Destined For The Alien King (Lords of Astria) (3 page)

BOOK: Destined For The Alien King (Lords of Astria)
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Chapter Six

Jessie collapsed on her bed and looked out the window at her planet slowly drifting away in the void of space. She sighed. Her date with Ameer was probably the best date she'd been on in a long time, maybe ever. The big gorgeous alien treated her so nicely that it was hard to remember that he had kidnapped her just a few hours ago. She closed her eyes and yawned, trying not to think about it.

The next thing she was aware of was the sound of her door swishing. She opened her eyes to find Ameer walking into the room. Jessie sat up in her bed with a start, anger coiling in her spine. How dare he come into her room without announcing himself? They weren’t married yet.

"What do you think you're doing?" she said angrily.

"I've come to take you on our next date," he said, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Well you shouldn't just barge into my bedroom like that. It's rude and really stalker-like. I don't appreciate it,” she said, slipping out of the bed.

"Are there any other clothes I can wear? Since I left everything I own?" Her irritation was growing by the minute.

She had some really nice clothes back on earth. As far as she could tell, her alien captors all wore black tight-fitting uniforms that would not look good on her curvy, short body.

“Of course,” he said giving her a slight bow. "You can have any kind of clothing you would like manufactured right away," he said. "Come with me to the manufacturing bay and you can give the technician all of the specs.”

"Good, I was worried I was going to have to wear this outfit for the rest of my life."

She followed him out of her room, still wearing the pantsuit she’d worn to the bank the previous morning. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing to sleep in nor did it stand up well to wearing for twenty-four hours straight. She followed Ameer down the hallway, past the bustling activity of the rest of the ship, until they came to the manufacturing bay were another gorgeous Utharian man sat beside a wall of holograms and a computer terminal.

requires new clothing," Ameer announced.

"My name is Jessie Ferris,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“What kind of clothing do you require?" the technician asked her.

"I don't know, maybe Louboutin shoes, Birkin handbags, Versace dresses," she said sarcastically. She didn’t believe they could actually make her those things.

"Step into the scanning deck, and I will get your measurements," the technician said.

Jessie stepped into a little stage area and waited while scanners twirled around her body. She could see her figure come up on the holographic screen in front of the technician. It was totally nude. She made a little gasp of shock, heat rising in her face as Ameer gazed down at her naked image.

"Do you have to look at me naked like that?" she said.

"I apologize, Jessie Ferris. This is the way the scanner detects your ideal clothing size. Now let me just input the particulars into the computer. I believe we have some information about human clothing in our system. I don't know if I can get you exactly what you want, but I can show you choices on the screen and you can pick whichever you prefer."

Jessie stepped down from the stage and sat next to the technician, watching as he brought up screen after screen of her image wearing all kinds of fabulous clothing. She never would have imagined that she could look so good, but the computer simulation really had found the best fit for her figure.

She chose an entire new wardrobe of her favorite styles, and the technician inputted the data so the machine would begin manufacturing them. Ameer stood patiently by while she waited for her clothing to be completed. It only took a few minutes before the machine popped out all of her new clothes, handbags, underthings, accessories, and shoes. She felt like it was a major holiday as the fabulous outfits shot out into her hands. When they were finally finished, the technician piled them into a storage box, and Ameer picked them up to carry back to her room.

"I can carry that myself," she said as they walked down the hall.

"I would never let a tiny female like you carry a heavy box when I could do it for her."

"You will have to learn to let me do some things for myself if this relationship is ever going to work out," she said.

He gazed down at her with hope in his eyes, and his full lips spread open. "This relationship
work," he said. "You are my soulmate, and I am yours."

When they arrived at her room, he carried the box inside, setting it on the floor beside her bed.

"Where is the bathroom in this place?”

"Right this way."

He showed her another panel that swished open and revealed a chamber, similar enough to an Earth bathroom that she basically understood how it worked. Ameer quickly explained how to use the facilities before he left her to herself, promising to come back in an hour for their “eating” date.

