Read Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) Online

Authors: Siera London

Tags: #beach town, #African American, #military hero, #Romantic Suspense

Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)
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“Madea?” She was obviously surprised he knew of the grandmotherly movie character, that was in reality, an African-American man in a wig.

“When you’re on deployment you watch what’s available, when you have a free moment.” The perplexed look she gave him was too adorable.

“For your information, that house dress was a gift from Jace.” Why would a man buy his lady the ugliest garb he could find?

“And this has the sounds of an epic tale. We are both hungry, let’s talk in the car.”

“Let me grab my purse and a lozenge from the counter.” He suppressed a laugh when she pushed out another pathetic cough. She released the door handle, which she gripped like the last life preserver, leaving it ajar as she moved through an elegant great room decorated in shades of purple and gray.

“You do that.” He watched as she approached a bar height counter. She returned without incident.

“Your legs are gorgeous. Why do you hide them in pants?” She looked stunning, but her legs were game changers. They were just as curvy as the rest of her. She had curvy, full legs with feminine ankles slimmer than her calves. Lina was blessed with Betty Grable or Tina Turner one million dollar insurance policy legs.

“You’re spreading it on kind of thick, Gideon.” She tossed a smirk in his direction.

“Hey, whatever it takes,” he grinned. “It’s worth it for dinner with a beautiful lady.”

“Whatever,” her voice shook.

“You are nervous and there’s no reason to be.”

“Speak for yourself.” She pulled the door closed, and moved toward the steps without a glance in his direction. She was feisty. Perfect.

Chapter 5

Dinner with Gideon was a mistake of epic proportions. A secluded table for two with candlelight and soft jazz was detrimental to the man detoxification plan. Why couldn’t he be a lactose intolerant ogre who belched green gas that cleared a room? Instead, he was attentive and listened when she spoke. It was the best date of her life. An emergency man repellent plan was in order. Gideon was on the terrace taking a call from the hospital.
. Hard muscles and smoke gray eyes wouldn’t topple her man-fast resolve.

“The lovely Lina James graces us with her presence.” Gage Alexander’s husky voice resonated in the private alcove. Lina jumped to her feet and walked into his open arms.

“Hmm…it’s wonderful to see you.” She squeezed him tight. Rourke stood less than a foot behind his brother grinning like a loon. Both men were tall, with hulking shoulders, and clean shaven heads. Mischief sparkled in Gage’s nut-brown eyes. Rourke the more watchful of the two, had eyes that rivaled the black diamond stud in his right ear lobe.

“Save some for me, Lina.” She waved a dismissive hand over Gage’s shoulder.

“There’s plenty of me to go around.”

“Not if my big brother has his wicked way with you.”

“Both of you are terrible flirts,” releasing Gage she moved past him to hug Rourke.

“Come here, you,” he said pulling her in a grizzly bear hug. “You disappeared on us for months and all I get is a hug?”

She laughed but the sad truth of it was, she had stopped coming to Drury’s. She had invited Jace to brunch in the early stages of their relationship, only to discover he hated jazz. He had looked uncomfortable for most of the performance. His lukewarm response eventually led to choosing more of what he referred to as mainstream entertainment. Mainstream translated into museums, live theater, and water sports, though he knew a boulder swam better than her. After their break-up it was all too clear he had issues. Drury’s was another small piece of herself forsaken for a relationship with Jace.

“So true.” She placed a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Is my debt paid in full?”

“We’re in the black,” Rourke teased her.

“Hey, I didn’t get a kiss and I own the place.”

“And you won’t.” Lina felt a band of steel around her waist before Gideon hauled her up close to him. He pressed her back in tighter to his solid wall of chest muscle as she stared up at him.

“What the flagnoid?” She tried to free herself, but wiggling would cause a scene. Plus it was impossible. His arm kept her welded to his body. This was ridiculous.

She twisted her neck to see Gideon glaring over her head at one of the brothers. He looked like a pale Godzilla preparing to terrorize small villages and the Upper West Side.

“Lina darling, who’s your humanoid companion?” Gage wore an arrogant smile. Startled by the growl at her ear, she took a cautious glance over her shoulder. Gideon’s handsome looks were replaced by a bull about to burst through the confines of its pen.

“Don’t flirt with her.” Gideon’s voice was filled with gravel.

“Oh my goosebumps, play nice in the sandbox Gideon, please.” She rubbed his arm anchored around her waist. All three men were locked in a Wild West standoff.

“Gage and Rourke are my friends,” she whispered. Even with her feet on the ground, she felt as if Gideon was moments from carrying her off to his cave.

“I don’t care if they are your priest. No one hits on my…you.”

“Darling, this patient field trip was a bad idea.” Gage was waving the proverbial red cape at the bull.

“Gideon is not my patient, Gage. Please be nice to my friend.”

“That depends.”

“On what, pray tell?”

“Did this guy eat the previous one?” Rourke joked.

Never one to back away from a difficult task, Lina raised her chin and answered the question. “The other one liked the packaging, but the flavor was too intense for public consumption. Catch my meaning?” Gage and Rourke regarded her with stony expressions. Both men treated her with sisterly respect. Admitting what had happened between her and Jace was difficult.

