Damian's Immortal (War of Gods 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Damian's Immortal (War of Gods 3)
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If what you say is true,
and I am an Original Being, I would’ve been released to ensure
Damian’s transition to the White God went over smoothly. But it
didn’t, did it,” he said slowly, thinking hard. “It couldn’t, not
with you and the Others at war with each other. You tried to bring
that war here.”

Common knowledge the war
spilled over,” the Watcher snapped.

The only thing that
prevented you from succeeding was …” Jule said. Tension hung in the
air between them. “It was me, wasn’t it?”

The Watcher said nothing.

And now, you want me and
Damian to run the Others off,” Jule finished. “You’re using

I’m protecting

Jule laughed. “Gods, I never thought I’d
hear the truth from a vamp first!”

If you find Xander, you
must tell me where he is.” The Watcher stepped forward. “He hides
from us too well.”


The Watcher’s face reddened. “Jule, you
don’t understand what-- ”

I’m starting to
understand,” Jule said, temper at its limit. “You exiled me for
trying to protect the mortal realm. Did you see what I did as a
betrayal, because I chose my role as a Guardian over helping you
wipe out the Others and anyone else in the way?”

I’ve tried to help you,
Jule. Good luck finding her without me.” The Watcher disappeared in
a flicker of light.

Jule felt the sudden loss of the connection
between Yully and him like the heat going out on a cold winter
night. Furious, he paced. Pissing off the Watchers was never a good
thing. Despite their ambivalent position on humanity, they’d been
somewhat helpful thus far. Yet no part of him regretted the idea of
chopping them out of the picture completely. If he was what
everyone seemed to think he was, he didn’t need them. He needed his

Find me when you’re ready.
The Oracle will know where I am

He needed to find a vamp named Xander.



Chapter Seven


Hey,” Yully said, seating
herself at the bar. The burly blond behind the counter looked up at
her voice and smiled. “You took over for Sean?”

Figured it’d keep me busy
’til Jule brings in someone else. I’m not much for being home
alone,” Rourk replied. “It was good of you to come

Thanks. I’m so sorry this

Death is a part of the
risk we take. Sean died well, doing his duty. Because of him, more
humans are alive than would’ve been if he wasn’t a

Are all Guardians like
you and Jule?” she asked.

As far as I know,” Rourk
replied. “We all serve the same cause of protecting those weaker
than us from evil.”

That’s very noble of

It’s just what we do.” He
set a glass of Coke on the counter before her. “You hungry? I hear
they make a mean stew.”

Thank you,” she said with
a faint smile. He left to the kitchen, and her smile faded. She
couldn’t help thinking about all the Guardians buried around her
home and if they’d been as dedicated and noble as those she’d met.
She sighed, aware she’d never know the answer to that question.
What she knew was that her father and his lies had skewed her
outlook on her world for ten years. Her father was dangerous, even
if she didn’t yet know what he was trying to do.

What luck.” His voice
startled her. “Here for the stew or something else, my

Yully’s breath caught, and her thoughts went
to the Guardian in the kitchen. She twisted to face her father.

The stew, Father,” she
replied. “But, I’m done.”

Shall we?” He held out
his arm.

She took it, his power moving through her
and making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. She
didn’t relax until they emerged onto the street, away from the
Guardian. Her father’s car and chauffeur were waiting. Yully
climbed into the car. Neither spoke, and the chauffeur took them
north, instead of south towards home.

Where are we going,
Papa?” she asked.

Downpatrick, on the east
coast. The autumn equinox is almost upon us. I want us to have a
day to get settled before we perform the rite.”

What rite is this? I
know, I know, I’ll turn into a princess. But what exactly are we
going to do?”

Long ago, the heavens and
the earth split from one another. It was a time of great tumult,
and the gateway between the two realms was sealed away for
eternity,” he explained. “Or so we thought. My kind always thought
there was a way to reopen that gateway, and a few days ago, the
gateway ruptured. At the autumn equinox, the gate is weakest.
You’re going to open the gateway.”

What will happen

You’ll turn into a
princess,” he said with a cold smile.

I don’t understand what
that means, Father.”

It means when the
immortals reclaim the earth, you’ll be among the ruling

What’ll happen to
everyone?” She braced herself for the answer.

It depends. Those humans
who are willing to serve the immortals will be spared, and those
who aren’t, won’t.”

I see.” Her pulse was
flying, and her body cold. She wasn’t going to save humanity. She
was going to help him enslave humanity.

It will be a new start
for us.”

What happens to the

After you drain their
power, they’ll be given the same choice as the humans: serve or
die.” He leaned forward, his eyes glowing. “I’ll forgive your
indiscretion with the Guardian, my dear. Do as I say, and he’ll be
your reward, an eternity with him. Disobey me, and I’ll kill

She looked down, both thrilled by the idea
of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified
at what her father told her. A plan formed in her mind, and she
cleared her throat.

As you wish, Father,” she
whispered. “I think I need more practice with my gift. I can’t
control it yet.”

We have a long drive. You
can practice on me all you want.” He offered his hand. She took it
and closed her eyes, determined to find a way to use her gift to
counter her father’s magic.


