Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight (21 page)

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight
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"Don't you dare tell him," she admonished. That certainly wouldn't make a good
impression on his family and she did want them to like her.
At first she was worried about
reading her thoughts. It was one thing for
Lucian to be able to read her thoughts, but quite another for his brother to do it. But,
Lucian had assured her that they respected one another's privacy and would only
trespass in a dire emergency. She and Lucian slipped in and out of each other's
thoughts so easily now that it was beginning to feel normal to her.
In spite of her doubts,
both families
seemed to be getting along well, considering
one was filled with vampires and the other was all human.
had taken an
immediate liking to Chase and the two of them talked art for hours on end. All three
men, who could be extremely charming when they put their minds to it, had
charmed Miss Nadine.
Looking around the drawing room of The Grande, Delight felt a glow of happiness
emanate from deep inside her. Classical music played softly in the background and
candles burned on the tables and mantel. A small table with refreshments had been set
up in the corner and vases of fresh flowers filled the room with their heady scent.
The only outsider, except for the minister who had left immediately after the
ceremony, was Sam Cassidy. Delight had been surprised when Lucian asked him to the
wedding, but she was pleased that he'd come. He was such a large part of what had
it wouldn't have felt right for him not to be there. It seemed that the
detective had been adopted into the family whether he liked it or not.
"A toast."
strong voice filled the room, drawing every eye his way.
my brother and his beautiful wife, Delight.
It is indeed a delight to welcome you to the
paused until the laughter died away. "I also want to welcome Miss
Nadine, Chase and Cassidy to the family."
Cassidy looked startled and opened his mouth to object. But one look at
face and he subsided. The older brother's word was law and whether he liked it or not,
he was now considered part of their family. Cassidy gazed around the room and when
he caught Delight's attention, he gave her a quick wink, raised his wineglass, and
saluted her.
"To Delight and Lucian."
Delight sipped on her red wine, noting her husband's possessive hold got tighter
when Cassidy laid down his glass and approached them. "Thank you for coming."
Holding out her hand, she waited for him to take it.
His grip was firm and sure as he bent down and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.
Lucian emitted a low growl from behind her, but the detective wasn't disturbed at all. If
anything, the devil looked as if he were enjoying himself. "You're a lucky man,
Protect her well." Stepping back from her, he thrust his hand towards Lucian.
"What we have, we hold." Still keeping one arm wrapped tight around her, Lucian
offered his other hand to Cassidy. "That is our way."
"Just let me know if you ever need any help." Releasing Lucian's hand, he stepped
back and gave her a nod. "I've got to get going. Be happy." Turning on his booted heel,
he turned and strode from the room.
Delight watched him leave as Miss Nadine strolled up to her. "You look so
beautiful and happy, child."
"I am." The simple three-quarter length dress with its off-white color and simple
cut fit her to perfection. The bodice was fitted and beaded, making it fancy enough for a
wedding dress without being too fancy. It had frustrated Lucian no end when she'd
chosen an off-the-rack dress at a small local boutique, paying for it with her own
money. He had wanted to buy her a designer dress, but had finally given in when he'd
realized that this was the dress she'd truly wanted.
Leaning over, she kissed the older woman's cheek. "Thank you for letting us have
the wedding here."
"As if I'd let you have it somewhere else," she scolded. Turning her shrewd eyes on
Lucian, she pinned him with a glare. "You take care of my girl."
"You have my word." Lucian took no offense at her admonishment. Delight knew
that he thought the world of Miss Nadine and treated her with a courtly manner at all
"I'm heading upstairs now, but you all feel free to stay as late as you want." It was
after midnight and Delight knew that Miss Nadine had an early morning as the little
inn was filled to capacity. Delight watched, slightly melancholy, as the other woman
walk out of the room and disappeared up the stairs.
"You can still see her every day."
"I know, but it's not the same." She shook off her sadness. This was a night for
happiness. Looking up at her dark, brooding husband, Delight smiled. "I'm fine,
He looked as if he didn't believe her, but didn't speak as
and Johanna
approached. "We will say goodnight."
kept his arm wrapped around his
wife's shoulder. It seemed to be a trait of the men in this family to keep their women
close. "We will fly home tomorrow. You will come and visit after the honeymoon." It
was more a command than a question and Delight found herself nodding.
Johanna laughed as she swatted her husband's arm. "Ignore him, Delight. You just
come for a visit whenever you're ready. You're welcome anytime for as long as you
want to stay. Believe me, there's plenty of room in the castle." Giving them both a quick
hug, she tugged her husband from the room.
Delight muffled a laugh as she heard
voice drifting back. "Woman,
that's no way to treat your lord and master." His disgruntled tone was at odds with
Johanna's laughter.
"Lord and master." Stefan shook his head in disgust as he approached them.
