Cattle Valley 27 - Alone in a Crowd (4 page)

BOOK: Cattle Valley 27 - Alone in a Crowd
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By the time Ryan walked into the family room, Rio had already heard Nate’s side of the story, and although he loved Nate dearly, his partner did tend to exaggerate at times. The puzzled expression on Ryan’s face told Rio without words that his evening of quiet TV time was over. “Hey.”

“Where’s Nate?”

“Taking a shower.” Rio waited for Ryan to remove his cowboy boots before slapping the sofa beside him. “Join me.”
Ryan stopped long enough to take off his shirt and jeans before joining Rio. “Did you know Grooper hasn’t driven since that little fender bender?”
Rio shook his head. “I’ve seen him riding around on his bike, but I didn’t think anything about it.” He wrapped his arms around Ryan and pulled him close. “Does this have something to do with why you threw the man in jail?”
Ryan glanced towards the door. “I didn’t tell Nate this because he was being a dick about the whole thing, but I’ve done some thinking, and I know I overreacted. Initially, I went over to tell him to stop calling 911, but when he answered the door, I could smell alcohol on him.” He blew out a long breath before shaking his head from side to side. “There was something about that smell and the way he was dressed that reminded me too much of my dad. I don’t know, I guess he’s been on my mind a lot lately or something. When I realised what was going on, I issued the warning and turned to go. That’s when it happened. Grooper reached out and grabbed my shoulder.”
Rio squeezed Ryan tighter, trying to give his partner strength. He didn’t know Ryan’s history with his father, but he was slowly piecing things together.
“I freaked,” Ryan admitted. “I slammed him against the door and cuffed him before I knew what I was doing. But the asshole wouldn’t shut up. He just kept yelling at me. I put him into my car and called Brian to come get him.”
Rio ran his fingers through Ryan’s black, silky hair. “I know you pride yourself on always staying in control, but it doesn’t sound like you were completely out of line for arresting the guy.”
Ryan settled against Rio’s chest. They sat like that for several moments before Rio worked up the courage to bring up Ryan’s father. “Did your dad used to grab you when he was drinking?”
Ryan nodded. “He did a hell of a lot more than grabbing, but, yeah, it usually started that way.” He lifted his head off Rio’s chest and looked towards the door once again. “Don’t tell Nate any of that though.”
“Why? You don’t think he’d understand? Hell, Nate loves you every bit as much as I do.”
“I know he does, but I’ve never really felt good enough for him in the first place. If he knew the kind of life I lived…” Ryan shook his head again. “No. I don’t want him to know that part of me.”
Rio was surprised at the vulnerability in Ryan’s voice, but even knowing the bits that he did, Ryan’s behaviour when they’d first met made a lot more sense. He’d known for a long time that the arrogant attitude and behaviour Ryan often projected to the outside world was a mask. What he hadn’t known was that the false façade hid someone who’d been made to feel like he was less than other people.
Damn. Rio should tell Ryan about the box of pictures and letters he’d dug out of the trash, but he doubted Ryan was willing to hear it yet. Hopefully, now that the first shoe had dropped, Ryan wouldn’t be so hesitant to open up further in the near future.

Chapter Three

After turning off his alarm, Ryan spent several minutes watching Nate sleep. It was his favourite time of day, and after a night of little sleep, Ryan planned to enjoy the naked warmth of his lovers.

“Cute, isn’t he?” Rio whispered in Ryan’s ear.

Ryan smiled and leant back against Rio’s muscular body. “Yeah. It’s the hair. I like it messy.” In his waking hours, Nate made sure every hair was in place at all times. Although Nate preferred to sport the I-just-got-out-of-bed look, Ryan knew it took Nate nearly an hour in front of the mirror to get it that way. He felt Rio’s morning erection snuggle between the cheeks of his ass and pushed back, needing more.

