Read Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel Online

Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #funny, #humor, #Contemporary, #legal, #romance, #erotic, #adult, #lawyer, #steamy, #love, #sexy, #law

Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel (28 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel
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“So, I was
just wondering… would you be interested in going on a date
with me Friday night? Maybe dinner? See a show?”

She really brings
out her southern accent, and I can almost envision her batting her
eyelashes at me when she says, “Why, Mr. Connover… I’d
be delighted to accompany you Friday night.”

I laugh at her
silliness, but I’m still immensely happy that she agreed again.
I guess a small part of me was afraid she’d change her mind by
the time I got home. She laughs with me, at me… I’m not
sure, but it’s amazing to me after the week we’ve had,
that we can laugh at all.

Which brings it
crashing down on me, that I still have some amends to make with her.
“I really am sorry,” I say quietly into the phone. “For
all the ways I’ve hurt you.”

“You don’t
have to—” Mac starts to say, but I cut her off.

“I do have to.
If we’re going to start over and try this whole dating thing…I
do need to apologize, and I need you to tell me you forgive me. I
need you to listen to me… let me get it all out, and then I
need you to forgive me.”

Mac says softly, appreciatively, and then she waits for me to begin.

I need you to believe me, I have not been with another woman since
you and I first met. I know I told you that you were ‘replaced
and forgotten’ but I was saying that only to hurt you. You are
irreplaceable, Mac, and there’s no way I could ever forget

She stays silent,
which is good, because I have more to say.

“I know it’s
hard to believe… you know… me being a litigation god
and all, but I have a lot of fears and insecurities, and I’ve
been trying to work through them.”

Mac chuckles and
says, “You? Insecure? When pigs fly.”

I laugh softly but
tell her, “It’s true, Mac. The failure of my marriage…
the shit that went down with Marissa and Cal… it fucked me up.
Changed me. I just didn’t ever want to be hurt like that

Her breath is gentle
across the line. “I understand, and I’m sorry you went
through that.”

“I just want
you to know that the things I said… they were meant to hurt
you because I was hurting and confused, and fuck… I know I
sound like a girl, and I can only hope you remember all the stellar
times I fucked you into oblivion as I’m saying this.”

Mac actually snorts
in laughter. “Well, I certainly don’t want to have to
revoke your man card. Let’s call it water under the bridge,

“You forgive
me then?”

“I do,”
she says firmly.


She’s quiet a
moment, then she tells me words that fill me with peace. “Matt…
when you came to Nashville, to support me… when you were by my
side as my mother died… I just knew that there was something
special about you. I knew that I wanted more from you. Did the things
you said to me hurt? Yes. Did I think you were being cruel, petulant,
and ridiculous? Yes. But I also knew the real Matt, even if you
wouldn’t acknowledge his existence. And to answer your
question, I forgive you because you said you were sorry, and I can
hear the sincerity in your voice. There is no reason I shouldn’t
forgive you so we can have a chance to make something.”

Oh, man… what
did I ever do to deserve this woman? This woman who looks like an
angel, fucks like the devil, and has instantly forgiven my

“Thank you,”
is all I can think to say, because if there’s one thing I know
about Mac… she’s about as ballsy as they come. She
didn’t need to give me a second chance. She’s independent
enough that she’d never give me a backward glance, she’s
beautiful enough to have any man she wanted, and she’s
brilliant enough to shoot for the stars. I’m going to have to
accept her word as true… that she is giving me another chance
because she sees something inside of me that makes me worthy of a
woman like her.

I make a vow to
myself that I need to treat Mac with all the respect and integrity I
have within me, because she’s a far bigger person than I ever
could be. I can’t hold anything back if I want to be with her.

“Tell me more
about Gabe,” Mac says, and I can almost envision her lying on
the couch, twirling a finger around a lock of her hair while we talk.

