Read Chosen Prey Online

Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #General, #Suspense, #Women Artists, #Ex-Police Officers, #Love Stories

Chosen Prey (9 page)

BOOK: Chosen Prey
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Lyra laughed and brushed tears from her eyes with the backs of her hands. "He's your partner, right?"

"Yeah." Dare frowned as his mind churned through their options. "I've got to find some place to hole up until we figure this thing out."

"I don't want to be an inconvenience." Her eyelashes felt wet against her cheeks when she blinked. "I just need to get away from here. Far away. I could go across the country.

Boston maybe, or Daytona Beach. Anywhere that would put as much distance as possible between me and them."

Dare shook his head. "There's got to be a way to get them off your back for good."

Lyra gave a long drawn-out sigh. "Fat chance. You've only gotten a taste of them. Neal Barker will never stop hunting me." She wiped her eyes again. "I can't even get a driver's license. Or a credit card, because I know they can track me down that way. I can't live a normal life. Whatever normal is."

Dare drew her onto the bed so that they were lying on the bedspread with their heads on the pillows, her back to his chest. He gripped her around her waist and held her as close as possible, trying to give her every bit of comfort he could.

She sniffed and shivered a few times before she gradually began to relax against him.

Eventually her breathing became deep and even, and he knew she had fallen asleep.

Even as she slept he had to fight back rage that continued to burn through him. He stared at the room's window. He saw nothing but his bare hands around the neck of a man's throat, wringing the life out of him.

It was a long time before Dare could relax and let just thoughts of Lyra fill his mind.

Everything about her stirred something in him. Her bravery, her rebelliousness, her determination, and her softness.

A primal urge rose within him. He wanted to protect Lyra with everything he had. He wanted to replace bad memories with good. To give her something special. To treat her like the beautiful, extraordinary woman she was. She deserved so much better than what life had dealt her.

One way or another he was going to make sure she never had to run again.



When Lyra woke, she startled. She was alone in the hotel room bed with a blanket draped over her. The sky outside the window had grown dark, but soft light lit the room.

Tantalizing smells met her nose, and her stomach growled. Roast beef, perhaps, and potatoes?

She rolled over and pushed herself up at the same time she saw Dare sitting in an armchair, studying her. He was reclined with his body stretched out, his booted feet crossed at his ankles, and his hands folded on his belly. He looked absolutely delicious.

"Ready for dinner?" he asked with a gentle smile.

Dried tears made Lyra's face feel tight, and her eyes burned from crying. But for some reason the sight of Dare made everything else vanish and she was able to smile back at him. "Starving," she said as she noticed the valet cart with silver domes, no doubt covering the source of those mouthwatering smells.

Dare got to his feet and extended his hand to her. She let him draw her up so that she could swing her feet over the side of the bed and then stand.

"First I need to wash my face." She released his hand and instantly missed the warmth, the sense of security, it had given her for just those few moments. She had a hard time breaking the link that seemed to connect them as her eyes locked with his. Finally she managed to get herself to move. She walked away from him, into the bathroom, and closed the door behind her.

When she saw her appearance in the mirror, she groaned. Her mascara and eye makeup were smudged and she felt like a melted wax mannequin. Seeing her newly dyed and shortened red hair was still a shock as she studied her reflection. With a shake of her head, she turned on the cold water and splashed it over her face. The water felt so good and bracing, and she felt a little more like her old self.

After she'd used a washcloth to scrub off all the makeup and had used the toilet, she washed and dried her hands before opening the door and going into the bedroom. Dare had his shoulder hitched up against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, as he watched her come out of the bathroom. Their gazes met and she took a deep breath.

He looked so yummy she could have eaten him instead of the dinner. The mere thought made her warm inside, and her cheeks flushed with heat.

She broke away from their eye contact and turned to the room's table, where he'd arranged the meal and dinnerware. "You didn't have to wait for me," she said as she moved toward the table and sat in one of the chairs.

She'd been right—roast beef. Baby red potatoes with other vegetables were arranged beside the beef, and a bread roll perched on one side of the plate. Condiments sat in the middle of the table, along with two dessert plates of double chocolate fudge cake and glasses of iced tea.

"How'd you know all of my favorites?" She smiled at him as he took the chair opposite hers.

His sexy grin made her belly flutter as he settled in and picked up his knife and fork.

