Read Chilled by Death Online

Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #mystery, #suspense

Chilled by Death (6 page)

BOOK: Chilled by Death
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hey stopped on
the other side of the border for gas and coffee. Stacy had missed breakfast, so she loaded up on muffins to sustain her until they arrived at the cabin. She ignored the teasing and munched happily away, watching the miles go by. She’d forgotten how beautiful the journey was. They’d start climbing up the mountain roads soon. The Land Rover would make it to the cabin just fine. If there’d been other vehicles in and out lately, it would be even easier. The plan was to meet up with the other vehicle at the lunch stop on the other side of the border then stay convoy-style in case one or the other got into trouble. With the border, and shopping involved, it ended up being a long drive but one well worth the effort. It had been three years since she’d been here. And as she looked out at the icy mountains ahead of them, she realized it had been too long. It was desolate. Cold. And incredibly beautiful.

By the time they arrived at the cabin, it was late afternoon and the evening sky had settled like a cold dark blanket on the region. Being in the mountains, once the sun went down, night settled in early. If it weren’t for the powerful headlights of the Rover leading the way and the expert knowledge of her brother, Stacy didn’t think they’d have found the driveway. As this was also a popular climbing area, there had been signposts, but with the drifting snow and thick soupy darkness, they’d been hard to see.

George parked in front and left his headlights on until Royce opened the doors and ascertained that it was empty and available for them. They’d booked it for the week, although a few might stay just for the weekend. It was owned by one of George’s friends and made available to the group at large for a pittance. They’d all made good use of the owner’s generosity over the years.

The cabin had an emergency generator in the back. As the women worked to unload gear, the men set about bringing light and heat to the cabin.

Within minutes, a huge fire was blazing in the big heater stove and water put on top for hot drinks while the hot water tank was turned on. Food would be needed soon, but for the moment everyone was just overjoyed to be here. Stacy wandered through the cabin and chose to set her bed up in the loft. It would be the warmest place, and she was no fool. This might be a holiday, but there’d be more icicles and thermal underwear here than bikinis and tropical drinks.

She dumped her bag and went downstairs to claim a down sleeping bag from the stack her brother and Royce had supplied.

“Stacy, where are you setting up?”

“In the loft, if that’s all right.”

There were a few calls and nods of agreement. There were several bedrooms along the side of the cabin. She noted that George and Kathleen took one of them and the two guys she worked with took another – it had double bunks on both walls as did the other bedroom.

There were only a few other choices for sleeping rooms. Royce had yet to pick one.

And neither had Yvonne.


George laughed at
his sister’s choice. “Hey, Stacy, how come you gotta hide away upstairs like that?”

“Ha,” she said. “I just wanted to make sure you and Kathleen managed to grab a private room for yourselves. And not being sure if there are going to be other couples happening,” she grinned, “like Stevie and Mark, I’m just being nice.”

Everyone cracked up in laughter as Stevie turned on her. “Hey, it’s not like that,” he protested, but it was an old joke amongst the group as the guys had been best friends since forever. “There are other beds in our room if you want to bunk with us.”

Stacy laughed and shook her head. “I’m good. Besides, there are a couple more guys joining us so they will need a place to sleep, too. Just think, the lot of you can have a foursome!”

A pillow hit her in the chest as Mark tossed one at her. “That’s all right. Go ahead. Hide upstairs. We know when you don’t want to spend time with us.”

She threw the pillow at Stevie. “I just know where the warmest spot in the house is.”

“True enough.” He smirked, adding, “But if you slept with us, you’d be even warmer.”

The other males in the group started raising their hands. “No problem, you can sleep with me.”

“You don’t want to sleep with them, I’ll keep you warm.”

Stacy snickered. “Like that’s going to happen.”

“Hey, what’s wrong with us?” Stevie protested in an injured tone.

With an eye roll, Stacy muttered, “Too much to count.”

The pillow hit her in the face amid a howl of laughter.


Look at Queen
Stacy. Always apart. Always in her perfect little bubble. Not touching anyone. So untouchable. The perfect ice princess.

He narrowed his gaze.

If that was the way she wanted to be treated…

He barely held back the unholy grin threatening to break loose. Not that anyone else would understand. Well, one would. The talk continued on around him. He shifted slightly so he could keep her in his view as he considered the issue. He’d thought about it before and discarded it as not possible. Too much trouble. But the years of experience had helped. He might be able to pull it off now. Especially since she was here.

