Curves and the Russian Wrangler (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 6) (3 page)

BOOK: Curves and the Russian Wrangler (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 6)
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“I’d like to, but I can’t today.“ Disappointment clouded her features. However much she wanted to accept his invitation, she couldn’t cancel on her friends, especially when meeting up tonight had been her idea. It had been far too long since she’d spent time with them.

He nodded. “What about tomorrow?”

She smiled up at him, her pulse quickening. “Yes. I’d love to.”

“Eleven o’clock?” A smile edged his features, lightening his face.

Amber nodded. “I’ll be here.”

“And I will be waiting.”

Her heart skipped a beat at his deep, accented tone. 

He led the palomino out of the corral. “Good boy,” Mikhail praised. He handed her the lead rope. “I’ll walk back with you to the trailer.”

She took the rope from his outstretched hand, careful not to let her fingers brush against his. Just a tiny slip of her thumb would be enough to graze the tanned flesh of his hand. What effect would touching his hand have on her? She suspected it might be like playing with fire. And right now, she definitely didn’t want to get burned.

Conscious of his gaze on her as she led her horse back to the SUV, she straightened her shoulders, surreptitiously sucking in her stomach. Although he’d invited her to go horseback riding with him tomorrow, she must be careful not to read anything else in it. He was taking an interest in Barney because he was a horse trainer. That was all. She’d be setting herself up for disappointment if she read anything more into his invitation.

Mikhail helped her load Barney into the trailer and fasten the ramp behind the horse’s hindquarters.

“I shall see you tomorrow, Amber.” Satisfaction glinted in his dark brown eyes.

“Yes.” She cursed her breathless tone. It was all very well telling herself he wasn’t interested in her, but unfortunately she found it hard to control her attraction to him.

“Until then.” He held open the driver’s door of the SUV, waiting until she buckled her seatbelt before he shut it gently.

She started up the car, her fingers trembling when she turned the key in the ignition. When was the last time a man had opened her car door for her, and waited to make sure she’d buckled up?

She tried to dredge up a memory from the dim, distant past but failed miserably.

Mikhail lifted a hand in farewell as she drove slowly down the drive. If watching him lunge her horse had her this hot and bothered, how on earth would she cope going horseback riding with him tomorrow?




The next morning, Amber drove to Mikhail’s ranch, towing her horse in the trailer, and thinking about the previous evening.

Dinner with her girlfriends had been fun. By the time she’d arrived home late yesterday afternoon, groomed and fed Barney, gave him some extra attention as well, charged her phone and listened to Mikhail’s voicemail message, which sent shivers down her spine, it was almost time for her friends to turn up.

She’d barely had enough time to tidy the house before Sarah McCord arrived, closely followed by Libby Morgan, Cassie Jackson and Kate Richmond. It was a shame Emma was on her trip, but Amber looked forward to having a special catch-up with her when she returned from her vacation.

Amber had planned on cooking dinner for everyone, but when she realized it was almost six o’clock, she’d yielded to temptation and ordered pizzas. When the food arrived, everyone dug in, talking and laughing between mouthfuls. Instead of watching a movie afterward, they had a good gossip session. All her friends were happily married apart from Kate, who was engaged to Flynn Winters, a cousin of Emma’s husband Cade, and although Amber enjoyed the evening, she couldn’t help wondering if meeting Mr. Right would ever happen to her.

You’ve met Mikhail.

She’d hastily shoved that thought aside, and concentrated on catching up with her friends. Toward the end of the evening, Sarah mentioned the sexy Russian. Amber gripped the steering wheel as she remembered the casual way she’d admitted to having met Mikhail. Although she’d tried to downplay the fact that she was attracted to him, she couldn’t help wondering if she’d fooled her friends. Luckily, they hadn’t teased her about it, and the talk had soon turned to Sarah’s six-month-old baby, being babysat for the evening by her husband Chase.

Amber turned into Mikhail’s gravel driveway, her stomach suddenly churning. She
was looking forward to spending time with him, but was also nervous. Hoping she could hide her attraction to him, she drew in a deep breath and concentrated on steering her vehicle along the driveway.

She parked and got out, looking around the yard, enjoying the warmth of the late April sun. Just as she was about to head to the barn, Mikhail emerged from the house.

