Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild) (32 page)

BOOK: Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild)
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He paused outside the room Lily and Sebastian had taken this morning. They’d not come out once during the day, though Keisha had delivered a couple of meals that hadn’t been turned down.
He remembered days like that, staying in bed with his beloved mate for hours on end. Making love, talking, learning one another.
He opened his senses and chuckled softly. Lily’s sleeping mind was strongest, but it appeared Alex and Annie had joined them, just as Stefan and Xandi had so often spent the night with Keisha and him. As they still did.
Then he realized one mind was missing. He didn’t sense Sebastian’s thoughts, at least not here. Following a hunch, Anton walked back to the den and slipped through the door to the deck.
Sebastian was out there, wearing a pair of sweats that looked suspiciously like an old pair of Stefan’s. He was leaning against the deck railing, staring out across the meadow.
Anton walked up beside Sebastian and rested his elbows on the railing. It was a full minute before Sebastian spoke.
“Remember that story in the news a couple years ago, the one where some doctor was cloning babies to harvest body parts?”
Anton nodded. “I do. It was terrible, but at least they were able to save the children, find them good homes.”
“I remember being really disgusted by the whole thing, the ethics of it, the inhumanity, but I never really thought of the children’s point of view. What it would feel like for them, when they got old enough to understand that their very existence was due to the fact that rich old men were willing to pay to grow them like a crop to harvest their parts. I wonder how that’s going to affect them once they’re old enough to understand what that means?”
“That’s what Aldo did to you, isn’t it?”
Sebastian nodded. “He knew my mother was a shapeshifter, knew she had the genetics to be nearly immortal, but he didn’t understand enough about Chanku physiology to know how he could get that for himself, other than to get her with child, raise that child until he was sure he had a real Chanku shapeshifter, and then kill the child and take his life force.”
“But your mother took you and ran.”
Sebastian turned and looked at him. “Yep. She didn’t know what he planned, but knew it couldn’t be good. That’s why she warned me against finding him. I should have listened to her.”
Anton studied him a moment—the strong profile, the intelligence in those fascinating eyes—and then shook his head. “No. You did the right thing. If you hadn’t found him, you wouldn’t have stopped him. You stopped him tonight, son. You ended a reign of terror that law enforcement now believes has gone on for decades. They’ll be following up on missing person reports for a long time, trying to figure out which ones might be linked to Aldo Xenakis. He’s used death magic for years. That’s what allowed him to become so powerful. Death magic gave him almost unlimited power. It didn’t run out because he never stopped killing.”
“How did he control the Berserkers? They followed him with such devotion. It makes no sense.”
“I imagine it was a combination of magic, what he could offer them, and his natural charisma. He must have known about the military tests, the fact there were shapeshifters who were different from the rest of us, and when he discovered the strength of their bloodlust, their need to kill, he provided the victims and made sure they weren’t discovered. Your father was a brilliant, charismatic man, I’ll give him that, but he let his need for power corrupt him.”
Sebastian turned away and stared toward the dark forest. “I saw things in his mind as he died. What he did to those young women. He used fear to increase the power of the magic. He’d rape them with the wolves all around, snarling and snapping at them until they were incoherent with terror. He fed off that. It made the magic stronger. Then, when he was done, he let the wolves tear them to pieces. They died so horribly, Anton. He stood there gloating, stealing their life force, watching them die in agony.”
Sebastian shuddered, almost as if he tried to shake off his connection to the man who had fathered him. His struggle to maintain his composure was painful to watch, and when he finally turned and looked at Anton, he was hollow-eyed with the horror of what his father had done. “I’m afraid I’ll live with those images forever.”
Anton put his hands on the young man’s shoulders and looked into eyes unlike any wolf he’d ever seen. Teal blue eyes, so troubled now, shadowed by terrible acts that would never be forgotten. Sometimes a man had to learn to live with evil deeds—horrible things that could not be altered—but that’s where the strength of the pack came into play.
“What happened is over. You ended it, Sebastian. Without you, he would still be killing innocent young women. Think of the good you’ve done, the fact that your bravery and your magic have ended a nightmare. It’s ended, now. It’s part of the past.”
Sebastian stared at the mountains bathed in moonlight. Just last night, he’d faced his own father on that mountain and had discovered strengths he’d never known he had. Anton wondered how that affected him, that experience with such power. Did he have his father’s need for more?
“No,” he said, smiling at Anton. “I seem to have come through last night’s experience with more power than I ever imagined. Your thoughts are clear to me. I couldn’t read you before unless you projected.”
