Read Christmas Diamonds Online

Authors: Devon Vaughn Archer

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

Christmas Diamonds (8 page)

BOOK: Christmas Diamonds
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“I like them, too.” Chase flashed his teeth. “But I would’ve thought you would be more into Beyoncé, Alicia Keys, Seal or other similar artists.”

“Oh, I think they’re cool, too,” Paula admitted.

“So you have a broad range of musical tastes?”

“Yes, you could say that, including a little jazz and classical music.”

“Interesting.” He hummed. “Maybe someday we can check out a concert.”

Paula liked that idea. “Maybe we could,” she said coyly.

Ten minutes later, Chase walked Paula out to her car. There was a bit of a chill in the early November air, and she would
have welcomed being warmed by his strong arms. Or was that asking too much at this point?

“Thanks for putting together what looks to be a great concept,” Chase told her.

“I had fun with it,” she confessed. “Of course, we’d better wait till everything’s in place for the final judgment.”

He nodded. “I look forward to seeing the finished product.”

Paula quivered. She wasn’t sure if it was from being outside or from the images dancing in her head of sharing some romantic moments with him. Was he thinking the same thing?

Chase stepped closer. “I enjoyed our evening.”

“Me, too.” Paula saw no reason to deny it, and obviously he didn’t, either.

“Perhaps we can do it again sometime—apart from business.”

“I would like that,” she said, happy he’d said he wanted to spend more time with her.

He licked his lips. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Paula could feel Chase’s warm breath on her cheeks. She longed to feel his lips on hers.

Seemingly reading her thoughts, Chase tilted his head ever so slightly and gave Paula a soft, succulent kiss. It was more than enough for Paula to follow his lead. She stood on tiptoes and brought their lips together again, kissing him generously. She took in the woodsy scent of his cologne, which made him all the more appealing.

Chase put his arms around Paula’s waist. She closed her eyes and saw stars. The kiss had left her breathless. Though Paula had never been too comfortable with public displays of affection, she felt she would kiss Chase McCord anywhere.

Paula drew back from Chase, feeling the sting of his lips on hers. “That was nice, but I think we’d better leave it there for now.”

“All right.” Chase’s eyes twinkled with contentment. “And, yes, it was quite nice.”

She suddenly felt warmed to the bone. “I’ll call you to set up a time for the work to begin on your master suite,” she said.

“I look forward to hearing from you.” She unlocked the car with her remote and he opened the door for her. “Have a safe drive.”

“I will,” she promised. “See you soon.”

“Bye for now.”

Paula thought. She appreciated his thoughtfulness in opening the door for her. It was not something she was used to with men, but she welcomed it nonetheless. In fact, Chase was more of an all-around man than she had encountered in some time, if ever. She smiled to herself. The kiss had left Paula reeling with desire. It was definitely something to build on.


“He kissed me,” Paula told her grandmother that evening.

Isabelle was sitting on a recliner. “Oh, really?”

“Well, actually we kissed each other.” Paula couldn’t help but confide in the one person with whom she had always been able to share the best and worst of her relationships. Not that dinner and a kiss constituted a relationship, but it still ranked in the “best” category in both respects.

“A good start,” Isabelle stated with a nice smile on her face. “If the young man is anything like you’ve described, then I’d say he could be a real find for you.”

Paula hated to burst her bubble yet didn’t want to give Isa the wrong idea, either. “It’s still way too soon to know just how real of a find he is. Or if anything meaningful will come out of this.”

Isabelle took her reading glasses off. “No reason to look at the glass as half-empty, child,” she insisted. “Maybe Chase won’t wind up as the man of your dreams. Only the good Lord knows for sure. But if it’s meant to happen, Chase could very well be the one who can put that sparkling diamond ring on your finger like the one I’ve got.”

“Whoa…” Paula’s mouth opened even as she noted Isa admiring her ring. “No one’s talking about becoming engaged, much less getting married anytime soon.”

Paula would love to walk down the aisle when the time was
right with a man who was just as willing. Whether Chase fell into that category was unclear at this point. Even if the man was totally past losing his wife, it didn’t mean he had any desire to go beyond dating a woman in the foreseeable future.

