Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily (8 page)

BOOK: Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily
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A riot of sensation shot through her whole body. Never before had she been part of something so fundamentally life changing as this. If she allowed it to continue she knew in her heart there would be no turning back.

Her fingers sunk into the hairs on their heads holding them as close as she could.

“I want this,” she moaned. “I want both of you forever.”

“We want you too,” Lawrence growled against her nipple. Chase grunted and thrust two fingers inside her cunt. She screamed and held on. Both men forcing her to accept them.

“More,” she groaned. Emily needed to come. Her toes curled and her body shook as every touch sent her closer to the end.

“I’ve got to fuck her,” Chase complained, easing up from her side and opening her legs around him. 

“You like getting fucked?” Lawrence asked her.

Emily nodded. “Only by you two.”

Chase grabbed her hips and penetrated her body. She cried out and reached for Lawrence. Once a few years ago she’d seen a woman take two men at the same time. One in her pussy and the other in her mouth.

“I want to suck your cock,” she said before she could lose her confidence.

Lawrence pulled up on the bed until his cock was within reach of her mouth. She opened her lips and let him slid between. He tasted of soap and she knew he’d been to bathroom after they’d had sex. She took him to the back of her throat. Chase rammed between her thighs commanding more and more attention. Each thrust of his hips sent her jolting away from Lawrence. Emily grabbed his hips and held on as both men pushed inside her body. Her lips opened as wide as they could to suck all of Lawrence inside her mouth. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as possible.

“Shit. You look so good taking his cock in your mouth.”

Emily loved hearing the praise as her body drew ever closer to a release. Whenever she was around the two men it was like she didn’t have any control over her own body. Chase and Lawrence weaved a magical spell to turn her into their love slave.

“I’m going to blow. Fuck. She’s got a wicked mouth,” Lawrence cried out. Emily held him inside when he started to pull away. “Stop, Emily. Baby, if you don’t stop I’m going to shoot down your throat.”

Her nipples tightened harder and her clit became aching and more aroused. She wanted to taste him on her tongue. To know what her Lawrence tasted like. Would he be salty, sour or sweet?

She didn’t let up and his hands went from pushing her away to holding her in place as he fucked her mouth.

Emily relaxed and let him have his wicked way. With him in control she fingered her clit. Chase was already painfully erect inside her and she knew he would be reaching his end soon. She wanted them all to come together. To experience the ultimate high at the same time.

Chase’s thrusts got faster and deeper and Lawrence screamed. She looked up at him as he pushed between her lips going as deep as she could take him. The rush of fluid shocking and exciting her as it washed the back of her throat. Lawrence tasted salty. She swallowed him down and relished every last drop of him.

Chase grunted and his seed spurted inside her body. Emily didn’t let go and she followed both of her men into a climax.

They collapsed on the bed spent and shaking.

Emily snuggled down between her men and pressed play on the film. Life at the moment was looking pretty good.


Chapter Ten


For the next few weeks life went by for Chase, Lawrence and Emily. They all went to work in the morning. Lawrence and Chase went to the building site or the garage depending on the job at hand while Emily continued to work at the diner and play matchmaker.

Emily found herself growing frustrated. Every day without fail, Carl and Edward walked into the diner and sat in the same seat for Molly to take their order. Carl practically ignored the woman while Edward drooled.

No matter how many times she tried to get Molly to talk to the guys, she came away with their dinner order and a blush.

“I’m not like you. I can’t just go and talk to a guy,” she complained after another failed attempt. That day Molly would be leaving early for a doctor’s appointment and she intended to get to the bottom of it.

Chase and Lawrence came through the doors twenty minutes later. Each man greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and a cuddle before sitting a few seats away from the Jeffrey brothers.

Emily brought them their coffee. Lawrence sneaked a hand up her thigh and she checked to make sure no one was watching. She didn’t want to get fired for having some hanky panky on the job

“Will you boys do me a favour and make sure, Carl and Edward don’t leave?” she asked as she wrote down there order.