* * *

Jule looked around Yully’s room, trying to
digest everything he was learning about himself. He still couldn’t
remember much more than what the Watcher and Original Vamp had told
him. That he was an Original Being who had chosen to stay with
Damian and a woman long since dead. He doubted the decision was
made on emotion only; he’d never leave Damian to battle creatures
like the Watchers and Others on his own. Without even fully knowing
why, Jule despised the two factions too much to abandon Damian--
and through Damian, humanity-- to them.

Whatever had happened in the immortal realm
to make him hate the little bastards, he was glad the sense of
distrust wasn’t wiped out with his memories. Jule Transported
himself from the Other’s Irish manor to the study of the White
God’s temporary headquarters in Texas. Damian appeared to be
waiting for him, perched on the corner of a mahogany desk with his
arms crossed.

Bout time,” Damian said
before Jule’s eyes opened. “Something you wanna tell

You know me too well,”
Jule said with a smile. “We need to talk, D.”

I’d say so. I’ll send
Dusty out to keep an eye on Ireland.” The White God bristled with
power, but his smile was quick. The friendship between them
stretched thousands of years, to just before the Schism. Gazing at
his adopted brother and recalling everything they’d done to protect
humans, Jule had no doubt giving up his life in the immortal world
was worth it, despite Xander’s uncertainty.

Thanks, D,” Jule said

I called off the hit on
your woman,” Damian said. His golden eyes were calm, and he was
dressed as if he’d just finished sparring.

Thanks, D,” Jule said
again. “I never told you why I was exiled from the immortal world,
mainly because I didn’t fully know why myself.”

I take it now’s the
time,” Damian said with a snort. “Start talking.”

I don’t remember much of
anything, D, but from what I’ve gathered, I was an Original Being
tasked to help you navigate the transition to Godhood. I just
refused to return. I’m remembering some things. Every time there’s
a new era-- where either a Black or White God transitions-- an
Original Being is released from whatever exile the immortals
inflicted upon him. The hope is that the Original Being will
oversee the transition and make sure none of the immortal entities

They’re doing a shitty
job,” Damian said. “The Watchers and Others will wipe out

It’s worse than that. I
ran into the Original Vamp already and am under the impression all
the Original Beings are free. The Watchers must’ve done a number on
me before I left. I can’t remember the time before the Schism,
except for you and Darian, and my magic is but a fraction of what
it once was.”

Damian was quiet for a moment. “Sofi said
the Originals aren’t what we’ve been led to believe them to be. I
trust her, and I think you’re the proof.”

I wish I could remember
something of that time.”

The funny thing is, the
Watcher told me that any Original Being that was set free would
destroy the world. You’re here. The Vamp is here, and yet the only
tear between realms was caused by Darian and is being pursued by
the Watchers and Others,” Damian said. “Do you remember much of the

Not at all. Most of what
I know comes from what I’ve relearned after the Schism,” Jule

So you know what I know
of them, which is what the Watchers and Others have

Yes,” Jule answered,
pensive. “You don’t think they’re the enemies.”

I don’t understand their
motivations any more than I do those of the damned Watchers, but I
feel safe saying that the Originals are not our current problem,”
Damian said.

The Watchers are using
us. They want me back in the immortal realm to help them battle the

Makes sense,” Damian said
thoughtfully. “Darian said a Watcher ordered you to kill your


I bet the Watchers were
counting on manipulating the only creature in the mortal realm that
can battle an Other on earth. What would make an immortal who chose
humanity once return to who he was in order to save the humans

A damn woman.” Jule rose
and paced, anger rippling through him. “So they force me to seek
out my mate by claiming she had to die, fully knowing I couldn’t
kill her and we’d be bound at first touch. I hate those little

I can’t tell if they have
faith we’ll figure this out, or if they’re secretly hoping we
don’t,” Damian admitted. “In either case, I’m planning on expelling
them and the Others both from the mortal realm. Sick of their

You’ll need the help of
an Original Being or two for that,” Jule said. His thoughts went to
Yully. Caught in the middle of the battle between Others and
Watchers, her danger was increasing, and he was stuck in a riddle
he couldn’t quite solve. “D, I need my Original powers back, but
I’m not going back to the immortal realm.”

You said the Original
Vamp is here,” Damian asked. “Have you considered asking

I guess I could.” Jule
chuckled. “He didn’t tear my head off when he sought me out the
first time. I’ll need Sofi’s help, though.”

Just promise me you will
call me if the Vamp decides to turn you into dinner,” the White God

The White God must exist
for the sake of humanity, but an exiled immortal is no loss if he

It’s not a request,

” Jule replied with a smile,
amused. “Is Sofi free?”

She’s already waiting for


* * *

Jenn heard Jonny’s door close, and the sound
woke her from her light sleep. He’d assigned her the room beside
his. She rose, having slept fully clothed out of fear Xander would
attack her in her sleep. Jonny’s form disappeared around a corner
as she emerged, and she trotted after him. He was dressed for the
cold, snowy night. Jenn wore nothing more than a vest to keep her
core warm, preferring for her arms to be unencumbered.

The hallways were quiet and vacant, and she
followed Jonny into the dark night. The windows of the compound at
the peak of the mountain were protected by film to keep light from
leaking out. Only the reflection of the white snow and grey sky
provided light once she stepped outside. Jonny’s feet crunched in
the snow until he reached the rocky area on the west side of the
mountain. Jenn waited until he was far enough ahead that he
wouldn’t hear her before she trailed.

BOOK: Damian's Immortal (War of Gods 3)
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