Chapter Seven

Jessie dressed in one of her new designer outfits – a deep blue dress that fitted her curves to perfection, nude colored pumps, a gold necklace and earring set, and a soft leather handbag in burnt orange. She looked at herself in the mirror and practically fainted with shock. She looked gorgeous. The clothing fit her to perfection, lifting her full breasts and contouring her waist so as to accentuate her best assets.

When Ameer arrived, the lust in his eyes was palpable. He looked at her like he couldn't get enough.

"You look absolutely beautiful,” he said in a reverent voice.

"Thanks," she said, looking down at herself and brushing the dress with her palms. She gazed up at him and smiled. She knew she looked good, maybe for the first time in her life. Jenny had always been a curvy girl, and that meant something back on Earth that apparently it didn't mean among the Utharians. Certainly not with Ameer. From the look on his face, you would think he was looking at a supermodel or something. Ameer offered her his arm.

"Let's go," he said. Moving towards the door. They walked through the ship into a sector she'd never been in before. It had open bays where people congregated, chatting, and socializing. Ameer brought her into one of the bays that look like a restaurant, and they had a seat together under one of the big windows, looking out onto the Saturn. Ameer flicked the screen on the table and asked her what she liked to eat.

"I would love sushi," she said.

"I will just see if I can access sushi through our databanks of human food," he said. "What is sushi?" he asked, as he flicked through the holographic screens.

"Sushi is raw fish wrapped in rice and seaweed.” She giggled at the shocked look on his face.

"Humans eat the raw flesh of sea life?" he asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Don't knock it till you've tried it," she said.

Ameer's fingers flew over the holographic screen, and a moment later several plates sushi rose up from the opening at the center of the table

"Oh my God, it looks perfect," she said, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"We have a vast catalog of information about human culture," said Ameer. "It is important to the Astrian Federation that we understand the people we are aiming to protect."

"So let me get this straight. The leaders of all of the planets in the Astrian Federation have to marry some human woman?"

"That is the way that we are permitted to bring Earth into the Federation without breaking any treaties with the Dark Nebula," he said

"So what are these Dark Nebula people all about? Why would you go through so much trouble to protect us from them?"

“Believe me, marrying an Astrian Lord is a far better alternative to what would happen if the Dark Nebula were to conquer your world. They would enslave your entire race and put you in work camps, using death and torture as a control tactic."

Jessie cringed. Going out on dates with Ameer definitely sounded better than being put in a concentration camp and tortured for the rest of her life. She looked up at him with new eyes. He really was more of a savior than a captor. She almost felt guilty for how she had treated him. But that didn’t change the fact that he had removed her from her own planet without her permission. She took a bite of the sushi, and it was perfect, just like everything created in the Utharian manufacturing machines. Their technology was far beyond anything that they had on Earth. It was so advanced that it seemed almost like magic to Jessie. But she was glad that they had it. It made her stay on Ameer’s ship that much easier to bear.

As they ate, Ameer told her of his childhood on Uthar and asked her about her own upbringing. He had had a pleasant but regimented life growing up and had recently lost his father, making him king. Jenny had lost both of her parents, not long ago. So she felt a kinship to Ameer over their shared loss. He obviously still missed his father as much as she missed her parents and it made her realize how similar they really were.

After lunch he walked her back to her room. She stood at the door expectantly. Not knowing if he was going to kiss her again. This time she knew that she really wanted him to kiss her. She wouldn't have expected it yesterday, but the more time they spent together, the more she was coming to understand why it was so important for her to go with him and become his wife.

"Would you like to come in?" she asked.

"Yes," he said in a husky voice. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He wanted her badly and from his expression she didn't know if he would be able to keep his hands to himself.

She admitted to herself that she didn't want him to keep his hands to himself. The door slid open for them, and they stepped inside. Jessie set her handbag down on her bed and sat beside the window with the view of Earth becoming smaller and smaller. She patted the seat next to her.

He joined her on the couch and put his hand around her back, holding her close to his body. She took a deep breath of his tantalizing scent and moaned, lifting her face up to his. He gazed at her and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her cheek as he leaned down to claim her lips with his. All at once, a flame of desire rose in her core. She groaned, pressing closer to Ameer.

