Dante: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Sinsations Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Dante: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Sinsations Book 2)
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“Oh God,” she gasped, grinding her ass against me, making me wish like hell that I’d removed my clothes before climbing into bed with her. “I want you, Dante. I want to feel you inside me.”

I closed my eyes, heart racing, cock twitching. I wanted nothing more than to feel her wrapped around my shaft. No. That wasn’t quite right. I wanted much more than her body. I wanted all of her. Mind, body, and soul. I wanted her to be mine, and not just for one drunken night. I flicked my tongue across her earlobe, enjoying the way she shivered and moaned, the way she was grinding her hips against me. I had never come in my pants before but this hot little firecracker was getting dangerously close to changing that.

She wanted me inside her, and damn my soul to hell, that was the one thing I couldn’t give her right now. I refused to let our first time be lost in foggy memories blurred by alcohol. But she was horny as hell, desperate for release, and I could damn sure help with that.

I circled her hard clit with a finger, starting slow and slowly speeding up. She clamped her thighs tight against my wrist. “Dante,” she gasped, her body beginning to tremble.

“Let it happen,” I whispered in her ear. “Give yourself to me and let me feel you come.”

“Oh fuck,” she whispered breathlessly. “Dante…” her voice rose up as my finger moved faster. She grabbed my forearm, sinking her nails into my skin. “Oh Dios mío!” she cried, pressing against my hand. I took her clit between my finger and thumb, giving it a quick squeeze, sending her plummeting over the edge. “Yes,” she screamed over and over as she came, her hot juices bathing my hand. Her nails dug deeper, drawing blood. I kissed her neck softly as she trembled against me, her body slowly relaxing.

She turned to face me, looking into my eyes. “You’re incredible,” she said softly.

I shook my head. “No, my sexy little firecracker. You’re the incredible one.”

She smiled, and then gasped, her eyes opening wide. “Oh my god.”

“What?” I asked, starting to get up, wondering what was wrong.

She put her hand on my chest as she sat up, applying pressure. It was cute that she thought she could push me back down… but if she wanted me on my back then on my back I would be. I laid back down.

“Olivia? I asked, puzzled.

Her lips met mine, her hand sliding down and tugging at my belt. She broke the kiss, looking into my eyes. “You didn’t get yours.”

I reached down and covered her hand with mine. “You don’t have to.”

She smiled and gave me another quick kiss. “I know… but I want to.” Another touch of her lips against mine and then she lowered her attention to my waist, making quick work of unfastening my belt and pants. She tugged my shirt up to the middle of my chest. “Fuck me,” she groaned, before running her tongue from the middle of my chest down to my waist.

“Fuck,” I gasped.

Another moan as Olivia pushed my pants and boxers towards my knees. I lifted my hips up to help her. “You have no idea how many times I’ve dreamed of this,” she said breathlessly, wrapping her fingers around my hard shaft and stroking me. “It’s so much more than I imagined.”

I sucked in a sharp breath as her tongue flicked out across the sensitive head.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “I like that reaction.”

I was going to reply but then she took me in her mouth, moaning around my shaft as she bobbed her head up and down. “Fuck!” I groaned, unable to keep from hunching my hips. “Baby, if you don’t stop…”

She swirled her tongue around the head of my cock, glistening with pre-cum. “Give it to me,” she said before taking me back down her throat.

I fisted my hands in the sheets and closed my eyes, trying to think about any fucking thing except the beautiful woman sucking my cock. It was no good. I was too hot for her, too desperate to have her. There was no holding back. I growled deep in my throat, my balls tightening, every muscle in my body going taut as I came.

Olivia took everything I gave her, not stopping until she had milked me dry. Her hand slid up and down my cock, stroking it slowly. “You’re still hard.”

“Yes,” I said, my voice thick with lust. I had intended to be a gentleman, intended for our first time to be special, but I was a man dammit, and only one thing could satisfy the hunger that gnawed at me with needle-sharp teeth. I slid out from under her and stood up, kicking off my shoes and pants, my hard cock throbbing.

She looked up at me, her hunger mirroring my own. “Fuck me, Dante.” She spread her legs wide, running a finger up and down her slit. I was lost. There was no way to deny her. I was a fool to think I could. I reached for the table beside the bed, snatched open the drawer and grabbed a foil packet, tearing it open with my teeth and rolling the latex sheath over my shaft.

