Cocky Biker: A Stand Alone MC Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Cocky Biker: A Stand Alone MC Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 2)
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t Alpine Texas
, Tonk and I wait for the train to slow to a complete stop. More people de-board than we expected since this desert town in the western tip of Texas ain’t at all that big.

Tonk’s locked on finding his Carmen, standing by me like he’s got crabs on his balls. “Where are they?”

“They’ll be here.”

“What if somethin’ happened?”

“Carmen has your phone.”

“Right,” he grumbles, not sold.

Through a sea of much older faces we see slivers of two of the loveliest, olive skin Latinas to ever walk the planet. I grit my teeth and shove my hands in my jeans pockets. This is gonna suck.

Carmen waves and Tonk takes off running. Jealousy fires up my veins.

Fuckin’ hell.

Luna watches them for a second, then glances warily to me. She just nods.


I want to wait where I am, but my feet have a mind of their own. I meet her in the middle. “How was the trip?”

“Good,” she smiles. “She’s never been on a train. Pointed out so many pretty things it kinda wore me down. You shaved your beard.”

Tonk and Carmen are making out right on the platform, not caring who’s watching.

I’m trying not to care, and failing.

“Yeah. It itched. What do you mean it wore you down? Like you got tired of it?”

Luna shakes her head a little, just enough for her sweet shampoo smell to torture me. “No, I mean her being so innocent and happy made me see the beauty, too, after a while.”

“Ah,” I huff. “Well, that’s good.” I reach for her backpack, but she shakes her head.

“I’ve got it.”

“Just give me the bag.”

Luna’s dark eyes search me until she decides to give in. “Sorry. Not used to being around a gentleman.”

“Not used to being called one.” I throw it on my shoulder. and shout, “Hey lovebirds! Let’s go!”

Tonk breaks the kiss and grins at me, throwing his arm around her. They slowly make their way over. “Maverick Inn?”


We’ve been to Alpine before. With a population of just over six thousand, it’s a great place to rest your head and sleep like a baby on bourbon.

At this inn we have to check in with our credit cards. No plans on doing anything worth hiding here. Tonk gets The Superior Deluxe and Carmen beams at him, stroking his forearm like it’s his cock. The seventy-year-old behind the desk keeps watching, but he’s really trying not to. I can tell he wishes he was young again.

My jaw tightens as I step up. “Two Deluxe rooms.”

He blinks and looks at Luna, who’s probably the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. He steals an accidental glance at her rack and comes back to me.



Edgy silence. Fun times. Sharing a look with Tonk, I drop my card on the counter and wait for the guy to make snails brag about how fast they are. Fuckin’ hell, man, hurry it up.

“We put a deposit on the cards to hold any costs for…”

“Yeah, I know. It’s cool.” Forcing a smile at Luna, I sign the receipt, and go to open the door for her. As she walks up, I mutter, “Don’t even say it.”

“Thank you, Jett,” she whispers.

I stare after her. That’s not what I thought she was gonna say.

After Carmen thanks me, too, Tonk hits my shoulder on his way out. He pauses. “Sorry, man.”


He nods and bows his head, looking at the key. “Carmen, baby, this way.”

Luna is waiting in front of the sand-colored one-story building. She follows as I head left scanning for our rooms.

The guy put us next to each other, which sucks so fuckin’ bad.

A little distance would have been better, but I’d never go ask him to change it and hurt her feelings. Never in a million years.

That’s not how Nancy Cocker raised me.

She raised us to be men.

Gruff, maybe.

Temperamental, fuck yes.

Pouty dickheads,

“I gotta get some sleep, Sunshine. I’ll see you at breakfast.” Glancing over to the beautiful purple and gold sunset, I hand her the key.

“Sky sure is pretty,” she quietly says as she takes it.

I nod. “Yep. Sure is.” Meeting her eyes, I tell her, “But nothin’s more beautiful than you.”

Her mouth drops open and I turn on my weathered boot’s heel for the room next door. As the key slides into the lock with ease, I remember what it felt like to slide into her. I turn the doorknob, listening for her footsteps on the hot cement, but she’s still where I left her.

I don’t look over.

Don’t need to stick anymore glass in my heart.


his place is definitely
one of the nicer motels I’ve been in. Well, I guess they did call it an ‘Inn,’ so maybe that’s the difference. Elegant Southwestern décor is how their pamphlet describes it. Big fan of the slanted wood ceilings and log bed frame. Warm and cozy.

But it’s doing nothing to calm me down.

