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Authors: Niecy Lavelle

Desiring the Enemy (9 page)

BOOK: Desiring the Enemy
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Chapter ten


     Once he allowed himself to pursue a relationship with Jenna things began falling into place. It had been a month since he had decided to give them a chance and it had been the happiest time of his life. He spent any free time he had with Jenna. The nights were filled with sweet lovemaking and he was starting to see a future with her.  She was smart, sweet, beautiful, and she stimulated him mentally and physically. He felt lucky to have her in his life.

     Wade hadn’t let anyone know of their blossoming romance and decided that it was time to start introducing her as his girlfriend to the family. He began with Mitch.

     “Hey cuz, I was wondering if you were free for dinner Saturday night, I have some good news.”

     “I’m always free for some good news,” Mitch drawled.

     “Great. How about six at the ranch?”

     “Sounds good, see you then.”

     He hung up the phone and went to see Jenna.

     “Hi honey,” he said, pulling her in and kissing her warmly.

     “Hi sweetheart,” she said, returning the kiss.

     “I invited Mitch for dinner this Saturday. I want to introduce you to him.”

     “I’d love that. I can’t wait to meet him,” she said brightly, but he could see the worry in her eyes.

     “What’s wrong,” he asked, lifting her chin.

     “I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. What if he doesn’t like me?”

     “Don’t be nervous, Mitch is a wonderful person. He’s like a brother to me and when he sees how happy I am he’ll love you for being the reason for that happiness.”   

     “You think so?”

     “I know so.”


     Mitch arrived promptly at six.

     “Hey cuz, I’m so happy you could make it,” Wade said.

     “Like I said, I always make time for good news. Now don’t keep me in suspense.”

     “Boy, a bit eager, aren’t we?” Wade laughed. “She’ll be down in a minute.”

     “She? Now that, I wasn’t expecting.”

    Wade laughed. “I know, it was unexpected for me too. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

     “Is it the girl Marla told me about?”

     “Yes it is. I can’t believe it myself, but she’s made me love again Mitch. She’s wonderful.”

     Mitch was delighted to see that spark in Wade’s eyes. He had always been such a happy person, but when Susan broke his heart he had forsaken love, and no amount of coaxing from anyone had changed his mind.

     Jenna walked down the stairs and Mitch looked up to see this beauty smiling at him.

     “Mitch, I’d like you to meet Jenna,” Wade said.

     “It’s so nice to meet you Mitch,” Jenna said, extending her hand.

     “The pleasure is all mine,” Mitch said, shaking her hand as he tipped his cowboy hat.

     “Why don’t we go into the living room? Gretchen will call us when dinner’s ready,” Wade said, leading them into the living area.

     They sat and talked, and soon the tension Jenna had been feeling began to dissipate. Mitch was a very charming man and between him and Wade she couldn’t help but relax. By the time they finished with dinner they were talking and joking like old friends. At the end of the night they said their goodbyes and Wade walked Mitch out. As they walked to the car Mitch patted Wade on the back.

     “Boy, Marla had told me she was great, but she is amazing. You’re a lucky man.”

     “Thanks Mitch. She’s wonderful, I wish I would have realized it sooner. I wasted some precious time.”

     “Better late than never, right? The important thing is that you did realize it, and now you can be happy.”

     “I truly feel like she’s the one for me.”

     “I’m happy for you. Now go see to your lady,” Mitch said, as he got in his car and drove off.   


     “You get away from me,” Jenna screamed as Wade chased her around the pool, intent on throwing her in.

     “You can run but you can’t hide.” He laughed as she ran and screeched like a little girl.

     He finally reached her, lifting her as she struggled to get free.

     “You put me down this instant,” she ordered.

     “Your wish is my command,” he said as he lifted her higher and tossed her into the pool.

     “Wade, I’m going to get you,” she said, sputtering and flailing her arms as he laughed.

     “Promises, promises,” he said as he jumped into the pool himself. He reached her and took her in his arms.

     “Now what was it I heard about you ‘getting’ me?”

     “You’re lucky I can’t resist you,” she said as she pulled him toward her.

     Wade lowered his head, taking her lips as she moaned and melted into him.

going to get you, you know, when you least expect it,” Jenna said, kissing him back. Now it was his turn to moan with delight.