Isabelle wrung her hands. “Nothing says one can’t dream. That’s what grandmothers do where it concerns their grandchildren. Besides, you’re both young, successful, single people with your whole lives ahead of you. Since you’re obviously attracted to each other, there’s no reason why it can’t potentially blossom into marriage. Maybe sooner than you might ever have imagined.”

Paula laughed. “I think we still need to have our first official date before we elope.”

“There will be no such thing,” Isabelle said seriously. “When the time comes, and you’re ready to say I do, it had better be a proper wedding. If I couldn’t walk my daughter down the aisle, I most surely want to do it for my granddaughter.”

It saddened Paula to think that her mother and Isa never had the type of relationship they deserved. The same was true where it concerned Paula and her mother. She would never want to deprive her grandmother of witnessing her marriage, which Paula hoped would happen while Isa was still alive.

Paula got up from the couch and hugged her. “I promise when that day comes, it won’t be an elopement. I want all the trimmings of a big wedding, with my favorite grandmother sharing in every bit of the joy.”

“Thank you for that.” Tears welled in Isabelle’s eyes. “I only want you to be happy.”

Paula beamed at her grandmother. “You make me happy.”

“A good man can make you happier.” Isabelle took a breath. “Maybe you should invite Chase over so I can get to know him.”

need to get to know him first,” cautioned Paula. “It’s important to me that we take our time to get comfortable with each other. Then I’ll let you meet him.”

Isabelle’s eyes twinkled. “Fair enough. I don’t want you to rush into anything. Heaven knows how that can backfire.”

Paula bit her lip, thinking about putting nearly everything she had into her past relationships only to see them fall flat. If it was her destiny to be with Chase, she wouldn’t force the issue. Something told her he was of the same mind. Paula thought about the sexual chemistry between them that had deepened when they kissed. She doubted any amount of reason could slow down the inevitable and spontaneous passions they seemed headed toward like a pair of runaway freight trains.


“It was just a kiss,” Chase said, standing over the pool table in his father’s recreation room. In truth, he saw it as much more. Paula was a good kisser, and he believed she was just as into their lips smooching as he was.

“Uh-huh.” Sylvester studied his son. “Remember, you’re talking to your father.”

Chase grinned, deciding he might as well come clean. “All right, so it did mean something. I’m just not sure what it meant yet.”

“I can fill in the blank,” his father said astutely. “It means you’re finally becoming human again instead of going through the motions as a man caught up in what was.”

Chase put his cue stick on the table and sized up his next shot. “It hasn’t been easy being on my own,” he said truthfully.

“I know it hasn’t. That’s why I’m glad to see you are moving beyond a few dates with women who do little for you, other than provide eye candy, and taking concrete steps toward having a true lady in your life again.” Sylvester rubbed his nose. “Especially this particular lady.”

Chase called the shot, watching the ball hit a wall and roll into the pocket. “So what’s up with you and Paula?” he asked suspiciously, as though the two were conspiring behind his back. “Is there something that I should know about?”

Sylvester shot quickly then chuckled. “Only that I have a fine eye for the lady I think would be great with my son. Never mind the fact she’s also a damned good interior decorator with her own business.”

“Did you ever tell Paula anything about me?” Chase asked curiously, wondering if she’d had an edge in seemingly hitting all the right marks to capture his attention.

Sylvester’s right brow rose. “Such as?”

“That I’m a wealthy and lonely widower?”

“I didn’t tell her anything, other than you were looking for an interior decorator.” Sylvester ran his hand over his mouth. “If you’re wondering if she might be after your money, think again. From what I know, she’s got a thriving business. One of our biggest customers recommended her to redo this very room. That’s why I gave you the scoop. It was totally up to you to contact her, which you did. As for the lonely part, you don’t have a monopoly on that, son. Are you having second thoughts about Paula all of a sudden?”

“No,” Chase said, feeling more secure about the relationship he and Paula were building. “Not really.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Chase shrugged. “I guess I just hoped to get some added insight into her before things start to get serious.”

