Read Crimson Sunrise Online

Authors: J. A. Saare

Tags: #General Fiction, #Romance

Crimson Sunrise (2 page)

BOOK: Crimson Sunrise
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I was going to have to intervene.

“Caleb.” I whispered his name.

He stopped snapping at everyone long enough to look at me. Derek, Beverly, and Sammie continued to go back and forth, which was good. I didn’t need an audience for this.

“Just let her go. What will it hurt? We’ll be with her.” I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed my fingers ever so lightly. “If she goes with us, you can watch over her. Since we won’t see her again until Christmas, we should take advantage of what time we have together.”

His hand came down, his much larger fingers twining gently over mine. He glanced at Sammie briefly. His blue eyes darkened when they left her expectant face and returned to me.

“I don’t like any of us going there, much less her. You know that, Emma.”

“I know.” I attempted to look imploring. Sometimes begging is a good thing, especially when it can save Thanksgiving dinner. “But I think she’ll be fine. She’s not a baby anymore.”

“Don’t give me that look.” Caleb drew a deep breath. I could tell he was relenting, if only for me. He exhaled and shook his head. “If it will make you happy, fine, she can go. But she never leaves our sight.”

“What will make me happy is when we are finally alone,” I said softly, my meaning perfectly clear.

Caleb and I had done as we promised, spending time with my parents so they got to know the man who had bonded to their daughter, as well as returning here for Thanksgiving with his family.

Soon it would be our time together.

I broke eye contact, not wanting to embarrass myself. I had a hard time keeping my hands to myself around Caleb, and I didn’t want to entertain everyone at dinner by throwing myself at him like a hormone-crazed woman. Which in my defense, I would be. Werewolves did release pheromones when they bonded.

“I said fine!” Caleb shouted over the chaos.

I listened to the conversation, coming back to reality. That was another problem I had around Caleb—I daydreamed too much.

Derek grinned at Sammie and extended his arm across the table, palm up. “Pay up, little sister. That’s ten dollars you owe me. I told you he’d listen to Em.”

Sammie rummaged inside her pocket and produced a ten-dollar bill. She wadded the cash into a ball and threw it across the table. Derek caught it and smugly placed the money inside his pocket.

Caleb grumbled, shoved more food into his mouth, and I did the most sensible thing I could think of.

I didn’t say another word.


After dinner, I excused myself and hurried to the restroom to freshen up. The cool Tennessee air had caused my hair to tangle, and I ran the brush quickly through the unruly locks.

Raking my fingers along the crown and back, I began thinking. So much had happened in the last two weeks since Caleb had come to Scotland to retrieve me. I had moved back to the States, forsaking a potential life among my power hungry vampire relatives that would have kept me among them, and as much as I missed my parents, I didn’t regret leaving.

Not one tiny bit.

It was terrifying when I thought about the trueblood vampires and the future I’d almost been forced into. If Caleb hadn’t returned for me and challenged the vampire Prince Decimus Watts, I would have been forced to live out an eternity in the vampiric royal houses, doing God knows what...

The bathroom door opened, closed, and Caleb appeared in the reflection of the mirror. He lifted a finger to his mouth, indigo eyes crinkling mischievously, instructing me to remain quiet. I kept brushing, pulling more than half of the heavy length of my hair over my shoulder to remove any remaining tangles with the tips of the bristles.

Caleb walked behind me and wrapped his large arms around my waist. I let my hair fall to my shoulders and reached for his neck to pull him down. His breath was hot on my throat as he pressed a kiss to the rapidly pounding pulse along the vulnerable jugular vein, creating ripples beneath the surface of my skin. I closed my eyes and exhaled, going limp.

“Just one more day.” He breathed the words, bringing his lips to my ear while increasing his grip, holding me aloft.

“One more day,” I murmured in agreement. Dropping the brush onto the counter, I watched as it slid noisily into the sink.

He turned me in his arms, plush lips coming down hard and demanding against mine. I reached under his arms, fingers plunging into his back, nails scoring the cotton T-shirt protecting his skin. His lips parted and I ran my tongue along the lower one, teasing the seam of his mouth. He growled, pulling me snug against him, and pressed his hips firmly against my belly.