Her mouth went dry. He looked gorgeous in a long-sleeved navy shirt and dark denim jeans, neatly pressed, with polished black riding boots.

“Amber.” His voice caressed her nerve endings.

“Hi.” She tried for a confident smile, telling herself not to turn to jelly, hoping that her outfit of easy fit jeans and figure skimming t-shirt looked okay. “I’ll just unload Barney.”

“I will help.” He strode to the trailer and started to unlatch the back.

She joined him and together they made quick work of opening the trailer. Amber backed the palomino out of the trailer, stroking him when he stood quietly. Barney whuffled hello to Mikhail, his brown equine eyes alert.

“How was he last night?” Mikhail asked, stroking Barney on the side of his neck.

“He was very good.” She petted the horse, whispering in his ear, “Weren’t you?”

“Excellent.” His gaze seemed to heat up as he watched her make a fuss of the horse. “Ready to go riding?”

“Yes.” She couldn’t help a tinge of pink warming her cheeks as he continued to scrutinize her. Telling herself he was mainly interested in Barney wasn’t working. At all. “I brought my saddle and bridle.”


Once she tied Barney to a railing post, Mikhail carried her equipment from the car. Under Mikhail’s assessing
gaze, she saddled and bridled the palomino, willing her fingers not to tremble with nervousness.

“You know what you are doing.” A smile edged the corner of his mouth. “I’ll bring Hugo out.”

A few minutes later, he led out a large silvery-gray horse, taller than Barney, out of the barn.

“Are you okay to mount?” he enquired.

“Yes.” She nodded. Placing her left foot into the stirrup, she swung herself up onto Barney, her right foot finding purchase in the other stirrup. Pleased she’d mounted so nicely, she turned the palomino in Mikhail’s direction, just in time to see him expertly mount his horse.

“I brought lunch.” He patted the saddlebags on either side of his saddle and smiled. “Let’s go.”

Amber walked Barney past the barn, following Mikhail along a dirt track. He opened a gate into a wildflower meadow, not visible from the farmyard.

“It’s beautiful!” She gazed at the orange, white, and pink wildflowers dotting the green grass. A fat black and yellow bumblebee flew drunkenly from flower to flower, seeking sweet nectar.

He grinned, his brown eyes crinkling at the corners. “This is one of the reasons I bought the place.”

She clenched her fingers on the leather reins, excitement fluttering through her. He looked so vibrant
that more than anything she wished he was attracted to her just as much as she was to him. At least she would have this perfect day with him, before her life returned to normal. Humdrum normal. She suddenly realized what she’d been missing out on. Although she was sure he wasn’t interested in her, just spending time in his company, especially on a such a gorgeous day, made her feel alive.

They rode through the meadow into woodland, tall, green pine trees guarding each side of the narrow track. She followed Mikhail, breathing in the crisp, clean air laced with a hint of pine.

“Here.” He halted his horse, gesturing to a small clearing surrounded by pine trees and white flowering bushes. “I think this would be perfect for lunch.”

Amber nodded and dismounted, allowing Barney to graze at the edge of the clearing.

Mikhail grabbed the saddlebags and shook out a thin plastic cloth to use as their picnic blanket.

“Sit,” he urged.

She kneeled down on the red and white checked plastic, watching him pull out small plastic bags full of interesting food items from the leather pouches.

“I didn’t know what you liked, so I thought this would be best.” He placed two white paper plates on the cloth along with two small bottles of water, and some napkins.

Amber’s stomach rumbled as he laid out crackers, cherry tomatoes, slices of smoked salmon, and a tiny jar of caviar.

He handed her a paper napkin. She suppressed a gasp as an electric shock raced up her arm when his fingers brushed hers.

Trying to hide the fact his touch affected her, she placed the napkin on her lap, and grabbed her plate.

“Thank you.” She watched his white, even teeth biting into a cracker topped with smoked salmon.

Realizing she was staring at him, she turned her attention to her own plate and nibbled on a red cherry tomato
She eyed the jar of caviar, the small black fish eggs daring her to sample them.

She used a cracker to scoop up a few of the fishy balls. Closing her eyes, she chewed. Tiny bubbles of salty blackberry burst on her tongue.

“Do you like it?” His velvet accented voice inquired.

