Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel) (8 page)

BOOK: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)
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Without moving that gorgeous mouth, he reached around her and slid her doodle pad across the desk. “How about listing options for media?” he whispered.

How could he think about work?

“To hell with that.” She cupped his face in her hands and took control, kissing him like she meant it. Her lips massaged his, her tongue ran along the seam of his lips and begged admission. He opened to her, and her self-control snapped. Her tongue danced with his, a riotous tango, thrusting in and out. Her body ached for completion, and she turned her chair, stood and straddled his legs. He held her ass as she sat on his lap, her skirt hiked high over her hips, her legs spread wide.

Damn! She ground herself into him, ever aware of his erection through his clothes. Her hips gyrated, the rhythm slow and sexy. She felt his hard-on through her nylons and soaked satin panties.

He broke the kiss. “Better close the blinds, eh?”

She looked over her shoulder at the wide window, open to the balcony outside, and a matching one across the way on the other side of the lobby. No one was out there, and she was suddenly grateful for the fact that her office sat at the very end, thereby inviting very little passing foot traffic. Still, if the lights were on—which they were—anyone standing on the balcony across had a clear shot into her office. And who was housed in the office directly across from hers?


“You don’t think he saw us, do you?”

“No, he’s gone for the afternoon.”

She sagged with relief then stood and dropped the blinds over the window. When she spun around to face him, he was looking at her, expectation written all over those picture-perfect features.

A tiny part of her hesitated. He was so sexy, so unbelievably good looking. And it felt so right being in his arms. But, they were working together. What would this do to her ability to concentrate? Now, more than ever, she needed to simplify her life, remove distractions, focus on what was important.

He raised a brow. “Are you sure about this?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Then we won’t.”

“But…” This was so hard to talk about. “I’m horny as hell. What you do to me!”

He chuckled and took her in his arms. “You know what you do to me, too. But I can wait until you’re ready.”

“I was ready before…” She was very aware of the slick wetness in her panties. It felt cool as she moved.

“We have time. No need to rush.” Holding her close, he rested a palm against the side of her head, and she closed her eyes and listened to the steady thump of his heart.

“I just can’t believe we’re even thinking about this.”

With a finger under her chin, he forced her to look up. “Why not? We were amazing together. Have you forgotten?”

She had, if it had been this good. “No. Uh. I just remember you being a little quick. I’m sorry, that was spiteful. What I do remember was the constant bickering.”

“That’s changed. We’re getting along fine and now I like to take things slow. I’m not that boy anymore. I’m all grown up, I’ve learned the value of…patience.” He dropped a kiss on her nose then trailed more over her eyes, down her hairline, and up and down the side of her neck. Goose bumps blossomed over one arm, and she shivered. “You don’t remember this?”

“No, remind me.”

He reached a hand and teased her nipple through her shirt then unbuttoned one, two, three buttons. He bent lower and kissed the crest between her breasts. “Damn, you’re so beautiful. Absolutely perfect. The way you look. The way your body responds to my touch. The way your lips form that special smile, just for me.”

She leaned back, grateful her desk was behind her to stop her from falling to the floor. Her head dropped back, her eyelids closed. He pulled her bra aside and blew on her nipple, bringing it to instant hardness. That wasn’t enough, though. He nipped it, teased it with his tongue and mouth until the throbbing between her legs had returned full force.

She tangled her fingers in his silky curls, welcoming his onslaught on her breast, and grateful when he moved to the other side.

“Let me refresh your memory.” He teased that nipple to aching erection, then finished unbuttoning her shirt, trailing kisses down her stomach. He reached around and grabbed her ass, lifting her up and setting her on the desktop.

He looked at her through heavy-lidded eyes and slid his hands up her skirt. One palm settled over her mound, rotating slowly until she thought she might come then and there. Her eyelids fell closed.

“I couldn’t forget,” he said. “For years, I’ve remembered the way you look, smell, taste.” His fingertips caught the waistband of her nylons and panties, and she lifted her hips to allow him to pull them off. He slipped her shoes back on after tossing the clothing aside. “High heels are incredibly sexy.”

She felt sexy. Sexier than she’d ever felt. The way he looked at her! She might as well be the most perfect woman in the world.

