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Authors: Regina Jeffers

Darcy's Passions (7 page)

BOOK: Darcy's Passions
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“Of course, Lizzie,” Mrs. Bennet continued, wrapped in her own self-importance,“but we live in a large country neighborhood here in Hertfordshire; I know we dine regularly with four-and-twenty families.”
Bingley wanted to respond to Mrs. Bennet's insipidity, but Elizabeth's obvious embarrassment concerned him; therefore, he kept his countenance. Caroline Bingley could not channel her disdain elsewhere; a roll of her eyes and a shift of her seat away from the offending woman became obvious. She caught Darcy's eye and offered him an expressive smile, which said,
“See what your appreciation of very fine eyes will earn you. Mrs. Bennet will be a regular guest at Pemberley if you pursue your interest in Elizabeth Bennet.”
The party found Mrs. Bennet impossible! Yet again, Darcy felt
his back stiffen; she displayed such deplorable manners. Miss Bingley's distasteful taunt held little consequence; how Elizabeth felt mattered most at this time. No one seemed willing to breach the silence until Elizabeth herself plunged forward in hopes of changing her mother's conversational intent. “Mama, have you spoken to Charlotte?”
“She was by to see you yesterday, dear. Oh, the poor girl! There is an old maid in the making, for sure. Not that I think Charlotte so very plain, but she is our particular friend. Of course, my Jane is considered to be the most handsome woman in the county. One does not often see anybody better looking.”
“Mama!” came Elizabeth's protest.The woman's audacity again amazed Darcy; he rarely experienced such boorishness. To think Elizabeth must live with this brought pity to his mind.
“When Jane was but fifteen, there was a gentleman at my brother Gardiner's in town so much in love with her that my sister-in-law was sure he would make her an offer before we came away. But, however, he did not. Perhaps he thought her too young. However, he wrote some verses on her, and very pretty they were,” Mrs. Bennet lamented.
Darcy suspected the man withdrew with the knowledge of having Mrs. Bennet as part of his family rather than thinking Miss Bennet as too young. He turned to observe Elizabeth growing impatient with her mother; she actually interrupted this denigration of her friend and the overt promotion of her beloved sister by saying, “And so ended his affection.There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!”
Darcy enjoyed how the quickness of her mind and how her wit allowed Elizabeth to take control of an embarrassing situation. He could not resist another response; he quipped,“I have been used to consider poetry as the
of love, Miss Elizabeth.”
“Of a fine, stout, healthy love it may. Everything nourishes what is strong already. But if it be only a slight, thin sort of inclination, I am convinced that one good sonnet will starve it entirely away.”
A broad smile of contentment spread over Darcy's face; he cared not that everyone's attention was now directed at him and Elizabeth. The connection between them resurfaced. After a few moments, he saw Elizabeth shudder as if she feared her mother would be exposing herself again. Instead, Mrs. Bennet took the more appropriate route of thanking Mr. Bingley for his diligence in caring for Jane and for his acceptance of Lizzy in the household as well. Bingley accepted her “thanks” with unaffected civility and even forced Caroline to respond in the same manner. Darcy stood to the side engrossed in the folly of the scene.The Bennet family circus seemed to be coming to a close; yet, before their departure, he witnessed another social faux pas, brought on this time by the youngest sister.
“Mr. Bingley, we do hope you will keep your promise of having a ball at Netherfield,” Lydia Bennet abruptly reminded him.
“A ball at Netherfield would be the most pleasant of evenings,” Kitty Bennet added to her sister's outrageous demand.
“And invite the militia,” Lydia said dreamily.“They make excellent company.”
“I am perfectly ready, I assure you, to keep my engagement; and when your sister is recovered, you shall, if you please, name the very day of the ball. But you would not wish to be dancing while she is ill,” Bingley offered a diplomatic answer.
When Mrs. Bennet and her daughters finally left, Elizabeth returned to Jane's care. Instantly, the Bingley sisters took up their usual censure of the Bennet family, often calling upon Darcy to join them in their mirthful display; he could not engage in their suit even with all of Miss Bingley's quips on
eyes. He was a man in turmoil, but Darcy would not befoul Elizabeth Bennet with disparaging remarks. Nothing, including his contempt for her relations, would allow him to do so.
“You take delight in vexing me.”