“You’ll be late for work,” Rio reminded him, moving his hand down to wrap around Ryan’s cock.
For the first time in years, Ryan didn’t really care about going into work. Maybe it had something to do with the previous day’s events, but he didn’t feel the sense of passion and duty he usually did. It was part of the reason he’d had a rough night’s sleep. Losing his temper with Grooper was inexcusable, especially for someone in his position. “That’s okay,” he eventually mumbled.
Ryan heard the snick from the lube cap moments before slick fingers circled his asshole. “That’s not like you.” Rio nuzzled Ryan’s neck. “Are you feeling okay?”
Ryan grinned. Rio was always concerned with every aspect of Nate and Ryan’s lives. “Just don’t feel like going in. I might take a sick day.” He turned to look Rio in the eyes. “Stay home with me.”
Rio eased his finger into Ryan’s hole. “You know I’ll stay with you, but that won’t solve your problem. Whatever’s bothering you will still be there tomorrow if you don’t deal with it.”
“I’ll deal with it, just not today. Today I want to be Ryan, not Sheriff Blackfeather.” While Rio continued to stretch him, Ryan began to further explore Nate’s body. He knew Rio would continue to talk about what had happened the previous day as well as what Ryan had confessed the night before if he didn’t put an end to the conversation. He renewed his effort to wake Nate, pressing his thumb against the slit on Nate’s cockhead. Nate had always been a hard sleeper, so it took quite a bit of stimulation before he stirred.
“You still mad at me?” Nate asked without opening his eyes. He spread his legs, giving Ryan better access to his cock and balls.
“No. It was my fault. I allowed the situation to get out of hand.” Ryan refused to say anything else, so decided to do something more productive with his mouth. While Rio played with his ass, Ryan bent over to suck the head of Nate’s cock. He moaned around the bulbous crown as Rio entered him slowly. With his ass full and the velvety skin of Nate’s cock against his tongue and throat, all thoughts of work were shoved to the back of his mind as he accepted the pleasure of Rio’s cock fucking in and out of his hole.
Ryan glanced up to meet Nate’s gaze and was surprised by the confused expression. Sure, it wasn’t often he gave blowjobs to his partners but that didn’t mean he didn’t know how.
“There’s something going on that you’re not telling me,” Nate finally said.
That’s what the confused look was about. Ryan didn’t stop sucking Nate’s cock long enough to speak. Instead, he eased a finger into his mouth alongside Nate’s cock. Once he’d gathered enough spit and pre-cum, Ryan moved his hand to Nate’s ass.
Nate’s eyes narrowed. “Distract me all you want, but once this is over, you’re talking.”
. Ryan knew better than to try to keep something from Nate. Every argument the three of them had had in the past, happened as a direct result of keeping secrets. After only a few minutes of anal stimulation along with the continuing blowjob, Nate reached down and squeezed Ryan’s shoulder, signalling his imminent climax. In the final few moments before Nate shot his cum down Ryan’s throat, Ryan decided to tell Nate the truth. He knew hearing about the kind of life he’d led growing up and seeing the place where it had happened were two different things. He figured he could live with that if it would head-off another fight.
Ryan swallowed every ounce of cum Nate produced before taking his time to thoroughly clean his cock with his tongue. Finished, he rested his cheek on Nate’s stomach and smiled.
Rio chose that moment to change the angle and intensity of his fucking. He’d gone easy on Ryan’s ass as long as Ryan had a cock down his throat, but not anymore. With each inward thrust, Ryan’s entire body lurched forward.
“Fuck, you’re giving me whisker burn,” Nate scolded, moving out from under Ryan’s cheek.
Ryan used the opportunity to raise up on his hands and knees. “Suck me.”
Nate rolled his eyes before scooting under Ryan. “I should’ve known you’d want a blowjob in return.”
“Hell, I’ve never said no to a blowjob in my life. Why should I start now?” Ryan chuckled for the first time in almost two weeks. His world was slipping back into place, despite the guilt nagging him over his parents.

* * * *

Rio glanced over his shoulder to check on Nate and Ryan as the three of them rode their horses towards Second Chance Ranch. When Ryan started to tell Nate of his past, it had been too much for Rio to hear again, so he rode ahead to give the two of them some privacy.

The thought of Ryan living in such conditions, along with the brutality of his own father, worked to turn Rio’s stomach. It wasn’t much different from the way Rio had been raised, but he’d come to terms with his childhood long ago. Unfortunately, it seemed Ryan’s continued to haunt him.

With luck, their day of playing hooky would continue to be pleasant. Rio really wanted to confess to Ryan that he’d removed the box of pictures and letters from the trash and had hidden them in the garage storage cabinet. The urge to open one of the letters had been an ongoing battle, but he knew he’d never be forgiven for such an act.

When he reached the gravel driveway leading up to the ranch, Rio pulled Charlie to a stop and waited for Nate and Ryan to catch up. They were about a quarter of a mile behind him, so they must’ve stopped their horses long enough to kiss and hug or something. Hopefully, that meant Nate wasn’t harbouring hard feelings about being kept in the dark for so long.

The closer they came, the easier it was to see the toll the conversation had taken on both men. Ryan looked completely wrung out, while Nate’s eyes were red-rimmed and swollen. Yeah, Rio had a good idea how Nate felt. He’d spent days in his office at The Gym thinking about Ryan. It still hurt that Ryan felt so ashamed of his past that he’d go to Oklahoma without telling Rio and Nate the truth as to why he was going.
“Everything okay?” Rio asked when they joined him.
Ryan nodded. “Mr Softy wants to feel sorry for me, but I’m not having it.” “He’s such a bastard,” Nate grumbled. “He’s mistaking compassion for pity, typical.” Rio tried not to smile. Although it sounded like the two most important men in his life

were fighting, Rio knew it was their way of caring for each other. “Well, now that that’s settled, let’s go talk to Oggie.”

