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Authors: More Than Seduction

Cheryl Holt (43 page)

BOOK: Cheryl Holt
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“How fickle.”

“I certainly thought so, although I was very glad. He can have her, with my blessing.”

“What about your family?”

“They will adore you, as do I.”

She pinched her wrist, wondering if she was dreaming, but she could definitely feel the tweak. She was conscious. She was alert. He’d actually proposed.

“So,” he went on, “I should like to accompany you to your father’s nuptials—as your husband.”

“Oh, Stephen . . . oh . . .” She was beyond words, beyond comprehension.

“But there is one detail we need to consider before you reply.”

Her heart thudded with apprehension. “What is it?”

“I was lauded by the King. For my military service.”


“With a title.”


“Baron. It provides a small estate north and east of here. It’s a day’s ride. Maybe more. It’s called Tetbury.”

He was now a peer of the realm, donning a rank and station she despised. Did it matter? And what did it portend for herself? If she acquiesced to his offer, she would be a baroness, a member of the group inhabited by his beautiful, refined sister. Could she play the part? Did she care to?

“What you’re really asking is whether I want to be your baroness.”


“I’d be terrible at it.”

“No. You’d be grand.” He linked their fingers and squeezed tight. “Don’t be intimidated, Anne. You can succeed wherever you focus your energies. I’m the living proof, so I have no doubts. And don’t forget: half the blood in your veins is from your father. How long have your ancestors held
the Salisbury title? Six hundred years? Seven hundred? You’re from noble stock. More exalted than mine.”

In the past, when she’d contemplated her father, it had only been the negative, the ways he’d maltreated her mother. She’d never reflected on her ties to the Salisbury line, had never pondered her pedigree, believing that her bastardry wiped out any assertion she might make to the contrary.

“Others will maintain that I’m not worthy, that you married far beneath yourself, and they’ll snub you because of me.”

“I’ll kill any man who dares.”

She snuggled herself to him. She was so conflicted! Wasn’t this the answer to her prayers? He would be hers, would be hers permanently, but in her reveries, she’d pictured them at her farm, which she recognized had been a ridiculous delusion.

Was it a celestial test? A divine joke? She could have Stephen, but in exchange, she would have to forsake all that she cherished. It was so unfair.

“If I decline?”

“I won’t let you. Anne, listen to me.” He forced her to meet his gaze. “Although my new tenants will treasure your skills as much as the people here, we’d only have to be at Tetbury part of the year. And I would have to journey to London, to sessions of Parliament, but you wouldn’t have to come to the city if you didn’t wish to. Say
, Anne. We can make it happen. I know we can!”

He was so sure, so optimistic, but there were so many obstacles. Had he truly weighed the hurdles?

“It’s such an impulsive, frightening request.” She trembled with the urge to give him the response he craved. Could she step out of her world and into his? She’d be like Cinderella at the ball. What if the clock chimed midnight and her fantasy crashed down around her?

“How could I convince you?”

“I don’t think you can.” She needed the opportunity to ruminate, to balance the benefits and detriments. To him and to herself. She was greatly afeared that he was pushing for something he ought not do.

He sighed. “The investiture hasn’t occurred yet. If my acquiring a title would cause you to refuse me, then I will graciously reject the distinction.”

She blanched at the notion. “You’d relinquish your reward, just for me?”

“I would.”

He’d scorn the King? Would waive his compensation? For her? She couldn’t let him. More than anyone, she knew how much he’d sacrificed, and he deserved every reparation that was presented.

“We could stay here some of the time?”

“Yes, and I’ve discussed the particulars with Kate and Pru. They can handle the business during the periods when we’re away.”

They had it all arranged! The scalawags!

“You’re positive this is what you want?”

“I’ve never desired anything more.”

“Swear to me that you’ll never lament your decision.”

“As if I could regret loving you!” Gripping her shoulders, he shook her and repeated, “Say yes!”

Was she the biggest fool ever? Was it a mistake? An illusion? A colossal blunder?

