Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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“They look suspicious to me. We should probably sneak in to watch them before making a surprise visit,” Jaclyn said.

“A good idea but
are not going anywhere. I will go alone,” Matt said firmly.

“I could take pictures of their activities. I have a video camera with me,” Tess suggested.

“Good idea, Tess,” Jaclyn said. “I love a figuring out a mystery.”

“Did either of you hear what I’ve just said? You are not going anywhere. I’ll do this alone. I won’t put you in danger,” Matt declared.

“Aw fooie! We won’t be in danger. They won’t even know we’re there,” Tess argued.

“That doesn’t matter. You’re not going. End of discussion,” Matt took the photos and left the room.

“How will we get out of the house without him knowing where we’re going?” Jaclyn asked. Excitement for adventure was running through her veins.

“I’m not sure; but I’ll think of something. Meet me in the tropical garden at ten o’clock tomorrow morning,” Tess said in hushed tones.

“I’ll be there,” Jaclyn grinned.


Tess had just settled in bed when it started to rain. She loved the rain but was not a huge fan of lightning. She closed her eyes to listen to the rain and no sooner had she done so; a flash of lightning illumined her dark room. She gasped and pulled the sheet up to her chin.

“I’m here, Tess.”

“Matt,” Tess breathed.

He got into bed and pulled her close to his side. She snuggled against him, happy that he was there.

“Afraid of a little lightning?” he smiled.

“It’s not my favorite thing,” she muttered.

“It’s just God’s way of lighting up the night so it won’t be so dark,” he said softly.

“That sounds like something a parent would say to a child,” she replied.

“You’re right. My mother said it to me when we had fierce storms in Kentucky,” he confirmed. “I was only five years old and scared out of my mind when a storm came. She would lie in my bed to comfort and protect me. I’ve never forgotten her words to me.”

“They are reassuring words. Do you see your mom often?” Tess asked curiously. Matt had not spoken about his family.

“Yes. She’s living in New York now and I saw her before leaving to come here,” he answered. “I’ll take you to meet her if you like. You will love her.”

Tess smiled.

“I would like that very much,” she responded.

“Is Jax okay with storms?” he asked.

“Yes. She’s probably sound asleep,” Tess replied.

“Are you sure?” he pressed.

“Yes, I’m sure. Believe me if she wasn’t okay there would be three of us in this bed,” Tess giggled.

“Hmm. I rather like the idea of being in bed with two beautiful women,” he grinned.

She punched his arm playfully.

“I bet you do,” she retorted.

Another bolt of lightning lit the sky along with a loud clap of thunder. Tess jumped.

“Easy, sweetheart. I’ve got you,” he whispered.

He tightened his hold on her.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she murmured.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” he replied.

They fell into a companionable silence and listened to the rain. The lightning ceased but the heavy rain continued throughout the night.


Tess stood before the dresser mirror attired in tan shorts and a green sleeveless crop top. She was brushing her long brunette locks when Matt came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel wrapped about his waist. He noticed that Tess was dress and sighed. It would be a bother to undress her but he could get it done in record time. He admired her tanned legs and arms; the results of being out in the sun on a regular basis. Her bare tummy drew him to her like a magnet. His fingers itched to caress the flat planes of her torso and massage her mind-blowing breasts. He then saw his hands travel down to unbutton her shorts and they both knew what would come next. He watched as she secured her hair in a ponytail and her smooth, luscious neck beckoned him. He moved to stand behind her and slid his hands around her waist. He bent to nuzzle her neck.

“Why are you dressed?” he murmured.

She leaned her head against his chest and sighed deeply. She loved it when he touched her but she had to stay focused and get to the garden on time.

“I want to take some more exterior shots. Jax is going to tag along with me,” she said.

It wasn’t a lie. She would be taking pictures; she just didn’t tell him the subject of her photography. Matt froze. Did he suspect that she wasn’t being totally truthful? She met his piercing gaze in the mirror.

“I made plans for us today. I thought that you had completed your assignment,” he said.

“Oh! What plans?” she asked nervously. She wasn’t good at deception.

“I thought we could have a picnic at the waterfall. I’ve invited a couple of friends to join us. They should be here by mid-morning,” he explained.

Mid-morning. That wouldn’t give her and Jax enough time to go and come back. They would have to put off their sleuthing for another day. She looked at him and smiled.

