Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (7 page)

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Through the slit in her bedroom curtains, the full moon cast a silver light over her white bedspread. Since she’d stayed relaxed all day, it didn’t take her long to fall into a deep sleep.

Rae stirred as a spark of desire kindled in her lower abdomen. A breath of cool air rushed around her, and she sensed a man standing at her bedside. His scent had her nipples tightening and her pussy weeping for attention. She moved restlessly on the bed.

“I’m here, my love.” A strong hand touched the side of her face, and slid down her neck to her shoulder and then covered her breast.

Her heart thumped in anticipation. She wanted him to touch her. She reached out to him, but he’d stepped back into the shadows.

When he reappeared at her side, the silvery moonlight shone across his tall naked figure, along his wide shoulders and chest, down his lean torso to his large, wide cock pointing at her. He had long legs and stood like a warrior ready to take what was his.

Her body trembled with hunger to feel him outside and inside her. “I want you.”

“Show me.” He moved closer to the side of her bed.

Her hand touched the inside his thigh. She couldn’t resist looking at his magnificent body and alarmingly large cock.

“I won’t hurt you. Scoot over in bed.”

She did as he said, and he lay beside her. His fingers traced the edge of her hairline, to her eyebrows, down her slender nose, and across her full lips.

“I have to taste you.” He brushed his lips over hers. When she opened her mouth, his tongue swept inside. She held on to him tight and moaned as his tongue seduced her.

Rae hadn’t noticed his hands moving until one closed around her breast. His fingers lightly pinched the tip, and her pussy ached. The scent of her desire permeated the air around them.

Spontaneously, her arms rose and her fingers slid along his wide shoulders. She traced across the soft hair on his chest, down his flat abs until her hand circled his warm, satin-smooth cock. He pulsed against her palm.

He raised his head and removed her hand. “Not yet, my love. This won’t last long if we start there. I intend for this to take hours.”

Although his features had been in the shadows, now she recognized Garth’s aristocratic face, aquiline nose, and husky voice. She was so lost in her desire for him it never occurred to her to say stop. She wanted him too much to turn away.

To suit his words, he kissed her neck and shoulder at the curve. He’d straddled her body, and while he kissed her, his hands were busy caressing her breasts. A jolt of electricity shot up her spine when he covered one breast with his warm mouth and sucked. Then his tongue licked around her nipples and nipped at the pebbled tips.

His dick pulsed against her soft abdomen. Feeling the hard ridge of his erection increased her need for him to be inside her hungry pussy. She moaned and tried to urge him to move faster. His sexy chuckle irritated her.

Without warning, she flipped him on his back. This time she was in control. He smiled and put his hands behind his head. Her teeth bit along the edge of his hard jaw and then nipped at his earlobe. He held himself still under her onslaught. She kissed his mouth, sucked on his lower lip, and tangled her tongue with his.

Growing more daring, she licked across and around his nipples, kissed his tight abs, and moved down his lean abdomen to the juncture of his thighs. His cock appeared even more rigid. She wrapped her fingers around his long, thick cock.

She tasted the pearl drop on the top of his dick. His salty taste encouraged her to explore more. Her mouth covered the top, and she took his cock into her mouth. His faint groan egged her on. Her tongue wrapped around, licking and caressing him. She moved her head up and down his length. Gently she moved her hand around his sac.

“Damn, woman.” Garth stopped her and moved to cover her body with his. He positioned his dick at her opening and slid a short distance into her pussy. Rae caught her breath.

“Shall I stop?”

“Hell no. It feels too good.”

He plunged forward. Her tight pussy clenched around him. Rae gasped and her body shook when he’d completely filled her.

An unknown urgency gripped her. Her hips rose to greedily meet his every thrust. The inner walls of her pussy rippled with pleasure. It was sinfully wonderful. His finger slid between them and put pressure on her nub.

“Ah, yes, yes.” Rolls of ecstasy flowed from her clit up her body, drowning her in raptures of delight. He pushed hard once more.

“You are mine.” His words echoed in her head.

