Read Dominated By Desire Online

Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

Dominated By Desire (8 page)

BOOK: Dominated By Desire
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“So what happens after the guy says his piece?” She was frightened. He could hear it in her voice and felt it in the beat of her pulse.

“I open my arms with the cape and you do the same. Then step in and wrap your arms around me.” She moved fast, but the heat of her body against his was what he wanted anyway. He wrapped his cloak about her and eased her to the ground.

“And now?”

“We share our need for each other.” He didn’t give her a chance to protest. First he captured her lips as he released the ties at her throat so he could have access. There was something about the soft tissue there that drew him. His fingers deftly worked at the folds of her mound causing her to arch against him. When he felt her slick and wet he entered her.

Heather’s legs wrapped around him, her hips already moving. Each time he entered her he felt like he was home. Her muscles tightened around him, drawing a moan from him.

“Now you repeat after me.”

“What?” She was so caught up in the sensations enveloping them both she had forgotten about the ceremony. “Oh. Right.”

“You are my heart, my soul. There will be no other. I will protect you, care for you, give you the passion you deserve. Make you as happy as I can for the rest of my days.”

She repeated the words. Her voice sultry and caught up in the throes of passion, but her eyes were clear and bright, and looking at him. Then a tremor passed through her and she lost contact with him. Her orgasm took her hard and fast and pulled him along with her. The grip her muscles had on him was exquisite, tightening ever so slightly until he found it hard to think.His world splintered around him.

“You know this could get addictive.” She came close to purring.

“Glad you see it my way.” He wanted to shout his joy at her reaction.

“So when I grab you in the hallway and drag you into some dark corner to have my way with you, there will be no argument?”


He covered her mouth with his so she couldn’t say anything else.


The next morning he sat with her drinking coffee. “I do like this beverage.”

“You don’t have coffee on Vespia?” She gave him a mock look of horror. “Can’t go if you don’t have my coffee.”

“Really?” He loved the way the white gown she wore that first night clung to all the right places. “And if I were to throw you over my shoulder and force you onto the ship?”

“I’ll be obnoxious and fight you all the way.” She took a sip of her coffee. “It’s the coffee that keeps me human.”

He came up behind her and slipped one hand inside her gown. “As long as you still get on the ship you can be as obnoxious as you want.”

“Like you?” She looked up at him, leaning her head against his arm.

Something changed between them last night. She was more comfortable with him and his advances. He’d like to think she was more comfortable with the upcoming ceremony but he wouldn’t know for sure until they talked about it.

His sister came slamming into the room. “Are you two out of your minds?”

“What are you talking about?” Heather was the first one to speak.

“Last night. The mating ceremony?” She was angry. She stared at his arm still inside Heather’s nightgown. “Can you please focus?”

“We are.” Heather pulled his hand out of her top since he hadn’t removed it himself. “You brought up the ceremony and your brother wanted to show me what was involved. So we, um, did a dry run.”

“I wouldn’t say it was dry.”

She blushed a pretty shade of pink at his words.

“And where did you get the capes?” Storm’s sister stared at him.

“They were in my closet.” He wasn’t quite sure what she was so angry about. “I don’t know how they got there but they came in handy.”

“I do.” Heather took another sip of her coffee.

“They were mom and dad’s in case you didn’t, wait, you know who left them?” His sister turned her attention to Heather.

“Yeah.” She sat her cup down. “The strange little man who did that other ceremony. The chalice and the rope were resting on those capes. He must have left them behind after the ceremony.”

“You two have no clue what happened last night, do you?” She looked at him then looked at Heather. “He was there last night.”

“Who was where?” Heather didn’t get the implications but he did.

“In the woods. I watched him bless your union.”

“What were you doing there?” Storm had wanted last night to be special between him and Heather, now he was learning it was more than that.

“I saw the two of you running across the lawn last night and knew what was on your mind. I had to be sure you were going to be safe.” He glared at her.

