Read Demon Dreams Online

Authors: Misha Paige

Demon Dreams (2 page)

BOOK: Demon Dreams
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Alec gave me a sweet smile that set off a flutter in my chest. “Samuel made a lasagna last night and it tastes even better as leftovers. Let me fix you a plate.”

“I love lasagna. Thank you,” I murmured. Maybe I had died in the accident.  Maybe St. Peter had made a whopper of a mistake and let me through the pearly gates. Where else would I find two ridiculously sexy men who wanted to take care of me?

* * * *

The lasagna had lived up to Alec’s promise, but I held up a hand to stop him from getting me another plate. “No, seriously, no. I’m about to explode here.” I felt like a pig since I had already devoured two plates. I pulled the front of the robe tighter around me. Yeah, I had to remember that no matter how tiny Alec made me feel, I wasn’t. And I hadn’t been since the first cupcake day in kindergarten.

Damned chocolate frosting was the bane of my existence, most especially where it concerned my butt.

“Do you have anyone you need to contact?” Samuel asked. “We’ll keep checking to see when the signal comes back.”

“No!” I winced at the screech of my own voice. I had my phone, but I switched it off. Actually, I had gone as far to take the battery out because of all those CSI shows I had watched. Hopefully that would be good enough. “I mean, there’s nobody.”
Becca, seriously! What the fuck! Does the phrase play it cool even exist for you?

Samuel’s amber eyes flashed gold before he said. “Okay.” He exchanged a quick, concerned look with Alec. “No hurry.”

I bit my lip. The desire to spill everything was strong, but I was afraid they wouldn’t believe me. Hell, I was still wondering if I believed me. But I didn’t think I could take it if the soft way they looked at me changed. Or worse, they did and tried to help me.

My heart clutched in my chest at the thought of them getting hurt.

Right then, my jaw stretched in a yawn. I hadn’t even realized I was that tired. “I guess it’s bedtime.” I paused then tilted my head at Samuel. “Or is it? I just realized I have no idea what time it is or even what day it is.”

Alec spoke. “It’s Thursday, about nine thirty at night. I found you yesterday around six p.m.”

My eyes widened. “I slept for a whole day?” I asked incredulously.

“Yeah, we kept checking on you to make sure you were fine, but we figured you needed the sleep.” Samuel gaze slid from mine as he got up. He gathered my clothes. “They’re dry now.”

Alec offered me a hand, which I took, and I almost gasped aloud at the shock of heat that shot through my arm. “Thank you. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you finding me.”

Alec’s eyes darkened, his thumb rubbing over the back of my hand, drawing a soft gasp from me, before he released it. “I’m just glad you’re safe now.”

Safe wasn’t exactly the word I would use as my hand still tingled from the brief caress, but oddly enough as I looked up into his gaze, that didn’t bother me at all.

* * * *

Pleased I had found my bag of toiletries intact after the accident, I had done a quick freshen up with my beauty wipes in spite of the strong desire for a shower. I would have to put that off until morning because I hated going to bed with wet hair, and with power out, blow-drying wasn’t an option.

I gave the huge glass enclosed shower one more wistful look before I turned back to the bedroom. A hot shower sounded so good. But after a quick internal debate I went ahead and slid under the quilt, naked again so I would have clean clothes in the morning. I tossed and turned for a few minutes as my brain scrambled to figure what to do next. But I was too tired and fell asleep before an answer came to me.

* * * *

I giggled as I watched the bunny darting around the grass. Papa had fallen asleep while we watched the movie so I had come outside so I wouldn’t disturb him. It was a bright sunny day and I hadn’t thought twice about following the rabbit. I was big girl now and I’d be eleven in a matter of weeks so I would be fine as long as I didn’t get lost.

The bunny hopped around nibbling here and there while I watched. All of a sudden the bunny’s ears twitched like it heard something and it fled. I stood still as I realized something was watching me. I didn’t know how I knew but the feel of something icy skittered up my spine. There was a sound of something moving beyond the trees behind me and when I turned toward it, I was terrified. A huge black bear was lumbering towards me.

