Read Desiring the Forbidden Online

Authors: Megan Michaels

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Desiring the Forbidden (8 page)

BOOK: Desiring the Forbidden
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“Yes, Daddy.”

He raised his hand and brought it down on her pink cheeks, a large hand print blooming across the center of her backside. She shouted and coughed, obviously taken by surprise at the strength of the swat. There would be many more like it. He didn’t believe in warm-ups or starting slow. He spanked hard and fast, from the beginning to the end. No favors would be given by sugar-coating a punishment. It needed to be memorable, a deterrent to future misbehavior.

And that wouldn’t happen unless it left a lasting impression.

He kept the pattern random to prevent her from expecting the next swat or from numbly moving into a form of sub space. If the pattern of swats and severity constantly changed, it kept her in the moment, focused on the spanking being meted out to her.

“You will never drive my vehicle without my permission. You won’t even
the keys without my permission. You’ll receive a switching next time, if you do. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir!” Her feet pounded the floor, trying to push up or sideways, anything to avoid the next swat.

“You don’t lock a door or even shut a door when you see me coming. Locking the door and refusing to open it won’t be tolerated ever again in this house. That will mean the paddle, or the belt. Understood?”

Her bottom was already turning a deep pink, the heat rising from her flesh. There were tiny welts from his fingers, but as far as he was concerned the punishment wasn’t even close to being done.

“Daaaaddy! Yes, Daddy!” Her hands went behind her in the hopes of covering her scorched flesh. He clutched her fingers, holding them at the small of her back.

He made sure that the next swats were lower, on the undersides of her cheeks, the ‘sit spots.’ He struck those even harder, wanting to get his point across. She was bordering on screeching, which he never allowed. Crying was one thing, but screeching bordered on a temper tantrum — something he abhorred. He didn’t care if a person was two, or a hundred and two, he wouldn’t ever tolerate a tantrum. Such a thing was nothing more than a lack of internal control, and in his experience, once enough external control and discipline was applied, this behavior could always be curbed.

“Madison Anne!” He swatted the backs of her thighs. “Stop screaming now. You’ll cry quietly with none of this drama, or you’ll find yourself with bruised thighs along with a bruised bottom.” He continued slapping the tender area until they turned an angry red. He paused long enough to let her catch her breath. She had buried her face into the bed to muffle her shouts, desperately trying to contain them. “Are you done with your temper tantrum?”

She growled angrily. “It hurts!”

“I guess that means ‘no.’” He raised his hand higher, slapping her thighs even harder. As he expected, her cries finally quieted, as if she’d finally surrendered. He gave her three hard slaps just to reinforce the message.

“Now, we’ll continue spanking your bottom.” He pulled her closer to his hip, helping her control her body’s reaction. He knew she was a pretty sore girl at that point, and holding still would be almost impossible for her.

“Do you think the next time Daddy gives you a rule, or forbids you to do something, that you’ll listen?”


His cock was as hard as steel, and he wondered if she was aware enough to feel it throbbing against her hip. He didn’t want to frighten her with his sexual reaction at this point, but she would need to get used to it, he found nothing hotter than a soft, warm woman —
his little girl
— being spanked over his lap. Her cries and mewls for mercy with her tears tracking down her face called to the man in him — a primitive need to subjugate and care for his girl.

He stopped to survey his handiwork and every inch of her bottom from the top of her crack to the middle of her upper legs weren’t just pink, but very red. He leaned over to find Sunni’s face red, streaked with tears, her hair clinging to her wet cheeks. He pulled her hair from her face, reaching over to get some tissues on her nightstand, wiping and cleaning her face. Her body had a light sheen of sweat from the struggle and her crying. He pulled her hair off her neck, letting her cool, her cries calming some even as she continued to quietly sob. His good girl had learned her first couple lessons. No screaming, controlling her cries, and to obey her Daddy.

He stroked her back lightly with his fingertips, running them from her shoulders to the back of her knees, gently massaging her injured flesh in spite of her wincing.

“Madison. Stand up, sweetie.” He grasped her arm, helping her to rise, standing her between his legs. He swore his cock had turned to stone, and he definitely needed some
alone time
. Having her scent wafting up to him wasn’t convincing his dick to settle down either. He steadied her with his hands at her waist while her wobbly legs found their strength.

“I told you just last night that putting yourself in danger was considered a serious thing in my book. I need you to retrieve the
spanking paddle
from its hook, please.”

“B-but… I thought… Oh, Daddy!” She closed her eyes and pathetically started to sob again. He swore it broke his heart.

“Madison, do you need some incentive to mind me already?” He lifted an eyebrow in her direction. Even while tears ran down her cheeks, she shook her head no and resolutely shuffled out of the room with her magenta-tinged backside pleasantly wobbling the whole way.

As soon as she cleared the door, he tugged on his pants, rubbing his cock through the thick denim. “I know. I know. I want her too. Down boy, we’ve got time.”

He rubbed at a wet spot on his left thigh. Either his little girl had dribbled urine as a result of the hard spanking, or she’d leaked her sweet juices from her pussy onto him. He wouldn’t be surprised at either, but found himself hoping for the latter. His mouth filled with saliva, just thinking of lapping up her honey with his tongue. God, he needed her more than he could remember wanting a woman before. Her sweet, submissive nature, girlish antics and behavior just called to him on a level that not many women had in the past.

He heard her whimpers before she rounded the corner on her way back to him. She held the paddle out in front of her as if it had cooties that would jump onto her. Walking to him, she thrust it toward his hand. He took the paddle, twirling it and slapping it loudly against his palm. Then, smiling, he put it on the bed next to him. “I’m not going to use it today. But obeying me and bringing it to me had to have been very difficult. You need to know, though, that the next time I ask you to get the spanking paddle, it
be used. But I think you’ve learned a very hard lesson today. Come see your Daddy.”