“Sure. But can I ask what it’s about?” Chase questioned.

“If we have to be responsible for keeping an eye on those fuckers we want a good explanation,” Lawrence agreed.

It seemed while she’d been away, Carl and Edward remained as irritating as usual.

“Just do it because you love me and don’t ask questions.”

Chase grabbed her round the waist. “That is emotional blackmail,” he complained.

“Is it working?”

“You bet.” He pressed a kiss to her neck and inhaled her scent. Chase always sniffed her. Instead of finding it freaky she thought it was quite sweet. “I want to take you home and love every last inch of you.”

Her heart beat accelerated and her cream leaked into her panties. Emily wanted to go home with them.

“I want that too,” she replied. “And if you do this tiny thing for me I’ll make it worth your while tonight.”

She tempted him. Lawrence chuckled and sipped at his coffee.

“Consider them stopped,” Chase said and let her go.

Emily served a few more people and kept an eye on Molly. A little after twelve thirty and she exited the diner.

A few more customers to serve and then she charged over to where Chase and Lawrence were keeping the other two men busy.

“We’ve got work to get back too,” Carl snapped upon her approach. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t little Miss white transparent negligee.”

Emily blushed but put a smile on her face.

“I take it news travels fast.”

“Very fast. Especially about a gorgeous woman in a nightgown that leaves nothing to the imagination. I take it these two bodyguards are your doing?” Carl asked and pointed at her men.

“They’re good dogs,” she teased. “Thanks.” Chase and Lawrence kissed her before going back to their seat.

“I take it we can’t just walk out of here?” Carl demanded.

Emily glanced over at Edward. He was staring out of the window where Molly was walking.

“I’m here to talk about, Molly.”

Edward turned and gave her his full attention.

Carl snorted and gave her a nasty look. “Why do you need to talk about, Molly?”

“Are you being purposefully nasty or is this just a reaction?” Emily growled.

“What do you need to say about her?” Edward spoke for the first time.

“I’ve seen the way you look at her,” Molly began.

“Oh for fuck’s sake. Is this some kind of matchmaking scheme? We don’t want, Molly,” Carl complained.

Emily knew the older brother had an attitude sometimes. This very second was one of those stupid moments.

“You may not want her but he does.”

Carl glanced over at his brother. “Are you serious?”

Edward stared down at the tabletop not saying a word. Emily knew Edward and she knew he was better than this. She didn’t know what had happened to him to make him so quiet and withdrawn but she’d had e-fucking-nough.

She kicked his shin under the table a flash of fire shone out of his eyes. “That’s so much better than the reserved guy you’ve been. You want her, Edward. I’ve seen it.”

Emily noted his fingers gripped the edge of the tabletop, his knuckles white.

“So you’ve been back in Clifford Arbor for how long?” Carl demanded. Emily ignored him.

“If you don’t stand up to this loser soon, you’ll lose her. She needs you to stand up and be the Edward Jeffrey I remember from high school”

Emily got up and went to serve some more customers. Seconds later Carl stormed out of the diner and Edward glanced over at her before following behind his brother.

There was a time growing up when he’d been the dominant brother. The one with more substance behind him. Something had happened to the other guy while she’d been away and she didn’t know what.


Chase watched the two brothers leave. He rubbed his hands together to bring back some feeling. He’d had to sit on his hands to stop from walking over there and taking out his anger on Carl. That bloke could be a serious pain in the ass when he started.

“Earth to, Chase,” Lawrence said passing a hand over his face. Emily looked good enough to eat as she filled up coffee mugs and brought food out.

“What’s the matter?” he asked.

“So are we going to ask her?” Lawrence said.

Chase stopped glancing at the woman he loved and turned his attention back to his friend. “I’m nervous as shit about it.”

“We won’t know unless we ask her. I talked to a priest and he’s prepared to do a service for all three of us. A quiet ceremony someplace private.”

Chase knew the priest. The guy had been the only one willing to accept his own parents and Emily’s.

