Read Destined Magic Online

Authors: Caryn Moya Block

Destined Magic (12 page)

BOOK: Destined Magic
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The officer made a note in his journal.
“So neither of you would know if he had any enemies?”

“No,” Garrett answ
ered and Gabriella concurred.

“How about Miss Delaire? Do you know her?”

“I know her quite well,” Garrett said. “We’ve been friends since our school days. My wife met her only recently.”

Is that right, Missus?” The officer turned to look at Gabriella.

“I’m afraid so, Officer.
Elise and I have spoken only a few times. She is such a nice person. We planned on seeing more of each other.”




The officers asked a few more questions, then got up to leave. Garrett kept Gabriella close to his side, and she was thankful for the support. They stood up to walk the officers to the door. It was nerve-racking trying to answer questions truthfully without spilling any information about magic and witches. Luckily, neither officer asked about the strange way Elise and Brant had disappeared.

She sighed with relief when the officers were finally out the door
, and Garrett turned the lock. She wanted to melt into a puddle and not move for a month. Garrett turned her and looked deeply into her eyes. His gaze warmed, and he kissed her, lightly at first, then with more pressure.

Gabriella wound her arms around his neck and held on tight.
She was thankful that Garrett had been with her during the questioning. He always supported her. Now, if she could only get him to change his mind about tomorrow night. She didn’t want him changing places with her.

“Garrett, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“Hush, baby. Nothing is going to happen. Let’s not worry about tomorrow right now. I want to make love to you. Will you come upstairs with me?”

You know I will. I can’t seem to say no to you.”

“That’s one of the things I appreciate about you.”
Garrett smiled.

? Letting you get away with things?”

“Of course.”




Garrett’s heart warmed with Gabriella’s obvious concern for him. They were still getting to know each other and
learning how to live as a married couple. He picked her up and carried her up the stairs and down the hall to the master suite.

He stoppe
d by the side of the bed and lowered her to her feet before reaching for the zipper on her dress. Trailing kisses down her neck and shoulders, he eased the garment off and let it pool at her feet. She stepped out, and Garrett swept her back up and laid her down on the mattress. He moved back to look at her as he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped off his pants and briefs.

The red
-lace bra and matching panties set off the paleness of her skin and the dark ebony of her hair. She stared up at him, her eyes darkening as she looked him up and down. His body reacted to her perusal, and soon he was rock hard with wanting her.

Lying down next to her, he ran his fingers over her skin in a fleeting caress. Her skin prickled with
goose bumps, and she shivered. He leaned over and kissed her red lips, remembering the first moment he saw her and the words that echoed in his head. Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, hair as black as ebony. She was a fairytale come true, and she was his.

He moved to kiss her neck and sucked her
earlobe into his mouth. She sighed and craned her neck to give him more room. He bit the lobe gently, then trailed kisses down her white neck to the place where her pulse pounded. Pushing the strap of her bra down, he moved the lace aside to reveal the berry-colored nipple. Blowing against the nubbin, he smiled as it puckered and elongated. She was so responsive. He licked her flesh before sucking and pulling, while Gabriella grabbed his head and held him to her. He bit gently on the nipple, and she shuddered.

…,” she whispered.

Finding the clip at the front
, he released the bra and pulled it from her body before going back to feast on the other breast. Gabriella pulled his head closer. He played with her nipple in his mouth as he ran his fingers in circles across her flat stomach. Then, he dipped lower, slipping underneath her panties and finding the heat between her legs. He pushed a finger through the folds of flesh, and wetness coated his hand. He rolled the little bundle of nerves with the moisture before dipping in again. Gabriella ran her hands down his back, her nails lightly scoring his skin.

moaned and spread her legs apart to give him better access. He rolled more moisture around her clit before reaching up and pulling her underwear from her body. She was so ready for him.

He rose up and moved between her legs. She wrapped them around his hips, pulling him closer. He rubbed his shaft through the moisture coating
the dark curls hiding her from view. She gasped and surged up, trying to force his entry. He pulled back, prolonging the anticipation, and then lowered again to nudge at her opening.

“Garrett, you are such a tease. Take me, damn it.”