She wanted as much contact as was humanly possible. Sensing her desire, he pulled her up onto his lap to straddle him. She could feel his hard shaft under her body and gasped at the size of it. It was like a thick steel rod pressed between her legs. She couldn't even imagine taking something like that inside her. The thought of it made her nipples prick and her pussy gush with warmth and moisture. Ameer pressed his tongue between her lips, and she let it flick in and out of her mouth, the sensation stoking her desire to unimaginable heights.

He ran his hand up her side and cupped her breast while his other hand gripped her ample behind. Jessie ground it against him, her mind awash with lust. She didn't care anymore that he had abducted her, or that they were leaving her planet forever, or that his cock was probably as big as her forearm. All she knew was that she wanted him. Now.

Chapter Eight

She began to unbutton his uniform and ran her hands over his big solid chest. He lifted her skirt from behind, gripping her hips and rubbing her back and forth on his erection.

Ameer lifted her by the thighs as he stood. Jessie squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. He deposited her on the bed and yanked her skirt up around her waist. Planting kisses on her body, he ran his tongue down her neck as he opened her dress.

Her breathing came in shallow pants as she caressed his big shoulders and threaded her fingers through his hair. When he got her dress opened, he unsnapped the front clasp on her bra, freeing her voluptuous breasts for his mouth to devour.

With his free hand he cupped her sex, over her damp panties. His mouth played with her taut nipples, sucking, biting, and licking them until she felt she might explode with lust. He rose and took a sharp breath. Hooking his fingers in her panties, he pulled them down and off her feet, still wearing the Louboutin pumps.

He spread her legs wide and examined her moist pussy. His dark eyes glowed as a kaleidoscope of colors played in the irises. Bending low, he took a long sniff of her sex before he let out a loud purr.

“You are so wet and ready for my shaft,
,” he said.

Jessie’s body quivered like an electric shock when through her. Her legs shook. She was so hot for King Ameer that she grasped her own breasts and began to squeeze them, plucking at her nipples as she sucked her lip. The need clenched in her brain and body. She didn’t know how much longer she could wait for him to take her.

His face drew closer to her wet cunt, and he held her legs wide open. Leaning forward as he knelt on the floor between her legs, he ran his tongue over her outer folds, up and down without pressing through.

She groaned, squeezing her breasts more tightly. He pinned her legs open, against the bed as he slid his tongue over her again. “Fuck,” she moaned, reaching down to grasp his thick, black hair.

“All in good time,
,” he growled. “I want your pleasure to be mind shattering.”

“Geezus, Ameer,” she said, panting. She pushed his face forward, but it only made him laugh. Her strength was nothing compared to his.

“You want me to fuck you, my little
? You want my thick shaft inside your tight little hole?”

“Yes,” she groaned.

“This one?” he said before driving his tongue inside her pussy and flicking the pad of his thumb over her clit. 

She yowled as the orgasm throbbed around his tongue. “You taste so good, my darling. You are like honey on my tongue,” he moaned.

He rose over her, his dark eyes sparkling with lust. His shaft stood hard against his uniform, straining to get out. Jessie’s legs shook as she watched him pull his uniform off. His clothing slid open all the way down to his hard shaft, revealing the immense package waiting within.

She gasped and her eyes widened.
Holy fuck.
He was hung like a
race horse. She had no idea how she was going to get that much cock inside her, but she knew she was going to try. Just as he was climbing on top of her, her legs spread wide and ready, an alarm shrieked through the room.

Ameer growled, pulling away. She wrapped her arms around him and clung to his neck. “Wait. Don’t go,” she mewled.

He gripped her waist and set her back on the bed, peeling her off of him. “I must, darling
.” As he spoke, the entire ship rocked like an earthquake had hit them.

She gasped. “What is it?” she said, crawling backward on the bed.

“We are under attack. I must go lead the defense,” he said, closing his delicious body back under his uniform. “I will return later.” His voice was gruff and commanding as he turned to go.

Jessie let out an audible whimper. “Okay,” she said.

“Stay ready for me,
. My mating thrall is looming. It is time to mate.”

BOOK: Destined For The Alien King (Lords of Astria)
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