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Authors: Alexandra O'Hurley

Deviant Knights (5 page)

BOOK: Deviant Knights
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What was he saying?
There was no way either of them would be
willing to share this exquisite creature.


felt their stares as she ate with gusto.
The food was incredible, worth every penny,
even if it wasn’t her penny.
It was the
closest she’d been to orgasm in quite some time.
But with the hungry looks both men had been
throwing her way all night, she was sure that would be resolved soon enough.
The shock of Gabriel’s appearance was slowly
wearing off, allowing her to appreciate the masculine beauty of Michel as well.

She was sitting across from two of the most
handsome, worldly men she’d ever met and eating the food of the gods.
She wanted to pinch herself.
Right after she took another sip of the
which was going straight to her head.
She’d need it to help bolster her courage if
things truly went in the direction it appeared they might.

Was she really that kind of girl?
Buy her a nice meal, ply her with alcohol,
and get into her pants?
No, she
Not normally.
But this was different.
This was a once in a lifetime experience, and
she wasn’t getting off this ride.
quiet confidence, their swagger, told her either of them would give her a night
she’d never forget, and would yearn for, for the rest of her days.

A plate the waiter called
was placed before her and she lifted the
champagne flute to her lips as he quietly explained the course.
Her stomach felt as if it would burst already
and this was only the seventh of nine courses.
Of course, they’d been small courses, but still, there had already been
plenty of food.
She decided to only take
a small bite.
The flavors burst into her
mouth and she moaned low in her throat as she closed her eyes.

Heat flooded her face as she reopened her
Both men were staring at her with
lowered lids, desire etched into the hard angles of their faces.
Her body had been thrumming all night from
their continued sensual glances and the witty double entendres were driving her
up the gray and brown walls.
Her nipples
were aching inside the tight bodice of the black dress she wore and her pussy
pulsed to the rapid beat of her heart.

Which one?
Which one of them would be hers for the night?
Her body told her that Gabriel would win out,
as the fascination she felt for that man was immense.
Although, there was an attraction to Michel
that she couldn’t ignore, either.
after dreaming of Gabriel for two years, there was a large amount of
frustration she’d saved up especially for him.
She supposed she’d just see where the night took her.
Of course, that all depended on if they truly
were interested.

She was a curvy woman, the type that men like
this usually ignored.
Her body wasn’t
the typical size two, but rather a size twelve.
She refused to kill herself to fit into society’s vision of
What was the point of living
if a girl couldn’t enjoy life?

The two men didn’t appear to mind, not in the
Their heated glances and constant
perusal of her made her feel like the only woman in the room.
And if she drank another glass of the fizzy
liquid, she may even admit to herself that she wanted them both.

At the same time.

It had always been a fantasy, something she’d
read about in a sordid romance novel a long time ago.
From that point on, she’d visualized the act
with every lover since, not that there had been that many lovers to count.

This was one of those magical nights.
When the stars and planets aligned and
enchanted events occurred.
Sadly, she
would probably never see the pair again after tonight.
Her business arrangement could suffer for it,
if not completely end.
That gave her
The purchase of her work had
given her immense satisfaction, not simply for the money.
Someone out there had liked her work, enough
to purchase it.
And that had made her
feel ten feet tall and bulletproof.

She’d sensed the changes in her over the past
few months.
The shy, demure woman that
she’d been just a few months ago was a thing of the past.
Coming out of her shell had been
Success was a drug, and she’d
loved the feelings it gave her.
Confidence was new to her, but it felt damned good.
It was approaching in stages, slowly, but

Perhaps the art had only been bought because of
its likeness to Gabriel.
But the fact
they’d seen her work and realized it was him was a huge compliment.
And if the two had been able to see that,
perhaps others would see something in her, too.
She just had to put it out there for the world to see. This was her
beginning. The two of them had started her journey, and she was not going to
let the high go that fast.

And there was no hard and fast rule that said
sex with either of them would spell certain disaster for her fledgling art
This was a chance in a million;
she saw it for what it was.
If she
didn’t take this opportunity to seize the moment, it could never reappear.
And she knew she’d regret it if she didn’t
reach for what she wanted.

But one thought kept coming to the fore.
She wasn’t a seductress.
She hadn’t even had sex in over two
The champagne helped, but alcohol
would only take her so far.
She hoped she
wouldn’t stumble through this whole operation and turn them both off.

So far, so good.