Not running, but it was coming right for me at a determined pace. I couldn’t make my feet move as I watched it get closer. I was so scared I couldn’t even scream.

It was about twenty feet from me when there was a flash of gray fur out of the corner of my eye. Suddenly there was big dog between me and the bear. The dog lowered its head and growled, low and mean. The bear stood on its hind legs and roared.

My knees went out from under me and I fell to the ground. The dog lunged toward the bear, snapping its jaws. A shriek escaped me as strong arms came around me from behind.

A soft voice whispered in my ear. “Shh. We need to be quiet.”

I didn’t recognize the voice but it made me feel funny and warm inside. My body relaxed and I didn’t fight as I was picked up.

“Good girl.” A hand turned my head until my face was buried against a warm male chest.

My hands clutched at his shirt but I stayed silent even when I heard the sounds of the two animals fighting. Fear for the dog filled me and my tears soaked the man’s shirt. I didn’t want the dog hurt, he was so brave to protect me and I knew that was what it was doing.

The bear roared again but this time it sounded different, like it was scared. The dog howled and the sound was something out of one those scary movies I wasn’t supposed to watch.

But I wasn’t afraid of it.

“It’s over. The bear left.”

I started to sob then. “The dog…is he okay?”

“He’s fine. Look, you can see for yourself.” His grip on me loosened. “Go ahead, I promise it’s safe.”

I let go and wiped at my wet cheeks. The dog came up to me. He was nearly as tall as I was, his tail wagging furiously, and he tilted his head at me as his tongue poked out of its mouth in a silly grin. A surprised giggle escaped me.

“See, everything is okay now. Al… scared it away.”

I laughed as the dog pushed its head under my hand and rubbed against it. Smiling, I petted and scratched its head as it shook in pleasure. “That’s a funny name for a dog.”

“You think so? I kind of like it.”

“I would think so since he’s your pet and you probably named him,” I said.

“Oh, you have it backwards. I’m the pet. He found me all alone, and I haven’t been able to get rid of him.”

The dog huffed in what almost sounded like laughter.

I heard Papa shouting my name in the distance. “Oh no, am I in big trouble.” I looked down at the ground. “Do you have to tell Papa about the bear?” What if he told Mom and I never got to come back?

“No, and don’t worry. You won’t be in trouble.” His voice changed, becoming all…glowy? “Neither of you will remember, but please stay out of the woods unless you have an adult with you.”

“I can’t forget this.” Was he kidding? I couldn’t wait to tell my best friend Katie how a dog saved me from a bear.

A large hand cupped my chin. “It’s not time yet. But we found you now and we will again.” He lifted my head and when I looked into his gold eyes they burned bright. “Sleep, Sweetness.”

My eyes shot open as the dream ended. It had been damn vivid. I could still feel the heat of his arms holding me tight. The soft pressure of his gentle grip on my chin.

The bristly fur of the dog under my hand.

I would even swear I smelled the dog’s fur, but now that I was awake, I realized that the canine in my dream world hadn’t been a dog at all but a huge gray wolf. Except it had been even larger, almost half again the size of a regular gray, from everything I had devoured on them I had a firm grasp on how big they were. I had been fascinated with the creatures for years, watching every documentary and buying nonfiction books for more information. 

Not to mention my collection of shifter romances that Katie always rolled her eyes at.

I turned onto my stomach and punched the pillow a few times, but after a few more minutes I knew trying to sleep was a waste of time.
Might as well shower.

I didn’t linger under the spray no matter how wonderful the hot jets felt. I wasn’t too sure how big the hot water tank was and it would be poor manners if I drained every last drop for myself. However, I did go ahead and shave because stubble was not attractive.

Not to mention it itched like hell.

After towel drying my hair and brushing out the long curls I looked at myself in the mirror. Yep still the same old me. Long wild brown curls topping a passably pretty oval face. My green eyes no longer had bags under them so I must’ve gotten enough rest. Katie always said they were my best feature, at least the best one that wasn’t triple rated.