     “You’ve already got me,” he whispered into her ear when their lips finally separated.

     Jenna smiled and lay her head on his chest as he held her close to him. She had never felt this loved and prayed that this feeling would never end.


     Wade, Jenna and Mitch jumped up as their team scored yet another home run.

     “Yeah baby!” Mitch yelled as he pumped his fist in the air.

     Jenna jumped into Wade’s arms. “They can’t catch up to us now, we’re too far ahead.”

     Wade kissed her as he lifted her off the ground. “No, we’ve got this one won.”

     The inning ended in triumph for them and they headed for the exit.

     “Let’s go to Joe’s Burgers,” Mitch suggested as they reached the car.

     They had taken one of Wade’s SUV’s and they climbed in, patiently waiting their turn as the cars began to file out of the ballpark.

     When they arrived at the burger joint they ordered the house special burger with all the fixin’s. 

     “What a great game. I wasn’t expecting such a big win,” Mitch said as he took a swig of his beer.

     “I never had a doubt,” Jenna said smugly.

     “Oh no, of course not. You’re all knowing,” Mitch teased as he playfully rolled his eyes.

     Jenna laughed as she too took a sip of her beer. The three of them had been getting together frequently and were now thick as thieves. The burgers arrived and were placed in front of each of them.

     “That’s my girl,” Wade said proudly as Jenna took a huge first bite.

     She smiled as she washed the burger down with another swig of beer.

     “So Mitch, why are we all alone today, what happened to Bella?” she asked. Mitch had been seeing Bella for a couple of weeks now and seemed gaga over her the last time they had spoken.

     “She caught me looking at another girl and broke up with me. I don’t get it, I’m supposed to ignore a beautiful lady? What am I, dead?”

    “You’re only supposed to have eyes for the lady you’re with. Don’t you know anything?” Jenna said as she playfully punched his arm.

     “All I know is that I’m now out a girlfriend and a secretary. This is it, my next secretary is going to be as unattractive as they come, no more beauties for me, I promise.”

     “There is no way you can keep that promise,” Wade laughed as he put his arm around Jenna.

     “Now that’s what I want,” Mitch said, looking at the happy couple, “a beautiful, smart lady who can make me happy.”

     “Well if you find her please refrain from looking at other women when you’re with her,” Jenna laughed.

    Wade watched as she interacted with his cousin and couldn’t help the thrill that the view elicited in him.  She was a part of his life now, there was no going back. 

Chapter eleven


     “Jenna, Stanley’s on the phone.” Jenna heard Gretchen call out to her.

     She ran over and took the receiver.

     “Stanley, how are you?” she said excitedly.

     “Fine honey.”

     “Hi sweetheart. How’s everything going there?” Rose asked from the extension.

     “Great, just great. I have so much to tell you.” One didn’t have to see Jenna to see that she was beaming.

     Rose gave Stanley a knowing look and they nodded in unison.

     “Go ahead babe, tell us,” Rose said eagerly.

     “No, I want to tell you in person. When are you coming back?”

     “We’ve been here a few of days. We have to get some things in order then we’ll take a trip to the ranch. It’ll be a couple of weeks. Can’t you tell us now?” Rose pleaded.

     “Good things come to those who wait,” Jenna said, laughing.

     “Fine, we’ll wait,” Stanley said. He had a pretty good idea what the news was but wanted to hear it directly from them.

     They talked a bit about their trip and Stanley filled her in on what was happening at the firm, then they said their goodbyes.


     Each day Wade felt his love for Jenna grow. He knew it was soon, but he could see a future with her. She was sweet and loving, and made him feel happier than anyone had ever done before.

     This particular day he had finished work early and eagerly rushed to the house to see her. He went in through the kitchen and found Gretchen cleaning up.

     “Oh, I’m glad you’re back. Your Uncle Stanley’s on the phone. He’s talking to Jenna.”

     He felt himself stiffen. Uncle Stanley was talking to Jenna, had she told him about them? He hoped not, he didn’t want his uncle finding out about them over the phone. He knew this day would come, it was inevitable, but he felt unprepared to have this conversation just yet, he wanted to tell him face to face.

     “Thanks Gretchen.”

     He went into the living room and heard Jenna speaking.

     “I love you too, and I can’t wait to see you. I’ve missed you so much.”