“The lightning that killed him. I drew it down and it struck Aldo, but I felt the blast ground through me before it hit the Berserkers. My father had worked a spell that would take my life force and add it to his. Somehow it appears to have reversed when he died. I’ve got my father’s magic, but not his darkness.”
“Amazing. Does Lily know?”
“Not yet. I’ve only just figured it out myself. I can feel the power. It’s not an easy melding, but I think it will settle down eventually.” He turned to Anton then and smiled. “I’m going to need some training. Are you up to the job?”
“I think so.” He felt the excitement growing. There hadn’t been such a fascinating challenge in his life for much too long, and he loved the idea of the chance to get to know Sebastian better. The boy had spirit. He was smart and he obviously loved Lily. It was hard to find any fault with that.
“Lily’s talking about taking a leave of absence, staying here until I learn more about being Chanku, about handling my magic. She wants me to get to know the pack, and for them to know me. Alex and Annie said they’d move into the Marina house for a while, take care of things for Lily at Cheval International.” He chuckled, sounding more relaxed by the minute. “Personally, I think Alex wants time with Annie far from her father. I don’t blame him. Tinker’s got a scary side.”
“Tinker works very hard to project that image, but Annie’s right. He’s a softie.” Anton sensed Keisha awake and waiting for his return. He pushed himself away from the railing and clapped a hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. “You are a son any man could be proud of. Welcome to the family, Sebastian.”
“Thank you. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.”
“Just don’t ever disappoint Lily. She’s the one who matters.”
“Yes, sir.”
He headed back to Keisha, feeling terribly pleased with the way things had worked out. He’d often wondered if Lily would find a man who could challenge her. It appeared she’d found exactly what she needed.
Sebastian wasn’t certain how long he stood out there on the deck, leaning on the railing and watching the moon slide across the heavens, but he took the time to thank Eve, to honor the Mother with a prayer of thanks, and to think of all the changes in his life that had occurred over the past few days.
The biggest change wasn’t the fact he was Chanku and could shift with merely a thought. It wasn’t that his father was dead, by his hand, or that his magic was exponentially stronger than it had ever been before.
No, it was Lily. The woman waiting in the big bed with two others he was already growing to love. If there was any magic in this world, he was convinced it began and ended with Lily Cheval.
Smiling, he turned his back on the moonlight and the dark mountains and headed inside the house. Lily, Alex, and Annie were in there together. He’d left them sleeping, all curled together like a litter of pups, though Alex was the only one who’d been in his wolf form. He wondered what that felt like, spending an entire night as a wolf.
There was such a simple way to find out. He slipped out of his sweatpants, dropped them on an empty table, and shifted. Then, padding softly on his big paws, Sebastian Xenakis nudged open the door to the bedroom with his nose and leapt up on the bed. Alex grunted and moved aside, but Lily opened her arms and reached for him.
He lay down beside her and rested his chin on her breast. Her arms tightened around his neck, and he settled against her long, slim form, truly relaxed for the first time since he’d discovered his father’s existence.
Lily’s soft loving thoughts filled his mind, shoving the memories aside. It was time for new memories. Memories with the woman who’d sworn to love him for all time.
Turn the page for a special preview
of the second book in
Kate Douglas’s brand-new series
An Aphrodisia trade paperback coming soon!
December 21, 2008, Kalispell, Montana
gmutaka, spirit guide, puma shapeshifter, and currently a very nervous man, stood at the foot of the birthing bed, hands raised in supplication to his gods and the woman’s goddess. Tala Temple-Fuentes squatted amid the tangled sheets with her mate, Miguel Fuentes, a man who had long been Igmutaka’s charge, supporting her gravid frame.
Her other mate clung to her hand, gazing at her with such love and so much intensity it was almost as if AJ Temple planned to push the babes out himself.
There were two. The male—the one created from the seed of the white man—would be a strong boy. AJ was a good man, and his son would grow to be a powerful warrior, an ideal sibling for the child Igmutaka waited to meet. The one who mattered to him most.
The girl child, the one born of Mik’s seed, was to be the first female ever in Igmutaka’s charge. Her father, like AJ, was a powerful Chanku shapeshifter, a good, strong man. Called Mik, he was the latest in the long line of Lakota Sioux warriors who had called on Igmutaka as their spirit guide.
Always Igmutaka had watched over the male progeny, but this child was different—not merely because of her gender.
He felt her strength, her power—the feminine power so different from that of the males he had guided. He’d been aware of this babe almost from the moment of conception. He’d known she was special, though he still didn’t understand how or why.
He glanced up, aware the bedroom was filling quickly. Other females—shapeshifters all—coming to share the pain and the joy of the one who labored, using their minds and bodies to ease Tala as she pushed the babies from her womb. Men arrived, ready to share in the celebration of new members joining their pack, but also generously taking on Tala’s pain.
