Read Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) Online

Authors: Roxie Lee

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One) (4 page)

BOOK: Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One)
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“The–the charity auction.” Jesus, this guy could read her thoughts too, and knew she was lying through her teeth.

“Charity auction, huh? I see.” He affectionately patted Kurt’s shoulder. “I fully agree with your initial findings, Kurt. I think we’re both agreed on the plan of action.” Without another word Will spun around and strode from them.

Lacey’s heart was in her mouth, because she knew she’d been rumbled. Now two incredibly powerful men were fully aware that she’d come to Club Incubus for reasons other than a harmless charity auction.

With her elbow still cupped in the palm of his hand, Kurt guided her across the great hall, motioning to some plush velvet seating. “We’ll talk for a while, then I’ll take you to one of the private play areas here at Incubus.”

Lacey’s mouth fell open. Kurt wasn’t asking her what she’d like to do. Instead, he was telling her what they were going to do. This thought frightened her, but whichever way she wrapped it up, his domination also ignited a sexual passion in her she hadn’t realized existed.

He kissed her lips, and that electric charge zapped straight to every nerve ending in her body again. “Do I scare you, little one?”

“Yes, but you know that already, don’t you, Kurt? In fact, you seem to know almost everything about me.”

“I do. It’s my job to know such things,” he whispered as he settled beside her on the comfortable couch.

“But how? How do you know such things, Kurt? And why do I feel this way when I’m around you?”

He possessively raised her chin with his thumb, giving her no option but to stare into his eyes. It was as though those piercing blue irises effortlessly dredged every secret from deep within her, no matter how she tried to hide them from him.

“Curious little thing, aren’t you, Lacey? But don’t worry, because everything will soon become apparent. In short order, the mystery will be solved and the pieces of the puzzle will fit perfectly together.”

Kurt angled his body toward her, making her even more aware of the powerful being sitting so achingly near to her. At such close range, she marveled at every plane and angle of his finely chiseled face. Unable to stop herself, she breathed deeply imbibing his natural masculine scent. She wanted him. However hard she tried to convince herself otherwise, she wanted Kurt Samuelsson, and if he was blessed with some degree of magical or even demonic powers that she couldn’t quite comprehend, this only made her want him more.

He knew it too, because he traced the line of her cheek with the tip of his index finger, causing any resolve and fight she had left to first crumble, and then disappear. “Yes, little one, it’s good that you’re scared of me. A little fear for your Master is always desirable.”

“M–m–my Master?”


“But…but…” She shook her head. “But it’s just a harmless charity auction.”

“An auction that I won, little one. Have you forgotten the small matter of the two hundred thousand dollars I paid to buy your soul?”

“You–you’ve bought my s–soul?” Kurt was right—he scared her—but the sexual attraction to this powerful man was so overwhelming, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now. “You mean you own me?”

“Yes. Every exquisite inch of your body, mind, and—”


“Yes indeed, your soul, Lacey. Did you really think that Willem and myself were naïve enough to believe your story about the auction? As you’ve already discovered, I can read your thoughts and I know that you’re a journalist. One, who has come here to destroy everything that Willem and myself have created?”

“I–I’m not a journalist.” She knew her answer didn’t convince Kurt in the slightest.

“Little liar. When will you learn that it’s impossible for you to deceive me.”

Lacey tried to speak. In a pitiful attempt to defend herself, her mouth got as far as forming the perfect
. However, before she could say anything, Kurt leaned forward, invading her space by covering her lips with his own. Such was the impact of his kiss that at this precise moment in time she didn’t want to speak anymore. Instead, she reveled in the way this magnificent man tasted, and the feel of his tongue urgently dueling with her own.

He wanted more, and he caressed the base of her neck, weaving his fingers progressively tighter into her hair until he held her head in a vise-like grip. Far from frightening her, this loss of control thrilled Lacey, making her pussy wet with desire. With her face angled to his, he pulled slightly away and studied her intently for a moment, constantly asserting his dominance over her.