I’ve got ants under my skin. Red ones. That’s what this feels like.

A king size bed for just me. It looks lonely.

And Jett is on the other side of the wall.

I jump at a tentative knock on the door. Grinning and relieved, I run — literally run — to answer it.

Swinging it wide, I freeze.

Carmen’s eyes go big. “Oh Luna! I’m sorry. It’s just me.”

Ouch. “That obvious?”

She makes a face and shrugs, holding up a plastic bag. “Yeah. Can I come in?”

Stepping aside to make room for her and her belly, I shut the door and touch my forehead to it before following her to the quaint kitchen. “I had a craving for avocados so Tonk rode all over town to find me one.”

“We just got here.”

“Before they picked us up. Wasn’t riding on the bikes fun? I’ve never been on one. I’m sure he didn’t like going that slow.”

Sighing, I tell her, “Carmen, Tonk would go two miles an hour if it made you happy. He adores you. He makes no move to hide it.”

She blushes — not easy for an olive-skinned girl to do. Peeling away as she rambles on, “You and Jett were so tense and there was too much space between you.”

Don’t I know it. Riding on the back of his Harley and not wrapping myself around him was so, SO hard to do.

“I told you on the train, we need distance…”

“I know, but…it’s just sad to me, Luna.”

“Yeah, well.” Crossing my arms, I watch her cut the fruit with a plastic knife. Digging out the bulbous seed with it, she hands me one half and pulls out corn tortillas. “Want me to heat them up?”

“No, this is cool.”

We tear off pieces of tortilla and cut chunks of avocado to eat with them. The quiet is a comfortable one. We’re used to each other now.

When we left Los Angeles and were alone together for the first time, Carmen wouldn’t talk to me. Then I started telling her stories from my childhood, and she opened up. But she really is like a little bird. It doesn’t surprise me that she fell for the lies, when she agreed to take ‘the job.’

She was first generation American, brought over by a brother who smuggled her as a baby. When he went to jail, she had no one, and a nice white family took her in when they found the five-year-old girl on the streets. But the husband began sexually abusing her when she turned thirteen. It crushed her, of course. And her self-esteem.

She ran away when she was sixteen, but had no concept of money or how to take care of herself. One of Matias’s men told her all kinds of lies to trick her. When they got her ‘home,’ they drugged her. Then when she got pregnant the first time, they told her she was a whore and no one would ever love her, and that the police were in on it. Her baby would go to a ‘good family.’ Not be raised by a whore.

That baby didn’t make it.

She told me of how horrible it was for her and the others. The babies were fathered by the bodyguards, since Matias was too sick in the end to participate in his newfound commercial trafficking. And there was no structured conception. This child could be one of seven men’s, she confessed. When I asked her if she told Tonk that, she nodded, which surprised me. It was when we crossed the border of Arizona into New Mexico.

She said, “He hugged me and told me he would never let anyone touch me again.” Carmen stared out the window at the clay-colored mountains. “I thought you just said we were going to be in a new state now. It looks the same.”

I would have smiled at her random segue and innocence, if I wasn’t so sad by what she told me.

“Why aren’t you staying in his room?” Carmen’s brown eyes are as curious as they are patient.

To avoid the subject, I tease, “Why are you in mine?”

“Because I didn’t want you lonely.”

My smile fades and we eat in silence. There isn’t much and it’s gone too soon.

When she starts packing up, I blurt, “I thought I would be in his room.” She glances up from the bag. “I…spent the last twelve hours on that train wondering how I would handle sleeping in the same room with him and keeping my heart caged up. When we were in the lobby and you looked over at me? Remember?” She slowly nods. “It was right about then that I felt maybe I’d left the hospital too soon because my heart was beating so fast it hurt in my chest. I just…when I’m around Jett I feel like I’m not close enough to him. I want to press my body to his and just stay like that.”

Carmen blinks and walks to me with big arms.

“I don’t need a hug,” I object, stepping back.

She hesitates, but decides to ignore me. “Pretty Luna, come on.”

Her belly presses into mine as her arms go around me. She rubs my back and pulls away. “He cares about you.” Guessing that I’m not going to have a reply for that, she picks up the bag and heads for the door. “Tonk thinks we’re having sex tonight but I’m going to have to just blow him. I feel like a big fat whale today. Baby is coming soon.”

Floored, I rush over and close the door on her. “Carmen, is he making you…?”