Of course, someone else wanted her, too. That could be troublesome.

“Hey, Stacy, your turn to make popcorn,” George said, nudging his sister. “Come on, lazybones, get up.”

“Hey, I’m tired too,” she protested, but she got up and headed to the kitchen good-naturedly.

An interesting proposition, he thought as he watched her stroll forward. There was no doubt his hobby had become almost too easy. He’d had to up the ante to keep the game interesting.

And it was, but now that something harder, more challenging had come up, his other prey seemed paltry. He wanted to be ready for more. But was he?

Still, this was Stacy. He’d have to fight to get her for himself. An interesting twist to an already challenging concept.

Then again, it was the fear of being caught that gave him the thrill.

Of course he could do it if he chose to. He just had to figure out how.

And when.


Royce slid down
on his corner of the couch and closed his eyes. He was also tired. He’d barely slept last night. He hoped he would tonight. Yvonne had put her bag in his room though. In a separate bed, thank God. He had no idea if it was a random choice or she was just looking for a place to call her own. Either way, she’d sleep only two feet from him. When he’d seen her bag there, he’d turned to look around and sure enough, he’d seen Stacy peering over the loft railings, staring right into his room.

She’d been pissed.

Damn right. He hoped it choked her. And immediately he felt like a heel. He hated feeling this way. Wanting to walk away from someone who obviously didn’t want him but was angry that she still did.

How could she not want what they’d had together? It had been the best thing in his life. To think he’d been alone feeling that made it so much worse. He wanted her to be just as involved. To want what they’d had.

He hadn’t been able to throw it away – how could she?

Royce tried to ignore Stacy’s tired steps. Then couldn’t. She’d been outside a lot today and was still recovering from a long illness. Damn it. Frustrated and angry, he hopped to his feet and strode into the kitchen. He ignored the smirks and smiles he knew were showing behind his back. They could laugh. They had no idea what he’d been through – was going through.

A lovesick man who’d do anything to get Stacy back into his life again. All he could do was hope she’d see their relationship in a different light and give him a second chance.

And because he cared, he couldn’t let her work herself like this. She should be in bed. Not making popcorn for these goofs.

He stopped at the doorway and opened his mouth to say something – he had no idea what – when he realized she just stood there, head down, shoulders slumped. Eyes closed. Shit. He stepped forward, and in a voice to low and too harsh for his liking, he snapped, “What’s wrong?”

In a sudden jolt, her eyes flew open and she spun around. She shook her head hard, her hair flying around her shoulders, maybe to clear the sleep that was obviously clouding her brain, and said, “Nothing. I’m just tired.”

“Just?” He took the few steps to bring him to her side. He reached out and grabbed her shoulders. “Of course you’re tired. Go sit down. I’ll make this.” He turned her in the direction of the others and gave her a gentle push.

He studied the table in front of him and realized she had the popcorn in the cast iron handheld popper but didn’t have the butter measured or ready to melt. He measured it quickly and dumped it into the popper.

“No,” she said, turning back to the table. “I’ll be fine.”

“You’re not fine,” he said in a low voice. “Why won’t you let me help you?”

The popcorn popper was held tight in her fist as she turned away, but her gaze lingered on his. He thought she wasn’t going to answer for a long moment, but then she opened her mouth. He bent his head to hear what she said, his gaze trying to read her lips as she moved them so gently, her voice so soft he wondered if he’d actually heard her correctly.

She walked back into the main room to pop the corn on the big fireplace. But her words rippled through his mind in wonder and almost broke his heart.

He thought, hoped, she’d said, “Because it hurts too much.”

Chapter 7

tacy forgot how
high energy this group of friends was. They worked hard and they played hard. Such was their life. She watched the men tease the women and bug the other guys. She was in a category altogether different. She knew them all with the exception of Yvonne and had been friends forever with some of them. That she worked with two of them, not all the time and not all day, made for an odd relationship there too. Then there was Royce and that bit of history and Geoffrey with their long-term friendship. At one point he’d asked her out but she’d refused, realizing she liked him as a good friend only. He was a great guy, and she was more than happy to have him along.

And unlike many of the others here, he wasn’t an adrenaline junkie.

Safety was always her prime concern. Even more so now after what had happened to her best friends.

BOOK: Chilled by Death
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