Desired by Shadow (A Shadow Walkers Novel) (9 page)

BOOK: Desired by Shadow (A Shadow Walkers Novel)
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Bloody hell. He meant it. The thought startled him. She’d unwittingly ruined his entire existence, but he’d be damned if he’d let some lowlife hurt her. Sweet Jamie nodded, biting his lip in concentration as he held a towel over her bound shoulder to keep it dry.

The only sounds in the dining room were the sound of water tricking down the edge of the copper tub, splashing back into the water as he finished washing her hair. Sitting back on his heels, Robert rubbed his throat. It was still raw and sore from the noose.

“Alright lad, help me get our lady out of the tub.” The boy handed Robert towels to wrap her in as he lifted her out of the gray, grimy water. He carried her back into his room. Jamie preceded him bringing the borrowed clothing. While they were in the bath, Ian had stripped the room clean. There were fresh sheets on the bed, the window closed against the cold night air and a pot of water simmered above the fire. Vanilla and cinnamon filled the room to banish the odor from the cabin.

Jamie put a towel on the pillow for her wet hair as Robert finished drying her off. ‘Twas rather a challenge to dress an unconscious woman. He was used to undressing women, but had never dressed a woman. Usually he was leaving their chambers before dawn or they managed on their own. His lip quirked…the lady in question would probably be mortified to know he’d stripped her, washed her and clothed her all whilst she was dead to the world. He was amazed she hadn’t woken yet and a bit worried if truth be told. But her breath was even, her pulse steady so he felt certain she’d come to when her body had healed enough of its own accord.

“Jamie lad, ye did well. Go ahead now, off to the galley for something to eat. I thank ye.” Robert was born in Wales but spent so much time in the UK and sailing to exotic ports, his accent was a mishmash of all the places he’d been. He scrubbed a hand over his face, tired.

Jamie blushed, “Thank ye, Cap’n. I’m going to bake a cake for our lady so she’ll have a sweet when she wakes. She will wake, won’t she?”

“Aye, she’ll wake. Oftentimes the body shuts down the mind so it can heal. Like when you sleep at night. Be off with ye now.” The little lad scampered out of Robert’s room, off to tell Ian to remove the bath from the dining room.

‘Twas well past midnight and Robert was hungry again. A soft knock on the door drew his attention. Ian came in laden with a tray. It smelled delicious.

“Thought ye might want a bite to eat, Cap’n.”

His stomach rumbled in reply. “Aye Ian, thank ye, kindly,” The lad left the victuals, closing the door behind him. Robert barely tasted the food, he shoved it in his mouth so quickly. Normally Shadow Walkers didn’t need to eat except during their death anniversary when they were powerless. Food tasted so much better, his taste buds seemed increased tenfold. Each bite burst with flavor. And the ale and wine, oh, he could sing an ode to those who first created the beverages. But tonight the meal was tasteless. His thoughts consumed with worry for his guest. Taking his plate to the galley, Robert returned to his cabin.

Stripping off his clothing, Robert sauntered nude down the narrow hallway to the bathroom. It barely contained a shower, toilet and sink but was large enough for his needs. He showered, letting the hot water sluice over tired muscles, standing there until the water ran cold.

Thinking about

Opening the door softly so as not to disturb her, he pulled on soft faded jeans and a V-neck navy blue cashmere sweater. He never bothered with underwear, didn’t really see the point. Leaning down, Robert placed a hand on her brow. She was fevered but not as hot as when she first arrived. The bandage was seeping so he changed it. The wound still an angry red but the salve seemed to be working and it was no longer bleeding. The injured hand looked good. It would heal with only a faint scar as a reminder. Content she was cared for, he dragged the chair from the fire over to the bed, sank down, put his feet up, leaned back in the chair, and watched his lady.

