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Authors: Peter King

Corporate Retreat (7 page)

BOOK: Corporate Retreat
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Chapter 7: A Slave’s Morning Ritual



Dana awoke with a start, hearing the cell door creaking as it opened. At first she felt a bolt of fear rifle through her, but Mei embraced her tightly from behind when she jolted awake. The warm hug eased her initial fear a bit, when she remembered what she did with Mei before she went to sleep. She suppressed the urge to resist Mei’s embrace, wanting this waking nightmare to end, but knowing it was all too real.

“Out slaves, time to get to work,” came
voice, though only his legs were visible to Dana outside the undersized cell.

“Don’t hesitate,” Mei whispered into Dana’s ear and the girl quickly crawled from the cell.

She stopped just outside the cell and when Mei crawled out and rose up to kneel facing Hans, Dana followed suit. Dana was trembling again, the waking reality of kneeling naked in a cold dungeon too hard to just blindly accept. As Hans put collars with leashes on each of the kneeling slaves Dana felt utterly helpless, a scared girl with no idea how to handle this. She glanced at Mei and hoped that following her lead might make surviving this ordeal a bit more bearable, she really seemed like she enjoyed this life. But the idea of learning to like this kind of treatment was not comforting at all, making her wonder what she might become.

Once the collars and leashes were wrapped around their throats, Hans said, “Heel,” as he started to lead them out of the dungeon. Mei dropped onto her hands again, with Dana copying her, and both slaves crawled behind Hans as he led them upstairs again. As she crawled beside Mei Dana felt like an animal, no longer human, just a beast owned by cruel people. Though she still wanted to rebel, her fear of reprisals kept her obedient as she climbed the stairs out of the dungeon.

Once they were back in the main house Hans led them to a bathroom and once inside he removed the collars before leaving the pair alone again. He said nothing as he departed, but once he was gone Mei stood up and helped Dana to her feet too. Without saying anything she started to run a bath and Dana just stood there staring into space, unable to say or do anything. Once the water was running and Mei had added something from a bottle into the tub, she walked up to face Dana.

“It is time to learn how to prepare your body for your Master. A slave’s only gift for her owner is her body and it is your responsibility to make sure it is clean and ready for him. Now step into the tub Dana,” Mei said, as she guided the girl into the hot soapy water.

Dana did as Mei instructed and her new mentor joined her once she was seated in the hot, refreshing water. When Mei started to wash Dana the girl started to relax, feeling Mei’s hands on her body stirring the new feelings she was developing for the experienced slave. She started with Dana’s back, making the girl lean forward so she could scrub it, but when she had Dana lie back and she started to wash her breasts, Dana felt the tingle in her pussy begin again. She wondered if she was just a slut who had been hiding it for years, how could she feel such desire under such extreme duress? Then, when Mei moved her hands down into the water and between Dana’s thighs, the poor girl could not contain a moan of passion.

As Mei rubbed her soapy hands around Dana’s sensitive sex, she whispered, “You were built for pleasure girl, let the animal within out and you will find happiness.” Then she embraced her charge and kissed her deeply, and Dana could not resist the urge to reciprocate. They shared a deep and passionate kiss and Dana felt her whole body melting into Mei’s warm embrace.

After the kiss Mei returned to work, cleansing her protégé down to her toes. Then she had Dana do the same for her, tentatively at first, but soon enough Dana’s hands explored every inch of Mei’s body too. Despite the nature of her situation, Mei’s gentleness and concern for Dana was having a positive effect on the girl. Once Dana finished cleaning Mei they stood up and Mei drained the tub, but she turned on the shower instead and washed Dana’s hair and just like their bath, Dana took her turn with Mei’s hair once hers was done.

By the time the pair stepped from the tub to towel themselves dry, Dana had totally relaxed, almost forgetting her situation. Just twenty-four hours ago Dana could not have even imagined being so intimate with another woman. Now she found comfort here with this older woman. The two woman dried each other beside the empty tub, the bond between them growing with each passing moment.