She opened her eyes to find him studying her reaction to the Russian delicacy.

“It’s … interesting.” She was glad she’d tried it, but wasn’t sure if she wanted another helping.

“More?” He grinned at her, holding out the small jar.

She shook her head. “You have it.”

He chuckled, dipping his own cracker into the jar and biting into the sturgeon roe laden morsel.

“Here.” He jumped up and took out another package from the saddlebag. “I forgot about this.” Mikhail unwrapped it and placed it between them on the blanket. “It is Russian oatcake.”

Amber picked up a slice of the hearty looking cake. “Mm. Did you make this?” It was moist, soft and chewy. Absolutely delicious.

“Yes.” He flashed a grin. “It’s an old family recipe.”

They chattered throughout the rustic meal, Mikhail telling her about his ranch, and how much he enjoyed living here. “I believe I am the only Russian in the area.” He shrugged. “But everyone has been welcoming.”

“Do you have family?”

“No.” He shook his head. “My parents, they died fifteen years ago in a car crash. In Russia.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.” Now she felt guilty for asking.

“Don’t be. It’s okay.” He covered her hand with his. Her pulse jumped at the warmth of his touch.

She held her breath, wishing they could stay like this forever.

“Ten years ago, I decided I wanted a better life. Since I did not have family in Russia, it wasn’t difficult to make the decision to try living in America. I love it here. Especially Wyoming. When I saw the ranch for sale, I knew I had to have it.”

“And you bought it,” she murmured, conscious of the fact that his hand still covered hers.

“Yes.” He smiled at her, warmth glinting in his eyes. “When I see something I need, then I do everything I can to obtain it.”

Her pulse thrummed in her throat at the intent expression on his face. Surely he couldn’t be talking about her? Having feelings for her? Wanting - needing her?

He brought his hand up to gently finger a strand of her hair, the ends waving against her shoulders. “Your hair is like silken cinnamon. I think you should always wear it down like this.”

Amber’s breathing shredded. His face was so close to hers. Was he going to kiss her? Before she could be sure that was his intention, he pulled back slightly, his fingers sliding down, until he released the strands against the cotton fabric of her blouse.

“Perhaps we should ride a little further before going back.”

She nodded, not sure what to say. No other man had affected her like that, just by touching her hair. After today, she didn’t think she would ever consider the shade boring brown. Maybe it was for the best that he hadn’t kissed her. She might have melted into a puddle of goo, just from the touch of his lips on hers.

Amber helped him gather up the remains of their lunch. He placed the leftovers back in the leather pouches, then affixed them to his western saddle.

They mounted their horses, and she followed him further into the woodland for a few minutes, until they came to a larger clearing. Although not quite so picturesque, it was a flat piece of ground covered with green grass.

“Want to canter?” He tilted his head in invitation.

Her eyes lit up. Although she doubted she could beat him on Barney, it would be fun to try.

“You’re on.” Urging her horse to a trot, and then a canter, she looked over to her left. Mikhail and his mount kept pace with her. In a flat out gallop, she was sure he and Hugo could beat her by a mile, and she half expected him to surge ahead of her at any moment. To her surprise, they pulled up their horses at the edge of the clearing, neck to neck.

“That was great!” Her eyes sparkled with fun.

“Yes. It was.” His face lit up with pleasure.

Mikhail’s horse snorted, as if protesting at being made to halt.

Amber laughed. “It looks like Hugo wanted to go faster.”

“But then it would not be so much fun if I left you behind.”

Her heart melted at his words, and his tone. As if nothing had pleased him more than riding side by side with her.

Barney pulled at the reins, attempting to eat some of the grass in front of him, interrupting the small moment. Amber controlled him, aware that Mikhail watched her with approval.

“I suppose we should go back to the ranch.” He sounded as if he didn’t relish that idea.

“I suppose so,” she echoed, sad that their brief interlude was coming to an end.

They walked the horses back to the ranch. Amber had been taught a long time ago to never race her horse back to the stable, and she was glad that Mikhail also heeded this advice.

When they arrived at the barn, they both dismounted. She gripped the reins in one hand, the smooth leather rubbing against her palm.

BOOK: Curves and the Russian Wrangler (BBW Romance - Coldwater Springs 6)
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