"Johanna has our hard, ruthless brother twisted around her little finger. Oh, how the
mighty have fallen."
Stefan looked even more somber than usual in the austere black suit he'd donned
for the wedding. Delight had been surprised to see him in something other than jeans,
but he certainly cleaned up good. She'd been so wrapped up in Lucian that she had
forgotten what a devastatingly handsome man that he really was.
She still had a hard time looking Stefan in the eye without blushing. But not once,
by word or action, had he betrayed any hint of what had occurred that memorable
night upstairs. It was as if it had never happened.
"It is a disgrace to the family." Cradling her face with his large hands, Stefan
brushed a soft, light kiss on her lips. "And now you have done the same to Lucian.
Alas, I am the only sensible brother left to uphold the family honor."
Delight sensed the underlying sadness and hurt buried beneath his words. He was
alone now that his brothers were mated. Impulsively, she flung her arms around him
and hugged him tight. "I'm so glad that you're my brother now."
Stefan swallowed hard and clung to her, his grip almost desperate. Releasing her
quickly, he stepped away from her and turned to Lucian. "I am leaving tonight." He
ignored her gasp of surprise and continued to address Lucian. "It will be up to you to
check out this Zane York and make sure he is no threat to the family. I don't know
when I will be back. If you have need of me, you have only to call and I will come."
"I will take care of it," Lucian assured his brother.
Moving so swiftly it looked as if he had vanished into thin air, Stefan was gone. A
lone tear slipped down Delight's cheek. With her heightened senses, she could feel the
deep despair and pain that filled Stefan.
"I wish I could find a way to ease his pain." Lucian sighed heavily as he pulled her
close and tucked her under his shoulder. She nodded, saying nothing. Stefan's pain was
beyond words and only time would help him find his equilibrium again. "If he is gone
too long, we will find him and bring him home." Delight grasped and held Lucian's
promise tight, trusting him to know what was best for his brother right now.
"Well, it's time for me to say goodnight as well." Chase rose from the chair where
he'd been sitting and observing everyone for the last hour and strolled towards them.
Coming to a halt in front of them, he stared down into her face. "Be happy, Delight."
Raising his gaze, he addressed his new brother-in-law. "I'm
you to take care of
"It is my honor and privilege." Lucian held out his hand to Chase and the men
seemed to come to some internal understanding as they shook. Delight watched the two
men she loved most in the world, feeling her heart swell with pride.
Then they were alone.
Lucian smiled and her insides melted. The familiar heat surged through her veins
as he scooped her up into his arms and walked down the hallway and out through the
front door and into the night. "I am taking you home."
Wrapping her arms around his strong neck, she leaned in to nuzzle it. "I'm already
The night swallowed them up and then they were gone. Stefan stepped from the
shadows where he'd been watching them. He felt more alone at that moment than at
any other time in his five hundred years of existence. Forcing himself, he turned away
from his family and walked away. The night wrapped its arms around him, embracing
him, as he escaped into its inky depths.
Sam Cassidy sat on a barstool and twirled the long-necked bottle between his
hands. The whole basis of his belief system had been turned topsy-turvy in the last
week. If he weren't so damned sane, he'd figure he was crazy.
He gave a
sharp bark of laughter.
"What's so funny?"
He eyed the man who slipped onto the barstool next to him. Zane York was a
fellow cop who worked the night shift. He knew him by reputation, but not personally.
York had a reputation for being single-minded in pursuit of the truth. Hard, but fair, he
was not a man to cross.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Tipping up the bottle, he took a swallow
and laid it back on the counter.
"Try me." Zane's dark eyes watched him unwaveringly.
Cassidy had to fight the urge to spill the entire story. He shook his head suddenly
feeling as if he'd drunk way too much even though that was his first beer.
another time."
Pushing off the stool, he saluted York and sauntered from the smoky
confines of the bar.
"Bet on it," Zane murmured under his breath as he tracked Cassidy's progress
across the room, out though the door and into the night.

About the Author
N. J. Walters had a mid-life crisis at a fairly young age, gave notice after ten years at
her job on a Friday, received a tentative acceptance for her first novel, Annabelle Lee, on
the following Sunday.
Happily married for over seventeen years to the love of her life, with his
encouragement and support she gave up the job of selling books for the more
pleasurable job of writing them. A voracious reader of romances of all kinds, she now
spends her days writing, reading and reviewing books. It's a tough life, but someone's
got to do it.
N.J. Walters welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o
Publishing at 1056 Home Ave., Akron, OH 44310.

Also by N.J. Walters
Annabelle Lee
Awakening Desires: Erin's Fancy
Awakening Desires: Katie's Art of Seduction
Christina's Tapestry

Discover for yourself why readers can't get enough of the multiple award-winning
Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC
on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you

BOOK: Dalakis Passion 2 - Lucian's Delight
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