Read Desired by the Pack: Part Two: A BBW Paranormal Romance Online

Authors: Emma Storm

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters

Desired by the Pack: Part Two: A BBW Paranormal Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Desired by the Pack: Part Two: A BBW Paranormal Romance
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He grunted behind her. “Goddess-damned. You’re on fire.”

“Heat’s like that,” Jared contributed.

Cross huffed. “I know what Heat’s like.”

January spread her fingers wide on the bed to ground herself and bucked back against Cross. “Please move,” she gasped.

He responded by doing just that, pulling almost all the way out and slamming into her. She found his rhythm and matched it, driving up and back in time with his pistoning hips. Over and over he plowed into her, stoking the fire to an intense burn.

“Shit,” Cross muttered, right before his weight landed on her back. He opened his mouth on her shoulder and panic broke through January’s crazed arousal. She twisted beneath him, dislodging his sharpening canines and sliding off his twitching cock. Cross pitched off the bed and landed on the floor with a shout of outrage.

The springs of the armchair creaked as Jared laughed out loud. “How’d you expect her to react, man? You don’t just bury fang in another dude’s mate.”

January flipped around to face both men. She crouched warily near the headboard. Her breath came in short, fast bursts as she felt her shoulder, searching for broken skin and praying she wouldn’t find any marks. Any wolf would be a fool to bond her through blood and Cross wasn’t the fool she wanted. She didn’t want to think about what that kind of accident would do to the Guardians. The prospects were chilling enough to downgrade her arousal from a boil to a simmer.
Temporarily. The effect was short-lived and by the time Cross picked himself off the floor, she was burning up again.

He didn’t come back to her. Instead, he tore off the condom and took his cock in his fist. He covered his mouth with his other hand, hiding the points of his fangs. “I can’t get them back in. Not while I still smell her. Jared--”

“I’m on it,” the scout cut in. He gave January a questioning look.

She hung her head. “Make Beck come back.”

“Cross?” Jared sounded conflicted.

“Just take care of her. Beck knows what he’s doing.”

January thought she heard Cross say something that sounded suspiciously like “I hope” but she didn’t pursue it. She’d rather not know. Not right now.

“Get out of here.” Jared spoke to Cross. “You’re useless until you get control of yourself. Tell
Mav to come up and send Smoke to find Beck. Keep Anders away. The way she is right now, he can’t be trusted not to shift.”

Jared’s words buried January under a tide of images, all centered
around naked, tangled limbs and the strength of the pack dedicated to her pleasure. Even the threat of Anders, born a wolf instead of a man and as a result inclined to default to his animal shape in times of stress or arousal, got to her in a dangerously good way. Before her imagination could slide into the dark and shiver at the prospect of Anders’ furred belly covering her back, she stretched out on the bed and wrapped her hands around the headboard’s wood slats. She raised her knees, spread her legs wide, and met Jared’s eyes in the moonlit dark.

“Don’t play with me,” she pleaded.

He climbed between her legs and hooked his arms beneath her knees, tilting her hips to display her pussy. “Heat’s no game. I’m not going to leave you to suffer.”

While Jared got comfortable, she closed her eyes and let her head drop to the mattress, unsure where the pillows had gone. Not caring, either. The first touch of his tongue was torture, the second satisfaction. Jared didn’t waste time licking her into
a frenzy because she was already at that point. He instead went straight to seeking results. Pulling her clit into his mouth, he sucked hard enough to hurl her over the edge Cross couldn’t reach. It was purely physical. Her body had no choice except to respond to the direct stimulation of her raw nerves. She shuddered while Jared licked her through the near-painful orgasm, a wordless scream on her lips and a curse for Beck in her heart.

As she struggled to catch her breath, another presence skirted the fringes of her awareness. Jared didn’t release her legs but he did lift his head from between her thighs long enough to say, “Hold her down,
Mav. Her body needs more but she’s not going to like it and I don’t want to lose my eyes to a clawing she-wolf.”

Before she could process Jared’s instructions, big hands closed around her wrists and a bulging fly appeared in front of her flushed, hot face.
Mav straddled her ribs. His jeans were zipped up tight but his cock strained against the fabric. Overcome by an unexpected hunger to fill her mouth, she lifted her head and nuzzled his fly, dragging his scent into her lungs.