They rode up the drive together, Rio between Nate and Ryan. It wasn’t that he was trying to separate the two men, but he wanted to offer both of them as much comfort as they would allow.

Oggie was leading a bay mare out to the nearby corral when Rio brought Charlie to a stop. He climbed down and led the horse to one of the troughs, loosely tying the reins to a nearby hitching post. “Pretty horse.”

Oggie shut the gate, taking time to make sure it was latched before turning towards Rio. “Stella’s my pride and joy.”
“I can see why.” Rio loosened Charlie’s cinch straps.
Ryan and Nate also dismounted and led their horses to the water. “Where’s Smokey?” Nate asked, a level of distrust in his voice.
“Checking the old fence lines in the far pasture. The plan is to buy a few more head of cattle, but not until we get the land ready.” Oggie moved to stand in the shade and Nate, Ryan and Rio joined him.
“How’s he working out?” Ryan asked.
“Excellent. I know he’s having a lot of trouble with his hands, but you wouldn’t know it by the amount of work he does around here.”
Rio glanced at Nate, hoping Oggie’s praise would lessen his worries about Smokey. When no one spoke, Oggie continued. “I know he’s not the most popular guy in town because of what happened in the past, but that’s why he’s a perfect fit here. We’re all just looking for a second chance in life. Some just need that chance later than others.”
Rio couldn’t have put it more perfectly if he’d tried. He draped his arm over Nate’s shoulder and kissed his temple. “I think you’re right. Most of us are already living our second chances.”
“Amen,” Ryan added.

* * * *

Smokey took a moment to slap on a light aftershave before donning his customary cowboy hat. It had surprised him when Elliott invited him to Taco Tuesday at O’Brien’s. He wasn’t sure how he’d be received at the pub, but Smokey wasn’t about to turn down the dinner invitation.

Since moving back into the garage apartment, Smokey had seen very little of Elliott, and he was beginning to think he’d never get another chance to get to know the man. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t kick himself for the way he’d acted right after he’d been thrown off the EZ Does It.

Why he’d spent years pining for Ezra when Elliott was right under his nose the whole time, he may never understand. Too late to change it, he told himself. All he could do was to continue to prove to Elliott that he was worth spending time with.

Leaving the small apartment, he spotted Elliott waiting on the patio below. “Hope you haven’t been waiting long.” He descended the steps after locking up.
“Not long at all.”
By the time he joined Elliott, Smokey’s palms had begun to sweat. He wiped his hands on his dress jeans. “Sorry. I guess I’m more nervous than I thought I’d be.”
“Nothing to be nervous about,” Elliott told him. “We’ve been friends for a long time. I’m just glad to have you back in town.”
Smokey wasn’t sure how to take the remark. Did that mean Elliott was only interested in re-establishing their friendship? “Would you mind driving? The inside of my truck is pretty dusty.”
“Don’t mind at all.” Elliott led the way to his car. “Although I’ll have to move Jeff’s baseball equipment.” He opened the passenger door and relocated the duffle bag to the backseat.
“How’s Jeff doing this year?” Smokey asked, climbing in.
“Good. I think his team has a decent shot at a district championship.” Elliott got in but didn’t immediately start the engine. Instead he gripped the steering wheel and stared straight ahead. “Are you over Ezra yet?”
“Yeah. As soon as I sobered up, I realised it had always been a one-sided deal anyway. I think more than anything, I wanted a home with Ezra simply because he was the first to make me feel like I belonged somewhere.” Smokey couldn’t believe he’d admitted all that to Elliott. Hell, he’d only admitted it to himself about six months ago.
After several moments, Elliott slowly nodded his head. “I can see where that could’ve happened.”
Being friends, Elliott already knew of Smokey’s years growing up in foster care. It was nice to be around someone who already had a good grasp on his past. Smokey decided to jump into the deep end. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure.” Elliott still made no move to start the car.
“Is this a date or did you ask me out as friends?”
“That depends,” Elliott answered.
“On what?”
“On you. I made a fool of myself once by trying to kiss you. I don’t plan on making that same mistake again.”
Before Elliott could say anything else, Smokey leaned over and kissed him. Soft at first, Smokey waited for a sign that he should continue. When Elliott opened his mouth, Smokey went for it. He was too damn old to play games. He wanted Elliott, and by God, he wanted Elliott to know it.
After several minutes of making out, Elliott broke the kiss. “Are you sure you want to go eat?”
“No, but I think it’s for the best,” Smokey replied.

BOOK: Cattle Valley 27 - Alone in a Crowd
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