Read Curves and the Rancher Online

Authors: Jenn Roseton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Western, #Collections & Anthologies, #Westerns

Curves and the Rancher (5 page)

BOOK: Curves and the Rancher
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Aware of Luke

eyes on her, Cassie wondered if she had a smudge of coffee on her
lips and he was too polite to say. She swallowed the last of
brew and set the mug on the table.


left the accounts program open on the computer so you can see what

ve done. Would you like me to go
over it with you before I leave?


He rose from the table, and led the way to the study. Cassie
checked out the impressive way his butt fit his jeans. Grateful that
her experience with Phillip hadn

put her off
men, she wondered if Luke had ever checked her out in the same way.
She silently sighed. Probably not.

Cassie showed Luke the
accounts program and her entries. He seemed to ask her a few more
questions than were strictly necessary, but she put it down to the
fact that he hadn

t used the program
in two months.

He finally turned off the

How much do I owe you?

She named a figure that
she was comfortable with.

Luke raised an eyebrow.

Are you sure? I don

want you to charge less than you should.

Cassie smiled,
appreciating his sense of fairness.

asked around, and this is the going rate for the area.


re happy with that?


s more than I make at the diner.

Luke opened the desk
drawer and brought out a checkbook. He wrote her a check and handed
it to her. A shiver raced through her when his fingertips touched


She tried to look businesslike
when she put the check in her purse.


walk you out.

He gestured for her
to precede him, and she walked down the hall, conscious of him
walking closely behind her.

Luke opened the front


she said again, turning to face him. Tilting her head a little, she
smiled up at him.

should be the one thanking you.

voice was low.

She couldn’t break
free from his molten brown gaze.


he murmured, catching a strand of her auburn hair in his fingers.

She caught her breath,
her insides melting into a pool of warm chocolate. Was he going to
kiss her? She waited for a long second, not daring to say or do
anything that would break the sensual moment.

His mouth slowly
descended, brushing hers. She returned the light pressure of his
lips. His strong arm wrapped around her waist, drawing her closer as
he caressed her lips once more. She breathed in his scent of honeyed
hay, wishing the kiss would never end.

Her spine tingled as he
reluctantly released her.

Can you
come over next week? I

ll have more
accounts work for you. And I

ll make


Cassie tried to control her whirling emotions. She thought she

agree to just about anything right now, if it promised the
possibility of Luke kissing her again.


weeks later,
Cassie sang along to an old country song as she drove to Luke

house. Although the gray clouds in the sky looked ominous, they

t affect her mood. Visiting
Luke at his ranch was her favorite part of the week. Since Luke had
kissed her for the first time, she

never been happier.

introduced her to his rancher friends, most of whom had hired her,
and he

d been coming into the diner
two or three times per week, sitting in her section each time, and
chatting with her when she wasn

rushed off her feet.

Every time she visited
Luke, he

d prepared lunch for them
After lunch, Luke would leave her to the accounts while he did
chores outside. When she finished entering the numbers into the
computer program, he
kissed her goodbye. Just like
their first kiss.

Cassie wrinkled her brow.
That was the only problem. Luke

kisses made her toes curl, but they remained exactly the same as the
first time he kissed her. Contrary to the romance novels she liked
to read sometimes, his tongue
did not
demand entry to her
mouth, nor did his mouth cover hers hungrily. They were perfectly
delicious, shivery kisses, but he seemed content for them to remain

Maybe what he felt for
her was more platonic than romantic. After all, it wasn

as if there were hordes of guys vying to date her. She sighed. Just
when she thought she was ready for another relationship, it appeared
that Luke wasn

t really that
interested in her.

She swung into the long
driveway and parked outside the house. Should she tell Luke that he
really didn

t need her to come over
every week to take care of his accounts? Disappointment flickered
through her. She enjoyed visiting him at his ranch, sharing a meal,
his company, and his kisses. But how long could she keep doing it
without getting her heart bruised if he didn

return her feelings? And, she admitted to herself, she did have
feelings for him. They had gradually crept up on her over the weeks.
She knew without a doubt that she was half way in love with him and
it wouldn

t take much to tip her over
the edge.