Leaving the others to their own entertainment, Darcy left the room, closing the door solidly behind him. He turned to ascend the stairs leading to his chambers; he found his ears still ringing with the witty remarks slung at Elizabeth Bennet. Standing perfectly still, closing his eyes, and breathing deeply, he hoped to rid himself of what he witnessed. Literally, sucking in air one last time, Darcy opened his eyes to find himself face-to-face with the image, which haunted his every private moment. Recovering quickly, he said, “Miss Elizabeth, I did not expect to see you here.” He made the appropriate bow as an acknowledgment of her presence.
Returning a small curtsy, she replied only with his name and moved to go past him. It dawned on him Elizabeth carried a tray with an ewer of water and a large bowl. A bit taken aback, he stammered, “Miss Elizabeth, should not one of the maids be doing that?”
“It is true, such should be, but my sister needed fresh water to drink, and I must also bathe her feverish brow. I wished not to bother Mr. Bingley's staff; they have so much to do already. I fear my family a terrible imposition on his household.”
“Nonsense,” he began, and then he realized it might seem like a reprimand, so Darcy softened both his tone and his words. “Mr. Bingley would expect nothing else from his staff. It is the neighborly thing to do.Allow me to call someone to help you.”
“No,” she pleaded. “I would not want to embarrass myself or my family further in Mr. Bingley's estimation. Please, Sir, allow me to do this without his knowledge.”
“Very well, then,” he relented.“Would you allow my help? The pitcher is heavy, and the stairs are both narrow and steep.”
He watched intently as Elizabeth dropped her eyes in assent. He stepped forward and took the water pitcher from the tray. Elizabeth paused briefly, not expecting such gallantry. They ascended the steps side by side. Darcy found he could not remove his eyes from her face encased in the auburn curls.At her sister's room, Elizabeth entered first to place the tray and bowl; Darcy waited at the door's threshold. Seconds later, she returned to retrieve the water pitcher from his hands.“Mr. Darcy, your kindness was most generous.”
Her eyes did not meet his as much as Darcy prayed they would. “It is my pleasure to be of service to you, Miss Elizabeth.” As she took the pitcher, her fingers touched his in the exchange; the sensation recoiled through his body, Darcy momentarily stumbling back from the shock. Automatically, he forced himself to bow while Elizabeth left him.
He hurried to his room—his mind racing—the brief warmth of her skin against his spreading throughout his body. He must find a way to clear his mind of thoughts of Elizabeth Bennet; he needed a distraction. He retrieved his sister's last letter from the desk in his bedchamber. Elizabeth's touch aroused him; he needed to read Georgiana's letter to refocus and calm his nerves. Of everyone, only Georgiana had that effect on him.
10 November
My dearest Fitzwilliam,
Your letters give me such great pleasure.The accounts of your activities in Hertfordshire are quite amusing. I do not mean to laugh at you my darling brother; I would never think of doing such an unattractive thing; yet, I do find it amusing how your affection for Mr. Bingley placed you in a position to be an observer of sundry activities; I delight at your retellings.
Sir William Lucas may be pompous, but I am sure he possesses a compassionate heart. His joy at giving pleasure to his neighbors showed through even your narration. Not all can be exposed to fine society; I admire Sir William for raising himself to the recognition he has been afforded at St. James. However, I was a bit surprised at your censure of Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hurst at the assembly. It must be poor behavior, indeed, for you to take such notice. I was happy you, at least, acted with decorum and gave credit to your dear friend. Bingley is much favored by having you as his commendable model.Your recollection of Miss Elizabeth Bennet's musical interlude at least brought you some pleasure that particular evening. From your description, Miss Bennet must possess true talent; I am sure such qualities make her all the more attractive to gentlemen. Being accomplished in music is a virtue to which many women strive.
Mrs.Annesley says my needlework needs a purpose. She has, of late, tried to convince me to help the poor in Derbyshire by creating pieces to be given to the children by the local vicar. He, when we attended church there last, preached about the need of the rich to help the poor.The lesson included the rewarding of such actions ten times over. I know my reward is having you as my brother; I am blessed those ten times. Last week in our lessons, I was introduced to the phrase “noblesse oblige,” which you understand to be translated into the “likewise obligation.” I took it to be as a mantra of what I should do. Although I am, admittedly, a bit shy about seeing my needlework given away to others, I hope I have your blessing in this endeavor. Dearest Brother, please give Mr. Bingley and his family my deepest regards and respect.