“I can take my pictures tomorrow. I would love to have a picnic at the waterfall,” she said cheerfully.

“Good. By the way, would you develop some extra photos of our trespassing guests? I will need them for the investigation,” he explained.

“Of course,” she said.

Maybe she should just forget about her spying. Matt seemed to have things well in hand. She would tell Jax. Tess felt Matt hands lightly moving over her body. She pulled out of his arms.

“I don’t think we have time for playing,” she chuckled.

“There’s always time for our kind of recess,” he grinned lascivious.

He dropped his towel and moved purposely toward her. Tess squealed and ran. He caught her easily and they tumbled onto the bed where they made wild, passionate love.

Jaclyn trotted down the grand staircase just as the doorbell rang. She waited a moment thinking either Ana or Matt would come to answer the door. Neither of them made an appearance and the bell rang twice more. Jaclyn shrugged and moved to answer the door. She opened the door and was met by two gorgeous men. Happy surprise reflected in her lovely blue eyes.

“Hello,” Jaclyn said amiably.

“Hello yourself, gorgeous. I’m Anthony Greenwich. Call me Tony,” he said as he extended his hand.

“I’m Jaclyn Harrington. Call me Jax,” she laughed.

Tony was suddenly abruptly pushed aside and another handsome hunk took his place in the doorway.

“Hi, Jax. I’m Oliver Beckman. Everyone calls me Ollie,” he smiled and extended his hand.

Jaclyn chuckled and shook his hand.

“Hi Ollie,” she grinned.

“Is Matt around?” Tony asked.

“It would be extremely rude of him to invite us for a picnic and then not show up,” Ollie grimaced.

“Picnic? I don’t know anything about it but please come in,” Jaclyn invited. “I’m sure he’ll show up in a few minutes.”

The two men strolled into the salon as Jaclyn closed the door. She then followed them into the salon and sat on the sofa and crossed her legs. She wore shorts that showed off her slender legs to perfection. Both men eyed her appreciatively as they took their seat; one on the sofa and the other in an armchair.

“So tell me, how did Matt get so lucky as to land you as a houseguest?” Tony asked.

“That mangy reprobate has all the luck,” Ollie said.

“I’m no disgusting reprobate but I do have fantastic luck,” Matt said as he came into the room.

The men laughed as they rose to greet and embrace Matt.

“I see you’ve met these two rogues, Jax,” Matt said. “I’m beginning to question my decision to invite them to our picnic. It occurs to me that they may not be fit company for you.”

“Ha! If she has lived under the same roof with you for any length of time then she is undoubtedly craving sane, rational and fun companionship,” Ollie said.

“Which I can most certainly provide,” Tony offered.

Jaclyn laughed at their banter. It was obvious that the three men were great friends. She looked at Matt.

“Tell me about these picnic plans,” Jaclyn said.

“I planned an outing by the waterfall. I thought we could have a picnic, swim and just have a good time,” Matt said. “I thought you and Tess would enjoy it.”

“It sounds fabulous,” Jaclyn enthused.

“My sentiments exactly,” Tess smiled as she entered the room.

“Ah man! There are two beauties living with you? Unfair!” Tony exclaimed.

Matt laughed and made the introductions to Tess. Tess greeted them warmly and they all sat and conversed for a while. Soon Ana came in and told them that all was in readiness for their picnic. The men went into the kitchen to get the picnic supplies. Jaclyn made sure they were out of hearing before speaking.

“I take it our private investigating has been put on hold,” Jaclyn said in hushed tones.

“You take it right. Matt told me about his plans this morning and there was nothing I could do but to go along with them,” she whispered.

“Well, they are not terrible plans. I think I will quite enjoy myself,” Jaclyn grinned slyly.

“They are hotties and seem totally into you,” Tess grinned.

“The picnic should be fun. And we will be in the right area, so bring your camera. You just may get a chance to shoot those photos anyway,” Jaclyn suggested.

“Good idea, Jax,” Tess said.

“What’s a good idea?’ Matt asked.

The men were loaded down with picnic paraphernalia.

“Jax suggested I bring my camera. I would love to get photos of all of you,” Tess said.

“That is a great idea,” Ollie agreed.

“I’ll go get it and be back in a jiff,” Tess said.

Tess ran upstairs to her bedroom to get her camera. She made sure she had plenty of film in her bag as well as two long range lenses. She then returned to the foyer.

“I’m ready,” Tess announced.