During dinner they talked about baseball and basketball—turned out they both loved the sports. Dare was a huge Arizona Diamondbacks and Phoenix Suns fan, while Lyra was into the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Seattle Supersonics. She and her father had been rabid fans while she was growing up. For some reason talking about the sports with Dare felt good, and she only felt a little sadness over the loss of her past.

With baseball they argued about the best pitcher in the league and who would take the World Series. With basketball, hands down Michael Jordan was the best player ever and seemed like a heck of a nice guy.

While they ate dessert, they discussed their favorite movies and movie stars. When Dare reminded her of scenes from an older movie,
Analyze This
, he had her giggling over the time the mob boss Paul Vitti said to Dr. Sobel, "Want I should clear your schedule for you?" And it struck her even funnier as she remembered the time Dr. Sobel said, "You don't hear the word 'no' very often, do you?" The mob boss replied, "Yeah, I do, but it's more like, 'Please… noo… noo.'" She'd watched it at Becca's on DVD not too long ago and hadn't laughed so hard in ages.

Dare's favorite movies were action/adventure, and Lyra preferred futuristic and fantasy.

Neither of them was into "chick flicks," but they both enjoyed a good comedy.

By the time they'd polished off the dessert, Lyra was feeling pretty good. Great conversation with a sexy man and double chocolate fudge cake—she was

After calling room service, Dare pushed the cart containing all the empty dishes next to the door in the hallway, then shut the door behind him.

When he turned back to Lyra, she suddenly felt awkward and shy.

"It's getting late," he said, not taking his eyes from hers.

Lyra nodded but couldn't talk because her throat had gone dry and she couldn't think of a word to say. Her heart pounded and crazy sensations zipped from her belly to her sex.

By the look in his dark eyes, Dare felt the same tension that now filled the room. It was electrifying.

When he walked toward her, she found herself moving, too, until she met him halfway.

For a long moment she stared up at him. His penetrating gaze made her feel like he was inside her, a part of her.

Dare brought his hands up to her face as he lowered his mouth closer to hers and she felt his warm breath on her lips. She wanted him to kiss her so badly that she couldn't wait.

Didn't wait.

She slipped her hands up and around his neck and brought him down at the same time she tipped her head up, closed her eyes, and pressed her lips against his. Dare groaned and opened his mouth, and she slipped her tongue inside. He tasted so good. Of chocolate cake, iced tea, and male. He smelled of sunshine and warmth, a warmth she wanted to wrap around herself and never let go.

When he drew away, she opened her eyes and licked her moist lips, still tasting him on her mouth and tongue. A thrill rolled around in her belly as his erection pressed against her.

Her nipples were so hard they ached, and she felt shivery and jittery.

Dare lowered his head again and bit her lower lip. She cried out as he thrust his tongue into her mouth again. His stubble abraded her soft skin, making her feel even more raw inside and out.

Lyra moaned and he answered her by sucking her tongue into his mouth. He moved one of his hands into her hair and clenched a lock of it so hard that the pain of it turned into a sweet kind of pleasure.

While his mouth literally ravaged her, his free hand slid up her thigh, beneath her tank top, and to her breasts. He pinched one of her nipples and she groaned from the desire that grew in intensity from his touch.

"Take off your shoes," Dare murmured against her mouth before he trailed his lips to her jawline.

Lyra didn't hesitate. She toed off each shoe, kicking them across the room.

Dare continued taking a lazy path with his lips down her neck to her cloth-covered nipple. Lyra held on to him as he nipped at her breast through her tank top and she found herself wanting him to hurry. Wanted so much more than just kissing and touching.

For the first time she wished she was wearing some kind of sexy underwear. Lace, satin, silk. Anything but the simple white cotton hip-huggers she wore and the plain white bra.

He hooked his fingers in the sides of her shorts and panties and began to tug down on both as he moved his mouth lower. The thrill in her belly was sending moisture to her panties and she caught the scent of her own musk. Heat burned in her cheeks at the thought that he probably smelled it, too.

She braced her hands on his shoulders as he slowly pulled her shorts down. He paused to nuzzle her light brown curls and she gasped. Just having him touch her there was turning her inside out.

It was all too slow. Something inside her wanted everything faster. Needed him in so many ways she couldn't begin to fathom. It was then she realized how she'd grown to trust him in such a short amount of time. Everything he'd done for her, everything they'd shared, just made her want him more.