Our tongues touched, drifted apart, and started circling. His hands were rough as he lifted me by that fleshy piece of leg, hip, and thigh. I wrapped my hands around his neck, using my arms to pull myself up. My legs snaked around his waist, ankles locking together just behind his back. He used his free hand to bring my face closer, tender fingers wrapping into the hair at my nape.

When he pulled away, he skimmed his lips across my cheek, the stubbly bristles on his face chafing the skin slightly. He kissed my ear, licking at the sensitive outer shell, and blew a steady stream of warm air inside. I gasped as goose bumps scattered below my skin and heat spread throughout my body. The scents of forest and earth filled my nose, causing my muscles to quake and my body to tremble.

I ground my hips against his pelvis wantonly, the familiar wet heat developing between my legs making me crazed. His groan was muffled by my mouth as his hands eagerly guided me lower, then lower, until his very obvious erection pressed against the sensitive bead at the top of my hammering sex...

“Who’s in there?” Derek demanded as a loud pounding came from the door, making it shake.

Caleb didn’t let go, growling. “Go upstairs, Derek!”

“Unless you two are in the middle of something, and by something I mean in the middle of hot sex,” Derek snapped. “Then you’d better let me in. Sammie’s upstairs and I’ve got to take a shit.”

I burst out laughing and Caleb rolled his eyes. He kissed me once more and rolled his hips, sultry deep blue eyes capturing mine as a quiet moan passed my lips. He squeezed my thigh as he helped me down, his lingering fingers trailing over my bottom and lower spine possessively. I readjusted my jeans and navy sweater and glanced into the mirror to make sure my hair wasn’t all over the place.

“You’re perfect.” Caleb pressed his lips against the top of my head.

“Can you hurry the fuck up?” Derek yelled, pounding on the door. “I’m ground-hogging it out here!”

We walked to the door and Caleb unlocked it. Derek pushed past our bodies as he stepped inside and turned, placing a forceful hand on each of our backs.

“It took you long enough. Damn!”

The moment we were outside, the bathroom door slammed shut in our faces.

“What was that all about?” Beverly asked as she passed us on the way to the living room. We both shrugged and smiled, following her.


We drove to Haven’s after dinner. Sammie decided to ride along with Caleb and me in the family truck, while Derek and Sarah followed in her car. Since Haven slept most of the day away, it meant we had to visit during his peak business hours. It was all a part of the job. Owning a bar meant staying awake for most of the night.

Caleb grumbled about coming to the Pit, but since Haven had made the trip to save my ass a few weeks before, Caleb felt obligated to accept the invitation. I hadn’t returned to Haven’s since the first time Caleb had brought me to the werewolf bar.

It had been a mixed experience. It was the first place I’d kissed Caleb, which was a definite plus. However, I also managed to get tossed into the Pit itself with two angry werewolves, which was a total downer that could have turned deadly.

“Remember, Sammie,” Caleb warned, rousing me from my drifting thoughts. “It can get wild in here. Don’t go wandering off.”

“Okay, Daddy. I made sure to bring fresh diapers, too.” Sammie grinned and I bit my cheek to keep from laughing.

“Don’t be a smartass. I mean it.”

“Will you go into the Pit?” Sarah asked, wiggling from side to side in apparent anticipation.

“No,” he answered tersely, becoming tense beside me.

We pulled in front of the bar where cars and trucks were scattered. The graveled road emptied out around the building, into the manicured lawn that surrounded it. The moon wasn’t out tonight. The only light came from the billboard deep in the ground that indicated you’d found Haven’s Pit. Caleb pulled along the side, under one of the many trees that kept the location hidden.

After throwing the truck into park, he turned the key and opened his door in the same motion. We climbed out and I looked up. The stars were brilliant in the sky. There were no city lights to detract from their prismatic sparkling overhead. I inhaled deeply, basking in the autumn air. It smelled like winter. The air was cold and burned my cheeks and lungs.

Caleb’s arm came around my waist, and he pulled me close. I smiled up at him before pivoting around to look for Sammie. I reached out to her as she slid across the seat and closed the driver’s side door.

It was laughable, really. I was as nervous as she was ecstatic.

Sarah and Derek were waiting on the porch of the large wooden building, just beside the door. Derek looked so different with long hair versus the buzz cut I’d grown accustomed to. Blond strands curved around his eyes and ears now, softening his features.