Sylvester held up a beer bottle and chuckled. “That must have been some kiss.”

“It was great,” Chase admitted, recalling the moment. “More than that, I feel like I can relate to Paula beyond her physical appeal.” He paused. “I just want to be sure we’re compatible in all areas like…”

“Don’t overthink this, Chase,” Sylvester implored. “She’s not Rochelle and never will be, but it doesn’t mean that Paula doesn’t offer just as much as a woman. Why don’t you just enjoy her company?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” There was no need for him to get too carried away about everything being perfect between them when they hadn’t even had their first real date yet. It was something Chase very much looked forward to in taking things to another plateau. “I won’t go overboard in looking at the future and the past. I think I’ll just work on the present right now and see how things turn out.”

Sylvester grinned. “I’m glad you see it that way. I really hope the two of you find you’re on to something great here. You’re way too young to be moping around all by yourself. Trust me when I tell you there will be better times ahead in your personal life.”

Chase smiled, warmed by the thought. “Hope so.” He remained cautious but optimistic that Paula was someone with whom he might be able to make a serious connection. He couldn’t deny that she was a great kisser, which only made him hungry to see if she was just as great in bed.

“Are you ever going to take that shot, or what?” Sylvester asked wryly. “I’m not getting any younger standing here waiting.”

Chase chuckled and aimed the cue stick. “Eight ball in the corner pocket,” he said before declaring victory.

Chapter 7

n Saturday afternoon, Paula supervised the work while her contractor’s crew moved things in and out of Chase’s master suite. Since she was ultimately responsible for any mishap or damage, she urged everyone to be careful as always. In this case, Paula was especially conscious of the beautiful surroundings. Wanting to continue to make a good impression on Chase, she sought to finish the project as quickly as possible and get a solid thumbs-up from him.

“Where do you want this?” asked Jim, a crew member, as he and another man brought in the entertainment cabinet.

“Let’s put it right along this wall,” Paula directed. She watched with satisfaction when it fit perfectly.

Jackie, the housekeeper, came in as they went out. “What can I do to help?”

“Well, as soon as everything’s in place, you can help me put the new sheets and covers on the bed,” Paula told her.

“Will do. Just give me a shout when you’re ready.”

“Thanks, Jackie.”

Paula imagined it must be nice to have someone to keep the place tidy for a busy man like Chase with his wife no longer there to do her part. While Isa did many of the chores at home, mostly out of boredom and with too much time on her hands, Paula was only too happy to pitch in. The same would be true were she living with a man. Paula had no problem holding up her end in maintaining a clean, comfortable household. She thought about Chase. She had asked him to stay away for a couple of hours so he wouldn’t be tempted to check out the progress before the work was complete.

Paula walked over to one of the windows, where Bradford was installing the cellular shades. “How’s it going up there?” she asked.

“Just about through,” Bradford said with a sigh.


“I’ll get Chad started on the other one and make sure nothing’s been left undone.”

Paula nodded. “So far everything seems to be going along smoothly.”

“You think he’s gonna want us to give the whole house a makeover?” Bradford asked hopefully.

“One never knows,” Paula said with a smile, confident she could do wonderful things with any room in the house. She wouldn’t press her luck, though. The fact was, Chase couldn’t go wrong with the rooms as they were. For that, Paula gave kudos to his late wife for her incredible vision and sense of space.

Paula understood that Chase was simply interested in starting over again, in his residence and personal life. She was glad Chase had let her into his life on both counts. She welcomed the opportunity to be an interior decorator and a woman to him, knowing she was getting a good man with many qualities in return.


Chase drove around town after spending the morning at work, busying himself with multiple tasks that were required as president of the company. With the economy struggling
right now, the diamond business was not as bustling as in other years. But it was still pretty good compared to other types of businesses. A number of new jewelry stores had popped up in the area recently as competition—testimony that selling diamonds and other gems was a resilient business. It was one Chase embraced wholeheartedly in following his father’s lead.

BOOK: Christmas Diamonds
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