My body had a large-boned frame and at just shy of five foot ten I was never going to be model thin or petite. Plus, I liked chocolate and pizza way too much to get rid of the bit of extra cushion I always carried in spite of a waitressing job that kept me pretty active. I just wasn’t what most guys saw and wanted. Long term at least, because my large breasts got plenty of attention for the short term.

If only I had a nickel for every leer I had gotten or whispered conversation debating if they were natural or not.

I went ahead and got dressed. Maybe they would have something I could surprise them with for breakfast later.

I was glad I was trying to be quiet when I took a few steps out of my room and saw Alec sprawled out on a pile of blankets. And sprawled was the right for it as he lay on his back, one leg bent partway and his arms thrown over his head.

I shook myself as I took in the sight he made. Surely I was still dreaming because nobody could look that good in real life, could they?

The firelight danced across his bare chest. I guess he’d kicked the covers off because his only clothing was a pair of dark, silky boxers. He had a smattering of hair covering his chest, thinning out over his belly and forming an honest to god treasure trail until it disappeared into the underwear. I could see the outline of a thick cock lying under the silk and as I watched, it hardened and grew until the head was poking out the fabric slit.

I should’ve looked away but that mushroom-shaped head reached even farther. Jesus, he was hung. Thick and long and oh how I wanted to see the balls that went with that cock. Were they high and tight or low and heavy? Did he have a thick bush or was it a light fuzz like his torso?

“Mmm.” Alec shifted slightly as he moaned. His hips moved the slightest bit as the tip of his cock formed a drop of moisture as it filled out even more. Another thrust and low groan and I realized he was dreaming.

And it was a very good dream, too, as he kept moving in a rhythm that had me growing wet. When his hand dropped to his dick and rubbed, I barely held back a whimper. Arousal spread through me and it was like being lost in a dream.

Don’t do it, Becca!

As usual, I didn’t listen to my own common sense. Slowly, I lifted one hand to pinch my left nipple and slid my right hand into my sleep pants and under my panties as I watched the amazing sight before me.

My slit was dripping so my finger slid against my clit and I bit my lip to hold back a whimper.
Oh God, what was I doing?

As I caressed myself in time to the slow slide of Alec’s hand on his cock, I gradually became aware of the heat of another body behind me.

“Hello, Sweetness,” Samuel’s whiskey smooth voice sounded from behind my shoulder. Carefully he pressed against my back, fitting the curves of my ass to his groin. “Can I play, too?”

This had to be a dream, because there was no way in hell this was real. I felt my head nod. When his arms wrapped around me and strong hands cupped my breasts, I shuddered. Samuel’s fingers plucked and twisted my erect nipples through my clothing. I almost protested when he stopped until I realized he was sliding his hands under my shirt. He took the front hook of my bra in his fingers. “May I?”

I nodded again, staying quiet because I didn’t want to wake from this. I bit back a gasp when he unhooked it and my breasts spilled into his hands. The heat of his skin felt wonderful. My hand stilled between my legs as I moaned. I didn’t want to come and end this, not yet.

“Look at Alec…do you see how hard he is for you?” Samuel’s wicked whisper had me dropping my gaze to see Alec watching me with fire in his eyes as he pulled on his cock. “I think he wishes it was his hand in your pussy. Or do you think he would rather sink his dick into you?” Sharp teeth nipped my ear. “I know I would, but I don’t think you’re ready for that yet.”

I shuddered at the imagined feel of them filling me…separately…together. They were every fantasy I’d ever had.

“Do you need to come, Sweetness? Show me what you want.” Samuel nibbled on my neck.

Lost in his erotic spell, I took his hand in mine and slid it down my belly and into my panties. All the while I stared at Alec as he watched us. Samuel sank his finger into me.

“Mmm…so wet and hot I can’t wait to feel you gripping my dick.” Samuel’s forehead dug into my shoulder as he groaned and rubbed a thick erection against my ass. “I want you so badly, Sweetness.”  His finger slid out of my channel then sank back in with another. Two thick fingers filled me. I whimpered and rocked my hips against his hand.

BOOK: Demon Dreams
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