“You ready for some fun?” Derek winked at Sammie and she nodded exuberantly.

We went inside together, escaping the bitter cold.

The upstairs bar hadn’t changed. There were still tables scattered to the right. The jukebox situated in the far corner blared heavy metal music from its familiar space. To the left was a mirrored bar with various liquor bottles lining the shelves. Directly in front was the dance floor, complete with a spinning disco ball that sent holographic squares dancing across the walls.

Both the bar and the dance floor were empty, but several people sat at the tables. A few stopped to watch as we went by, whispering quietly to each other. As Caleb was no stranger to the place, I was sure their conversation involved him in some way.

We walked past the dance floor to the narrow hallway on the left and strode down the corridor until we came to the last door on the right. Caleb lifted his fist and pounded on the door several times, stopping only when a voice roared through the wood.

“Private game in here!”

“It’s Caleb.”

“That’s all you had to say!”

The door opened and Haven’s smiling face greeted us. His unbelievably good-looking surfer boy image hadn’t changed since the last time I’d seen him, and his green eyes shone as he showed us inside the small room. He had his long hair pulled back, his white T-shirt tucked into knee ripped jeans.

“Let’s head down, shall we?” Haven moved to the side of the tiny space and opened the hidden flap in the wall. His fingers moved deftly over the numerical pad just behind the panel and the wall on the opposite side of the room shifted with a crack and a wheeze of air, revealing the elevator shaft that would take us down.

Sarah and Derek went first, squeezing in together as they descended from view. When the elevator returned Caleb started to pull me into the confining space then frowned when he realized Sammie would be left behind.

“Go with Sammie.” I tried to push his immobile body toward the elevator. “I’ll go with Haven.”

His frown deepened and his gaze flickered back and forth between Haven and me. He was stuck in an indecisive battle, taking several uncomfortable moments to make a decision.

Haven broke the silence and motioned at the elevator. “Take Sammie. Emma won’t be tempted to snoop around while she waits for you. Your sister will.”

The indecision on Caleb’s face vanished. “Good point.”

“Hey—” Sammie started to complain when Caleb snagged her arm and walked inside the cramped space. The door closed and a light hum indicated the elevator was descending.

“You’re a bust as far as business goes.” Haven peered down at me. “But it’s good to have you back.”

“Is that a compliment?” I asked curiously.

“It’s a compliment.”

When the elevator returned Haven went in first. I had to press against him in the small space but tried to keep a sliver of room between us. The doors closed and we descended.

My heart started to pound as it went dark and the floor gave way beneath us, taking us down. After several seconds, the doors opened again, and the sounds of people talking and shouting erupted in my ears. Caleb appeared in front of me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me to his chest. Sammie was beside him, her mouth opened wide as she gazed from one end of the room to the other.

Energy coursed over my skin, vibrating and tickling, causing the hair along my nape to lift. There were people waiting inside the pit carved into the earth, situated in the center of the room. The rail surrounding it was nearly full, and there were cheers and chants that indicated a fight would start soon.

We followed Haven to his private table, shouldering past the people standing or sitting near the bar. Sarah and Derek were seated and waiting for us. We slid in—Haven first, then Sammie, followed by me and Caleb.

The same waitress from my first visit strode to the table. She looked at me, scenting the air, and relaxed when my smell jarred her memory. Unwelcome visitors didn’t come back to Haven’s after meeting the crowd waiting upstairs. Haven rotated the watchdog werewolves who pretended to be patrons, but their task remained the same—keep humans out.

“What can I get you?”

“The usual,” Haven said, pulling out a cigar and lighting it. She nodded at him and turned to Derek and Sarah.

“A Guinness and a Cape Cod.” Derek ordered their drinks and leaned back in the booth. The waitress turned to Caleb, Sammie, and I.

“Killian’s on tap and two cokes.” Caleb pressed against me, removing any distance between us. She nodded again and scurried off, vanishing between the bodies along the bar.

Haven puffed on the cigar and exhaled. The smoke billowed up, floating to the table lamp hovering overhead. The air around it turned thick and gray as the smoke swirled and created wispy shapes before evaporating.

BOOK: Crimson Sunrise
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