The door opened before
she had a chance to knock. Wearing his usual ranch outfit of jeans
and a long-sleeved cotton shirt, Luke gave her an easy smile. Well,
she wasn

t going to tell him today
that he didn

t need her to come over
every week. Not when her pulse pounded by just being around him.


He held the door open for her
and ushered her inside. She followed him to the kitchen. Why did he
have to be so attractive?

made Cobb salad and picked up some fresh bread from the bakery.

looks delicious,

Cassie said, aware
of a faint rumble in her stomach. She

finished an early shift at the diner, and breakfast was a distant

Luke moved efficiently
around the kitchen, placing salt and pepper shakers on the table
before joining her at the table. She enjoyed the tasty meal, as well
as his quiet, reassuring presence and light conversation.


got a little more work for you today,

Luke said when he

d cleared away
their plates and set down a steaming cup of coffee in front of her.

Do you have any other appointments
this afternoon?


She chided herself for thinking he

already been creating accounting work for her. If he had, then how
could he come up with extra-extra work for her?

He smiled.

thought you might like to stay for dinner tonight.

Cassie smiled back.
Dinner. With Luke.


like that,

she murmured. Picking up
her coffee mug, she hoped he couldn

see her hands trembling slightly.

She couldn

remember what else they talked about while they sipped their coffee.
All she could think about was what might happen tonight…after
dinner. Would he kiss her at the end of the night?
kiss her? Or - and she almost blushed just thinking about it - would
he ask her to stay the night? What would her answer be?

The afternoon drew on and
Cassie’s thoughts continually drifted to the evening ahead.

She was surprised to find
that for once, it was hard to focus on the numbers in front of her.
Even taking into consideration the extra work he had asked her to do,
it still took her an hour longer than it should have, thanks to Luke
starring in her fantasies. And she definitely wasn’t going to
charge Luke for the time she’d spent day-dreaming about him.

She clicked save on the
accounts program for the final time and went in search of Luke. It
was four o

clock. Too early for
dinner, but maybe she could give him a hand getting it started.


She called out in the direction of the barn. With a few flowers
growing here and there, and maybe a little herb garden, the grassy
area outside the back door could look very pretty.

Cassie walked toward the
barn, drinking in the open space and peacefulness she always found


He appeared in the
doorway of the barn, dusting his hands on his faded jeans.


he asked with a grin.

She nodded.

thought I could help you with dinner.

His eyes crinkled as he
looked at her.

That would be

They walked back to the
house, Luke shortening his stride to match hers.

does chicken cacciatore sound?

Her arm almost brushed
his and she had to swallow before she could answer.


one of my favorites,

she admitted


He smiled down at her.

Once in the kitchen, Luke
offered her some iced tea.

thought we could eat at 6.30. That way, you won

get home too late. You

ve got an
early shift tomorrow, haven

t you?


Her hope that Luke had feelings for her deflated. It seemed as if
he didn

t want her to linger after
dinner. Then why ask her to stay in the first place? Was it because
he was a nice guy? Or maybe he just preferred slender women.


got about an hour

s work left to do

She watched him take a
long swallow of iced tea and sighed inwardly. Just her luck that
the gorgeous guy she had feelings for didn

return them.


t you relax in the living room
and then we can make dinner together?


She summoned up a smile. It wasn


s fault that she might have
gotten the wrong idea about tonight. If he kissed her -
kissed her tonight, then she might have
some hope. But if he kissed her the same way he always did, even if
those kisses did make her toes curl, then she might as well face it.
He probably wasn

t interested in her

Cassie entered the living
room. Solid, masculine furniture dominated the navy and cream room,
as well as a big screen TV. She browsed the large bookcase,
selecting a popular mystery novel she hadn

had a chance to read. Settling down on the comfortable sofa, she
became absorbed in the story, returning to the real world with a
start when Luke entered the room.


she murmured, setting the book down on the coffee table. It wasn

fair that he looked so good. Freshly showered and shaved, he once
again wore denim jeans and a red long-sleeved button-down shirt, but
his jeans were new and crisp. Her stomach fluttered at the thought
that maybe he had changed clothes for dinner - with her.

BOOK: Curves and the Rancher
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