Your loving sister,
Darcy closed the letter and replaced it in the desk drawer; the missive brought him a sense of repose. He never felt as he did the past few weeks; he was a man of position—of control. It seemed of late he possessed no control; a pair of fine eyes and a wry smile sent
him into turmoil. He wished for someone in whom he could confide and from whom he could seek advice. For now, he resolved he would answer his sister this very evening. If she found his narrative of the assembly and the dinner at Sir William's amusing, the change in the dynamics at Netherfield should bring her “great joy” indeed. Darcy wished he could find the simple pleasure in life Georgiana did. Of course, she was but a child. Such antics would not seem so amusing if his sister knew the extent of his involvement into Hertfordshire society. She might even pity her brother's position at the hands of a saucy maiden. Darcy wished Georgiana was older and could be his confidant; his “troubles” with Miss Elizabeth Bennet, however, were exactly that—his troubles. No one could resolve them but him.
The Bingley household gathered in the drawing room. Mr. Hurst and Mr. Bingley were at piquet, and Mrs. Hurst observed their game. As was his earlier intention, seated at the desk in the room, Darcy wrote his sister. Miss Bingley, finding nothing of her own for amusement, scrutinized his progress. Eventually, Elizabeth joined the group, taking up her needlework.
14 November
My darling sister,
I am happy my letters are of such an entertaining nature.This was not my intent, but I feel no offense in your finding them to be so. Our party at Netherfield Park increased by two of late. Bingley and I returned to Netherfield on the tenth after spending an invigorating evening with Colonel Forster and some of his senior officers to find Miss Jane Bennet took ill during her dinner with Mr. Bingley's sisters. Rather than sending her back to her home at the Longbourn estate in a consistent downpour, the Bingleys provided Miss Bennet accommodations at Netherfield. Miss Bennet is a favorite with Charles.A pretty face, which Miss Bennet does possess, often smites him; reputably she is the prettiest girl in the area. Bingley was secretly
delighted at having Jane Bennet ill while at Netherfield, while also being extremely concerned about her health. He even considered sending to London for a physician.
Miss Bingley, my dear, wishes me to interrupt my letter at this point to tell how enraptured she is with your design for the table you decorated recently. Truthfully, not wishing to take away from Caroline's raptures, lately I find her placating compliments for everything relating to the Darcys and to Pemberley as being a reflection of her character. If not for Charles, I would disassociate myself from her.
The other member of our party is Miss Elizabeth Bennet, who has been asked to stay and attend her sister. Actually, I suggested this to Bingley. His having shown Miss Bennet to be his local “choice,” it would not be proper for her to stay at Netherfield without a “chaperone.” Propriety must be maintained.This is the same Miss Elizabeth of whom I spoke previously.
Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Bingley are both of a playful nature, and I, unfortunately, became the target of a recent rebuke. Bingley when speaking to Miss Elizabeth earlier in the day confided his tendency toward indecision.Then he insinuated his abstract handwriting to be a result of his thoughts coming too quickly for his hand to translate them properly. Miss Elizabeth found his humility endearing. I should have resisted the impulse to respond to Charles's rants and ravings, but I do so detest deceitful appearances. Of course, poor Bingley is too good of a friend; he often absorbs my criticisms and still considers me to be his partisan. Unfortunately, I listed in some detail a litany of Bingley's flaws, including his lack of attention to detail in his muddled script. I find Bingley's inconstancy to be troublesome where Miss Elizabeth believed in general and ordinary cases between friends, where one of them desired the other to change, the person would comply with the desire, without waiting to be argued into it. Her wit turned my argument in Bingley's favor.This is not the first time Miss Elizabeth and I verbally opposed each other.Although you probably think I find this to be offensive, I do not. It is such a contrast to Miss Bingley's fawning over my every move I admit I sometimes try to purposely engage Elizabeth Bennet's attention.The only thing I regret in the
exchange is an offhand remark by Bingley about my “dark” nature. He insinuated I could be an imposing figure, especially of a Sunday evening when I have nothing to do.The gravity of his statement was an indignity I did not expect from my friend.
As far as my objecting to your giving needlework or other such items to the poor in Derbyshire, you will hear no such complaint. Giving to the poor has always been something our family embraced. Our parents are warmly remembered for such generosity. How could I object to your following their example?You are your mother's daughter; she would be as proud of her daughter as I am of my sister.
Your loving brother,
Fitzwilliam Darcy
BOOK: Darcy's Passions
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