Rae awoke shaking. She looked in all the corners of the room. No one was there. A light sheen of perspiration covered her body, and her heart pounded in her chest.

Faint moonlight still shone through the parting in the curtain. Her door was shut. On trembling legs, she walked to the window and looked out. Nothing, no one.

But it had to be real. Her body felt his impression lying against her. Her pussy was wet and periodically clenched as though searching for him.

She ran her hand through her hair. Had he somehow come to her in her mind, or was it an incredibly lifelike dream? Her body throbbed and hungered to feel his touch again. Going into the shower, she turned on the warm water and stepped in. She made suds with her soap and washed her body clean of the dream or whatever it was.

When she had finished, her clock said five a.m. She pulled the sheets off and remade the bed. She’d swear his scent clung to them. But it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

But if it was she had a problem. She’d put up her protective screen. Neither anyone nor anything had ever gotten through before.


* * * *


Mitch, Daren, and Sara greeted them when the jet landed. Her brothers hugged her tight. Mitch held her at arm’s length and peered into her eyes.

“You look better, are you?”

“Yes. Jewel and I have to get unpacked and settled. May I meet with you later? Jewel will want to contact her folks and go see them.”

“Sure. Come for dinner, and we’ll talk afterwards.”

“I’ll be there.”

Mitch and Daren put Rae’s and Jewel’s suitcases and the painting supplies in the truck bed. Daren opened the door to the backseat. Rae climbed in, and Jewel followed.

Rae’s mind raced as they drove toward her home. She was afraid she’d never feel totally in control again. Not until she found out if last night was real or a dream. She touched her stomach. Whichever it was, he hadn’t used any protection and she’d been off contraceptive medicine for several years.

At her house they waved good-bye to the others, and she and Jewel went inside. “You know the way to the guest room,” Rae said as she turned toward her bedroom.

Perhaps she’d never see him again. But what if he kept coming to her in her dreams? If that happened, she’d have to ask the Priestess how to shut him out.

A surge of heat and desire raced along her nerves. But did she truly want to keep him away? That might be how he got past her walls. Her desire was stronger than her mind’s determination. She’d work on her resolve. Not that she didn’t enjoy herself, but there were too many questions about him that needed to be answered before she and her heart got involved.


* * * *


Sahale knocked and called out, “Anyone home?”

Sara came from the kitchen area. “Hi, Mitch said to tell you to meet him and Daren in the conference room downstairs.”


He waved as he headed toward the elevator. Downstairs they did their secret work and held the most private meetings. Mitch and Daren had to be concerned to meet there. Sahale couldn’t remember the last meeting that took place in their reinforced conference room. No one could penetrate the walls to hear or see what was happening.

Sahale stopped in the doorway. Their Priestess Elle and her husband Pruet sat in a circle that included Mitch, Daren, Sahale’s brother Lang, and his grandmother, who most everyone called Nanna.

“Join us, Sahale. I sent the helicopter to get Nanna.” Mitch smiled at the tiny woman sitting to his right.

“It was quite an exciting adventure. I believe I will ask for the helicopter whenever I want to come to the main ranch area.” She smiled at her two grandsons. “That way I can visit more often.”

Mitch grinned. “It’s at your beck and call, Nanna. Now for the more serious reason Daren and I asked you all here. Strange occurrences have been happening since Caedmon Quinlain visited our ranch. Much of it pertains to Rae. I didn’t ask her to attend. At this point I don’t think her perspective can be clear and focused.”

Daren leaned forward. “Quinlain came to talk with us during his first visit and this last one. He was very open about being a member of the third tribe. His brother and cousin are the leaders. I asked why they had two for one tribe. He said all would be explained at the proper time.”

“Did he say when this time would be?” Elle asked.

“Not exactly,” Mitch said. “But his goal is to reunite our tribes.”

“I wish we knew the reason our ancestors broke off from their tribe. But when the third tribe left they managed to take all the scrolls concerning that period of time, and some of the scrolls from when our people first arrived on Earth,” Elle said. “I’m leery of this sudden desire to integrate with us.”