After the waiter brought out the last course,
she raised the spoon to her lips and watched as both men leaned in toward the
table, their eyes locked on her.
Apparently, her reactions to the food excited them.
They both braced for her response and she
smiled inwardly, knowing she’d found a seductive tool, almost too late.
She slipped the dollop into her mouth and let
the flavors of the dessert rush over her tongue.

Her eyes rolled back in her head as the cream
slid down her throat, and she let out a low moan of pleasure.
Opening back up to view them, she saw both
men with lust covering their expressions.
She licked the spoon, sticking her tongue out to catch the last bits of
Another spoonful and she
repeated the gesture, letting the utensil slowly glide off her shiny, red lips,
which she licked for effect.

Michel raised a hand to the waiter, who rushed
over quickly.
“Charge my account and
have my car brought around.”

Michel never took his eyes off
as he
again assuming
his orders would be followed.
The waiter
nodded, rushing off as
picked another helping
of the dessert, and pushed it past her lips.
A shiver ran down her spine.
These men were ready for what came next.
She had no clue what that would be, her limited experience bringing up a
“Leaving so soon?”

“We’re all leaving.”
Michel stood and moved to the back of her
chair, pulling it out for her to stand.
Gabriel stood and she noted he was nearly as tall as Michel.
Between the two men, she felt dainty, petite,
something a woman of her height rarely had the luxury to feel.
“We can take you home.”

Take me
didn’t want to go home.
She wanted to do
dirty, naughty things to these men.
“What if I’m not ready to go home?”



Chapter Four


Michel paused as her words rolled around in his
head a few times.
She smiled at him and
then looked to Gabriel, the wickedness in her gaze not lost on him.
“Let’s just get you to the car.”

He pressed a hand to the flat of her back and
steered her through the tables to the door, the heat from her body seeping into
his fingers.
Gabriel was fast on their
They exited the restaurant and he
ushered her through the opened limo door, his chauffeur at the ready.
The driver turned and strode to the front
with a nod of Michel’s head.
turned to Gabriel, needing to see where his friend’s thoughts were.

“I’m not
sure I’m prepared to share her.
I’m the
star of her nightly dreams.
Gabriel already sensed where
Michel was heading.

“She feels attraction toward me.”

this time.
Not this woman.”
Gabriel’s teeth clenched, his jaw tightening.

“Let her decide which one of us she wants.”

Michel watched the angry set of his friend’s
shoulders as he leaned down to pass through to the backseat, getting between
him and the woman.
Closing the door, he
moved to the other side of the car and entered so he would have equal
opportunity to be near her.
Once seated,
his leg touched her left side, and the bump of her hip rubbed against his own
as the car set forth in motion.
filled the backseat, as if no one knew what to say, the silence thick.

“You enjoyed dinner?”
Michel had to end the stillness, turning to
“The chef is good, no?”

Her smile was timid, but slowly filled out more
as she looked at him.
“It was the best
meal I’ve ever eaten.
Thank you so much
for inviting me.”

She rested a hand on his thigh, a coy smile
twisted on her lips, and he felt his cock thicken more.
Swallowing deeply, he didn’t want to get too
excited, but the stirrings of victory were already swirling through his
When she looked up at him from
beneath lowered lashes, he knew he’d been right about her.

“I, of course, was the one who asked him to
invite you here tonight.
So I could meet
the wonderful artist who created such masterpieces.
I’m very happy you agreed.”
The jealous note to Gabriel’s words set
Michel’s jaw.
He watched her turn from
him and
at Gabriel.

“Green is not a good color on you, my friend,”
Michel spat out, surprise filling him that he’d said the words aloud.

“Nor, you, mi amigo.”

“Wait? What is this?”
Confusion laced
She stiffened between them, and
turned her head from side to side to look at them both.

“It appears we are…rusty… when it comes to
fighting over a woman, as it hasn’t happened in some time.”
A very, very long time, indeed
Michel smiled at her, hoping their ineptitude
wouldn’t scare her away.

“Why fight?
I think it’s obvious I’m interested in you both.”

Her words made him smile again as he faced
forward, letting the images of her curvaceous body slithering between both of
theirs run through his head.

am your fantasy.
Were you shared in your
Gabriel was not happy about her
statement, clear from his tone.

“Well, there always was a sense of something
else, hovering on the edge.
I always
Perhaps it was only my
imagination, but a ménage
been a
fantasy of mine.
I supposed I’d
hoped—to—fulfill it.

Michel turned to her, loving her for being so
bold, for declaring what she wanted.
reached over to clasp her chin in his hand.
“I would be honored.”

BOOK: Deviant Knights
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