Cautious (Sequel to Disastrous)

BOOK: Cautious (Sequel to Disastrous)
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What People are saying about

“Five stars from me for a sequel brilliantly told! In my review of
, I said: ‘Passion,
heartache, laughter, tears, drama, intrigue.
had it ALL. In
be prepared for the
Author Melissa L. Delgado on the

“I found myself laughing during this book at certain times. I
found myself nervous during this book at certain times and also found my heart
breaking for these characters as well.” Author Gail McHugh on

is about the angsty, emotional, intense
relationship between a 1st year law student and a powerful, drop-dead sexy
lawyer with a secret life. With such an original premise and relatable
characters, I was sucked in, gutted, and completely captivated by Marcus and
Mia’s tragic love story.” Author S.L. Jennings on




Sequel to Disastrous

E.L. Montes




E.L. Montes

Copyright © 2013 E.L. Montes

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business
establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. This e-book is licensed for your
personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other
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purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and
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purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

The following story contains mature themes, strong
language, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

Cover designed by David Goldhahn

Edited by Theresa Wegand

Proofread by Miranda Petrillo



This one is for the couple that started it all,
Marcus and Mia. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your story. After
all, it is YOUR story. I just wrote it. It was quite a roller-coaster ride, but
I enjoyed all the ups and downs. You will always have a special place in my



The boss lady ;-)



Table of Contents

































Sneak Peek
by Madeline Sheehan






As I entered the room, my blood was still pumping with
adrenaline from what just happened. I blinked a few times as the cloud of smoke
from the gunfire filled the room. My eyes searched for the one person I feared
for the most. It was a rampage and guns continued to fire. I quickly ran around
searching but could not find that familiar face.

My heart picked up its pace as I hovered over lifeless bodies and
held a tight grip on the gun in my hand, ready for anyone who got in the way.
As I continued my search, I finally spotted Jimmie. He was kneeling on the
ground, hovering over someone. My throat closed, and my entire body stilled as
I saw the person before him. For a mere second, I grew faint but managed to
force my trembling legs toward them.

Jimmie quickly turned and aimed his gun at my approach. His mouth
dropped opened in relief at the sight of me. Tears swelled in his bloodshot
eyes, and breathing heavily, he stared at me, ready to break. “I’m so sorry. I
tried, but I . . .
Fuck! I fuckin’ tried . . .
” Immediately, he turned
his attention back to the person before him. “Come on, don’t do this to me.”
With bloody hands, he pressed against the wound as he grunted. My body
shuddered, terrified as I leaned over his shoulder to have a closer look.

My heart was ripped out of my chest as I gasped. My mind was
screaming and yelling, but I stood mute. I collapsed beside Jimmie, and the gun
I held dropped onto the cement floor, making a distant clinking noise. Forcing
Jimmie aside, I looked down and witnessed the one person that I loved more than
anything in the world covered in blood. I couldn’t breathe as my beloved was gasping
for a last breath. I watched as the face of my truelove turned slightly blue while
continuing to gulp for air, and then the eyes locked with mine before the lids
shut closed and the jaw spread open.

Traumatized by what I was witnessing, my throat collapsed as fear
coursed through my veins. Reaching down, I gathered the body and pulled it into
mine. With a shaky hand, I tried to locate the gunshot wound.

I shook my head viciously. This could not be happening. This had
to be another nightmare.
I’m not going to lose you. Come on, wake up. Come
on, wake up!
My eyes blurred with tears, and I blinked them away as I
brought that face against my chest. “Come on, baby . . . Come on, you need to
get up.” With bloody hands, I caressed the perfect skin. I tried to wipe the
blood off, but it continued to smear along the perfect cheek bones.

I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs as I rocked back and
forth, trying to keep myself from breaking down. I wanted so badly to be
strong. There wasn’t much I could do, but I needed to do something as I pressed
my fingers along the soft eyelids. “Come on, baby, open your eyes. Just wake up
for me.” AHHH! I needed to do something. I was useless! The love of my life was
motionless and helpless, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I felt a hand press firmly against my shoulder, pulling me away,
telling me that help was close by.

But help wasn’t there at that moment. Something needed to be done
now! “No, I have to do something. I have to at least try.” Still rocking, I
pressed my lips against the frigid lips that I had kissed a thousand times
before, those perfect lips that used to make my every worry and bit of stress
disappear once they touched mine.

