Read Dazz Online

Authors: Hannah Davenport

Dazz (5 page)

BOOK: Dazz
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Chapter Five



As she lay in Sick Bay with her eyes closed, Chloe could hear people talking around her
.  Where was she now?
  She thought as the voices came more into focus.

“Are you sure she is alright now?”  someone asked in a husky male voice.

“Yes, she’s fine.  I gave her medicine so she would relax, but it knocked her completely out.  I’ll need to adjust any other medicines she may need as her body responds more easily than our females.”

Chloe felt someone take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.  She felt the gentle strokes on her forehead and took comfort in the touch.

“When can I take her home?” he asked.

, that sounded good.  She hadn’t had a home in a long time.  The bunker she lived in was a hideout, nothing more.  It was a way to survive.

“She should be waking up soon…I think.  You can take her anytime.  Oh, Commander.  One more thing, I ran an allergy test and the female is deathly allergic to mucchal.  Make sure she never eats any again.  Next time, she might not survive.”

“Thanks, Stavven.”  Chloe felt strong arms lift her off the bed and cradle her in his arms.  He smelled good, so good she wanted to bury her face between his neck and shoulder.  She found comfort in his arms, comfort she hadn’t had in a very long time.

She’d been alone for so long, Chloe had almost forgotten what it felt like to trust someone.  After the loss of her dad, Chloe had built a wall around her heart, but this kind and gentle Azziarin was tearing it down at a rapid rate.  She was tired of being alone.

“Here we are,” he whispered as he laid her on the soft bed.  She could feel the medicine wearing off, but still couldn’t open her eyes…not yet anyway.

She felt him crawl in behind her and wrap his body around hers.  He gently stroked her hair, and then moved down to her arm.  With each touch, Chloe felt the ember of fire roar to life.  The now-blazing inferno cleansed the remaining medicine from her system and her eyes popped open.

She rolled over, and as they faced each other, she grinned at the déjà vu.  She had lain in this same position once today already, or was that yesterday?  She had no way of telling time here.

“Welcome back,” he smiled.

“I can understand you, now!”  A huge grin spread across her happy face.

“And I can understand you,” he grinned.  “I guess this mean you’re from the Dreama Sector.”

“I’ve never heard of the Dreama Sector, but I’m from Earth.”

“Earth, is that what you call your planet?”

“Yes, and I’m human,” she sighed, “but it isn’t the same anymore.”

“Do you want to go back?”

Did she?  She hadn’t had a real life for a while now.  The gym where she’d worked as a fitness trainer had long since been destroyed, along with almost every major infrastructure in Texas.  “I don’t know,” she finally answered.  “The gray aliens destroyed everything.  Even my family is gone.”

“They are called Tureis.  They attacked our home world not too long ago and killed my mother.”

She hadn’t let herself think about her family for a long time. She’d had her dad, and one set of grandparents, but that was all the family she had alive before they came.  “Someone on Earth said they were called Tureis, and your kind were called Azziarin.”  He nodded conformation before she continued, “I’m sorry you lost your mother.”

“I’m sorry you lost your family.  I would kill every one of the Tureis if I could.  Destruction is all they know.”  He hesitated before asking, “There is something I’ve been wondering about.  Why did they break your bones and cover you in bruises?  That’s unlike them.  They normally sell the females for profit.”

Chloe grimaced as she thought of the beating she’d endured at their hands.  “When they captured me, I escaped and took out of few of them.  I guess they were tired of it and decided to teach me a lesson.  I don’t know.  Maybe I was just too much trouble.”  Anger crossed his face and then disappeared.  Strange.

“I noticed you have great fighting skills.”

“My dad was in the military.  He taught me some basic moves so I could always defend myself.  Most of the time, it worked.”

They laid in bed, face to face, her gazing into his beautiful eyes.  Lost in the feelings swirling around inside her, she didn’t realize she’d closed the gap between them until her lips pressed against his, tentatively seeking, tasting him as her tongue traced the seam of his lips. 

Dazz didn’t hesitate to deepen the kiss as he rolled on top of her, supporting his weight with his forearms.  Her legs spread to allow room to cradle his body.