Then, when they were dry, Mei said, “Time to clean our insides now,” a statement that confused Dana. But when she saw Mei get a hot water bottle hanging on a metal stand with thin white tubing attached to it, she guessed she meant they would be getting a douche, and she was partially right. She had never taken one herself, never seeing a reason to, but she was aware of what they were. She watched with fascination as Mei filled the bottle with hot water, hung it from the stand, and straddled the toilet. Dana made a small gasp when she saw Mei slide the long thin nozzle at the end of the tube up into her sex. Mei released a clip and in a few moments excess water was pouring from her pussy as she slid the nozzle up and down like she was having sex with it.

When Mei was done she removed the nozzle, wiped her pussy dry, and then said, “Your turn pet.”

Dana was nervous, but with Mei’s help she managed to do exactly what her Mistress had done. When she felt the warm water bathing the inside of her recently used pussy she thought it felt wonderful, as it was still sensitive and a bit sore after then amount of use it had taken the prior night. It actually started to arouse her again and she again started to wonder if she had just been a slut in disguise. All those years of denial now seemed so pointless. Despite the fact that she was being forced into this perverse world, the fact that her body felt so vibrant and alive now made her feel she had been hiding her true nature all along.

As the douche cleansed her inner folds of flesh Dana started to think about how she lost her virginity and in spite of the demeaning way it was done, she wanted to feel more cocks inside her now hungry sex. When the stream died down and the bag was empty, Dana slid the nozzle from her sex and used the tissues Mei gave her to dab her pussy lips dry. When she stood up and stepped away from the toilet she wondered why Mei was filling the bag again, was she going to have another douche?

But Mei said, “Time to clean our other hole now.”

Dana felt a shiver go up her spine…
other hole?
After the bottle was full again Mei attached another nozzle to the end of the tubing. This one was thicker and had a small ball shaped end with a hole in it. Dana was transfixed as Mei straddled the toilet again, this time facing the wall behind it. She could say or do nothing as she watched Mei push the bulbous end up her butt hole, an act that sent a new shudder of fear through Dana.

“We are required to keep are bum holes nice and clean, should our Master wish to use it,” said Mei once the nozzle was nestled in her bum.

Dana just nodded to Mei who was looking over her shoulder at her when she released the clip on the tube to allow her bowels to fill with the water. Dana wanted to run from the room, but she knew there was no place to go and all it would earn her was a painful punishment. She stood there like a statue watching the bag deflate as its contents filled Mei’s backside. When the bag was empty Mei pulled the nozzle from her asshole, but rather than release it into the toilet, she stuffed a butt plug into the tiny hole and stood up to face Dana again.

“Now it’s your turn, I will hold this inside me until you are done slave,” Mei said, as she went to fill the bag yet again.

Dana could not move at first, at least not until Mei ordered her to take the same position over the toilet. She shuffled forward, consumed with anxiety, but helpless to resist her Mistress’s command. She felt a strong compulsion to obey Mei, where it came from Dana was not sure, but as she positioned herself for her first enema, she did her best to try and trust Mei. She told herself that she had no choice, that pain was the only alternative and this had to be better than that. Dana grunted as the bulbous head of the nozzle opened her sphincter and entered her rectum.

Mei stroked Dana’s wet hair and said, “Just relax and it will not be so bad.”

Dana heard the click of the clip and felt the warm water start rushing into her bowels. Her body wanted to expel the nozzle and the rushing water, but she clenched her buttocks and endured it as her intestines started to fill with the contents of the bag. At first it was a bit pleasant, even arousing, but soon she felt the pressure build and a need to evacuate her bowels. She strained to hold it in; knowing by what Mei had done to her own ass that was what was expected of her. Finally the rushing stopped, but she felt like she could not hold it.

“You may release it when I pull the nozzle out Dana, I will not make you hold it the first time,” Mei said, just before she pulled the nozzle from Dana’s asshole.

“Thank you Mistress,” Dana replied. Then she squealed as the nozzle was roughly yanked from her bum hole. But that was nothing compared to the sounds and smell of the fetid water that gushed from her ass and splashed into the toilet. It was the longest shit of her life, with streams of water intermingled with her own excrement filling the porcelain bowl she straddled. It seemed like an eternity even though it only took ten minutes to expel her first enema.