It was all good. Igmutaka focused once again on the mother.
She grunted and strained. He had no time to think, no time to question why he should be the one who slipped his hands beneath her straining body and caught the babe amid a wash of fluids and blood, caught her in his big hands and stared into eyes that saw him in a way no one else had ever seen him before.
He held the squirming bundle of new life as his own impossibly long years flashed before him. Hers so new and fresh, his beginning so long ago that his childhood was lost to memory. He knew he must have started in a time long past, though not as a babe like this. No, he’d not been a helpless child, born of woman into an ancient world.
He’d been a puma cub. Born amid a litter of siblings, though he had no memory of that life.
He’d been spirit far too long.
He’d only taken on a physical body again in the past few years, running as a wild puma so that he could interact with the Chanku shapeshifters who had called him from the spirit world.
Then, mere weeks ago, he’d manifested as a human male for the first time, the same male who stood here now, holding Tala and Mik’s newborn daughter. A beautiful, dark-haired girl child who would one day grow to be a strong and beautiful woman.
Adam, one of their healers, cut the umbilical cord, separating the newborn from her mother. One of the women quickly wiped away the blood and afterbirth on the child he held as Tala delivered the second babe. Twins. A boy and a girl. Both strong, healthy babies.
Igmutaka bowed his head as he placed the newborn against her mother’s breast. Bowed to the babe and to fate, to the woman this child would grow to be.
A woman Igmutaka knew would change his life for all time.
New Haven, Connecticut, thirty years later
Star Fuentes heard the soft tone that signaled her mother’s call, checked the time, and realized she still had a few minutes before her date was due to arrive.
She took a sip of her wine, flipped on the cell, and smiled at her mom, a sixty-two-year-old woman who appeared to be in her late twenties. That was one of the wonderful things about being Chanku—aging slowed and practically stopped at the prime of life.
Tala’s mates looked just as young—early thirties at most—both of them so damned good-looking it was hard for Star to think of them as her two dads. In reality, Mik was sixty-eight and AJ already seventy-two. As with all Chanku, each faced an unlimited life span with those same youthful bodies and minds.
Star quit woolgathering as Tala’s broad grin and sparkling amber eyes chased away the discontent that had followed her like a cloud over the past weeks. “Hey, Mom. What’s up?”
“You mean other than your fathers?”
Star slapped her hand over her mouth to keep from spewing wine on the small screen. “Too much information, ya know?”
Tala’s laughter sent a shaft of homesickness through Star. She hadn’t been home to Montana for much too long. She missed Mik, her biological father, and AJ, her mom’s other mate. Hell, she even missed her damned spirit guide, but that was the last thing she’d ever admit.
“I just wondered when you were planning to come home.” Tala’s smile slipped. “I miss you, honey. You’ve been gone so long.”
“I visited last Christmas.” Short and not nearly enough time to reconnect with her mountain home. With her family. Her pack.
“You know that visit was much too brief, and you only let us talk you into it because it was your thirtieth birthday.” Her mom sighed. “Don’t you think it’s time to come back? You’re a pack animal at heart, Star.” She laughed, and Star felt the sting of tears in her eyes. “You can only stay away for just so long. Even Jack misses you.”
“Jack said that?” Star rolled her eyes. “Now that’s hard to believe.”
“You’re not kidding. For your twin to admit something like that, well, it’s downright scary.” Then the smile slipped from Tala’s lips, and she softly added, “It’s been almost fourteen years, sweetheart.”
Scrambling for yet another excuse, Star glanced at the stack of papers lying beside her computer. “I don’t know, Mom. I’m thinking of applying for another doctoral program. I’ll need to make the decision this week.”
“Star, don’t you think you have enough letters after your name? Don’t you miss the pack? Miss your family?”
So much it hurt to even think about it, but she wasn’t ready. Not yet. A brisk knock on the door caught her attention. “Gotta go, Mom. My date’s here, but I promise to think about it. I love you.”
“I love you, too. The dads send their love. Sunny said to tell you hi.”
“Thanks. Give her a big hug for me, and the dads, too. Bye, Mom.”
“Star? Before you go, one last thing.”
“What’s that?”
“You can’t hide from him forever, sweetheart. Some things are stronger than we are, and he’s one of them. I love you.”
A shiver raced along Star’s spine as the screen went dark. In all the years she’d been away, her mother had never asked her to come home to stay, had never mentioned the real reason she’d chosen to live so far from the pack. Why now?
Besides, she wasn’t hiding. Not really.