“Never make the mistake of lying to me again. Do you understand?”

Those expressive blue eyes burned with fire, and she knew better than to argue with him. “Yes.”

“Yes what?” He twisted his hand more tightly into her hair.

“Yes, Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Better. Much better.” He let go of her hair, and she felt relief flood her body, although strangely, such was the impact he had on her she already missed his touch.

Taking pride of place on the wall opposite hung two impressive framed portraits painted in oils. To her eyes they looked old—ancient even—and she guessed they dated from the 17
or possibly 18
century. For some reason, she felt compelled to stare at each gilt-framed oil in turn, almost as though the picture itself demanded her attention.

Lacey did a double take, because the people in the portraits, despite wearing clothes from centuries past, looked uncannily familiar.

Suddenly slotting together the pieces of the puzzle that Kurt had talked about, Lacey instinctively placed her hand to her chest in an effort to control her breathing. “It’s–it’s…” She violently shook her head. “No it can’t be. It’s just not possible.”

“What’s not possible, little one?”

“Those two men in the portraits. They’re…they’re you and Will.”

Kurt threw back his head and laughed, obviously enjoying her discomfort. “Do you mean me and Will? Or two people who just happen to resemble us? Bearing in mind those pictures were painted more than two hundred years ago, which do you think is the most likely scenario, Lacey?”

Every part of the rational being within her screamed—get a grip. The men in the pictures just look like Kurt and Will, that’s all. However crazy it sounded, and crazy as it was, she instinctively knew the guys in the pictures
them. Indeed, one of the men sat mere inches from her forensically studying her reaction.

Breathless, frightened, but also intrigued, she rose from her seat for a closer look, tracing her fingers over the swirls of paint created by the ancient brush strokes. Although no art expert, she realized the portraits were genuinely old. They weren’t modern copies or fakes. They were the real thing painted by an artist long since dead.

Lacey spun around. “It is you. It is you, Kurt. And it’s Will too.” Close to collapse, she hunkered down and placed her head in her hands. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. What am I dealing with here? What the hell is going on in this club?”

Kurt beckoned her over with a crooked finger. “Come and sit next me to me, Lacey, before you pass out.”

Not wanting to know the details, but needing to know everything, she immediately did as he demanded. He responded to her distress by wrapping his arms around her, making her feel at peace again.

“Let’s cut the bullshit, Lacey. The reason you came to Club Incubus has nothing to do with the charity auction event. No. The reason you’re here tonight is to see if the all the rumors are true. And if they are, to write and sensationalize them in that two-bit newspaper you work for. That would destroy the club and I can’t allow you to do that.”

“And are the rumors true, Kurt?”

Without answering her question, he said, “Come with me.”

As if their paths were somehow destined for one another, Lacey couldn’t resist. Her body and mind seemingly compelled to follow this gorgeous man wherever he may lead her.

Chapter Four


Kurt assertively guided Lacey through the gaggle of people who were still gathered in the auction room. He wasn’t interested in the entrails of the bidding, because to his way of thinking he’d already won first prize—Lacey. Now, more than anything else in the world, and with his prick pushing relentlessly against the inside of his leather pants, he needed to get Lacey alone. He wanted her hot, bothered, and begging for him to pleasure her. Maybe his undivided sexual attention would distract her imagination from the parts of the Incubus equation she still had trouble getting her head around—like Will and himself being more than two centuries old.

With mounting anticipation of how beautiful this lady would be when completely naked, he led her from the Grand Salon, well aware there was no way back for either of them. He’d gone too far and shown too much of his hand for Lacey to leave the club, and for things to return to normal. Besides, every second that Lacey remained under his influence accelerated the changeling process, turning her from a mere mortal woman, to a fully-fledged female demon. One who would live for all eternity, just as he would.