“Don’t give me that. I’ve seen the way you become hyper focused on something and this time it’s Heather. You weren’t thinking about safety, just privacy. Someone had to watch your back.”

“So you were our witness.” He looked at Heather, realizing she was truly his.


“I’m not sure I understand.”

“We had the real ceremony last night.”

“What?” She looked from Storm to his sister. “But I thought there were certain things that had to happen.”

“Yes. Our religious leader was there to proceed over the ceremony.” He knelt beside her chair watching her reaction.

“But we were alone.”

“We thought we were alone.” He touched her face softly. “We’ve fulfilled the obligation of the mating vows.”

“Does that mean I don’t have to go through something so intimate with an audience?”

“Is that all you can think of?” Storm’s sister slammed her hand on the table. “You broke protocol!”

“How?” He stood and glowered at his sister. “If he was there then he approved. How was that breaking protocol?”

She got flustered because she didn’t have an answer. “Your mate and I need to go over what will happen tonight.”

Heather stood. “Let me get changed.”

“I haven’t seen a mark.” Storm still couldn’t believe the ceremony had happened.

“That’s because you are as blind as they come.” She punched him in the chest. “It’s right where I hit you.”

He walked to a mirror and noticed the small mark just below his right nipple. “How about that.”

“What mark?”

“Did he leave that out? The mating ritual marks the couple. You both have the same mark.” She took Heather by the arm and brought her to the same mirror. First she pointed to Storm’s chest then to the left side of her neck.“And what does the mark mean?”

“That you’re my mate.” He pulled her into his embrace. “And my sister needs to show you the respect of being my mate.”

“I have.” She looked hurt by his words.

“Ignore his gruffness. He’s just upset you interrupted him before he got a chance to repeat last night.” Heather grabbed some clothes and changed.

“Not going to dart into the bathroom?” asked Storm. Yesterday she wanted to try the dress on in another room and today her modesty seemed to be gone.

“Why? Everybody here has seen it all already.” Heather stood in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest. “There is a lot that needs to be done before everyone gets here. I know your people are making sure your leaders are made comfortable but since I’m the only human in this building I must do the same.”

She started toward the door. They opened just as she reached them which stopped her for a second. It was one thing to have a computer open doors aboard ship but to have people do it unnerved her. “Don’t think I’ll ever get use to this.”

“She moves pretty quickly so you might want to keep up.” He wanted to laugh as his sister scrambled out the door.


“Do you take everything in stride like this?”

Heather wanted to beat her. Of course she didn’t take everything in stride, but what could she do? “Like what? My life being turned upside down by not one but two Vespians?”

“And how do you handle things when massive mistakes happen?”

“You make the best of it.” Heather rubbed her head. The beginnings of a headache starting. “I was nothing more than an unknown human who worked for our government three days ago. My assignment was to protect the ambassador of Vespia. Then my assignment changed. Now I’m married to the ambassador who seems to have a jealous girlfriend or two.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Why else would anyone want to target me? I am nothing.” Heather took a right turn toward the kitchens. The head chef bowed to her as she entered. “A lieutenant in the UCE military. Not big brass, not some sort of special agent. Just someone from security who happened to pique the interest of a bunch of dignitaries. Now I have to contend with this. Making sure two worlds are happy, and treated evenly. Plus I have to come home with a treaty that works for both worlds. I didn’t ask for this.”

“How may I help you, mistress?” the head chef had stepped up the moment she walked into the room.

“I need to know what you have planned for the leader of the UCE.”


“United Countries of Earth. It’s not pretty but it works.” Heather explained.

“We were sent a list of foods to use for him as well as our own leaders.

This is what we came up with to keep both sides happy and not have two separate menus.” He handed her a card that showed what would be served.

“Perfect. If you treat them differently they could take offense.” She looked it over before handing it back. “Thank you.”

“Welcome, Ma’am.”

“And the seating arrangements? Has that been done yet?”

