Read Deep in You (Phoenix #1) Online

Authors: David S. Scott

Deep in You (Phoenix #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Deep in You (Phoenix #1)
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Banging her hadn’t done the trick; I’d have happily gone another round or two. Maybe I needed to find someone else to get her out of my head. I nodded. That was a good idea. I’d go back to the club tonight and pick up another chick. I paused. What if I ran into Mr. Retirement Fund? Well, I’d cross that bridge if I came to it. He needed to be taught a lesson, but I was the wrong man for that job, unfortunately.

A glance at the clock told me it was nearly seven o’clock. I put the dumbbells down and went upstairs to take a shower. I stripped off my clothes as I waited for the water to heat. I regretted not showering with Lily. Standing together under the frigid spray had been a poor substitute. I stepped into the hot water and relaxed in the steam. I pictured her, soaking wet with water dripping down her skin. I’d trap her against the wall with my arms, and she’d stare up at me with those doe eyes of hers.

There I was, thinking that way again. I really needed to stop. Gripping my erect shaft, I stroked myself. I started slow but soon began pumping faster and harder, the water from the shower a poor replacement for Lily’s natural juices. I’d pin her arms above her head and feast on her neck. She’d groan and lift her legs when I’d urge her to wrap them around me. I pictured the sounds she’d make as I buried myself deep inside, imagined her nails at my back, her teeth on my shoulder, the sound of her screaming my name.

My breath hissed out through my teeth as I found my climax, my jizz spurting down the drain. I continued to stroke myself until the last tremor faded away, then leaned forward against the wall to catch my breath. Shame consumed me. I hadn’t felt guilt after jerking off since I was a teenager… but there I was, embarrassed and ashamed because I was imagining someone I had just decided to forget about.

“I need to get a grip,” I whispered to myself. “I’m fucking pathetic.” I finished showering and got dressed for another night at the club.

Chapter Eight

Like the night before, the club was hopping when I arrived. I tipped the bouncer and strolled inside without a second glance. Unlike my entrance yesterday, which was more laid back, today I strode in with purpose. I could feel the eyes on me as I approached the dance floor, and I smiled, happy to be the center of attention. That would make things easier. I approached a tall redhead and placed my hands on her waist, grinding with her to the beat of the music. She could move and was probably hot in bed, but too much about her was fake. Everything from her brown roots to her permanently shocked expression that betrayed her use of Botox to her ball-shaped boobs. You’d think she would have at least hired a decent plastic surgeon. I moved on from the Versace-wannabe and headed straight for the bar. The spiky-haired bartender from the night before was still here, so I signaled to her.

“Mr. Phoenix, this is a surprise. Two nights in a row, no less.”

“Hey, Chrissy. My usual, please.” She poured the whisky and started to move away, but my hand on her wrist stopped her. She arched her eyebrow and her blue eyes darted to mine.

“Take your hand off me.” Her voice was calm, dangerous.

I quickly acquiesced. “Sorry, but I needed to ask you a question, and didn’t want to be overheard.”

She frowned. “What kind of a question?”

“Do you remember the girl I was drinking with yesterday?”

“Raspberry martini chick?”

“That’s her.” I shouldn’t be doing this. Shouldn’t be talking about Lily, shouldn’t be associating myself with her, shouldn’t be thinking about her. I
shouldn’t do what I was about to do. “There was a guy sniffing around her before me. Nervous, balding, bad comb-over.”

“I saw him. I’ve seen him around a few times. Not regularly. Why do you ask?”

“No major reason. I need to talk to him, that’s all. When do you normally see him?”

She frowned. “I can’t think of a pattern that I could identify. Some are predictable. Like you, for example. When you
come around, it’s always a Friday or Saturday evening, but never both. Except right now. I guess there’s a first for everything. That one turns up on week nights. Sometimes three nights in a row. Sometimes only once. The day differs. Sometimes he doesn’t come back for weeks. Anyway, if I see him, I’ll let him know you’re looking for him.”

I waved my hand, dismissively. “Don’t bother. Probably better if I
see him. I’ll take care of it if I do.”

I don’t want any trouble in my bar.”

I downed my drink in one long pull, and slammed the glass down.

“There won’t be. Don’t worry, Chrissy. Thanks for the talk.” I turned around to survey the dance floor once more, only to do a quick double-take.

Lily was here, dressed in a miniskirt and tight tank top. In the span of a second, the whole club seemed to fall away. The music muted, the people disappeared, and the only ones here were her and me. Her dark blonde hair floated loose about her face, her makeup was smoky and dark. That was it. The last straw. My entire purpose of coming here was blown to shit. I wanted

What the hell was she doing here? She had been drugged in
club last night. Why would she risk it? There were other clubs. I watched her closely, stepping back toward the bar and trying to make myself invisible behind other people. She searched the crowd, looking nervous. She
be nervous. Coming here again was stupid. I’d figured this would be the one place on earth she

I realized there was another girl with her. This one looked foreign. Her tanned skin, dark eyes and black hair made me think she might be of some sort of Middle Eastern descent. What were they doing here? Could Lily be after the same thing I was? When I had dropped her off this afternoon, it never occurred to me that I might see her again today. Her friend grabbed her by the wrist and hauled her onto the dance floor. She started dancing right away, but Lily just awkwardly swayed, looking around in every direction as though she expected a monster to jump out at her at any moment.

Ah, hell. I pushed off the barstool and stepped back onto the dance floor. Some guy was all over Lily’s friend, but my eyes were only for her.

I snuck up behind her and placed my hand on her slender waist. Rolling my hips into her, I murmured in her ear, “Stop thinking so much. Just let the music take you. Lose yourself in its rhythm.”

Lily gasped and spun around, her hand raised as though she would slap me. Her eyes were wild.