When he broke the kiss, she looked into his eyes and saw the lust-filled look on his face.  His fangs were protruding further, passing his lower lip. His eyes looked darker and he had an almost feral look about him.  It should have scared Chloe; instead, it made her want him even more.

Not saying anything, she raised slightly off the bed and took his lips in a savage kiss.  When she started pulling at the black jumpsuit, he took the hint, grabbed the seam around his neck, and ripped it open.  He did the same to hers, exposing her large, high breasts.

He broke the kiss and drank in her beauty as he stared at her breasts.  Chloe lay naked from the waist up, letting him look his fill.  She took that time to drink in his large muscled chest which led down to his equally muscled eight-pack abs.  Nothing about him was soft, except his touch.

He gave her another passionate kiss, before raining kisses down her neck until he reached her right nipple.  Chloe gasped as he took it into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the end before giving it a gentle nip, making her need skyrocket.

With a pop, he moved to the other side and continued his administrations.  “So soft,” he mumbled as he continued sucking and tenderly biting the end.

When his mouth left her nipple, he abruptly stood and shucked off the rest of his torn jumpsuit.  Chloe followed suit and did the same, drinking him in as she took hers off at a slower pace.

She stared at his shaft, which stood at attention.  Just like him, it was massive.  The ridges lining the base drew her attention and she wondered what they were for---how they would feel inside of her.  He stood there, unmoving while she stared.  “I’m not sure that will fit inside me,” she said, swallowing hard and still staring.

Dazz grinned, “We’ll see.”

“Cocky much?” she asked, her eyes still trained on his massive shaft.

He laughed before closing the distance between them.  When he wrapped his arms around her, he said, “No, just determined,” and then crashed his lips down on to hers, giving her a passionate kiss that promised things to come.

Dazz picked her up and carried her back to the bed.  When she spread her legs, he crawled up from the bottom, stopping at the juncture between her thighs.  She gasped as his tongue swiped her core, making her arch off the bed.  He moved to her sensitive nub where he teased her until she thought she’d lose her mind.  When he moved down and speared her with his strong tongue, she screamed out his name as her orgasm hit hard, making her hips buck.  He drank in her sweet nectar before climbing up her body.

With one slow, gentle thrust, he inched forward, entering her soft channel.  “Ohhh…” Chloe moaned, trying to adjust to his size.  When he completely filled her, it made her feel as if they were one person joined together.

“Just relax,” he whispered, and she tried to do as he asked.  “That’s it,” he said as his hips started to move, slow at first, then building to an almost frantic pace.  She could feel the ridges that intensified her pleasure---as if she needed that!  His shaft stroked her in all the right places, making her reach climax at a roaring pace, and she let it roll through her in waves.  With one hard thrust, he grunted one last time and then released inside of her. 

Breathing heavily, Chloe said only one word, “Wow!”





As she stood there naked in front of him, Dazz couldn’t take his eyes off her.  She was stunning, and he had to have her, taste her, he wanted to devour her.  He’d fought the mating fever as long as he could stand it, and wanted to roar in triumph when she leaned in and kissed his lips.  Now…he could take what he wanted…what he needed.

When he crawled up her body and tasted the sweet nectar that flowed from her womanhood, he barely kept a hold on his thin control.  Instead of savagely taking her, he needed to be gentle, let her adjust to his size.

After he felt her relax, he pounded into her at a fringed pace, all of his control lost.  The mating fever now had free reign.  When he emptied his seed inside of her, he flipped her over, and raised her hips.  At just the right height, he surged forward.  One hand went to the back of her neck, holding her in place, while the other held the side of her hip.  He watched his shaft as it disappeared inside her tight channel over and over again.

When he felt the familiar tingle at the base of his spine, he leaned over and sank his fangs deep into the soft tissue between her neck and shoulder, tasting her sweet blood on his lips.  He growled as he emptied his seed again.  The orgasm that consumed his body was the most intense he’d felt in his entire life.

Chloe’s legs gave out;   they both collapsed on the bed and he rolled them onto their side, spooning her with his body.

He heard her heavy breathing, felt her chest heaving.  “That was great!” he said.

“It was,” she said, still breathing heavily.  “Did you bite me?” she asked in between breaths.