Her eyes go huge and she shakes her head. “No! That’s not what I mean!” A big smile lights her up. “He’s the sexiest man, Luna. I love the sex with him. And he made me wait a long time to have it. Pissed me off.” She rolls her eyes. Touching my arm, she goes soft and shy again. “Luna, when a man you want… wants to touch you for the
reasons, it feels really good. I’m so happy.”

After she leaves, I close the door and lock it, laying my forehead on it one more time.

Glued to the thing, I hoarsely whisper, “Oh, God, this hurts!”


ett stares
at me from under those blonde eyebrows. He’s barefoot and shirtless, wearing only his jeans and as he lays his right hand on the door’s frame, it’s like he’s bracing himself. The spidery tattoo on his chest that he and his brothers share flexes with tension.

“Sunshine, I need to get some sleep.”

“I know…I just…” Glancing to the mat outside his room, I try to catch my breath. This is so scary for me, to reach out like this. “I don’t want to sleep without you when you’re right on the other side of the wall, Jett.”

He exhales as his fingers grip the doorframe harder. “Luna, if you sleep in this room, we’re gonna be fuckin’ and I don’t know if either of us can handle that. Unless you’ve changed your mind.” He searches me to find out how I feel about that, and his eyes glaze over as he sees my stance hasn’t changed.

“Can’t we just be together now? Can’t we just pretend there is no later? No future? And just be with each other?”

He frowns and releases the door, standing straight and crossing hulkish arms over his bare chest. His jeans are hanging a little, the belt not tight, and I can see the tops of the letters betraying the tat hidden below. Of course I remember what else is there, and I realize in this instant that I’m being a selfish bitch right now.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, ashamed. “I guess I’m a cunt, huh? You offered me something amazing and I can’t accept it. And here I am asking you for more. Or less. Fuck,” I whisper. “I don’t know, Jett. I just got used to you being there when I wake up. And that’s pretty crazy because I didn’t know you were there when I was…gone…all those months.”

“Maybe you did know,” he rasps. “I talked to you every day. Wished you good morning. Talked about whatever the fuck. Explained in detail how crappy the hospital food was.” He breathes deeply in and out before he adds, “And I asked you every day to stay with me. The first day I gave you permission to check out, but then I changed my mind.”

I turn my head away. “You’re killing me.”

“I know,” he rasps. “I can’t fuckin’ help it.”

“I’ll go.” I head to my room. Jett reaches out and pulls me to him so quickly I gasp from surprise.

With his lips close to mine, he growls, “I’m going to regret this,” and kisses me so hard it nearly bruises my lips. I press my selfish body to his.

We moan into each other’s mouths because the kiss is so good. Lifting me, he slams the door with his foot, carrying me to the bed and not letting go of my mouth with the frenzied need of not being able to do this for months.

He yanks down my jeans, swearing at them when they fight back. Jett grabs me around my thighs, lifts me up and tugs the fuckers off, untying my boots and ripping my socks off. I moan as he flips me around and bends me over the bed. My panties tear under his impatience, him swearing the whole time. I tug off my shirt and my breasts fall freely because I took off my bra in my room earlier to help me breathe and calm down.

I hear him groan behind me, so I look over my shoulder and lock eyes with him. “Thank you.”

A wicked smirk filled with pain and hunger tugs at the corners of his full lips. “We’ll see about that.” He unzips his jeans slowly, holding my gaze. “I haven’t fucked anyone since I was buried deep in your hot little pussy.”

“Not any of the nurses?” I tease with a naughty smile.

His eyes go hard and he leans down to grab my right nipple, pinching so hard I yelp. “You wanna play?” He begins to massage my breast. His snake is pressed into my ass cheeks and I moan at the promise of what is to come.

Jett buries his face in my neck. “Your fuckin’ tits are a gift from God, Sunshine. You like my fingers on ‘em?”

I moan, “Yessss.”

His breathing grows rapid as he reaches down between my legs with his free hand, pulling me tight against his naked body. “Let’s see if you’re wet.”

“If?” I croak, struck silent as his fingers slip into my swollen folds.

He touches my opening and moans right into my ear.

The heat of his breath is so yummy that my lips part wishing his tongue was sliding between them.

“Fuck, baby, you’re sopping. You want me that bad, huh? But just for sex, you little slut.”

“Jett!” I cry out and he bites my neck, making me moan and bend under the pressure. “That’s not nice.”

“Are you nice?” he chuckles and snaps my nipple between his fingers right before he grabs my hair, pulling my head up to the ceiling. I writhe under the skill of his angry fingers as he teases my clit and growls in my ear, “I’m about to make you forget other men exist.”