“Surprise.” I lifted my hand to her chin and gently closed her mouth before covering her lips with mine in a lingering kiss.

She pushed me away. “What are you doing here, Xander?” she hissed.

I gave her my most charming smile and pulled her back into my embrace, dancing with her. Now that she was in my arms again, she seemed to remember how to move.

“Looking for you,” I lied.

“Right. And you just happened to come
looking for me.”

I frowned. “Well, frankly, that does confuse me. Why
you come here?”

“Well, since you came looking for me, why don’t you explain that?”

I rolled my eyes but said nothing, waiting.

Finally, Lily relented and gestured to her friend. “Amara wanted to come. I may have told her I’d met you here, and so she wondered who else might come here.”

“Did she?”


I watched her as we continued to dance, ultimately forgetting what I was doing and stopping. I drew her close and pulled her tightly to my chest, one hand at the small of her back and the other tangled in her hair. Our lips met as though an invisible force drew us together. No one else in the club mattered. Lily was my drug, and I didn’t know how to cure my addiction. I wasn’t sure how I could become so obsessed in just one day, but the hard facts were that I was. Maybe I could still blame the remnants of the GHB?

She moaned against my lips, and my already hard cock pulsed against her belly. I wanted her badly. Why were we here in this club?

“Oh my God! You’re him!” The unwelcome interruption distracted me. I looked up to see Lily’s friend staring at me. With regret, I released Lily, admiring her lips that were swollen from my kiss.

“Alexander Phoenix. Pleased to meet you.” I held out my hand.

“Amara Dagher, reporter for
Celebrities and Sinners
. I know exactly who you are, Xander.” She flashed her teeth at me. “Do you mind if I call you Xander?”

She reached for my hand but stumbled forward as she was jostled by a dancer. I caught and helped steady her.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she said, but made no move to separate and stand on her own.

I smiled thinly. “Think nothing of it. We should get off this dance floor before someone gets hurt.” I released Amara and turned to Lily, pretending not to notice the death glare she shot her friend. I placed my hand on the small of Lily’s back and escorted her back to the bar without waiting for Amara.

I saw three chairs together and headed for them, holding out the chair in the middle for Lily.
My mother would be so proud,
I thought.
See? I do know how to act like a gentleman.
“Lily, I need to talk to–”

“Damn, girl, when you trade up, you really trade up.” Amara had followed us and stared at me appraisingly. At any other time, I may have been interested. She was beautiful in an exotic way, with firm tits and legs that went on for miles. She also had a look on her face that suggested she wanted to eat me alive. That had never interested me. I’d always preferred a challenge. Lily challenged me. I had no idea what drew me to her like this, what bond may have formed from our ordeal, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to see it through. I didn’t have any idea how things could work out, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?

“Amara, stop.” Lily’s stance on the chair was rigid, unhappy.

Amara waved her away. “Just kidding around, Lily. Don’t be so serious all the time. Look around you. All these people came to the club to have a good time. You’re free of Michael, finally. You should loosen up. Look at Xander; he wants to have a good time.” She winked. “I can tell.”

“As a matter of fact…” I grinned at the two of them and gestured to the bartender. “Drinks are on me,” I told her. “Whatever these two want.”

“Oh, just one, then,” Amara said. “Tequila shots!”

“Amara,” Lily scolded, “you’re supposed to be the designated driver!”

“It’s just one. Don’t be a spoilsport.”

I leaned close to Lily’s ear. “Come back with me,” I urged, my voice a whisper. The bartender placed the drinks on the bar in front of the ladies. I hadn’t ordered another. I planned to leave soon.

Lily shook her head and turned back to her friend. She held up a single finger and glared. “
, Amara. I want to get home safely. I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

Lily jumped up and whirled on me when I grabbed her wrist, gesturing to her drink with my chin, a challenge in my eyes.

drink it.
don’t want anything.” She stormed away.

Amara slid onto Lily’s stool and smiled up at me through her long lashes. “She wasn’t like that when we got here. Not sure what’s going on with her. You know, Xander, I’ve always been a big fan. I’ve watched every meet they’ve shown on TV.” She ran her hand along my bicep. “You seem much more … I don’t know, approachable in person. And strong. The camera doesn’t do you justice. Or maybe there’s just something about being able to run my hand… up and down…”

I grabbed hold of her hand and removed it. “Too God damned easy. I have a hard time believing this act works on anyone. Listen, since you’re supposedly the designated driver, I’m going to assume you came in one car.”

“Who the hell are you calling easy?”

I raised my eyebrows and looked pointedly at my arm. “I don’t want you getting drunk tonight. Or, if you do, call a cab. I’m going to take Lily home myself.”

“She seems pretty pissed. I’m not sure you’ll have a shot with her.”

I rose from my barstool. “Be safe tonight.” I took off in the direction of the restrooms.

There was no sign of Lily, so I assumed she must still be inside. A payphone had been placed in a darkened corner near the restrooms, so I went and sat on the stool to wait. Why would this bar have a payphone? Everything in here was modern and streamlined, yet they had this relic here. In this age, everyone has cell phones anyway, and if they were too drunk to figure it out, the bartender would undoubtedly call a cab for the patron. Why the payphone, then?

I considered barging into the restroom and dragging her out, but the steady stream of women walking in and out deterred me. I could just imagine them beating me with their purses and security dragging me out.
Patience, Xander.

Amara was right. Lily
seem pissed. Maybe I should have stuck around and asked her some more questions. What had I done? She’d seemed receptive toward seeing me when I approached her on the dance floor. So many questions flashed through my head. I still didn’t understand why she’d agreed to come back here or, for that matter, why
come back here. I should have just called her up and forgotten about being a vigilante or about finding a random hookup.

BOOK: Deep in You (Phoenix #1)
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