“They also took the mechanism that allowed us to contact our planet. It was badly smashed in the collision with Earth, but with modern advances I wonder if they have been able to contact our home planet.” Mitch looked at each person. “I want to go around the room and have each of you tell me your thoughts on this.”

“Our planet is billions of miles away in a galaxy that Earth scientists have yet to be able to discover. I suspect they have not succeeded in repairing the mechanism to contact our old world. But what if they did?” Lang asked.

“According to the few older scrolls the third tribe left behind and from what our grandparents have passed down to us, we left our planet searching for another place viable for us to live on,” Elle reminded the group.

“Yes,” Nanna said. “I have heard the story. Your ancestors feared the larger two of the five tribes were preparing to go to war, to take control of your world. Your ancestors preferred to be prepared if they had to escape the enemy.”

Daren nodded. “Those two tribes were a much more warlike group and wanted complete control. They disliked being part of a group of leaders who did what was best for all. I remember my grandfather telling us such stories starting when we were small.”

“Do you fear the third tribe has become like them and would try to take us over?” Pruet asked.

Mitch stood and paced around the room. “I don’t know. I think there are definitely more of us. Quinlain said they came in peace to reunite with their kin. The man has a good reputation of being honest and is well respected as an attorney.”

Nanna had closed her eyes. Sahale had been watching her. He noted Lang had, too.

“Nanna, please tell us what you sense or know.”

She opened her eyes and stared at Sahale, and then Lang. Tilting her head, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes again.

“Winds of change are whirling around us. Some good, but there is a sinister cloud rapidly following. There will be much to accept and some to question. You must use all your skills and your instincts. In the end the battle to save us and our adopted world will be on all our shoulders.” She opened her eyes and looked at Mitch and Daren. “Trust, but keep your eyes and ears alert. Not all are trustworthy.” She looked around the room. “But it is best to have your enemy in sight.”

Elle nodded. “Do I understand we can trust most of the third tribe, but there are a few we can’t?”

“My vision is not totally clear. I believe what you said is correct.”

“And you think we must meet with the third tribe and begin to have talks? Mitch asked.

“You must. Quinlain and his cousin have chosen Rae for their mate.”

“He told me much the same,” Mitch said.

“She could be the bridge between you all,” Nanna added. “But she will fight the idea. I have picked up on her disturbed psyche. She is unable to clear her head of them. She’s been hurt by the first one she loved. She will resist trusting either of these two. Especially the one who holds the secret of why the tribes separated.”

Chapter Seven


Rae waved good-bye to Jewel as she drove off to have dinner with her parents. She glanced down the road at her brothers’ house. A number of cars and trucks were parked in front.

Sara probably invited her friends and their husbands. Rae thought briefly of calling and begging off, but her brothers and Sara would not be pleased. She had to hurry or she’d be the last to arrive.

After dressing casually in jeans and a white shirt, she pulled her hair back, and sat to pull on her boots. Then she walked down the street to the house she’d grown up in.

“Welcome.” Daren had come out on the porch. When he saw her walking in his direction, he waited. “I was about to come get you. We thought you might try to bail out on us.”

“I would have, but I knew you’d drag me out.”

Daren put his arm around her. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. Quit being overprotective.” She frowned at him.

“Tessa’s food is sure to make you smile. Come in and socialize. We’ll forget all the questions for now.”

“What do you and Mitch have planned? Are you going to interrogate me after my meal?”

“What a harsh word.” Daren’s expression showed his concern. “We’ll do nothing of the kind. We’ve been worried about you since the other night.”

“Please don’t be. I’m all over the shock of Nate’s return with a wife and child.”

Daren took her arm before she walked off. “Don’t hesitate to call, ever, if you are upset. If you don’t want your brothers involved, Sara is here.”

Rae had never seen Daren this serious. He seldom ever frowned, at least not at her.

“Let me go.”

“I will when you promise to always call if you feel the need. You’ve always tried to handle everything on your own. It isn’t necessary.”

“People are looking at us.”

“Doesn’t bother me.”

BOOK: Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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