legs. She took him in. Even in the darkness of the room she could see he was a well formed man who, despite an atrocious diet remained in tiptop shape. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told him he was gorgeous. Seeing him live, in person, and naked was a hell of a lot better than all her fantasies and imaginings combined. Despite the late winter going on outside, he had a tan. His abdominals were well defined with tight ridges and shallow indents. Torger had thick, athletic thighs, a testament to how much he ran in wolf form. His chest was dusted with light brown hair. The mounds weren’t too large and his nipples were tight rose red peaks that tempted her to take another taste of them. He had a thick corded neck, square jaw covered in brown stubble. Shoulder length blond hair formed a halo around his head. Sharp cheekbones, a crooked nose and navy blue eyes completed the look.

BOOK: [Draven's Crossing 1] Hidden Diversions
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