As he shoves his index and middle finger into my hole, I moan, “Cocky bastard…” He’s stroking me as he massages my neck with his teeth, gnawing on me in the beat of those fingers. My back is arched. The ceiling is above me, and it’s all I can see.

He’s got complete mastery of my body and I fight the climax, angry at him for owning me like this.

Because I know he’s right.

I will never have another man inside my body and not think of Jett Cocker.

“Oh God,” I whisper as the burning tingles turn to flames.

“That’s it. Cum for me, baby,” he moans in my ear, panting in time with me.

“No,” I whisper, struggling against giving in.

“Let me in, baby. Let all that pain go.”

I cry out as he starts lightly flicking my clit with his thumb while his fingers penetrate me in swift sure pumps. Dynamite explodes in my veins and I scream, “I FUCKING HATE YOU!”

Jett ignores me and pulls my head back to kiss me hard. My tongue reaches for his first, desperate to taste him. I’m cumming all over his hand. Bucking under the pleasure. Letting go of the fight. I bite his lip as he pulls back to look at me. He smirks and growls, “Little bitch. I still can’t believe you stole my credit card.”

“I’d do it again,” I shoot back with a smirk of my own.

He laughs loudly and then shoves my torso down, lifting my ass and snarling, “Fucking look at this thing here. Sweet holy fuck, look at your ass!”

He gives it a slap and rubs his cock’s blunt tip against my wet pussy. I moan hard and rasp, “Oh God, you feel so good.”

He dives in, filling my starving pussy with a meal. We moan together and he rakes short fingernails down my spine, smacking my ass cheeks again as he begins to stroke himself inside me.

I am trembling at his size. This is pleasure mixed with pain. It’s been months. But do I mind? Fuck no. It feels way better than it hurts.

“I’m gonna fill you to the rim, baby.”

For some reason he stops abruptly.

“What’s wrong?” Flinging my hair back, I look over my shoulder to see why he stopped.

Frowning really hard, he pulls out of me and flips me around, his naked body climbing onto mine, cock dripping along the way. “Luna, I’m not gettin’ you pregnant against your will. I know I didn’t use protection back in the motel, but things are different after that mansion, and what we saw. I’m not one of those fuckin’ animals.”

Pain twists my chest into pieces and I shake my head. “I know you’re not!”

“If you got pregnant, Luna, there’d be no getting rid of me. Understand? I’d never be some deadbeat dad, and I’ve got no fuckin’ condoms with me. I almost bought some but knew it would be too tempting to break your door down if I did.”

“Jett, I don’t think I can get pregnant, it’s okay.”

His frown deepens. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve never been, and I had these polyps, and I don’t know…” I whisper, feeling vulnerable suddenly. This kind of talking is way more intimate than hard fucking, that’s for sure. “I heard from this gypsy woman that I’d never conceive.”

He snarls, “What the fuck?” protectively, like he’d beat the woman up if she were here, for saying such a thing to me.

“No, she was a good person. I stayed with her for a while when I was a teenager. She said it one night like she was having a vision.
The things you saw as a child closed your womb for good, and for protection.
I never told her about any of it! But she knew somehow…so I believed her. I don’t think I can have kids. I’ve come to terms with it. It’s okay.”

Jett stares at me, his features hard, like he doesn’t know what to do with this and doesn’t believe it. “You’re willin’ to chance it?”

He’s going to be a dad someday. It’s so obvious in how loyal he is by nature. With his Ciphers and his family. And how he’s been here for me, a stranger who was mortally wounded and all alone.

“I really don’t think it’s a possibility, Jett. I’m sorry. It’s another reason I’m not a good woman for you to stay with.”

“What if you got pregnant?” He leans down and takes my mouth for a ride. Gasping away from me, he stares into my eyes, “What about then?”

“Jeez, what a kiss!”

“Would you abort it?”

“The miracle baby?” I ask with a sad smile. “No, of course not! But this is a stupid conversation we really don’t need to be thinking about. Never gonna happen.”

A grin spreads his moist lips.

“What?” I demand. “Why are you smiling like that?”

“Because you said that once before.” He kisses me again and I return it with equal passion, remembering when he followed me out of the diner.

Never gonna happen turned into fucking him in that motel room the same night.

I can’t lie that I wish I could have children. That woman’s words burned loss into my soul and I’ve held onto that prediction.

Jett wants to get me pregnant. Well, if he succeeds, I guess I’ll have to take it as a sign I should be here in his arms. They feel so good, so right, so unforgettable.