“Yeah, sorry,” he kissed the back of her head.

“Do you do that often?”

“No, first time.”  He should probably tell her what it meant, but he didn’t think that this was the right time.

“Then why bite me?”  Okay, maybe it was the perfect time.  Dazz didn’t believe in lying, he was more of a ‘tell it like it is’ kind of male.

“We mate for life.  When I bit you, my fangs released a chemical into your blood stream, making your body more compatible with mine.  It also changes your scent and lets every male know that we are mated.”

“For life, huh?”

“Yes,” he replied.

“Don’t you think you should have asked me first?”

“Probably, but I was afraid you’d say no.  Are you upset?”

As he laid there spooning her and waiting for an answer, he worried about what she’d say.

“I don’t know.  I should be,” she said.  “But there is nothing for me back home, and I can’t deny the pull I feel toward you.”  She turned over so she could face him.  “I’ve felt it since the first time I heard you talking.”

“And when was that?” he grinned.

“While I was in the vent.  You were sitting at a desk talking to someone else,” she blushed.  “I watched you for a while and then moved on.”

“You were in the vent watching me?” he asked, amusement clear on his face.

“Yep, and then I…”

“You what?” he asked.

“It’s nothing, so never mind.” 

“Tell me.”  He wanted to know what she was hiding from him.  “I’m not giving up until you tell me.  I will find out!” he said playfully while smiling.

“It’s nothing, really.  Just let it go.”

“Not going to happen.  I didn’t get to be Commander of this ship by letting things go.”

“You’re the Commander?”

“Yes.  Now tell me!”  Curiosity was getting the better of him.

“It’s nothing, really.  I just borrowed someone’s shower, and their jumpsuit.”

How had he missed the fact that she was clean and wearing an Azziarin jumpsuit?  As the amusement drained out of him, Dazz’s face took on a stern look as he asked in a quiet voice, “And how did you figure out how to use the shower?”  When she didn’t say anything, he said, “Tell me, Soo-ee.”

“My name is Chloe.  Ch...Ch...with a C.”

“You’re still not answering the question, Chloe.”

After a little more hesitation, she finally said, “I watched someone shower, okay?  Happy now?”

“You watched a male undress and shower?”  She missed his deadly tone.

“Yes.  I had to if I wanted to know how to turn the darn thing on!”

“Who. Was. He?”  Dazz ground out through gritted teeth.

Chloe heard it in his voice this time.  She sat up in bed and said, “You wait just a minute, buster!  I didn’t know you at the time and you have no right to be mad over that!  For all I knew, you all were as bad as the Tureis and I wanted a damn shower!  So get over it!”

Dazz saw the fire in her eyes, heard the heat in her voice, and some of his jealous rage drained out.  Some…but not all.  “Now that you’re my mate, you will not look at another male!”

“Fine!  And since we’re now
, you will not look at another female!”

This time, all of the rage drained away and confusion took its place.  “Wait, what?”

“Don’t give me that.  You know that’s how it works.  Don’t think you can ever again look at a naked woman…female…whatever.”

He let out a sigh.  They had both jumped to their feet during the heated discussion.  Now he motioned for her to have a seat on the side of the bed.  When she did, he quietly said, “Tell me about matings on Earth.”

“What’s to tell?  When a man…male and female fall in love, he will ask her to marry him.  If she agrees, they exchange vows to stay together and be faithful to one another ‘til death do them part.”

“And if he’s not faithful?” he asked, looking at the floor.

“Then she will leave his sorry ass and find someone who
be faithful.  We don’t share…ever.”  Chloe knew some people did not think this way, but she did, and what was good for the goose was good for the gander!

“I see,” Dazz said as he took her hand.  She smiled sweetly at him, and with a heavy heart, he returned it with one of his own.

“You still didn’t explain the mating fever to me.”  She looked at him with big green eyes and his heart softened a little more.

“It’s my body’s way of deciding that you’re perfect for me.  Your body must have thought so, too.”

“And you?” she tilted her head while studying him.

“I did, too.”  She grinned, happiness shinning on her face.

“It’s late.  Let’s get some rest,” he said, and they climbed back in bed.  She lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her.  It would be a restless night.


BOOK: Dazz
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