Firelight played off her skin, shadows dancing along, casting eerie images on the walls and ceiling. As the fire crackled, his body sore, throat raw, he drank a cup of tea and honey Ian must have brought when he straightened the room. It was liberally laced with whisky, and after a few minutes, the ship lulled him into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 11



Friday, November 3


Robert woke with a start. Ian had built up the fire sometime during the night. He stood, and stretched, working the kinks out of his back, absently rubbing his throat. Padding over to the bed, he checked on his guest. Fever still held her in its hold. She murmured but didn’t wake. He changed the bandage; the wound looked a bit better. Satisfied, he left his cabin to clean up and shave. A hot shower would help him face the day. Then he grabbed a quick bite. It was a terrible annoyance not to be able to dematerialize to Colin and Emily’s.


“Yes, Captain?” The boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. “Stand guard over our lady. If she wakes, give her some water and broth but she needs stay abed.”

“I’ll take care of her, Cap’n.”

“I know ye will lad. Now, let’s gather a few of the boys to take me ashore.”

Rowing the short distance to the pier where a car was waiting to whisk him to Ravensmore; he made a quick call. “Oy, Monroe. How goes it? Listen, you’ll never believe the missing lady I told you about? She turned up on my bloody ship. Hidden away. What are the odds? You can call off the search.” He paused, listening. “I’ve taken care of her injuries. She’ll be okay with rest and time. Once she’s coherent, I’ll let you know what I find out. Take care, mate.” Technology was a wondrous thing. He loved mobile phones and modern transportation though sometimes it was nice to enjoy the old ways. He settled back into the plush leather seat of the Mercedes and thought about his guest. The trip was uneventful. When he arrived Worthington met him at the door.

“I was told I’d find you here, milady.” Robert strode through her lady’s solar to where Emily stood at a window looking out on the castle courtyard.

“Robert, welcome.” Emily turned, shifting Colleen to her other hip to kiss him on the cheek. Motherhood suited her. She had a happy, contented glow surrounding her.

“How old is she now?”

“Can you believe already three months old? Remember my friend, Kat?”

“Aye, milady how is the spitfire?” How could he forget the feisty female. Her personality was as loud as her clothing.

“I talked to Kat this morning. Her baby is already six months old. Time flies doesn’t it? Makes me wonder how I’ll deal with not aging while she does…”

“Ah, that’s a worry for another day.”

Seemed like only yesterday that Colin met Emily. Robert never thought any of his fellow Shadow Walkers would ever break their curse, especially the warrior he’d known for so long and called friend. Colin had been closed off to the pleasures of life, existing only to slay the enemy until Emily came stumbling into his world and turned it upside down. Together they’d broken the curse, married, and had been blessed by the goddess Terya with twins, unheard of since all Walkers were unable to have children. Yet here the two of them stood with two screaming babes. Emily had been gifted with immortality and helped the cause by gathering information all in the name of saving humanity before Dayne and the Day Walkers destroyed the world.

“Where’s the little monster? It peed on me the last time I was here.” Robert screwed up his face in distaste remembering getting too close as Emily changed the tiny bugger and Robert swore the lad aimed straight at him on purpose, ruining Robert’s favorite scarlet silk shirt.

“Naill’s out with Colin. Please, sit. Would you like some tea? Meg brought it in a few minutes ago. She made those lemon bar cookies you love…” Emily led him to a comfortable sofa, poured and handed him the plate. His mouth watered. Emily had shown Meg how to make the sinfully delicious treat. Normally he didn’t need to eat but being a blasted human for a week, now he required sustenance. Though truth be told he enjoyed the ritual of dining and had somehow over the centuries developed a fondness for sweets.

“I’d love some though you better take one now before I eat them all.”

“That’s why there are two on my plate. Mine. So hands off.” Emily giggled as she checked on the baby in the crib and curled up in a chair. “What were you asking me? Oh, right. Naill’s only three months old, and he can’t control his aim, contrary to what you believe.” He narrowed his eyes at her when she covered her mouth with her hand. By the shaking of her shoulders he could tell she was trying her damnedest not to laugh. It wasn’t working very well.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to but the look on your face…you were so affronted, it was really quite hilarious.” She arched an eyebrow, “Anyway, can you believe Colin has little Naill out at the stables? He thinks it’s time his son started riding and learning to carry a sword.”