I crawled over Olivia, taking her hands and pinning them above her head. She gasped as she struggled and realized she couldn’t get free, the fire within her eyes building into a raging inferno. I rocked my hips against her, sliding my cock across her entrance. She hunched her hips up towards me, her body craving what I had. I pushed forward, sliding between her folds. She closed her eyes and moaned as I slid my entire length inside her with one stroke.

“Yes,” she gasped, her fingers clutching at empty air, my hand holding her firmly in place. I pulled back until just the head was barely in her and then slowly slid forward again.

“Oh god,” she moaned. “More. Please. More.”

My hips began moving a little faster, filling her a little harder. She matched her movements to mine, rising as I fell, falling as I rose. Her legs wrapped around me, her heels digging into my ass, her inner muscles squeezing my throbbing cock.

“Ay Papi,” she screamed, slamming up against me with wild abandon.

The tight channel surrounding my cock grew hotter, tighter, wetter. I roared like an animal in heat as I gave into the pleasure, throbbing inside her as I came.

“Yes,” Olivia moaned, another orgasm making her tremble as I held still, keeping myself buried deep inside her.

 “You are so yummy,” she said softly, a smile on her face.

I slowly withdrew, enjoying the way she trembled, the way she bit her bottom lip. I lay down next to her, pulling her close. She rested her hand on my stomach, nuzzling against me.

I shook my head, unable to keep the smile off my own face. “You are so incredible that no words suffice. Why didn’t we do this sooner?”

After a few seconds with no response, I glanced down and chuckled. The night had finally caught up with her and she had fallen asleep, still smiling. I kissed the top of her head, pulled her tight against me, and closed my eyes.

Chapter 9: Olivia

Slowly, the world came back to me. The world was a lot more painful than I remembered it to be. “Oh my God,” I moaned. “Someone kill me and put me out of my misery.” I slowly opened my eyes, thankful the lights weren’t on. My head wouldn’t be able to handle that. It was already pounding like someone was using it in a marching band. On the bright side, opening my eyes stopped the room from spinning. I started to sit up but the pounding in my head increased, telling me I wasn’t up for that kind of strenuous activity just yet. I laid back down.

While telling myself it was time to put my big girl panties on and get up because I had adult things like work to take care of, I tried to peer into the foggy recesses of my brain to see what had led to feeling like warmed-over death. I remembered getting the phone call from Linda – Ugh! Puta! – and having the bombshell about Pete dropped in my lap. I decided I needed a few drinks to settle my nerves so I went to Inferno, planning to abuse my employee discount until it cried for mercy.

I winced, reaching up and rubbing my temple. Things started to get blurry around that time. Some asshole had tried to pick me up but he had finally decided to leave. No, that wasn’t quite right. He left, but only because someone made him leave. Dante. He had shown up like a knight in shining armor and chased the horny dragon away. I couldn’t help but smile at the memory, as blurry as it was. Dante had saved me, and then he had a couple of drinks with me. And I thought the kiss for the coffee would be the highlight of my week.

Coffee. Now there was a good idea waiting to happen. I just needed to motivate myself to get out of bed. I licked my lips. Strange. There was a peculiar taste in my mouth. Not bad, just… different. I licked my lips again. The taste was there, too. Not Jack Daniels. Not Coke.

I sat up quickly, my head exploding into a million pieces from the sudden movement, but it didn’t matter. The pain was there but it was like my brain simply filed it away to use for later, because I remembered. I remembered it all. Everything. Mierda.

I glanced around the dim room, praying I was wrong. I reached out and turned on the small lamp on the nightstand next to the bed. I had a lamp on a nightstand next to my bed, too, but not
lamp. Not
nightstand. I was in
bedroom. It had all been real.

I dropped back on the bed. Son of a bitch. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. I had often fantasized about what the first time with Dante would be like. None of those fantasies involved me throwing myself at him while drunk off my ass. Oh, and on top of that, I was naked. I vaguely remembered still wearing my dress when I went to sleep… or passed out. And that meant Dante had undressed me. Because I was too drunk to do it myself.

