Read Dante's Blackmailed Bride Online

Authors: Day Leclaire,Day Leclaire

Dante's Blackmailed Bride (12 page)

BOOK: Dante's Blackmailed Bride
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He glanced in the direction she pointed and shrugged. “It’s Marco. So what?”

“Look what he’s doing with his hands.”

Sev stared, his eyes narrowing when he saw it. Marco was busy entertaining a guest with one of his stories, and as he talked he dug the fingers of his left hand into the palm of his right. It could only mean one thing. Sometime, someplace…

“My God,” he murmured. “Marco’s been struck by The Inferno.”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-1242-2


Copyright © 2008 by Day Totton Smith

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BOOK: Dante's Blackmailed Bride
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