Despite all this crazy mixed-up shit, they were destined to become soul mates, and he figured that Lacey was far enough into the process of conversion to begin to understand this. Each passing second she became more receptive toward him, and more accepting of her destiny.

She was his—forever. And there wasn’t a power in the world that could change that.

As they walked serenely hand-in-hand, he noticed Lacey’s beautiful face held a smile. He figured it would be almost impossible for her to pull away from him now and regain her old self.

The Vault, the name for his favorite playroom at Club Incubus lay vacant, and without any form of resistance from her, he ushered her inside before closing the heavy oak door behind them.

Clever subdued lighting enhanced the overall effect, giving the space an eerie forbidding feeling. This uncompromising environment made the Vault the ideal place to discipline a wayward sub should the need arise. The room, which measured some thirty feet square, contained most of the equipment required for those heavily into the BDSM scene like himself. A leather spanking horse lay in the corner, along with an intimidating medieval rack for those subs who proved to be more of a problem for their Masters. A large selection of canes, whips, and floggers lined the walls, and even a pair of manacles hung forbiddingly from the ceiling, making the Vault a real place of pleasure for any Master Inquisitor worth his salt. He’d seen no end of subs change their tune as soon as they’d entered the Vault. Kurt had regularly noticed their eyes widen with a mixture of fear and sexual excitement when he’d brought them here, and in that respect Lacey was no different.

“Please, Sir, you’re not going to—”

“Spank you? Flog you? Discipline you in any way I see fit? To demonstrate the absolute power I have over you?”


“On this occasion, and with you still confused about certain aspects of this strange new situation you find yourself in, I’ve decided to be benevolent. Break you in gently so to speak. Thank your new Master for his kindness.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He just adored the way her gaze dropped to the floor as she whispered her reply, in true submissive style. After a few seconds studying her trembling vulnerability he raised his voice, letting Lacey know exactly who had the whip hand.

“I demand that you look at me.”

Kurt enjoyed the way her head instantly snapped to attention, causing a sexy froth of brunette curls to fall about her face. He lowered his voice now for added menace. “Concentrate on my eyes and only my eyes, because as far as you’re concerned nothing else exists in the world, apart from your Master. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I fully understand and willingly comply.”

The changeling process was irreversible now, each second bringing it ever closer to that glorious moment when Lacey would understand everything and take her rightful place by his side as his soul mate.

The Vault lay in semi-darkness, but he could just make out the pure sexual arousal showing in those wonderful green eyes. Further enhancing his dominance, he put his hand to her neck, tracing the slender column with the pad of his thumb.

“You’re starting to understand why you’re here with me, aren’t you, Lacey? Every passing second it’s becoming clearer.”

“Yes, Sir. Yes it is. It’s all beginning to feel so…”

“Natural. Like nature intended.”

“Yes, exactly like nature intended.”

“And there is nothing more perfect and awe-inspiring than nature, Lacey.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Using just the tip of his index finger he intimately traced the shape of those perfect rosebud lips. “See how well we fit together, Lacey? That’s Mother Nature at her best.”

“Yes, Sir. I feel it too.”

Enchanted by the beautiful goddess standing before him, he smoothed his fingers across her collarbone, enjoying the way she reacted to his touch with a smile. She was as turned on as he was, and Kurt instinctively knew that her sweet-smelling pussy was as soaking wet as his cock was hard.

Her perfect breasts rose and fell at an alarming rate, and he clearly saw aroused nipples pushing against the thin material of her satin blouse. Instinctively, and with her lips gently parted she pressed herself back against the wall for support, making the pulse in her elegant throat visible. It beat out a fast regular rhythm that perfectly matched his own as the changeling process drew closer and closer to its final conclusion. Such was the happiness and well-being that Kurt experienced, he couldn’t resist touching the life-giving beat as it throbbed beneath his index finger, making him want this stunning creature more than anything else in the whole wide world.

BOOK: Demon in Disguise (Masters of the Incubus - Part One)
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