Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord (23 page)

BOOK: Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord
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To Bed or to Wed

(Darrington family novel
book two)

Coming March 2014


When an impromptu kiss captures the imagination, either a spark will ignite or family interference will snuff the match.


Charlotte Darrington adores being adored by the men in her circle. She’s in London at the request of her mother, and though her parent wants her to find an eligible gentleman and start a family, Charlotte delays. In her heart of hearts, she wants a man who can hold his own and won’t be cowed.


Nathan Brigham, Marquess of Ravenhurst, is annoyed with the interfering redhead leading his nephew into the evergreen maze. When he would have delivered a dressing down, she stops his words with a kiss. No matter that he finds her attractive and a welcome distraction from his darkly brooding life, he refuses to succumb to her charms. Above everything, he won’t become the savage man his father was.


Once they return to London from a house party at his country estate, the two can’t avoid each other. Stolen kisses and heated glances in shadowy halls as well as a questionable visit to White’s draw them closer. He can’t forget the demons from his past while her persistence to hear a declaration begs the question: to bed or to wed?

Scandalously Independent

(a collection of the first two Scandal in Surrey books)



Who said well-bred ladies had to behave properly?


There’s nothing better than reading about strong-willed, determined women… unless those women are fighting against society’s dim viewpoints for their happy endings during the Regency era. This
Scandalously Independent
collection contains the first two
Scandal in Surrey


Lady Parker’s Grand Affair
, Maggie, Lady Parker, is happy with her quiet life in Surrey, except she’d really like to flirt with scandal one last time and hope that it will tame the longing inside her. When Stephen Tarkington accompanies her niece to England with marriage on his mind, all of Maggie’s best laid plans go awry. Romance is in the air, but a fit of teenage angst might nip a happy ending in the bud.


The Bride’s Gambit
, Vanessa Underhill has run away from her fifth trip to the marriage altar. She refuses to take vows with a man she doesn’t know, but when her carriage to London is stopped by a masked highwayman—namely Viscount Blackpool, Collin Northington—she changes her mind. Kidnapped and well into scandal, Vanessa takes control of her fate and asks the highwayman to ruin her. In a heated moment, he reveals not only his intentions but his scarred face. Everything crumbles into chaos and she runs again.


Available everywhere digital books are sold. Also available in paperback format.

To Love a Sea Rogue

(a collection of Regency pirate tales)



They’re rogues of the sea, ruthless and without morals, men whose very word is the only law around, but in the right circumstances and to the right woman, they’re heroes worthy of love.


In this collection you’ll find the tales of two Regency-era pirates.


Act of Pardon
features the harsh, unyielding Captain Adrian Westerbrooke and his quest to rise above his circumstances while making a life for himself and his crew. Miss Sarah Covington’s life collides with his at the hangman’s gallows as she attempts to put a knife into his chest. A fine line separates hatred from desire, and both Adrian and Sarah fight for balance between them. The two will need to find common ground in order to gain understanding—and love.


Angel’s Master
brings you the story of Ethan Williams, a pirate with a conscience. Though he knows the era of piracy is nearly done, he can’t help but enjoy his time to the last. Jacqueline Massey is more than she seems—and she bears a remarkable resemblance to the masthead on the
Angel’s Fury
. But that can’t be right. After all, no one’s ever seen an angel. Once he takes her hostage on his ship, Ethan struggles to show her the human side to him. It’ll take a miracle to permanently give him the angel in his arms as well as evade the American Navy.


Available everywhere digital books are sold. Also available in paperback format.


Miss Bennett’s Naughty Secret

(Scandal in Surrey book four)

Coming in December 2013


She wants security…
Miss Elinor Bennett—an American transplant to England—is at her wit’s end. Alone and abandoned following the deaths of her parents and brother in unrelated accidents, her only means of escape from sadness is spying on the new neighbor—and allowing her fingers to wander.


He wants respect…
Lord Geoffrey Ansley, bastard son of an earl, has just inherited real estate in Surrey. A solicitor by trade and half-American by birth, he wishes for peace and hopes his past won’t follow him. Discovering that the pretty redhead next door shares his adopted country is a happy accident. And though he wishes to be left alone, he can’t banish his neighbor from his mind—especially after he catches her in a secret passage just outside his bedroom one night.


Sometimes fate is a fickle mistress…
When a Guy Fawkes prank threatens to expose Elinor’s penchant for scandalous exploits and puts Lord Ansley’s much valued reputation into jeopardy, they will need to decide what’s more important—staying one step ahead of the rumor mongers or falling in love no matter the cost.

Suddenly Tamed

Exotic Locales series book one)

October 10, 2013


Only when the heart finds its true match can the soul truly fly.


Because of her…
he believes in romance again. Captain Alan Tame is wrapping up the tail end of his commission in India. Just as he’s convinced himself to return home to England and resume his life in Brighton, his gaze falls on an enchanting woman. He’s captivated by one glance and the pursuit begins no matter that it’s a crazy idea.


Because of him…
her hope for the future is restored. Devi Derbyshire is the daughter of an English military man and his Indian housekeeper. She knows exactly what she wants from life—a home, a family and the love of a good man. But her mixed heritage has clouded her options. One accidental glance across a ballroom gives her heart wings and her belly flutters.


Because of the magic of love…
Alan cajoles Devi into a dance, and that one twirl about the floor leads to so much more. On a perfumed balcony, plans are made for an assignation in the courtyard, but before Devi can meet him, she’s waylaid and locked in a tiny room, leading Alan to assume the worst. Only the belief in true love will see them through.

About the Author


Sandra is a writer of romantic fiction. In the past couple of years she’s concentrated on funny contemporary romance as well as Regency-era romance, but she will, on occasion, write paranormal or sci-fi. Whether you like sweet or erotic heat levels, there’s something for everyone to fall in love with.


When not immersed in creating new worlds and engaging characters, Sandra likes to read, bake, taste new teas, watch
The Big Bang Theory
as well as
Finding Bigfoot,
and travel. Her favorite place to spend vacation hours is Walt Disney World: it’s where dreams come true and the soul can play. When she’s not writing or inventing new recipes, she spends time with her husband—goofing off and making moments count.


Sandra loves to hear from her readers. You can write to her at
[email protected]
, visit her website at
, or look her up on Facebook and Twitter.


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