He chuckled. “So impatient, Ella.”

Gabriella reached down and grabbed his erection
, leading him into her body. He sunk to the hilt, reveling in the way her body pulled him in deep. Then, he withdrew, before pushing in again. She rose up to meet him, and soon their bodies worked together to find the release that bound their souls.




Gabriella thought she would die from pleasure. Garrett seemed to know each place to drive her mad with wanting him. Finally, he sank in deep, filling her. She tightened her muscles, trying to keep him in, feeling lost as he pulled out. Thankfully, he filled her again, and they began the dance. In and out, the friction heating her blood, the need to be connected overwhelming her.

She bit her lip and wrapped her arms tighter around him. She needed his weight pushing her down, needed him to fill her. She gripped harder
, her nails sinking into his back. Whimpering, she was on the edge.

Garrett kissed her,
pushing his tongue into her mouth as his body thrust into hers. She sucked on his tongue, trying to hold him in place.

He fingered her clit
, then squeezed the bundle of nerves. Fire rushed over her, and she broke apart, seeing stars. With a gasp, she flew into the heavens.


He groaned and shuddered, his back slick with sweat. “Great Goddess, Ella. What you do to me.” He joined her in the ether, his seed filling her with hot spurts.

For a moment, Gabriella was sure their souls merged. She held onto him, needing him to anchor her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. Slowly
, they sank back to earth.

Garrett kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you.”


Chapter Ten


Gabriella stared out the window as the setting sun colored the sky a dark red. She shuddered at her fanciful thoughts of the sky turning red with blood. Running her hand over Garrett’s back
, she felt a fierce protectiveness. No one would take this man from her. She wouldn’t allow it. Her stomach growled, and she slipped from the bed. Someone would have to fix them a late supper. It might as well be her.

She slipped
on a robe and wandered downstairs to the kitchen. The world was strangely quiet as if everyone slept. Even the noise of the traffic seemed far away. Humming a little tune, she looked in the refrigerator. Not much was available. She found some eggs and a small leftover piece of ham in a container. Rummaging under wilted lettuce, she found a tomato and bell pepper. Cooking for someone felt good for a change. Eating alone had always seemed like a chore.




Garrett woke up to darkness. He reached over to the other side of the bed and found nothing but cold sheets. Where was Gabriella? He sat up and rubbed a hand over his eyes. No one was in the bathroom. Shaking his head, he pushed the last vestiges of sleep away.

She wouldn’t run from him again
, would she? Panic had his heart racing. Not after he told her he loved her? Reaching for his pants, he dragged himself out of bed and hurriedly slipped them on. He reached for his shirt, when he heard the first sound coming from downstairs. He froze, listening intently. There it was again. Someone was rattling pots and pans in the kitchen.

His breath exhaled in a whoosh
, and he sank to the bed, his knees suddenly weak. She was here. She hadn’t run from him. Breathing deeply, he rested a moment, letting his heartbeat slow to normal. He couldn’t lose her.

Running his hand through his hair, he had to admit the truth. One woman had turned his life inside out. Nothing mattered as much as having her with him. The other Guardians would laugh to see him so shaken.

She deserved much more than what he had given her. The bonding ceremony had been thrown together at the last minute. He didn’t even know her favorite color or book. What kind of music did she like? He got up and headed downstairs. He wanted to know everything about her.

He stood in the entrance
of the kitchen. Gabriella was cutting up vegetables at the sink. A pan stood on the stove. She turned quickly to check the contents of the pan before going back to her task. The silky robe she wore swirled around her long legs, and Garrett felt his body react. She hummed. Garrett cocked his head, Katy Perry? He smiled. She liked Katy Perry music. One mystery solved.

She looked
comfortable in his kitchen, very domestic. The table in the corner was set for two. She had even found a bud vase, and a single pink rose sat in the middle of the place settings. His heart warmed, and his hands itched to grab her and kiss her senseless. Instead, he stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled her ear.

She sighed and leaned back against him. “You’re here. Did I wake you moving around down here?”
She turned and put her arms around his neck.

“No, I woke on my own and missed you, so I came searching.”