“Can I taste you?” he asked, stooping down and kissing her ankles. He licked and nipped the sensitive skin behind her knees then moved higher to her thighs. “Can I taste all of you?”

Her legs parted. “Oh, yes! Feast away.” The only thing she could think about was having him inside. Her body thrummed with the thought. Every nerve ending pulsed. “I want you.”

“Are you sure?”


He pushed her skirt up to her waist and eased her legs apart, devouring her with eyes flashing hot with need. “My God, look at you. So wet and ready for me.” He inhaled. “And that scent. There’s nothing like the smell of A woman. My woman.”

Her arms trembled as she leaned back on them. And when the first touch of his tongue came, they nearly turned to marshmallows.

Electric shocks shot up her spine.

He started slowly, laving her folds then parting them and making tiny circles over her clit. A finger slipped inside, stroking the sensitized walls as his tongue lapped her clit with a steady motion that carried her closer and closer to completion.

She mentally tried to resist coming. But her efforts were failing miserably. He was so good. He knew where to touch. He knew exactly how fast, how much pressure… She was in heaven.

When that telling flush shot up to her face, she pushed his head away. “Stop.”

He smiled. “What’s wrong?”

She swallowed a cotton ball that had settled in her throat. “I need you inside me. Now.”

“Then take me.” He stood up and spread his arms wide. “Do what you will.”

The phone rang, and they both looked at each other then at the intrusion.

Damn it to hell!

Thank you, God!

She closed her legs, yanked her skirt down and scooped up the receiver. “Fate Doherty.”

“Hello, Honey? It’s Mom. Are you busy right now, or can you talk?”

Shooting Gabe one of the most genuine silent apologies she’d ever had to give, she scooted down from the desk and wriggled by him. Breathless, she scooped up her panties and hose from the floor and flopped into her chair. “I can…talk. What’s up?” she stammered.

“Dear, are you all right? You sound out of breath.”

She swallowed and tried to force her breathing to slow. “I’m fine.”

“You should take a vitamin with iron. You know how easy women can become anemic.”

“Mother. I’m not anemic. I just…er, ran up the stairs. Why did you call?”

“Stairs, hmm? I just wanted to see how you’re doing, that’s all.” Translation: did she have the mortgage yet.

“I’m doing fine, Mom. Still don’t have word from the mortgage company.”

“Well, they’re taking a mighty long time. Don’t you think?”

Gabe was sitting in his chair watching her. She smiled at him, mouthing, “sorry.”

He shrugged his shoulders and lifted his fingertips to his nose then grinned.

A bolt of heat shot down to her crotch.

“…and you know the auction is scheduled for only two weeks from now.” Her mother continued. “What am I going to do? You have to help me.”

“Don’t worry. I’m doing everything I can. We’ll figure something out. Promise.”

“Okay. Well, I have to go. Bye, honey.”

“Bye, Mom.” She dropped the phone in the cradle. “You’re evil!” She gave him a playful pat on the stomach.

He caught her wrist. “What was that all about?”

“My mother. I told you about her house, didn’t I?”

His thumb stroked her wrist, the simple touch a huge distraction. She glanced down at his hand.

“You did. That’s right. Something about buying the house from the bank, right?”

“I was able to talk them into letting me buy it, but they gave me a set date, and if I don’t come up with the money, they will put it on the auction block.” She pulled her wrist free. It was simply too hard to concentrate when he was doing that thumb rubbing thing. “I’m running out of time. Fast.”

“How much money do you need?”

“One twenty-five.”

“Not bad for a four bedroom in Canton!”

“Yeah, it’s a steal. I can hardly afford to lose this opportunity, even if it hadn’t been my childhood home. But I’m having a hard time getting a mortgage. My credit’s shot, thanks to some really stupid mistakes I made about six months ago.” She looked down at her desk and slid a hand to her doodle pad. She swiped a pen out of the holder and started drawing little circles. “Sometimes I just don’t think.”

“I’ve made some stupid mistakes, too.”

“The perfect Gabe Ryan make a mistake? No way!” She looked up and caught a playful smile.

“You’d be surprised. Like I said, you don’t really know me. I’ve grown up since college.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Their gazes locked, and an awkward silence dropped between them. Her heart pounded in her ears. After a few rather long moments, she added, “Well, should we get something accomplished today?” Besides soaking my panties.