He knew where to find her.
Another knock brought Star to her feet and her womb clenched in what she knew was probably futile anticipation.
That was the problem with living among humans. Her Chanku libido ran circles around that of the average male. Fourteen years of less than satisfactory sex was probably reason enough to call it quits and head home, but damn it all, the risk was too great.
She’d gotten her spirit guide’s promise to let her live life on her own terms while she was away at school. Of course, he probably hadn’t figured she’d make a career out of getting an education, but she knew that once she returned, he’d be right back in her life.
Taking over her life.
She’d grown up with two fathers, a concerned mother, an overprotective twin brother, and a pack full of uncles and aunties watching out for her. None of them had threatened her independence the way Igmutaka managed with nothing more than a soft suggestion, a raised eyebrow, or the turn of a phrase.
Talk about frustrating. He protected her and guarded her against harm, which also meant protecting her from life in general. He’d also managed to keep all the eligible boys away at the same time, but that wasn’t the worst part.
No, it was the fact he was absolutely beautiful, and she’d loved him. Loved him as only a young girl could love. Deeply, with all of her heart and soul. Tall and lean with smooth, bronzed skin, gorgeous green eyes, and thick, dark hair, he had an androgynous beauty that would make him look as striking if he’d been a woman, yet there was no doubting the masculinity of the man. Nope. No doubt at all.
Star practically whimpered as she drew his image close. So beautiful as a cougar, with a sinewy grace that carried over to his human form. He rarely showed himself to her as a man, yet his was the face that filled her dreams, her fantasies, and her lonely nights.
Except, he didn’t feel the same way. Igmutaka was her spirit guide, fated to protect her, not to bed her. She’d loved him without reservation from the time she could remember—first as a father figure, and then when she’d realized he was still young and sexy and she was definitely growing older and interested—as a potential mate.
He’d treated her as something fragile. Untouchable, and while she knew he wasn’t celibate, he’d certainly kept his charge—the one he called Mikaela Star—that way. She’d not lost her virginity with a man until she finally left home for college, though she still couldn’t figure out what the big deal was.
She knew other Chanku women managed to have wonderful sex with humans, though they all eventually mated with Chanku, but she’d never once found satisfaction with a human male.
Not that she didn’t keep trying, but since she’d rarely had the chance to have sex with another Chanku, and only on the rare occasions when one of the guys visited her in New Haven, she really had very little for comparison, goddess be damned.
She pushed Igmutaka and a lifetime of sexual frustration out of her mind and opened the door. Her date stood there, poised to knock a third time. He was tall and handsome, his smile as perfect as modern technology could make it.
And for the life of her, she couldn’t remember his name.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” She flashed him a bright smile as she grabbed her bag and a soft wrap. At least as ready as she’d be with a man she hardly knew, but who, at least, wasn’t her insufferable, sensual, pain-in-the-ass spirit guide.
Sunny Daye sprawled bonelessly over the long, lean body of her lover. He was gorgeous, absolutely spectacular in bed, and it just about broke her heart knowing he’d never satisfy that empty spot in her soul, the part of her crying out for a mate.
His long fingers stroked her left breast and then he playfully tapped her nipple. It tightened immediately, and she felt the touch between her legs as her womb rippled in response.
Supporting her upper body on her elbows, she raised her head and glared at him. Why in the hell couldn’t he be the one? She’d known, though. Since the very first time he’d made love to her—the night he gently took her virginity so many years ago—that as much as she loved him, she couldn’t love him
that way.
Still, the man could make magic when they came together. She sighed, flopped back on the mattress, and arched into his touch. “I hope you’re planning to follow through with that.”
Igmutaka gave her a long, lazy smile, reached down, and stroked his sizeable erection with one hand. “Have you ever known me not to follow through?”
She felt her anger sliding away. It wasn’t his fault he was absolutely perfect, and at the same time, perfectly wrong. For her, at least. She knew the one he loved. Knew that, so far anyway, that love wasn’t being returned. “Star’s an idiot.”
He grinned as he stroked a line from her throat to her pubes. “Mikaela Star is young. She has yet to discover her path. It will, of course, lead directly to me.”
“You sound so sure.” She laughed softly as his hands slid up her body and he stroked the sensitive skin beneath her breasts. “What if you’re wrong? What if she chooses another?”
Lying beside her, he teased the nipple he’d tapped earlier, working it gently with his teeth and tongue for a moment before lifting his head. His lips were shiny—as slick and shiny as her nipple—and they parted on a soft smile. “Then I will kill the bastard.”
Sunny laughed. Ig was not really a killer . . . was he?