In between small gentle kisses, I began CPR. “Come on, baby,
don’t leave me. I need you.”




Nine weeks earlier


Mia let out a slight moan as her back slammed against
the wall. She was so fucking beautiful in every way. Her hair, still soaked
from the rain, framed her face as strands lay along her collarbone. Her shirt
clung to her body, exposing her breasts as she breathed heavily. I should have savored
this very moment and taken things slowly, but the past three weeks without her had
been nothing but excruciating. She was finally mine, and I was not going to let
time slip away. Before I realized that moment might’ve been a dream, I attacked
her with all I had. Forcing my body into her, I gripped her wrists and pinned
them against the wall over her head.

With our faces mere inches away, her breath hitched, and my eyes
traced from the most beautiful green eyes down to the perfect plump lips. Those
lips I’d missed and wished to kiss over and over again. Before another moment
was wasted, our mouths crushed into each other’s. Her lips were still cold and
moist from the rain. I devoured that kiss, breathing her in, tasting and
remembering exactly how she felt.

Letting go of her wrists, I dug my fingers into her damp hair and
wrestled my tongue with hers. The tiniest whimper escaped her. Fuck, I’d missed
her so much. She was all I’d ever wanted and needed. There was no way I was
ever letting her go again.

Mia arched into me as my name escaped her in a soft sigh. The way
she said my name with so much yearning sent me over the fucking edge. Groaning,
I shoved my tongue further into her mouth, forcing her to lift to her toes. She
moaned again as her body fell weakly in my arms. Very slowly, she dragged her
hands over my shoulders and made her way toward the back of my neck. Mia pulled
me in closer, bit down on my bottom lip, and dragged her teeth along my flesh.
the fuck?
That’s when I lost control. Her sweet scent, the way she felt
underneath my touch, her lips, everything about her made me go wild for her and
only her.

“God, Mia, I want you so bad.” My hips flexed into hers, and she
flashed her eyes open with a pleasurable sigh. Her lips slightly parted as her
breathing became heavier.

“I’m yours, Marcus. You just have to take me.” She demanded as
the burning desire in her eyes pierced into mine.

I did just that. I reached down, gripped her thighs, lifted her,
and wrapped her legs around my waist. Screw the fucking stairs. I went straight
into my office and sat her on top of my desk. I stood back to admire her. How could
I have ever walked away from her?

With my hands, I framed her delicate face and lowered my head so
that we were at eye level. “We’re never going to be without each other like
that again. Do you understand?” She simply nodded. I shook my head at her response
and firmly held my grip on her face. A nod wasn’t good enough for me. I needed
it. “Say it, Mia. We are never going to be without each other
again. I won’t be able to survive it another time.”

Her emerald green eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I love you,
Marcus.” Was that all she could give me? It wasn’t the promise I wanted, but
hearing those words from her felt as if someone had dug into my chest and began
tugging at the thrashing muscle. It was a painful but pleasurable feeling. How
could she ever love a man like me?

“Come with me.” I reached for her hand and dragged her out of the

“Where are we going?” She breathed out.

As I led her up the stairs, I dragged her along without responding.
I just continued down the hall and into my bedroom. Mia didn’t resist after
that. As soon as I locked the door behind us, I lifted and tossed her over my

She squealed and playfully kicked her legs. “Marcus! What are you
doing? I could walk, you know!”

“Yeah, but this way is faster.” She giggled after I tossed her
onto the plush mattress. God, I never knew how much I could miss and adore such
a simple sweet sound.

Kneeling on the edge of the bed, I sat there and watched her. I’d
put her through so fucking much within the last four months. Yet here she was
with me. Through it all, she still believed in us. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t
be here. My key goal was to make up for the heartbreak I’d caused, every single
tear she had shed because of me, and every single doubt she had harbored about us.
I wanted them to be erased from her memory. I had no clue how I would make up
for all of it, but I’d try my hardest to find out. I wanted to show her that there’s
a side to me that’s worth fighting for.

Mia popped up on her elbows and tilted her head as she studied me
with a wary expression. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

My heartbeat grew rapid. Why was I so fucking nervous? I shook my
head in response, but she wasn’t convinced. Slowly rising, she made her way
toward me. The both of us now kneeled before each other.

BOOK: Cautious (Sequel to Disastrous)
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