Mav muttered above her. His hips surged forward once before he backed up out of reach. “Beck’s out of his Moon-crazy mind. What are we supposed to do?”

“Whatever she wants.
Or whatever she needs, if she’s stubborn enough to ignore her wants.” Cross’s voice came from the direction of the door.

“She’s shoving her face against my dick,”
Mav said, panicked.

“So put your dick in her mouth.” Cross again.

“Yes,” January gasped, to both the prospect of stretching her lips around Mav’s cock and the wet, warm slide of Jared’s tongue pushing inside her. To anything, everything. The orgasm Jared gave her seemed to heighten her need, which was now more compelling than before. She wasn’t proud of her willingness to accept whatever she could get from whomever would give it, but couldn’t seem to rein herself in.

Cross came closer. He pushed her hair out of her face and turned her head so their eyes met. “Any one of us would die for Beck. He’d give himself for any one of us. That’s what pack is and what it does--makes sure needs are met, that strength is shared. You’re his, so we’re here for you the same way we’re there for him. You understand?”

She should have corrected him. She wasn’t pack. She never could be, but she needed too bad and Jared was rapidly licking her toward another peak. Physical release wasn’t enough. Her throat constricted as she fought a wave of sadness and suppressed the base need to be held and wanted and loved. All she could do was pretend, starting with Mav’s cock to give her some sense of being desirable. If she could make him come, too, it would be better. It had to be.

“I need to suck him,” she said. “I understand but I need him in my mouth. Don’t tell Beck.”

“He just wants you to have what you need, Jan.” Cross roughly lowered Mav’s zipper, reached into the other man’s pants, and pulled his rigid length into view.

cursed roughly but he didn’t stop Cross from touching him. January watched hungrily as Cross manipulated the angle of Mav’s cock and brought his broad head to her lips. From the corner of her eye she noticed Cross palming his own dick again and distantly realized there was a lot she didn’t know about pack relations. Before she could follow that curious line of thought and ask whether these men ever sought relief with one another, Jared raked his teeth over her clit and she shattered.



She ran.

After that orgasm that had kicked her out of her own body, January had struggled free of the pack, grabbed two handfuls of clothes, and fled the house. Jared shouted her name but she didn’t stop until she landed in the brittle snow bank off the back porch. There, she jerked her scrubs top over her head and struggled into a pair of sweatpants before launching herself across the back yard. She quickly lost feeling in her feet, which was a mercy. The iced-over snow crunched loudly as she broke through the frozen surface. She must be shredding her bare feet.

With no idea where to go, she cut an uneven line across the half acre of her property. She didn’t dare look back, but she couldn’t stop hearing.

In the distance, a wolf howled. The sound raised the hairs on her arms and the skin on the back of her neck prickled. Something deep inside her tugged toward the wolf, straining to be with the creature unleashing the blood-stirring call. Beck. Had to be him. She harbored an attraction for others in the pack, but they didn’t have the same power over her that Beck had. Dragging frigid air into her aching lungs, January shook her head and forced her thinking will to the fore. She was in control. Human, not wolf. Individual, not wolf’s mate. Ignoring her body’s need to join with the pack, she forged across the field.

A second wolf howled and January’s knees gave out. She collapsed in the snow, overcome by a wave of need so
intense, she saw stars glittering on the ice crust. Ragged breaths tore through her throat, leaving it raw. She swallowed, gasped, but couldn’t fill her lungs. And as she knelt on all fours, she lost the feeling in her hands. Static buzzed in her ears. The sound of her blood rushed through her veins, slowing as the cold dug into her bones.

She raised her head and shook it hard. The snow-glitter faded and her vision righted itself, leaving her to stare down a circling wolf. Anders. She recognized his eyes. He closed in, his solid body strong and warm as he brushed and settled against her.

The warmth emanating off them felt like heaven, bliss injected straight into her muscles. Her head sagged and she buried her face in the thick pile of his fur, but he didn’t stand still.

As he paced around behind her, the desire burning deep pulsed anew. Moaning, she arched her back and lifted her hips. Claws shredded her pants, leaving nothing but scraps of fleece hanging from the elastic waistband. The human part of her brain tried to raise an objection but the animal inside her, the spirit that had hidden from her for years
,  slashed and snapped at the stifling voice. Her wolf understood and had no shame. Influenced by the primal demand, January spread her thighs wide and bucked her hips, seeking relief, craving a seed to nurture.