“Well, your timing is incredible.” She kissed him on the nose. “Get us something to drink. The omelets will be ready any minute.”

hurried to do her bidding. Look at them, acting like any other married couple. A feeling of contentment washed over him. Putting two glasses of orange juice on the table, he waited for Gabriella to join him. She walked over with two plates of steaming omelets and set them down. The smell made his mouth water.

Gabriella sat down and looked up at him expectantly. Garrett
hurried to fetch a candle. He put it in a candlestick on the table, lit it, and dimmed the overhead lights.

“Very nice.” Gabriella smiled up at him.

His breath caught in his chest as he lowered himself into a chair. The candle gave a soft glow to her skin, and the robe fell over her curves. Shadows drew his gaze to the V-neckline and the treasures hidden beneath. His body stirred, and a wave of longing washed over him.

Trying to distract himself, he reached for his fork and took a bite of the omelet. Heaven graced his tongue
. Nothing had ever tasted so good. He closed his eyes and savored the flavors of the vegetables and ham. “Hmmm, this is so good.” He opened his eyes to the bright smile on Gabriella’s face.

“I’m glad you like it. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, just not eating alone.”

“I’ve never tasted anything better. You amaze me.”




Speaking of cooking led to other likes and dislikes. Gabriella swirled the scotch in her glass and smiled at Garrett. He had poured them both a dram after they finished eating supper. Being together tonight had been so relaxing. She now knew that Garrett’s favorite color was blue, not green like Venetia suggested.

His inquisitiveness pulled details out of her she didn’t know she remembered
, and now he knew much more about her than she knew of him. Her favorite music and books, and what movies she wanted to see. What she thought of the magic school and the politics of the different houses. He even asked her about having children and her favorite place to live. Being a water witch, she wanted to live by the water, of course.

He was
very attentive, making her feel as if she was the center of his world. When the first yawn slipped out, he finished his drink and held out his hand. “Time for bed, Ella.”

She picked up the glasses and rinsed them in the sink. He followed behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. “Great Goddess, I will never get enough of you.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her behind the ear.

Sighing, she craned her neck, giving him better access. He left little kisses up and down her neck before stepping back.

“Come to bed with me, Ella, or I’ll take you here in the kitchen.”

Gabriella stiffened in surprise as her body grew moist. One moment he was so gentle she wanted to cry, and now he was making demands. Making love in the kitchen seemed wrong. They ate in here. But her body refused to worry about propriety. Something on her face must have communicated her thoughts because Garrett suddenly lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the table. “As you wish, my love.”

pushed his way between her thighs and reached for the sash of the robe. Untying the knot that held it closed, his long fingers deftly manipulated the fabric. Gabriella’s breath caught when she thought of those fingers manipulating her. Her heartbeat sped up. The robe gaped open, and he lowered his head to her chest. After he pushed the robe from her shoulders, he kissed the top of her breast. Then, he licked her nipple before sucking the tightened bud into his mouth.

Gabriella grabbed onto his head with both hands, running her fingers through his hair. She held on tight, needing him to continue driving her wild. He moaned against her skin, the vibration tickling her. She arched her back. More, she needed him to take more. He let her breast go with a pop
, then moved to the other side. Gabriella wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer. The rough material of his trousers on her inner thighs made her shiver. She reached for the fastenings on his pants and soon had him spilling into her hands.

His skin was like velvet over steel. She ran her fingers up and down his length.

“Oh, no you don’t. I want this to last.” Garrett removed her hands from his body and suddenly the sash of her robe was wrapped around her wrists.

“What are you doing?” A thrill of excitement ran up Gabriella’s spine.

Garrett pushed her down on the table and stretched her arms over her head. Then, he tied the other end of the sash to the table leg. “Making sure that you can’t interfere with my concentration. Trust me, Ella. I am going to make this so good for you.”

Gabriella gave an experimental pull on the silk tie. It held fast. Her body leaked with excitement.
She did trust him and couldn’t wait to see what he did next.

Garrett pulled his shirt over his head and kicked his pants off. He ran his hand down the length of her. “Now
, this is a feast fit for a king. Where was I?”