“And this one?” Rourke angled his head at Gideon.

“This one has an affinity for chocolate. Anymore questions, Rourke?” Menace laced Gideon’s words. She had to add an estrogen burst in this sea of testosterone.

“Guys, Gideon is my new boss. It’s not what you think.”

“Says the woman with her feet barely touching the ground. Is your head in the sky, too?” Rourke had a valid point. Why didn’t she think of that? Smiling at the men in front of her, she tried to still her lips as she spoke.

“Let me go,” she murmured. His hold tightened. Warm lips touched her ear and she felt the caress of his breath. The mint on his breath tickled her nose.

“If you flirt with them, I’ll toss you over my shoulder and walk out the door.” She hoped that was a joke. Their gazes locked, and she recognized his determination to follow through on his threat. He eased her feet to the ground, but kept a hand at her waist.

“Gideon, you have a last name?” Gage was equally determined.

“Gideon Rice, and you are?”

“Last name is Alexander. My brother and I own the place.”

“Is there a new hospital policy that every nurse receives this level of professional attention?” Gage eyed Gideon with suspicion.

“My concern is Lina. Only Lina.” She couldn’t contain her nervous laugh. Gideon was going all alpha male over her. Where was a news camera or the paparazzi when they were needed?

“It was wonderful to chat with you both. Gideon and I should finish our meal. We have an early day tomorrow.” She moved to hug them both. Gideon bent over her left shoulder and spoke in a tone only she could hear.

“Fireman’s hold, your choice.” She halted in her tracks.

“I’ll come by with Janna later this week,” she said.

Gideon grunted behind her. She gave him a light elbow to the gut and whispered, “Keep it together, Rambo. Where did my high polished psychiatrist disappear to?” She reached behind her, a light stroke to the area she’d delivered the mock jab. The muscles of his abdomen tightened under her touch.

“Rambo was in the Army,” came his husky reply at her ear. She shivered. She heard his low chuckle as desire snaked down her spine. A sexy Neanderthal.

“Tell G.I.Janna she owes me a re-match at the bowling lanes before she leaves town. Gage pulled my
man card
after she unleashed that fast ball on me

“Goodnight, guys.”

“Bye, lil sis,” came Rourke’s base. “And Gideon?”

“Yeah?” Gideon was taut at her back.

“Make sure you take care of her better than the last one.”

“I have Lina.” Was there some male transfer of ownership process that she missed? She turned around and looked up at him.

Gideon extended his hand to Rourke.

“Nice place, you have here.” Both Rourke and Gage came forward shaking his hand before they departed.

“What was that?”

“Man speak. Nothing for you to worry about.” Man speak regarding her? She had reason to worry.

First Jace. Then the Alexander brothers. A face off with three men in the span of three hours. Lina attracted men like a moth to a flame. Gideon envied that talent. He had always been more controlled in his interactions with people. It had taken years for him to master the art of conversation. At this rate, Gideon had to be war ready to keep Lina at his side. After his run-in with the male models masquerading as restaurant owners, Lina suggested they eat on the terrace. Their conversation continued with a comfortable exchange of impersonal information. Had he overreacted when he discovered Lina surrounded by two men? Unequivocally no.

Half measure didn’t exist in her vocabulary. Everything about her was pure pleasure to watch. The way she savored her appetizer and the way her body moved to the beat had him enthralled before their entrees arrived. Feminine poetry in motion. Their conversation remained superficial, but not for lack of him trying.

Gideon looked at her quizzically.

“Why did you stop coming to Drury’s?” The conversation came to a halt.

“Jace, that is, we decided to focus our energies on activities we both enjoyed.” A waitress with a sleek, spiked hair do arrived with their entrees just as the northwesterly winds ushered in a mist of sea spray across the restaurant terrace. The waitress suggested they move to an inside table, but Lina had declined. Her countenance relaxed with each kiss of the salty breeze against her now dewy, chocolate dipped skin. He was sure she would have just as much fun if he was not there. The thought was less than reassuring.

“I take it, he didn’t have an appreciation for jazz?”

“Among other things,” she said through pursed lips. “The wild mushroom ravioli in white wine sauce is a great choice. It is one of my favorites.”

Clearly, he needed a safer topic of conversation.

“I’m glad you approve. Have you prepared it at home?”

“There’s a reason I’m a regular here and at my neighbor’s dinner table.”

“You don’t cook?”

“Can’t, is an accurate description. My mom was the original Food Network sensation. I never wanted to learn.”

“No one eats out every night.” Turning she looked out over the ocean. He watched as she inhaled a deep breath, pushing her cleavage up and then down. Her shoulders relaxed and so did his. Mesmerizing.

“You should eat before your food cools.” Time to change the subject. Compliments get you everywhere, he thought.

“I’ve never seen you in a dress.” He whispered across the small table dressed in black linen.

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Compliments rattled her. He made a mental note to rattle her more often.

He leaned down closer savoring her sweet scent.

“Your legs are man tamers.” Shock registered on her face.

BOOK: Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)
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