“Great. Let’s go,” Matt said.

They all left the house and put the picnic basket, cooler and other bags in the boot of the waiting jeep. Jax sat between the Tony and Ollie in the back seat. It was a bit of a tight squeeze but she didn’t mind. Tony and Ollie laid their arms along the back of the seat and Jaclyn felt as snug as a bug. Tess sat in the front with Matt who glanced at her and smiled broadly. She returned his smile feeling inexplicably happy. Matt then started the jeep and took off.

Chapter 6

Matt took a back road that was full of ruts and bumps. Everyone was bouncing and bobbing in their seats. Tony and Ollie teased Matt unmercifully about trying to kill them all. Matt swore it was a shortcut to the waterfall. He finally drove around a bend and suddenly the majestic gushing water was before them. Matt parked the jeep.

“Never doubt my prowess behind the wheel,” Matt grinned.

“Never doubt your crazy driving. My butt is black and blue I’m sure,” Tony grumbled.

Everyone scrambled out of the truck.

“It’s so beautiful,” Jaclyn sighed.

“Not nearly as lovely as you,” Ollie smiled impishly.

Jaclyn laughed gleefully. She knew that this was going to be a fantastic day for her ego.

“Why thank you, kind sir,” she flirted.

Tony suddenly grabbed Jaclyn’s hand and pulled her to the water’s edge. Ollie objected and followed. Tess and Matt grinned at the antics of the men.

“Thank you for bringing your friends for Jax. She’s already having a ball,” Tess said gratefully.

“I didn’t want her to begin to feel like a third wheel,” Matt responded. “Tony and Ollie are a lot of fun and good men. Jax will have a great time with them.”

“Has anyone told you that you have a very sweet and caring heart?” Tess grinned.

“Not the person whom I want to hear it from,” Matt replied.

Tess looped her arms about his neck and stared into his shimmering grey eyes.

“You, my friend have a beautiful heart; and it’s rather a sexy turn on,” she smiled sensually.

Matt gazed into her warm cherry brown eyes and sighed.

“If only we were at home. You would soon be in bed,” he whispered.

She drew his head down to hers and kissed him lovingly. Matt could feel the emotions in her kiss and returned the kiss aggressively. He wanted to convey he was feeling the same way. Then they heard someone clearing their throat. Matt broke the kiss and looked into the grinning faces of his friends, Tony and Ollie. Tess hid her red face in Matt chest in embarrassment.

“We thought we would come help unload the truck; if you’re not too busy,” Tony quipped.

Matt laughed and stepped back from Tess.

“Well, it’s about time you returned. I thought I would have to unpack all by myself,” Matt retorted.

The men pulled the heavy things from the jeep and carried them to the checkered cloth that Jax and Tess had spread under a huge oak tree. Afterward, they removed their outer clothes to reveal bathing suits worn underneath. Both Tess and Jaclyn wore bikinis; Tess was a bright yellow which looked great against her tanned skin and Jaclyn wore a red suit which highlighted her dark blond hair. Soon everyone was swimming and playing in the water and having a terrific time. After a while Tess swam toward a precipice with gently flowing water. It was one of the few crags in which the water wasn’t gushing. She swam under the streaming water, closed her eyes and turned her face upward to feel the cool liquid wash over her. It wasn’t long before she felt strong, sure hands glide around her waist. It felt wonderful to have Matt standing with her. Matt stood so closely to her that he felt that they were one. He didn’t try to kiss her but just stood there with her; communing with the natural essence of the waterfall. It was as if they traveled to a spiritual plane where time was irrelevant and problems didn’t exist. They could just be the twin flames that they were to each other. It was the sweetest moment in time that he’d ever experience. Matt didn’t know how long they remained under the waterfall. It was such a magical, mystical interlude that neither of them wanted it to end.

“Come on, guys. Let’s go eat,” Tony called to them.

The thread to their transcendent world had been broken. Tess turned in his arms and gazed up at him. He cupped her face and gently kissed her forehead. Then they swam back to the shore to join the others. The conversation was lively as they ate the fabulous fare that Ana had prepared. Tony and Ollie were hilarious as they related anecdotes about the three of them. Tess and Jaclyn were in stitches throughout the entire lunch. After a while the guys went back into the water to play water polo while the girls relaxed on their towels. Jaclyn turned her head to look at Tess.

BOOK: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)
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