He moved back between her legs and licked at her breast before giving her a little nip. She gasped. The little pain quickly turned to pleasure as he sucked the offended nubbin in his mouth. She moaned.

“You like that, don’t you?”

Gabriella nodded.
It surprised her that giving up control to Garrett was such a turn-on. She never would have suspected that she would like being tied down.

Garrett pulled the chair over and sat down. He lifted her legs over his shoulders
, then used his fingers to open her to his gaze. “So wet, Ella, and all for me.”

He blew over her skin
, and she trembled. He licked up her slit before using his tongue to entice her clit. She jerked, unable to hold still.

“Easy, baby. I’ve got you.”
Garrett placed one hand on her pelvis and continued to lick and suck at her folds. He slid a finger into her depths, bending it up and rubbing against her inside before pulling back. Her trembling increased, and she moaned.

He continued playing her until
her head thrashed. She was so close, ready to explode, when he pulled back.

“What?” Gabriella couldn’t understand why he’d slowed down.

He built the crescendo again, but still he wouldn’t let her come. Her muscles quivered as he strung her tighter and tighter. Her body ached with the need to come.

“Garrett, please. It hurts.”

“All right, baby. I’ll give you what you want.” Garrett rose from the chair and nudged her core with his shaft. He opened her legs wide and slid home with one deep thrust. Her whole body quivered at the invasion, but it wasn’t enough. He pulled back, then thrust again. Gabriella strained toward him. She needed him to fill her. He thrust again and again.

She whimpered and tugged at t
he silk bindings. He overwhelmed her with pleasure. She couldn’t take anymore. “Garrett …”

l right, Ella. Come for me now.” He flicked her clit and squeezed the little bundle of nerves. Fire flashed through her system. She exploded with a shout. Flying high, she allowed ecstasy to carry her away.

, her brain recognized that Garrett came with her. His body shuddering, he cried out her name and filled her with his essence.

They floated among the stars. It was too much
, and Gabriella sank into the welcoming darkness.




Garrett shuddered as Gabriella’s body pulled and milked him. She would kill him if they kept up this way. Ah, but what a way to die! He slowly rose off her body where he had collapsed. She lay limp beneath him, her eyes closed.

Shit, did he hurt her?

She didn’t answer. He moved to release her
wrists and quickly scooped her into his arms. “Gabriella, are you all right? Great Goddess, answer me, baby.”

Her eyelids fluttered
, and she slowly opened her eyes. Then, she smiled. “I think I died and went to heaven.”

Tension drained out of him
, and he claimed her mouth for a kiss. “So you enjoyed it?”

“Oh, yes. What do the French call it? A little death?”

“You scared me. I didn’t expect you to pass out.” Garrett headed for the stairs. They should get some rest.

“I didn’t mean to.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close. “It sort of overwhelmed me. But in a good way.” She kissed his nose.

When they reached the bedroom, he laid her gently on the bed. He pulled up the covers before joining her. Pulling her into his arms, he held her against his heart. She was precious to him. “Go to sleep, Ella.”

She patted his chest and relaxed against him. He kissed her head. She had trusted him tonight. He
hadn’t been sure she would when he’d decided to play with her. But she’d responded beautifully. He loved the way she gave of herself so freely. Having a Destined One was much more than he’d expected. She wasn’t the only one who’d touched heaven tonight. If their relationship continued in this way, he would be hard-pressed to get out of bed.




The vision yanked her from peaceful slumber. One moment she lay comfortably in Garrett’s arms, and the next she was in the basement of the Blue Dolphin. Brenna held her by the arm, a gun in her other hand. The Guardians surrounded them in the room. But why was she standing next to Damek and Josiah and also standing next to Brenna?

A niggling thought reminded her of the potion. Garrett planned to take her place. So which one was she
, and which one was Garrett?

Brenna’s face twisted with hate. She
jostled the Gabriella next to her and pointed the gun at her head. “You killed Philip. You pushed him off a cliff.”

Gabriella’s mind whirled. What was Brenna talking about? The man who fell from the cliff was Brenna’s boyfriend,

BOOK: Destined Magic
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