“What is she says no?” Chase didn’t want to ask her for fear she’d turn him down flat. “I couldn’t live with it if she said no.”

Lawrence reached out and grabbed one of his hands. “Do you really think she’ll say anything but yes?”

Chase stared at his friend and then at Emily. In his heart he knew she would be the only woman he ever loved. He’d do anything for her. For the past few days he and Lawrence had been talking about building a future together. The past few weeks had been amazing. All three of them shared a bed and they laughed. All of their spare time together was filled with each other. They didn’t always spend the time having sex either.

His hands shook and he glanced down at their hands together. Chase knew his feelings for Lawrence were changing. They were growing with every day. He no longer viewed him as just a friend but also as a potential lover. Chase imagined he was the one fucking Lawrence when he had Emily in his arms. The connection so strong it was like having his lips against his own.

Emily meant so much more to them. She was a bridge that connected all three of them together.

Chase rubbed his thumb along his friend’s fingers and for a few seconds he could imagine there was more between them than Emily.

Without giving any more thought to his plan he stood up and walked to where she was serving a tourist couple.

Clifford Arbor accepted the relationships within its seaside town but it was acted on with discretion when tourists were around. He stood behind her until she spun and smiled at him.

His heart pounded inside his chest and feeling light-headed and dizzy he got onto his knee.

Emily placed the coffee jug carefully on the table. Without taking his eyes off her he grabbed her hand.

“Emily, I love you. Always have and always will. When you left I thought a part of me had died and gone to hell. Since you’ve come back I can’t see a future without you in it. I’m not very good at speeches and I suck at everything else. I can only really tell you how much I love and intend to love you for the rest of my life. So with that in mind I would very much like the honor of you becoming my wife.”

Chase brought the ring up for her to see. His hand was shaking and he couldn’t hold the box steady. He heard her gasp. Tears were pouring out of her eyes.

"Are the tears good sign?” he called out to the room. Emily started laughing and with a jerk of the head he took as confirmation. “Is that a yes? Baby, be sure because once you give me your answer there ain’t no turning back,” he warned.

“Yes. I love you so much.” Chase spun her around and Lawrence joined them.

“We’ll all get married together,” he whispered against her ear. She nodded and accepted the offer of congratulations from everyone else. Chase shook hands with his best friend.

His life was about to change and he couldn’t wait to see what happened next.


Chapter Eleven


One year later..


Emily glanced out at the vegetable garden. Chase was out with his little wicker basket uprooting potatoes and carrots. She also saw some of his tomatoes and cucumbers. He loved his garden and she loved watching him bend and work. Chase always took off his shirt and she saw the love heart tattoo on his chest. Lawrence was the name at the top above the heart, Chase’s name was at the bottom and in the center of the heart was her name.  She loved that ink more than all the rest. The other tats were great but that monster he’d gotten on their honeymoon. As part of their celebration they’d all gotten tattoos. She had a dragon inked on the base of her back. The boys liked to call it her tramp stamp. Lawrence got fancy writing of their names down his arm.

A very outrageous thing to do but one she’d enjoyed every minute.

She took a bite out of her apple and watched his muscles ripple as one plant was tough in coming out of the ground. A laugh escaped her when he fell back onto his ass. Lawrence was out at the shop. She’d finally managed to convince Chase he could get some bare essentials like bread and milk. So far Lawrence hadn’t let her down.

A hand pressed to her stomach when she thought of the news she’d gotten that morning. A few months ago she’d started having the flu and after a few weeks she’d recovered to feeling right as rain.  About a week or two afterward, she’d been vomiting in the morning and had a few other side effects. She’d gone to the doctors to find out what was the wrong and they’d said she was pregnant. Emily hadn’t believed them and demanded further investigation. She wanted her blood and urine samples tested before she’d tell her men about the problem.

Her doctor had phoned a few hours ago. She needed to take folic acid of which she had a prescription to pick up and another appointment had been booked to monitor her pregnancy.

BOOK: Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily
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