Something nudged between her splayed thighs, broad and masculine, but different from a man. She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder, meeting the wolf’s eyes.

“Please,” she whispered, entreating him to do something.

Anders dipped his head. He nuzzled between her shoulder blades as his large paws landed in the snow beside her hands. January sighed as the silky warmth of his fur warmed her. The next breath she took left her in a moan. Anders swiveled his hips, finding her core and plunging deep with one swift, powerful movement. Her newly-wakened wolf writhed. January locked her elbows and gasped but the wolf inside had more to say. A keening howl rang in her ears, the feminine pitch foreign and familiar at once. Before the she-wolf’s call completed, another wolf flashed past her head. She saw black fur and flashing gray eyes seconds before the satisfying weight of Anders’ body left her. Someone pulled her off her knees and gathered her close. Tattooed forearms
banded beneath her breasts, letting her know Cross held her. She threw her head back against his shoulder, restless and burning up.

In front of her, two wolves rolled across the snow, snarling and snapping as they grappled for dominance.

“Someone stop them,” she cried, but her wolf secretly exulted in the show of possession.

The two wolves rolled out of her direct line of sight. She tried to turn, but Cross squeezed her tighter, and she realized Maverick had moved between her legs. Realized she’d been thrusting her hips into the air like a wanton.  Jared and the other man, Smoke, were nowhere to be seen. Maverick wrenched the shreds of her pants from her thighs and frigid air slid across her heated mound. She embraced that cold, raised her knees and opened wide, inviting Maverick to issue a reprieve from the burning need.

At the first touch of his warm, attentive tongue, her head fell back. She rubbed her cheek against Cross’s chest as she worked to ride Maverick’s tongue. He somehow knew exactly how to manipulate her body. Knew exactly what she needed, which was hard and fast and immediate. Her throat vibrated with a growl, arched as pleasure rocketed toward its peak. When she felt the hard edge of a fang slide across a knot of nerves, she erupted. Her ears rang with the echo of a scream bouncing off the pines that lined the far edge of the property. As she shuddered, vibrating with the force of her orgasm, she realized the scream was hers. She reveled in the primal power coursing through her until a low curse slammed her back into reality.

“Damn it. Lights just came on at that farm down the way. Somebody must have heard her.” Beck’s angry voice penetrated the thick haze of pleasure wrapped around her.

“Can’t control Heat.” That was Maverick.

“Try,” Beck snapped.

Strong hands gripped her waist and hauled her away from the solid warmth of Cross’s embrace. January’s senses reeled as a pair of eyes replaced her view of the night sky and she came into chest to chest contact with Beck. He must have won the conflict with Anders. At his hard expression, her languor fled, replaced by a deep-rooted shame. Blood rushed to her cheeks. She dropped her gaze to his chest, which was marked by deep, already-healing scratches, and shoved against his shoulders.

“Let me go,” she begged in a whisper.

“Not this time, winter-wolf.” He shook his head slowly. “Not ever again.”

Standing there surrounded by a pack of werewolves who had witnessed the explosive pull of her heat, she knew she wouldn’t be able to talk Beck out of whatever he planned. Whether she wanted it or not, she was caught.



Mav drove January’s car. She huddled alone in the back seat, slow to warm after her ill-planned dash through the ice pack. She had regained sensation in her hands and feet about five miles from her house but that wasn’t exactly a blessing. Her palms and the soles of her feet burned like they’d been sliced by tiny shards of glass--which they had, in a manner of speaking. Ice was an unforgiving weapon. At least her sex drive had calmed in the aftermath of her wild run. Her cheeks warmed as she recalled details of the way she’d shamelessly, hungrily spread herself open for Anders’ wolf.

She wasn’t sure how she felt about that encounter. If one of her one-hundred-percent-human neighbors had witnessed her behavior, January would probably be facing some kind of animal abuse charge, not to mention the likelihood she would be the object of her small town’s shock and horror. She probably should have been horrified at herself but she couldn’t muster the scorn. Despite her deficiencies, she was still a werewolf, and those appetites were surging.  January rubbed the pulse point at the base of her throat and gazed out the window. If she couldn’t disentangle herself from the Guardians and flee back to her isolated farm house, she had a feeling Anders’ wouldn’t be the last pair of wolf eyes she saw while caught up in the throes of orgasm.