“Fan-fucking-tastic,” I mumbled, forcing myself out of bed. Dante’s bed. A thought suddenly occurred to me. I stood perfectly still, holding my breath. Nothing. Not a sound could be heard anywhere. I guess he had already gone to work, which was about the only bright spot in the morning that I’d seen so far. I snatched the sheet off the bed and wrapped myself in it, just in case, and then made my way to the kitchen.

When Luc had Sinsations built, he didn’t hold anything back. The suites – all of them – had those fancy smart lights so Dante’s place came to life as I wandered around, automatically switching on the lights, marking my path from the hallway, through the living room, and to the kitchen. I winced with each explosion of skull-splitting bright light, narrowing my eyes to slits. The lights were really cool but I’d probably appreciate them a lot more if I hadn’t been hungover.

There was a folded piece of paper with my name on it next to the coffeemaker, along with a bottle of aspirin and a bottle of water.

Sweetest Olivia,

I’m sorry I wasn’t there to greet you when you woke up. I thought you might need the aspirin and the coffeemaker is already set. If I’m lucky, it will earn me another kiss.

I couldn’t help the goofy grin that appeared on my face. Nobody had never left me such a sweet note. Hell, nobody had ever left me a note at all. And nobody had ever been thoughtful enough to leave aspirin out for me. I switched on the coffee, dumped a handful of aspirin into my hand, and chased them down with water.

While plain ordinary water was miraculously being transformed into life-giving coffee, I got a shower, taking the final step towards feeling fully human. Afterwards, I looked at my reflection in the mirror, already facing the cold hard truth.

“Are you ready for the walk of shame, girlfriend?” I asked my reflection. “Are you ready to spend a day at work in the clothes you wore yesterday?” I sighed. Maybe Dante would let me go home and change.

I padded barefoot back into the bedroom. My dress was folded and laying on the corner of the dresser. Another folded piece of paper rested on top of it.

In case you’d prefer wearing something different, you might want to take a look in the closet. I hope it fits.

I moved hesitantly towards the closet door. He had clothes in his closet for women to wear? I couldn’t help but wonder how many women had found themselves in the same situation I was now in. I couldn’t help but wonder… but I really didn’t want to. It was none of my business. I’d keep telling myself that until I believed it.

I opened the door and gasped. Dante’s closet was probably as big as my bathroom at home, and it was filled with suits and dress shirts and jeans. For just a second, I smiled as I pictured Dante in a tight pair of jeans, but only for a second because one item in particular drew my attention from everything else. Hanging right inside the door, in front of several suit jackets, was a royal blue dress. The neckline wasn’t exactly modest but it wasn’t risqué, either, and the dress itself looked like it would fall just a little above the knee. On a shelf beneath the hanging clothes was a lacy royal blue bra with matching panties, and even a new pair of black heels.

“Oh my god,” I whispered softly to myself. I couldn’t believe it. No man had ever bought me clothes before. I reached out and ran my hand down the dress. Silky smooth with a slight shimmer as the closet light bounced off it. It was simply gorgeous. I squealed like a little girl, snatched the dress off the hanger, and quickly slipped it on. It fit perfectly. Too bad I had to take it off again in order to put my new bra on. I decided to blame the hangover for that little oversight.

After I got dressed again, I looked at my reflection in the full-length mirror hanging on the inside of the closet door. There was probably someone somewhere in Las Vegas doing the walk of shame, but it wasn’t me. I hadn’t even had a cup of coffee yet and Dante had already earned that kiss he mentioned.

Chapter 10: Dante

I sat in Luc’s office, staring at the box on the desk. I’d been staring at it for thirty minutes, ever since I opened it, thankful that I had gotten here before Olivia since the box had been waiting for me on her desk.

I shook my head, frowning, fighting the anger that was building within me. It wasn’t fair, dammit. All the pieces of my life were finally coming together to form a nice picture. I had a great job working for my best friend, and now it looked like there was a real chance at happiness in my personal life with Olivia. At least there was if she still felt the same way sober.

But that didn’t matter now. Because of this damn box. I looked inside it again, hoping that the contents were somehow gone, that I didn’t really see what I thought I saw. It was still there.

BOOK: Dante: A Mafia Bad Boy Romance (Sinsations Book 2)
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