He grinned at her. “I’ve not told many of this, but it was foretold when she was still in Tala’s womb. I knew Mikaela Star was special when Tala carried her and we actually communicated before her birth. When Tala pushed her forth and she fell into my hands, I knew she was mine.” He gazed at Sunny over the dark red nipple he’d so skillfully aroused. “One does not question a gift from the gods.”
“I see.” She moaned as he lowered his head and began working on the other breast. After only a moment of pure bliss, Ig raised his head again.
“You are a gift as well, Sunny. Not for me, though. Your man is out there. I sense him drawing close. You will know him soon.” He tilted his head and frowned. “Very soon.”
My man? Soon?
Sunny shoved herself up on her elbows so quickly she knocked Igmutaka aside. “Where is he? Who is he? How do you know?”
Laughing, Ig rolled to his back. “I don’t know the details. I just know he’s coming.” He sat up, and his look grew pensive as he shrugged those wide shoulders. “Just as I know that tonight Mikaela Star is with yet another young man, another lover who will disappoint her. Before long, she will accept that I am the one who loves her, that I am the only one who can make her happy.”
The yearning in his voice was almost her undoing. Sunny ran her fingers through the thick hair tumbled across his forehead. “I know you’re not my mate, Ig, but you’ve never disappointed me, and you always make me smile.”
He leaned close and kissed her. Covered her small body once again with his much larger one. She arched beneath him, finding the broad head of his penis already pressing against her labia. With a slight tilt to her hips, she opened to him, felt the slick burn as he filled her, sliding that thick length all the way to the end of her vaginal sheath.
He was big and hard and fit her perfectly. He was funny and sweet, brave and powerful, and so beautiful he made her ache.
A perfect man.
Just not a perfect mate.
At least not for Sunny Daye.
After a really nice dinner, they’d ended up back at his apartment, which was a good thing, especially since Star still hadn’t recalled his name. She finally spotted it on a framed diploma on the wall. Haydon. His name was Haydon Smith, and she remembered that she’d met him in one of the libraries on campus.
Another good thing about ending up at Haydon’s apartment was that it was his place, not hers. She hated having to ask a man to leave after sex, but she had sex with a lot of guys, and she didn’t want them hanging around afterward, especially when they never managed to leave her satisfied.
This guy hadn’t even tried very hard, but he’d certainly managed to find his own satisfaction. More than once. Now he slept soundly, so she carefully lifted his arm off her breasts and slid out from beneath him. As she turned away to get out of the bed, that same arm snaked around her waist.
“Leaving, Star?”
Well, crap.
“Uh, yeah. I need to get home.” She glanced over her shoulder and realized he was wide awake, glaring at her for whatever reason.
“What if I don’t want you to go yet?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “It’s late. I had a good time, but I really have to leave.”
His grasp around her waist tightened. He was a lot bigger than her, and he pulled her back across the bed and roughly nuzzled her neck. “Mmmmm. You smell good.” He bit her earlobe hard enough for it to hurt, but she refused to react. He was really starting to piss her off.
“You know what the guys call you?” He tightened his hold around her waist. “The Ballbuster. Word is you can go all night and then walk away like it was nothing.” His voice dropped to a low, threatening growl. “I haven’t had all night yet, Star. You can walk away when I say you can walk. Not before.”
Now this was a first. She tried to break free of his grasp, but he merely held on tighter. His breath was hot as he spoke directly into her ear. “I think you owe me the rest of the night, don’t you, Star? That was a really expensive dinner.”
She’d managed almost fourteen years of world travel, college, and grad school without guys acting anything but grateful after a night of sex. Plus, not a single man had ever guessed she wasn’t human. Though the world knew shapeshifters existed among them, she’d chosen to guard her Chanku origins and keep her abilities secret from all but a select few on campus.
Maybe this jerk was a sign. Maybe Mom was right—it was time to go home. And she wasn’t thinking of merely going back to her apartment.
She shifted. Even though the wolf came most naturally, she chose her cougar form, twisting her strong, sinuous body out of his grasp as her date suddenly screamed like a little girl and scrambled across the bed so fast he fell off the other side.
Star merely stretched out over the bed, hooked her claws deep into the mattress until the fabric ripped, hung her head over the edge, and stared at him. Eyes wide, he stared back at her. She stretched one broad paw toward him and further unsheathed her long, curved nails.
Babbling, he scrambled backward on all fours until he hit the wall, so she crouched on the edge of the mattress and raised her hindquarters as if to leap. Snarling, she let a bit of saliva drip from her open jaws and flexed her muscles.
BOOK: Dark Wolf: 1 (Spirit Wild)
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