The disbelief in her voice made Robert bust out laughing. Gesturing at the baby he told her, “Milady, be happy it’s only Naill. My guess is Colin will have little Colleen out there next.”

“Oh no, he’s not putting Colleen up on one of those huge scary horses.”

“Before I head out to talk to your husband, I heard a few foster kids are coming to live at Ravensmore.” Robert couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice. He thought twins would be bad enough. Crawling all over, crying and needing constant attention. Facing Fury would be preferable to taking care of children any day. At least the hellhound would most likely eat him quickly; children would suck the life out of him slowly, making Robert wish to be banished to one of Thorne’s infamous torture chambers.

Emily’s smile lit up the entire room. “Yes, we’re starting with seven children. Five boys and two girls.” She patted his shoulder. “Don’t look so horrified Robert, we won’t ask you to babysit.”

“I’d rather face every circle of the darkest realms than spend an evening taking care of children.” Disgust filled his voice. “What on earth made you do it?” He was curious why they would want children around. Weren’t two enough? He hoped Colin had bargained with the Fae to ward Ravensmore or they might as well hang out a flashing ‘OPEN’ neon sign for the hungry goblins and Day Walkers.

“For a big bad scary pirate, you sure are afraid of little humans.”

“Wait a minute; did I hear ‘starting with seven’? Is Ravensmore turning into some kind of foster home?”

“Don’t look so terrified.” She set her tea on the table, shoulders shaking from laughing so hard. Wiping her eyes, Emily looked at him, a light seeming to radiate from within, making her seem ethereal like some avenging angel swooping down to protect the little munchkins. “Your hearing is fine. This past year things have gone downhill so quickly. We have a huge home and wanted to help as many as we can so we’re going to fill Ravensmore to the rafters.”

Watching her, Robert was happy for Colin. He’d found someone to love who loved him back just as fiercely. Emily paused, leaning over to check on the babe before turning her attention back to him and her news.

“The Day Walkers have to be behind the missing persons abductions but why would they prey on children? There’s no punishment harsh enough for those to prey on helpless animals and children.”

“We agree, Emily. ‘Tis part of the reason I’m here. Monroe’s been looking into the disappearances and claims of Virus. With the influx of new Day Walkers we’ve all had our hands full keeping them from destroying the city. He’ll let us know what he finds.”

The door banged open, startling Colleen who cried out in her sleep before settling down and softly snoring again. “Hell, did I wake her?” Colin asked.

Crossing the room, he clapped Robert on the back as he passed and leaned down to kiss Emily. “Naill is going to be a fearsome warrior, he almost picked up his sword today.” Colin grinned at his child looking like the proud parent.

“Yes, dear.”

“Glad to see you’re in complete control of your household, Highlander.” Robert teased him. Colin grunted in reply as he put his son down to sleep beside his sister.

“What brings you here today?” Colin sat on the sofa close to Emily as he shoved two lemon bars into his mouth. “By the gods, these are amazing.”

“Hey, Meg can make them whenever you want, hands off my cookies, Colin.” Robert mock scowled as Emily playfully swatted Colin’s arm.

Sitting up straight, a serious look etching his face, Robert leaned forward to tell them the latest news. “Aberdeen and Dundee are empty.” Before either of them could interrupt, he held up a hand. “I popped over to take a look around. It’s as if everyone deserted the cities overnight. There are mass graves all over. Full of old folks. No one under eighty. The same as we’ve seen here. This is Dayne’s handiwork. His Day Walkers are out of control preying on humans this openly. He must be paying off the media to keep it quiet. There hasn’t been anything more than the missing persons reports.” Robert stopped speaking as the solar door opened and he jumped up to help Meg with the tray.

“Thought you might be getting hungry so I brought lunch.” The housekeeper fussed about, handing out food and drinks.

BOOK: Desired by Shadow (A Shadow Walkers Novel)
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