Gabe is an easy
enough subject, because I could talk every minute of every day for a
year and still not tire of talking about him. I’m not sure if,
as humans, we should make our entire existence focus on the benefit
of one thing, but I think as a parent, that’s something that is
impossible to ignore. My entire existence is about Gabe, and while I
have room in my life for other things… such as work, maybe now
a relationship with Mac… nothing will ever come before his
health and happiness.

So I tell her about
my son. It’s not an overly long conversation because talking
about Gabe eventually leads to talk about hockey, because that’s
his favorite sport right now. That leads us to talk of other sports,
particularly those that we each like or dislike. This leads us to
talk about other things we like or dislike.

For instance, I
learn that Mac doesn’t like chicken that much unless it’s
fried. She adores all vegetables, will pretty much try anything once,
but abhors licorice so much, that she once almost passed out from the
noxious smell of it in a candy store.

I grudgingly admit
to her a fondness for foreign films, and that I’m so adept at
watching a movie with subtitles, that I tend to watch all movies with
closed captioning so I make sure I don’t miss any part of a

She tells me that’s
annoying as hell and that if we watch a movie together, she’s
not going to agree to closed captioning.

Our conversation
goes on and on and on. We discover more information about each other
in the two hours we talk, than we have come to know in the past
several weeks we’ve known each other. Obviously, much of that
time was spent fucking each other’s brains out, and
conversation was admittedly not a high priority.

But it’s nice…
I have to admit. That part of dating, where you are getting to know
the other person, and you revel in the things you have in common, and
the things that you don’t just make that person more

By the time we do
hang up, with me telling her I can’t wait to see her tomorrow
at work, I have a feeling of such immeasurable happiness coursing
through me, I seriously cannot remember the last time I felt like
that. I end up going to sleep that night early, just because I’m
excited for Monday to get here so I can see Mac again.

Chapter 24

Mac opens her
apartment door to me with a flirtatious smile.

she says brightly, and I swear, my soul sighs.

I just saw her not
three hours ago at work, yet, it seems like fifty hours. When we had
talked on the phone yesterday, and I had officially asked her out on
a date, we had set it for this coming Friday.

When I woke up
Monday morning, I knew I couldn’t wait that long. So I
scrambled to get ready as quickly as possible so I could beat her
into work. The corner grocer opens at the crack of dawn, and I swung
in there to grab a flower.

Just a single

Turns out, they
don’t just sell single flowers, so I bought a bouquet of
daisies, and when I got to work, I pulled just one of them out,
trashing the rest. I wrote out a little card, asking her to go out
that night, and snuck it on her desk along with the flower.

I waited in the
break room, which is at the end of the hall from Mac’s office,
and kept sticking my head out every ten to twenty seconds while I
sipped on a cup of coffee, waiting for her to come in. She’s
pretty much like clockwork and at seven AM, she walked into her
office, never once catching me peeping at her.

When I walked down
there to get her answer, I stepped into her office to find her doing
some sort of weird dance that was strangely kind of hot. Her lickable
ass was shaking back and forth and her arms were waving around in the
air, with my card clutched in one hand and my daisy in the other.

some pretty funky dancing,” I commented as I leaned against her

Mac gave a panicked
sort of yip, and she spun around on me with her hand clutched to her
chest. Her face turned red, but do you think she would admit that she
was embarrassed I caught her?


She just stuck her
chin out—making me want to bite it—and said, “I was
just excited. It appears I might have a hot date tonight.”


Excitement coursed
through me and I had to resist the urge to do my own funky brand of
celebratory dance. Instead, I leaned back from her doorway and looked
left and right, making sure no one was around. I stepped all the way
into her office and shut the door quietly behind me. I turned the
lock and absolutely loved the way Mac sucked in her breath when she
heard the faint
as I shut the outside world away from

Walking up to Mac, I
shot her a grin, letting her know I was digging her brand of morning
humor and loved that she was excited that we were going out tonight
rather than Friday. Reaching out, I skimmed my fingers along the side
her neck, all the way around to the back of her head. She was wearing
her glorious hair down loose so I sifted my fingers through it, and
when I got about halfway down the length, I fisted it tight. Her eyes
went wide when I started twisting it around my wrist until my hand
was drawn back upward to the base of her skull.