     He felt as if he had been sucker punched in the stomach. The lying bitch! She never ended the relationship with Uncle Stanley, she was telling him she loved him! She had duped him just like she had duped his uncle. They were such fools.

     He saw her hang up and head upstairs and felt as if the anger would consume him. She would pay for making him believe in love again. He went up the stairs, taking two steps at a time, and quickly reached her bedroom. She turned and gave him such a beautiful smile that he almost forgot what kind of person she really was.

     “Hi sweetheart, I didn’t hear you come in.”

     “I just got in.”

     She went toward him, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. His heart ached at her touch. How could she be so manipulative, and how had he been so naïve?

     He pulled her hands away, giving her a look of such loathing that she gasped.

     “What’s wrong honey?”

     He wouldn’t let her know what he heard. If she wanted to act like a whore he’d treat her like a whore. He grabbed her and crushed her against him, taking her mouth so harshly that she cried out.

     “Wade, what are you doing? You’re hurting me.” She pushed against him but he held her tight.

     “What do you mean, what am I doing? I have a few minutes and I needed to release some tension. Now take your clothes off and get on the bed. Hurry up and spread your legs, I don’t have much time.”

     He saw the look of devastation and confusion in her eyes but didn’t care, he knew it was just a façade.

     “Why are you talking to me that way?” Her lower lip trembled as she recoiled from him.

     “Don’t play innocent with me. If you’re going to continue staying here you have to pay, just like you’ve been doing. I know how you use that pretty little pussy to get what you want, and I’ll gladly accept it in lieu of cash.”

     He felt the slap on his face and flinched at the intensity of it.

     “How dare you talk to me that way?!” Jenna fumed.

     He stroked his cheek, then smiled a smile meant to enrage her. 

     “Let’s stop all the pretense, okay? The only reason I’m letting you stay here is for the sex. You’re pretty good at it, and I am a red blooded American male after all. Besides, it was so easy to get it from you, you must do this often.”

     “Get out! Get out of this room!” Jenna raged.

     “Okay, I guess I can wait. But when I come back you better be ready to get on your knees, do I make myself clear?” He heard her gasp and gave her a slow smile as he left the room.


     Jenna watched him walk out and slammed the door behind him. She threw herself on the bed, her gut wrenching sobs could be heard throughout the house. What had happened to turn him into this vicious animal? When she had first arrived he had been indifferent to her, maybe a bit rude, but never disrespectful. From the beginning their attraction had been mutual, she was sure of that. When they had finally made love it was after he came to her, she never tried to seduce him. So why was he treating her like a common whore, as if she had offered herself to him as payment? It didn’t make sense. Just last night they had lain in each other’s arms, basking in the afterglow of their sweet lovemaking and cherishing the moment. Something happened between last night and today, but what?


    Driving around aimlessly Wade slammed his fist on the steering wheel
. Why, why, why?
He asked himself over and over again. How could he have been such a fool? She had batted her pretty eyes and he had fallen under her spell. Is that what she had done to Uncle Stanley? All of a sudden the anger he felt toward his uncle dissipated. He now saw how easily a man could fall under Jenna’s spell.

     He stopped at the local bar and nursed a beer for several hours, wanting to regain control of his emotions before he headed back to the house. Slowly anger was replaced by repulsion and he stepped off the bar stool, purposefully walking to the car. He began driving, an eerie serenity taking over his body.

     Once home he went looking for Jenna, ignoring Gretchen’s look of concern as he walked past her and up the stairs. He found her in her room, sitting on the bed, clutching a pillow to her chest. 

     “We need to talk,” he said without feeling.

     “Yes we do. What happened this afternoon? Why did you want to hurt me?”

     He looked at her tear stained face, more tears threatening to spill from her wounded eyes, and his protective nature almost betrayed him again. He started to go toward her then stopped himself. No, she would never fool him again. 

     “I know I promised you a place to stay while Uncle Stanley was away, and I intend to keep that promise. But please keep your distance from me, I don’t want to have anything to do with you from this point forward.”

     “Can you tell me why you’re so angry at me?”

     “I believe you misrepresented yourself to me. You pretended to be sweet and respectable, but what you really are is a gold-digging slut, sleeping with anyone who’ll get you ahead. You fooled me once, but I swear to you that it will never happen again.”