Chapter 8


he relief that flooded her made her expel a long, shaky breath. She couldn’t fathom how she’d handle being paddled too. And now he sat with his arms outstretched, reaching for her. She couldn’t resist — didn’t
to resist — and ran into them. He laughed, pulling her to sit on his lap, holding her face between his hands and kissing her nose. “It’s all over. You were such a good girl, and I know you will obey Daddy the next time, right?”

“Yes, Daddy. I will.” She threw her arms around his neck, holding him tightly. He smelled so nice — aftershave, soap, laundry detergent, and man.

His face was buried in her hair, his hand rubbing her back in comforting light circles. “What would I do without you? I just found you. I can’t allow you to get yourself hurt or killed. Promise me you won’t do anything like this again.” He pulled away, holding her at arm’s length, his eyebrows furrowed.

“I won’t. I promise.” She stared at his chest, not able to make eye contact. “I’ve never been spanked so hard —

“Daddy had to do what was necessary to keep you safe. I needed to know that you’ll listen any time you’re given a rule.”

She nodded. Sunni knew that if he told her to run outside naked, she’d do it to avoid a spanking again — or something worse than his hand. She shivered just thinking about it.

“Whoa. What was that for? Tell me what you were thinking.”

She eyed him warily. She wasn’t sure how to even convey what her thoughts had been. It was embarrassing.

“Now.” He dragged the word out, his eyes narrowed.

Her pussy clenched. God, his voice made her whole body tense. “My butt hurts so badly, and I can’t imagine ever getting spanked with the paddle or belt. I promise I’ll do anything you ask.”

“Good! Then I did my job successfully.” Still holding her, he scooted back onto the bed, leaning against the headboard. “Let’s just sit here and cuddle for a bit. I want to hold my girl.” He tucked her head under his chin, covering her with the soft white and pink polka dot blanket that was at the end of the bed. Her breath still hitched sporadically, and every time it did, he’d coo and say, “Poor girl. It’s okay, baby.”

Sunni relaxed completely, the numbness and pain having eased some, leaving her with a burning sensation that resembled that of a severe sunburn. She had no doubt that she’d have some bruises and residual pain tomorrow. She pulled away, looking up at him, drawing circles with her finger on his chest. Her clit had been pulsing as she leaned against his body, his cock pressing against her hip or backside depending upon her movements. She wasn’t sure if she should acknowledge that he was hard — and maybe even offer to give him a blow job — or if she should keep quiet. She felt unsure, knowing he wanted to be in charge — and she assumed that applied to every aspect of their relationship.

She slid her hand over his crotch though, lightly stroking him through the fabric of his pants.

“Oh, no. We aren’t doing that yet. One step at a time.”

She quickly pulled her hand away, feeling rejected and embarrassed, her face and neck heating with her blush. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, struggling to sit up and rise from the bed.

“Sunni, I didn’t mean it that way.” He grabbed her by the elbow, pulling her back to him.

“Oh, no. It’s okay. I understand. I was being stupid.” She tried yanking her arm out of his grasp.

stupid. I didn’t mean that I don’t want you. What I meant was we’re going to take this slow. I want you to feel comfortable and be ready. I’m a grown man who knows how to wait. Let me have some time to take care of you as my girl. We’ll deal with sex later, if and when we’re ready. Understand?”

She smiled back at him. As harsh and stern as he could be, he still had to be one of the kindest men she’d ever met. “Okay, Daddy.”

“Let’s get up.” He pulled her to stand next to the bed. “Now, you won’t be allowed to wear any panties today. Having your red backside exposed most of the day will serve as a good reminder, and it makes it easier for me to swat if you forget how to behave. So, you’ll have to wear your night shirt from last night. Most days, unless we’re going somewhere, you’ll wear yoga pants or skirts with no panties while we’re home.”

He pulled her nightie off the dresser, slipping it over her head. “You’ll suffer with a sore butt for a bit. But if you’re a good girl, I’ll put some lotion on it before bed.”

Cade wrapped his arm around her shoulder, walking with her out of the room. “And let me guess: you left this morning with no breakfast either, right?”

She paused, looking up at him, almost afraid to answer. “No, Sir. I didn’t eat.”

He clucked his tongue at her. “Let’s remedy that right now. How about some pancakes in the shape of some animals? You haven’t had my fancy pancakes in years!” His hearty deep laugh burst forth, the one that warmed her from the inside out.









Chapter 9


er stomach was so full, she couldn’t even breathe. Cade had told her not to worry about cleaning up, but truthfully, she’d rather stand and do dishes than sit on the hard chair with her sore bottom. She’d asked him earlier if she could eat standing, her request flatly denied. “Sitting on a sore bottom is part of the punishment,” he’d told her. “It’ll be a constant reminder for a while of your disobedience.”

She didn’t like thinking about that, what it might mean for her future with him. It would be easier to go to the mall and distract herself, at least for a little while.


She walked up to him at the sink, looping her arm through the crook of his elbow. “Can we go to the mall when you’re done?”

He lifted his gaze from the dishes, his eyebrows furrowing immediately. “I believe I told the naughty girl during her spanking that our shopping trip had been cancelled because of what she did. Remember?”


“No. Answer the question. Do you remember?” He stopped washing dishes, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, Sir.”

“So, you thought you could manipulate me with your cute voice and body?”

Her teeth found her lip, unsure of how to answer that question. “Well… not really. I just thought maybe you’d change your mind. I mean, I did get an awful spanking and you said it was all forgiven.” She smiled up at him, hoping he’d relent.

BOOK: Desiring the Forbidden
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