When her shorts were at her feet, she paused from embarrassment at being naked in front of him but sucked in her breath and swallowed her shyness. She stepped out of her shorts and he stripped off one sock and then the other. He moved back up her body, kissing his way up the inside of her thigh, flicking his tongue out in the curls on her mound, and up until he was standing again.

Lyra's heart rate was going nuts as he brought his mouth to hers in a powerful kiss. At the same time he slipped his thumb into her folds and stroked her clit. Lyra cried out and broke the kiss as her hips jerked against his hand.

"You're so sweet." Dare moved his mouth to the hollow of her throat and groaned.

"I've got to taste all of you."

Taste her? Before she had a chance to realize what he was doing, he swept her up in his arms, gripping her ass in his big hands. She wrapped her thighs around his waist and held on to his neck as he strode straight for the bed.

He settled her on her back on the bedspread and straddled her legs. The denim of his Wranglers scraped against her thighs, exciting her even more.

Dare's look was dark, intense, focused. He was almost rough as he helped her out of the tank top and her bra, revealing all of her. Lyra's belly quivered and she grew wetter.

She fought back another wave of shyness as her nipples puckered, achingly tight, beneath his gaze.

"You're so beautiful." His eyes focused on her chest as he lowered his head and captured one nipple in his mouth.

Without even realizing what she was doing at first, Lyra tilted her head and arched her back, thrusting her breasts higher. Dare groaned and gripped her pale globes in both hands while moving his mouth from one nipple to the other and back. She moaned and trembled beneath him. She slid her hands into his hair and clenched it in her fists as he licked and sucked her breasts.

When he released them and moved his mouth to the hollow of her throat, she almost sobbed.

"Spread your thighs," he murmured as he knelt between her legs.

Heat flushed her cheeks and she parted them a little.

He gripped her thighs and pushed her legs wide as he licked a trail to her navel and down to her mound. All she could do was writhe, small cries emanating from her throat. It was all something she'd never experienced, and she was just short of begging for more.

She found herself holding her breath as he nuzzled her curls and she heard him inhale deeply. "You smell so good," he said, his voice as rough as gravel in a box.

He placed his palms on the insides of her thighs and spread her wider yet. Lyra bit her lip, waiting for his next move.

"I want you, Dare." Heat flushed Lyra's entire body. "Don't make me wait."

Dare chuckled and nuzzled her mound again. "That's my girl."

Parting her folds with his fingers, he ran his tongue along her slit from a sensitive spot between her anus and her folds all the way to her clit.

Lyra cried out and clenched the bedcovers with her hands as she felt his mouth on her.

Ohmigod. She'd never expected to feel something so incredibly wonderful as this. The feelings grew even more intense as she watched his head between her thighs.

He licked and sucked her clit while thrusting his fingers in and out of her channel. She couldn't help how wild she went beneath him, the sensations almost too exquisite to bear.

She climbed higher toward climax. She had to come, and she had to come now. But Dare moved away from her clit to drive his tongue into her channel.

"Don't stop." Her voice was so hoarse she could barely hear herself. "Please, don't stop."

A satisfied expression crossed his rugged features before he buried his face against her folds.

Lyra cried out again, this time longer and louder. He was taking her to a peak that she'd never been to before. Never like this. He licked her harder, driving her on. She could feel her climax winding like a spring in her belly and she knew at any moment she was going to lose all control.

Dare sucked her clit, and the world around her burst into a rainbow of colors. Sparks exploded behind her eyes and she screamed loud and long. Her head spun with the power of it and her hips thrashed against Dare's face.

He didn't stop, though. He kept licking and sucking, continued thrusting his fingers in her channel. Shock waves rolled through her body.

Soft whimpers and moans came from her throat in between each spasm of her core.

"No more. I can't take any more."

She heard a soft chuckle and then he kissed the inside of her thigh. "I would never have taken you for a screamer."

Would she ever stop blushing? As hot as her face was, she knew she must be bright red.

He eased up so that he was lying beside her and pulled her toward him so they were face-to-face. He hooked one denim-clad thigh over her naked hip and rubbed his erection against her.

Her body still pulsed and throbbed as he traced her lower lip with one finger. "I love the way you screamed when I made you come."

More heat warmed her cheeks. But right now she had something more on her mind. She couldn't wait to see him naked. Couldn't wait to feel what it would be like to have his cock inside her. From what she felt pressed against her belly, he was big. She wanted to stroke him, feel his length in her palm, to please him like he had pleased her.

BOOK: Chosen Prey
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