“Sure. I’ve got Michael digging up some facts on our competitors, I hope you don’t mind.”

Was he being straight with her? She studied him as he stood and rummaged through several folders on his desk. She really wanted to believe him, wanted to trust him. “No, not at all. For now, I guess we’re sharing both an office and an assistant.”

“For now.” He returned to his chair, cocking his head like a puppy. “What?”

Her neck flamed. “Sorry. Was I staring?”

“Yeah. Is something wrong?”

What wasn’t wrong? She couldn’t make up her mind about this guy. Her body had one notion—and only one! That was as puzzling as the rest of the situation. “I’m just not sure what to think about all of this. Only a few days ago, you were my worst enemy, and now…” What could she say about him? What was he? Almost her lover? The man she wished she could toss on the floor and ride like a wild stallion?

He gripped her upper arm, not hard. Just hard enough to capture her attention. “What, Fate? What am I to you?”

She shook her head. “I don’t—“

“Bullshit.” His gaze pummeled her, intense, relentless, fixed.

“What am I to you?” she asked, unable to tear her gaze from his.

“You’re the woman I’ve loved…for six years.”

Chapter 6

Sometimes, a simple three-word sentence can change your life.

Well, that was something he hadn’t thought to tell her, at least not yet. Still gripping her arm, Gabe waited, his breath caught somewhere between his lungs and his throat. Would she laugh in his face?

She didn’t laugh. She did something worse. “I didn’t…oh, my God…I, uh…”

“Pretty damn surprising, isn’t it?” he summed up for her, releasing her arm. “You thought I was a player, right? On to the next one after you dumped me, right?”

She shrugged and took a step backward. “Well, it’s been a long time. And we were so young.”

“Maybe. But not me. I loved you, Fate.”

She looked sick. Pale, weak, her shoulders slumped forward. She slid down in her chair. “I’m sorry.”

Uh, uh! Gabe Ryan didn’t appreciate pity, especially from Fate. He would rather have her hate him than pity him. Anger looked damn good on the woman. She wore it with such class and style. Shoving aside the sketch pad, he sat on her desktop. “For what? What are you apologizing for?”

“For the crappy way I treated you, I guess.”

He leaned closer, drawn by her cologne. The slight tang tickled his nose. It was damn sexy. Not at all the sticky sweet fragrance she’d worn years ago. “Don’t apologize for that. You did me a favor.”

“Really?” She sat a little taller, a small improvement, but an encouraging one.

“Sure. You set me straight.” He scooped up her sketch pad and flipped the pages, finding a caricature of himself with wild hair, blown up muscles, and a screw-the-world expression on his face. He wasn’t surprised she still saw him that way. “I know why you dumped me in college. I learned a lot about myself over the past six years. I’ve done a lot of growing up. Made a lot of changes. Done a lot of soul-searching.”

She tugged at the sketch pad, but not hard enough to wrestle it away from him. “You have?”


“Then why did you act the way you did with me? Whenever we bumped into each other…you were such a jerk.”

He leaned closer, knowing he always got to her when he did that. “Was I?”

This was no exception. She bit her lip, a lip he knew tasted like honey. A lip he wished he could kiss right then… His cock hardened. ”I guess it was me.”

He released the pad, dropped his gaze to her chest, and visually feasted on the swell of two perfect tits bound in a black lace bra. “Sometimes we see what we expect to see.”

She stood and buttoned her shirt. Damn! He’d hoped she wouldn’t do that. That cleavage was simply too delicious to cover. “I don’t know. All of this is so much to take in.” She gripped her panties and pantyhose in her hand and headed toward the door. “What are you doing here now?”

Trying like hell to get you back in my bed where you belong. “My job.”

She leaned back against the door, and he briefly considered pinning her there, gripping that ass in his hands, and lifting her high, impaling her on his rock-hard cock.

“Then you are competing with me for the marketing position.”

He took a couple steps toward her. “No. I want to work together. I told you that.”

“But Duncan said they don’t need two managers.” Looking completely confused and flustered, not that he could blame her, she shifted her weight from one foot to the other.

BOOK: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)
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