“Yes, Ma’am. They are waiting for your approval in the main hall.” Heather walked out of the kitchen and headed to the rooms where the leaders would be able to freshen up and rest if they wished. She walked into one room and started shouting. “Who is in charge of these rooms?” A timid young woman stepped forward. “I am, Ma’am. Is there something wrong?”

“I’m sorry that I shouted but I didn’t see you and have learned it is the best way to get people to move around here. Could you make sure you have the exact same flowers in each room? If you have anything different it could cause trouble.”

“Of course.”

“Now, what did I need to know about the dinner tonight?” Heather asked herself out loud. She snapped her fingers and headed to the other rooms with his sister in tow. “You haven’t said a whole lot since we started.”

“I need your undivided attention for our protocol.” She smiled.

“You’ve got it.” Heather spoke to the young woman she had talked to earlier for a moment or two then signaled for her sister-in-law to follow her.

“We can talk on our way to the hall.”

“Good. Perhaps we could go out into the gardens afterwards? I’m sure they will be used this evening as well.”

“Trying to piss him off are you? Sure. It shouldn’t take him too long to reach us.” The doors to the main hall opened so she got to see how everything was being set up. She did make a few changes but overall was happy with the way things were going.

“Now why would I want to anger my brother?” asked Storm’s sister.

“Still mad because he broke protocol.” She walked out into the gardens to watch as lights were being strung to help illuminate it for later that evening. A few more directions to a few servants standing by and she faced her sister in law. “So how much do you want to bet he’ll be down here in less than a minute?”

“You know him well in a short period of time.”

Heather gestured to her body. “Favorite new toy.” She laughed. “We can cover this one thing while we wait. You know about our marriage ritual. What did Storm tell you about our people?”

“That you don’t have the same view of modesty we do.”

“True. You will find people on our planet in any state of dress. For this meeting they will dress to accommodate your race, but we have these servants labeled as pleasurers. They are there to give pleasure anywhere and anytime.”

“You mean sexual pleasure?” Heather blanched at her nod. “But my people won’t understand that.”

“They have been told to be very discrete and will only stick to our guests. Humans are off limits.”

“Thank you for that.” Heather felt better. “It would be very hard to explain. Don’t get me wrong we like to consider ourselves very open but that is just pushing the limits a bit.”

“You need to be aware.”

“Me?” She pointed to a place where the flowers didn’t match the rest of the decor.

“You are now considered Vespian and you will be approached.”

“But I don’t want that.” Heather had enough to deal with and Storm would probably kill the first man who looked at her sideways.

“Which is why I need to show you how to turn them down.”


“That’s my job.”

“Can’t I just take them down?” she made a little slash in the air. “Might help me get some of my frustrations out.”

“Thought that was my brother’s job.”

“Different type of frustration.” Heather looked at the door. Storm should be showing up any moment now.

“A simple gesture will do the trick.” She made a simple slash with her hand.“That’s it?” Heather repeated it.

“Yes. Right hand, palm down, index and middle finger extended.”

“I sure hope I don’t need to use this.” She did the gesture once more.

“Hopefully not but you’re ready just in case.”

Storm came through the doors with a frown on his face.

“How about that, and I have a second to spare.” Heather winked at her mate’s sister as she stood to greet him.


Heather stood next to Storm in her formal dress uniform, realizing this would be the last time she wore it. The commander in chief looked pleased to see it on her.

“Lieutenant, I half expected you to be wearing Vespian garb.”

“That will be this evening, sir. At dinner.” She gave him a formal salute.

He nodded, returning the salute.

They spoke for a few minutes about the treaty and what was expected of her before she was released to change clothes.

Storm took him to the side and started talking his ear off, giving her time to get dressed for the meal that evening.

Her hair had been brushed and pulled back from her face. Her skin perfumed and pampered. She felt like royalty. The dress still exposed more than she wished and she would love to use something to cover up a little more but was afraid she’d upset someone. She suspected the dress was made that way on purpose because there between her breasts rested the family crest, obvious for all to see.

BOOK: Dominated By Desire
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