Ignoring the pain in her hands and feet, she shifted on the cramped bench seat until she could see Beck’s profile. Emotions churned behind her breastbone.

She wasn’t happy about losing her freedom.

“This isn’t what I want,” she said, glaring at the side of Beck’s face. “You forced this. You had to know what would happen if you showed up at my house during my cycle.”

“You’ve been doing what
want for a little too long,” he replied.

turned his head a fraction. He didn’t say anything, but January didn’t miss the questioning look Mav threw at his alpha.

She narrowed her eyes.
Mav might know better than to question Beck, but she wasn’t his subordinate and she wasn’t going to start acting like one. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Beck glanced back at her, making eye contact briefly before facing forward again. “It means your wolf deserves a pack. Close your eyes and get some sleep. We’re going to be driving for a couple hours.”

Mav dropped his right hand from the steering wheel and turned on the stereo.

Immediately, her small car swelled with the heavy, provocative bass line of an AWOL Nation hit. January dragged a shaky breath into her lungs
as her blood seemed to change course, aligning her pulse with the stirring music. Her arousal had settled into a slow simmer, easily ignored after the way it had consumed her upon waking, but her anger at Beck, combined with the music, brought Heat back to life. Her breathing turned shallow and choppy.

“I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep,” she said, staring at Beck. Suddenly, her senses seemed overwhelmed by him. She was aware of
Mav on an instinctual level, knew that he could provide her body with relief, but she couldn’t look away from Beck. He was who she wanted. Always.

As if he read her mind--and maybe he did, alphas being what they were--Beck wrenched free of his seatbelt and crammed his big body through the space between the front seats. He was on top of her before she could draw a breath.

Mav stopped messing with the stereo and gripped the wheel with both hands. “You two just pretend I’m not here.”

Instead of answering, Beck slanted his mouth across her parted lips. The kiss was carnal, urgent,
demanding. Moaning into it, January speared her fingers through his hair and ate at him as ferociously as he devoured her.

This hunger was different than the purely chemical lust she’d felt earlier with
Mav, Cross and Jared. Closer to the hunger her wolf harbored for Anders. As she worked her hands beneath Beck’s shirt and spread her fingers across his taut stomach, she realized she needed more from him than physical relief. His touch alone was almost enough. His taste on her tongue was darkly perfect. The width of his hips between her thighs, the grind of his erection against her folds, the shapes of his fingertips digging into her flesh as he held her with the same urgency she held him…

Goddess, did she love this man?

Beck tore at the stretchy pants someone had given her to replace the sweats Anders destroyed. She shifted in the cramped space, trying to free her legs. Soon she was bare from the waist down and she had Beck’s cock in her hands. She rose above him, needing his thick length in deeper, darker places.

“Winter-wolf,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. His fingertips dug into the soft flesh of her ass. She tilted her head and lowered her lips to his while sinking onto him. Her body drew him in with clenching, clutching muscles. He groaned into her mouth as she started to ride him.

Mav sped north, January lost herself in Beck. He squeezed her hips like a desperate man and hammered up into her, tipping her past the edge over and over again. She knew she sounded like a crazed wanton and she didn’t care. Something wild and abandoned drove her. She wanted to experience him to the fullest extent. Heat governed her body, but details commanded her mind, which grew wilder and wilder with  every hitch of Beck’s breath and every bunch of his powerful thighs as he moved below her.

He trembled with the effort to hold back. She didn’t want him to hold back. Lowering herself fully onto him, she buried her face against his neck and closed her teeth around the throbbing vein below his jaw. Beck hissed through his teeth. Angling his hips, he connected with her in a slow, urgent grind, relentless pressure against her clit. She flexed her fingers on the back of the seat at his
shoulders and clamped down around his shaft as she came one more time. Beck threw his head back and lifted her. His cock slipped free an instant before she felt the warm burst of his essence against her inner thigh. His chest vibrated with a deep groan that she swore Mav echoed from the front seat. As Beck seized below her, he wrapped his arms around her back and clutched her close. His heart raced against her breast and the intoxicating scent of pleasured man surrounded her.

BOOK: Desired by the Pack: Part Two: A BBW Paranormal Romance
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