He moves us up the bed by lifting and tossing me, then throws my legs over his shoulders and dives that gorgeous cock inside. We moan and he digs into my hips with both hands, manipulating me for our mutual pleasure. Watching my face as he fucks me, he whispers, “Gonna give it my best shot.”

“Jett!” I cry out, covering my face with my hands as the shattering begins, my pussy throbbing and clenching and cumming so hard.

He massages my breasts, bending his huge back so he can lick my nipples, biting and teasing them. He growls into that tender flesh and lets my legs fall, turning me over and lifting me so that I’m on my knees. I slam my hands onto the headboard of wooden logs and grip onto them as he enters me roughly from behind.

Smiling at him over my shoulder I whisper, “My poor little pussy.”

He grins as pleasure attacks his core. I watch him look down and drink in how great my ass looks slamming against his pelvic bone. He slips his thumb into my ass cheeks and touches my anus, holding there and shocking me. I can’t help but moan.

He pounds harder, filling me, ripping me right down the middle. Oh God, he buries himself to the hilt and swells up with a burning explosion I can’t wait to feel. He roars and all the veins in his muscles contract as he shoots his hot semen inside me. I scream as I join him, gritting my teeth as the brilliant fire clenches my walls around him time and again.

“Holy Fuck!” Jett roars, “Sunshine! I’m cumming harder than I ever have, baby.”

Trembling and holding onto the headboard, I whimper his name incoherently. He wraps an arm around my stomach and collapses in a thrusting mess of instinct.

When we calm, the only sound in the room is gasps for air. He pulls me to lie down and buries his face in my breasts, half lying on me with one heavy leg over both of mine. Jett kisses them all over, taking his time. He rises up, teasing my tongue, lacing it with his own. Our lips move so easily together. Everything is smooth.

It’s quiet in my soul right now.

I can think about tomorrow later.

He falls back onto the pillow and exhales loudly, staring at the ceiling. Our hands find each other and entwine. “You wanna go to a wedding?”

I glance over at him. “What? No. I hate weddings.”

He chuckles and throws his other arm behind his head, resting on his hand. His body is glistening. “That’s what I figured.”

I was about to say,
who’re the idiots,
but I hold my tongue. “Who’s getting married?”

“My brother Jake.”


Um…no way.

Meeting the whole Cocker family? All those brothers and his parents, who have got to be still together from what I’ve learned about who Jett is. Even as a biker this guy’s got commitment all over him. I bet he has no idea of that, though.

I release his hand so I can roll over and lie on him. “I’m not the type you bring home to parents.”

He blinks at me like he’s deciding what to say to that. His eyebrows rise up and he mutters, “I’m not the type of guy you bring home to my dad, so we have that in common.”

“What do you mean?”

He sighs. “We don’t get along.”

“Is he an asshole?”

“Eh…asshole? Sometimes, yeah. But he’s a hypocrite for sure. That’s his main flaw. My dad’s a congressman.” Jett glances to me for my reaction.

“Wow,” I whisper.

“Yeah. He doesn’t like having a son who fights the system.” Shifting his gaze back up I watch turbulence run through his features. “But he had me come to the rescue of Jake just last year. Because he couldn’t do anything about the situation…he needed me to do my thing. Fuckin’ asshole.”

“What’d you do?”

In brief detail Jett tells me about it. I listen with the returning sense that this guy is too good for me. I don’t deserve him. I know that as much as I know my own name. And it isn’t Sunshine, no matter what he sees.

“I knew he wouldn’t thank me or anything,” Jett finishes, pulling me up for a kiss. “And he didn’t.”

“How long has it been since you’ve seen him,”

Jett thinks about it a second. “Four years.”

“Your brothers, too!?”

“Nah. I see them every few months or so. The longest I didn’t was six months. Our house – not my brothers…the Ciphers’ House – it’s outside New Orleans. Really beautiful and peaceful there. South Vacherie, Louisiana. I hope you get a chance to see it.”

I bite my lips and watch him look at me.

He smiles. “You look so fuckin’ scared sometimes, Sunshine. It’s pretty funny.”

I dryly shoot back, “Oh yeah, it’s hilarious.”

He laughs and adjusts his gorgeous body, bending his knee and pulling me closer. We claim each other’s mouths in a deep kiss that we feel everywhere. It’s long and slow and never picks up speed. His cock fills up and presses against my thigh and I moan into his lips at the welcome feeling.

BOOK: Cocky Biker: A Stand Alone MC Romance Novel (Cocker Brothers of Atlanta Book 2)
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