Mac’s breath
immediately got erratic… her eyes shadowy. I pulled her head
back, skimming my eyes down the creamy skin of her throat. Bending
over her, I bypassed her lips, choosing instead to kiss her lightly
near the corner of that proud chin she had stuck out to me not long
ago. I continued sliding my lips along her jawline, straight to her
ear, and reveled in the way that she started trembling. Just that
tiny reaction had my cock swelling.

“I take that
is a yes to my invitation to go out tonight?”

She nodded her head
slightly because there wasn’t much room for her to move with
the hold I had on her hair. I pulled away just a bit so I could look
at her and saw that she was as immersed in a haze of lust as I was at
that moment.

I said, my voice rough and raw, because it was taking everything in
my power not to bend her over her desk and fuck her.

Taking a deep
breath, I released my hold on her hair and took a step back so I
could try to regain my senses. The look on Mac’s face had me
wanting her so badly that I could literally taste her on my tongue. I
knew, with just the slightest provocation by me, she’d be naked
and splayed out on her desk in no time at all.

Although I really,
really wanted nothing more than to sink into her, I refused to give
into the urge. I wanted to wait… because I was betting it
would only be better if I did.

pick you up at eight. The restaurant I’m taking you to is
dressy,” I told her and then turned to open the door. I paused
and looked back over my shoulder at her. “Oh, and Mac?”


“Do me a
favor… wear those white, lace boy shorts tonight under your
dress. You know… the ones that drive me crazy?”

She just nodded at
me, her mouth hanging slightly open, and I grinned at her. She was
adorable when she was dumbfounded. It’s not a look that Mac
wears often I bet.

Now, as she stands
in her apartment doorway, wearing a stunning, deep purple dress that
has a plunging neckline but hits demurely at her knee, I have to
wonder if those white, lace boy shorts are under there.

Stepping over her
threshold, I hand over the carton of ice cream in my hand to her.

She looks at it with
surprise. “Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Peppermint

“You said it
was your favorite the other night,” I tell her with a grin.
“And flowers can be so cliché sometimes, don’t you

She takes the ice
cream from me and turns toward the kitchen. I follow her in, eyes
pinned on her ass as she walks before me. When she reaches the
freezer, I walk up right behind her, dropping my hands down and
grabbing the material of her dress at mid-thigh. She goes absolutely
still, hand perched on the freezer door.

“What are you
doing?” she whispers.

“Checking to
see if you’re wearing what I asked you to?” I tell her,
my voice husky.

“I did,”
she says, her voice trembling.

“I think I’ll
just check.” I pull the material up her smooth legs, fucking
loving the way Mac’s breath comes out all shaky and full of
need. When I reach her hipbone and my fingers touch lace, I lean to
the side and take a peek.

Yup… exactly
like requested.

Placing a kiss on
the side of her neck, I drop the material of her dress and say, “Good

She shudders and
sighs and I have to force myself to step away, or else there’s
a very real danger I could throw her to the tiled floor and bang a
quick orgasm out for both of us.

Taking her hand in
mine, I give her a wink and say, “Let’s go.”


Dinner turns out to
be a surreal experience for me. It’s been a long, long time
since I’ve been on a date… at least, as a single person.
In fact, it had to have been years ago, when I took Marissa out on a
date. I search my memory to try and remember what we did, and I come
up blank.

No matter, I really
didn’t want to dwell on her, but I did sort of want to try to
compare the feeling.

With Mac, everything
just seems effortless. When we get seated in the back of the
restaurant in a tiny little alcove that provides us privacy, we start
into a conversation about our respective childhoods. Mac talks fondly
of both of her parents, her eyes getting just a tiny bit moist. But
she clearly loves reminiscing about the happy times, and it was nice
to get a glimpse of her life.

BOOK: Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel
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