     Why was he saying these things to her? Just because she had allowed him to make love to her? How dare he?

     “If that’s what you think of me there’s not much that I can say to defend myself, is there?”

     “No, there isn’t. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to bed.”

     “Good night,” Jenna said as he retreated to his bedroom.

     How could she have been so wrong? Why was it that she was so clueless when it came to men? The more she thought about what he had said the angrier she became.
Fuck him!
She would pack her bags and leave early tomorrow.


     Wade thought about what had just transpired. Why did he allow her to get to him the way she did? She had looked like a wounded animal when he told her what he thought of her. Even as he tried to harden his heart he felt himself soften when he saw her stricken eyes. He would not allow himself to be manipulated. From tomorrow on forward he would make sure he didn’t look at her scheming face again.


     The next morning Jenna heard him leave the house and quickly put the bags in her car, wanting to be well on her way by the time he came back home. She went to the kitchen and found Gretchen. 

     “Hi Gretchen. I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving today.”

     “You’re leaving? But I thought you were staying for another couple of weeks?

     “Something came up and I have to leave now. I just wanted to thank you for being so kind to me during my stay. It was nice having another woman to commiserate with,” she said as tears welled in her eyes.

     Gretchen knew something big had happened. She had heard Jenna’s wails the day before and had seen Wade storm out of the house. She thought it was a lover’s spat, but obviously it was more than that.

     “It was nice for me having you here too. I’m going to miss you.” Gretchen said as she gave her a hug. “I hope you don’t mind me saying this but this comes as a bit of a surprise, I thought you and Wade were getting close. Will you be coming back?”

     “It didn’t work out between us, so I don’t think I’ll be returning.” She saw Gretchen’s eyes cloud. “But maybe once I’m settled you and I can keep in touch?”

     “That would be nice.” Gretchen said.

     She felt her eyes well again and decided to leave before the tears started flowing.

     “I guess this is goodbye,” Jenna said as she gave her one last hug.

     “Goodbye. Take care of yourself.”

     “I will.” With that she picked up her purse and headed toward her car. She drove away, looking through her rearview mirror as the house faded from view. She thought she had found love there, but she had been so wrong. She would go away and try to forget she ever set eyes on Wade Wilkinson.


     Wade got home that evening and started up the stairs. He heard Gretchen call out to him and stopped, surprised that she was still there, usually by that time she would be on her way home.

     “Hi Gretch. Why are you still here?”

     “I wanted to talk to you.”

     “Sure, what’s up?”

     “Did you know that Jenna left this morning?”

     He tried to ignore the emptiness he suddenly felt. He should be glad she left, she was no good for him.

     “Did she say where she was headed?” he couldn’t help asking.

     “No. She did seem extremely sad.” Gretchen said, remembering the tears that had threatened to spill when she said goodbye. “Wade, I hope you don’t think me too forward, but what happened? The two of you seemed to have been hitting it off of late.”

     “I know you mean well, but I’d really rather not talk about it.”

     “Okay. But if you ever need an ear, please know that I’m here to listen.” 

     “Thanks Gretchen.”

     “Well, I better head home. Mike is probably wondering where I am.”

     “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

     “See you tomorrow.”

     When she left he sat in the living room, thinking about what had happened. Of course Jenna leaving was the best thing for him, he would never have to look into her lying eyes again. Then why did he feel so alone? She hadn’t been there that long, he couldn’t have fallen so desperately in love with her in such a short time. Or could he? It didn’t matter, even if he was in love he knew that it wasn’t reciprocated. He headed upstairs to bed.


     Sleep had been fitful. Jenna kept creeping into his dreams, making him want to have her in his arms again. He could see her beautiful green eyes, looking at him with love and making him feel like the luckiest man alive. He could feel her body, soft and yielding to him, making all his dreams come true. Then he would suddenly wake up, realizing that it was all a lie, and his heart would break all over again.

     The next morning he went off to work. If he spent every waking moment working he might be able to get Jenna out of his mind.

     He did just that, exhausting himself in the process, but it was better than the alternative. He had hoped that taxing his body this way would allow him to get some decent sleep, but he was deluding himself. As soon as his head hit the pillow Jenna’s face would take over his mind and sleep would again be fleeting.

BOOK: Desiring the Enemy
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