She stared at him, sitting as he was in the pond, his clothes on, the moon shining down, his devotion clear. She twirled the ring. How could she deny herself this chance? How could she ever pine for more?

Where he was concerned, she’d never had any willpower, and she didn’t know why she’d expected the current encounter to be any different.

“Yes, I will.”

He looked eager as a schoolboy. “You mean it?”

“Yes, I will,” she said again.

He let out a whoop that the neighbors could probably hear on the surrounding properties, and he whirled her around and around until she was dizzy with delight.

“Let’s have the wedding night right now!” he decreed.


“This is where we met. This is where it all transpired. Can you imagine any place better?”


“Besides, the water is working its magic.” He grinned. “I can’t wait to have you.”

He climbed onto the rocks, and he stuck out a foot, his boot dripping.

Pompous and arrogant as he’d ever been, he ordered, “Remove them. And be quick about it.”

“Aren’t you high-and-mighty, all of a sudden?”

“They call me
Tetbury,” he announced. “When I’m feeling indulgent, I shall allow you to refer to me simply as Tetbury. At all other times, it shall be: my lord.”

“Hah!” Shrieking, she slapped at his leg. “Never in a thousand years.”

She writhed away, but not very fast. He caught her easily, wrapping her in his arms, and kissing her as if there were no tomorrow. He poured his affection into the embrace, and she could sense his joy, his exultation.

“I’m so happy,” he declared.

“So am I.”

“I want it to always be just like this between us.”

“It will be.”

But if their ardor ever began to fade, she could bring him home, to her erotic pool. The idea made her smile, as she envisioned them gray, aged, but Stephen still randy, still unsated, chasing her around the grotto like a lusty adolescent.

She reached for the placard of his pants and started to loose the buttons.

Hands on his hips, cocky as any rooster, he demanded, “What are you doing?”

“I thought we’d go for a swim.”

“My dear Lady Tetbury”—he raised a brow and came closer—“I’m in the mood for a little more than swimming.”



National Award-Winning Author

The lonely, never-married Lady Elizabeth Harcourt desperately longs for a distraction. She finds one when a chance encounter leads her to the lush studios of artist Gabriel Cristofore. Gabriel insists upon painting Elizabeth’s portrait, vowing to do justice to her ravishing figure. But Elizabeth soon realizes that Gabriel’s plans for her have little to do with painting—for his true passion in life is the art of seduction. But Gabriel is about to discover that some affairs cannot be so easily abandoned—especially when the heart of a rogue has been captured. . .

“With her well-defined characters, even pacing, and heated love scenes Holt makes an easy entry into the world of erotic romance. . .readers will enjoy
Love Lessons.”

Romantic Times
Love Lessons

“Carefully crafted characters, engaging dialogue, and sinfully erotic narrative.”

Romance Reviews Today
Total Surrender




Visit Cheryl Holt’s Web site at:

AP 05 04



With the last of her family’s possessions gambled away by her dissolute brother, Lady Sarah Compton has traveled to a country house gala for one last moment of grace and beauty. But she is unaware that the occasion is actually a notorious trysting event, where members of the aristocracy can indulge their every sensual fantasy and erotic whim. Nor does she realize that the striking man who has stolen into her bedroom is none other than Michael Stevens—a rake who gives and takes his pleasures boldly. When Sarah refuses to heed Michael’s warning—to leave the house for her own protection—a powerful attraction grows, and soon, he longs to tutor the very proper Lady Sarah Compton in the art of passion. . .

“Cheryl Holt demonstrates her phenomenal understanding of women’s secret longings. . .with titillating and provocative narrative, she builds both the sexual tension and the romance to the point of eruption.”

Romantic Times
Absolute Pleasure

“A very sensual book . . . I would recommend it to those of you who like Thea Devine or the later books of Susan Johnson.”

— on
Love Lessons




Visit Cheryl Holt’s Web site at:

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BOOK: Cheryl Holt
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