When it had nearly stopped and barely a trickle was leaking from her flushed asshole, Mei used a warm, wet cloth to wipe Dana’s ass crack clean. Mei ordered her to stand and step back before kneeling to face the toilet. Dana did as she was told and was forced to watch as Mei then removed her plug and expelled her enema too. Dana felt nauseous as she watched the murky brown liquid and chunks of shit as it escaped from Mei’s rear hole. When she too had finished, Mei ordered Dana to clean her bum, and the now distraught girl obeyed.

Mei stood up, turned around and said, “One last thing before breakfast pet.”

But before she could think much about this latest perversity, Mei knelt down and pulled Dana’s clit into her mouth, sucking it like it was a tiny little cock. Dana arched her back and gasped as the pleasure immediately shot through her sex. Mei was very skilled and in less than a minute Dana was trembling in the throes of another orgasm, shocked at how quickly it happened. Mei broke away and just as quickly, rose up to her feet, taking the sides of Dana’s head in her hands, and pulling her forward to kiss her deeply. Dana, consumed by the passion Mei again unleashed inside her body, returned the kiss with vigor, no longer feeling there was anything wrong with two women being so intimate.

Dana could taste that tart and tangy flavor of her freshly douched sex, and she started to wonder if Mei would let her taste her sex again. It was a thought that disturbed her, but ever since this began she had many of those. All the strictures of her upbringing had been torn away in just a day and the confused girl wondered how long it would be until this all seemed normal to her, just like she saw with the other slaves here. When Mei finally broke the kiss off and stared into her eyes, Dana felt the first taste of a new devotion, one that was stronger than she ever felt before. She asked God’s forgiveness, knowing now that she was helpless to resist the kind of passion and desire that was consuming her.

Mei stood up and helped Dana to her feet before saying, “Time to get dressed and serve our Master’s their breakfast.”

Dana blindly followed Mei from the bath to another room where there was a large and strange looking wardrobe rack along the back wall. It ranged from lacy sexy lingerie, to black leather garments that seemed foreboding, but Dana was slowly becoming accustomed to the perversity that now surrounded her. Mei handed her a pair of stockings and had her sit on a small stool to put them on. They were black and silky this time, the need for white virginal looking attire no longer necessary. Once she had donned the stockings, Mei handed her a pair of shiny black patent leather pumps with four-inch heels. Dana put them on and they felt tight on her feet, but they did fit.

“Stand up and spread your legs kitten, time to get into your training harness,” Mei said.

When Dana got up she teetered on the spiked heels, not used to wearing such high ones. Mei smiled at her and directed her to face a large mirror on the wall. She stepped up behind Dana and wrapped a soft wide leather collar around her throat with a large metal ring stitched into it just below her chin. A thin strap dangled from the collar under the ring passing through Dana’s cleavage and ending just below her navel. Another strap trailed down her spine reaching down just below her buttocks where a ring was attached that had two more straps dangling from it reaching Dana’s knees. At three points along the back strap horizontal straps were attached to it. On one side it was just a few inches long with a buckle on the end, but the other side was much longer.

Mei, after buckling the collar in place, said, “Put you hands behind your neck and lock your fingers together sweetie.” Once Dana did as she was told, Mei took the top horizontal strap’s long end and slid it under Dana’s armpit, over left breast, down through her cleavage, and back around to buckle it in place. Dana stared at her reflection, confused as to what Mei was doing. But when she repeated the procedure with the next, lower strap, Dana saw her tits squeezed between the crisscrossed straps. It was appalling and arousing all at once, a strange feeling that made her feel a bit lightheaded.

Then she heard Mei say, “I said spread those legs girl,” as she kicked at Dana’s ankles to coax them further apart.

Mei knelt behind Dana then and said, “Stay still, and if you relax what I am about to do will be easy, but if you struggle I will have to punish you…now brace yourself.”

BOOK: Corporate Retreat
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