Read Cat Groove (Stray Cats) Online

Authors: Megan Slayer

Tags: #BIN 06884-02217

Cat Groove (Stray Cats) (3 page)

BOOK: Cat Groove (Stray Cats)
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Chapter Three


“You don’t deserve anything.” She stood toe-to-toe with her soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend. How in the name of hell had she put up with him for so long? “I know all about what you do when I’m not around. Your partner, Troy, called. Seems Salina was looking for you. She needed to get her panties from your townhouse.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.” John notched his chin in the air.

“Well, misunderstand this.” Her frustration hit the boiling point. No more holding back. She punched him hard in the stomach. “I can have whoever I want whenever I want in my apartment. Roman is a dear friend of mine, and he needed a place to stay. If I want to hump him right here in the living room, then that’s my kinky fancy. You have no say here. Get the fuck out of my apartment and never come back. I’m not grateful you chose me. You should be grateful I allowed you to date me.”

Holy shit. Jessa realized what she’d said. She’d admitted Roman was a dear friend. Well, he was -- as her cat. But as the man… she wasn’t sure what to think.

“You’ll never do better than me.” John yanked his keys from his pocket. He wrestled with the ring until he freed one of the keys. “Here, bitch. This won’t last. I give you three days before you come crawling back because this asshole sees reason. You’re not on the same level. Never will be.”

Her gumption faded. She winced and ducked to miss the flying key. At least he’d given it back.

“You’re right.” Roman’s voice remained level, but he narrowed his eyes. He stepped between Jessa and John. “You’re right. She and I aren’t on the same level -- as you. It won’t take three days for her to come crawling back. Even if our relationship doesn’t work out, she’s strong enough to see past your bullshit. So, thank you for giving her a reason to dump your ass for good.”

Jessa pressed her lips together. She had someone standing up for her. Someone cared and wasn’t insulting her. Maybe her cat wasn’t such a silly animal after all.

“Crazy bitch. You’ll wish you hadn’t told me to go. This asshole won’t be able to make you happy.” John shook his head. “Never.”

“I doubt it.” Roman nudged John into the hallway of the apartment building, then slammed the door. He turned to face Jessa. “Please don’t believe a word he said. He’s full of shit.”

Well, yeah. She didn’t believe John. Everything he’d shouted had been meant to rip her to shreds. Her hands shook and she backed up to the sofa. She sat on the arm of the couch. “Yeow.”

“What?” Roman toyed with the belt of the robe. “Gotta tell me what’s going on so I can help.”

“I’ve never done that. Never told someone off.” She shoved her hair from her eyes. “I’m glad I made him go, but I’m not sure it was the right decision.” John was really gone. If Roman walked away, too, she’d be alone. Alone sucked. Crap. She really shouldn’t have pissed off John.

“Jessa.” Roman bowed his head. He strode past her to the couch. He sat beside her and slipped her hands into his. “I get it. I might have been a cat for the last year, but I picked up a few things from watching you. Ending a relationship is hard, but you deserve to be happy. He wasn’t making you feel like a goddess. Think about this. He called you a whore and didn’t trust you. He cheated on you and used the only thing he has as ammo against you -- lies. He wanted to put you in your place. You showed him he can’t do that. Do you really want to go back to him?”

She bit her bottom lip and mulled his words. He had a point. So why did pushing John away feel so wrong? And why did being in Roman’s arms seem right? God, she was so mixed up. She pulled her hand away from Roman’s. The demons from her past reared their ugly heads. “He was slime, but what if he was right? I’m not beautiful.”

“If a man truly loves you, he’ll think you’re beautiful inside and out. Your charm, heart, brain, caring personality and wit. Jessa, you’ve got it all. That jerk beat down your self-esteem.”

“I’m not perfect.” She knew damn well she had flaws. Lots of flaws. “I’m chunky. I can’t dance and I’m no good with children. I’ve got a quirky sense of style and I hate crowds. Yeah, not perfect.”

Voices from her past shouted in her head. Her grandmother telling her to use more zit cream to clear up her face. Her mother telling her to stop eating so much because a moment on the lips meant a lifetime on the hips, and her hips had seen more than a lifetime of food. John had only added to the problem.

“You’re perfect to me.” Roman cupped her jaw in both hands. “You’ve got a cat shifter who loves you.”

“Because I feed you every morning after you walk all over me.” Which sounded bad.

“Okay. I don’t know how long I’ve got until I’m forced to give in to the cat again. Might be tonight. Might not. I don’t care. I’ve found my mate. I’ll give in to the cat for another year if it means I’m proving how much I care about you.”

“You’re crazy,” she blurted. He said too many nice things. Too many dangerous things that inflated her ego. He couldn’t be serious.

“I’m probably a little crazy. Everyone is.” He shrugged. “I’m not giving up on you or us.”

“I need to think.” She wriggled away from him again. The attraction was there and strong. Too strong. If she lingered, she’d do something she’d regret. But what was there to regret about being in the arms of a hot guy? Only he could break her heart when he realized the world was at his fingertips.

“I’m not going anywhere -- except the third bedroom. I don’t fit in the kitty condo, but I’ve always wanted to try out the bed.” He grinned. “You won’t believe me, but I never climbed on it because I knew you’d shoot me with the water gun. I hate getting wet.”

“You might like a shower now.” She smiled, despite her flip-flopping emotions. “Getting a bath when you’re a human is pretty nice.”

“You’ll have to teach me. I’m a human and I don’t know how to be a human. Any help is welcome.” He stroked her shin with the backs of his knuckles. “It’s late. Why don’t we crash and regroup in the morning?”

“You’ll move on,” she whispered.

Roman sighed and tipped his head to the side. “I’ve only been a human for a short while, but I know when I’m not trusted. I don’t expect you to trust me.” He scrubbed both hands over his face. “I’m going to suck at saying this, but you need to follow me. I’m not like the other guys, Jessa. When Hildy put us together, it was because she knew. It took me some time to see the spark, but I do and it’s bright. Give me a chance to sort out how to be a human. Stand beside me and be willing to tell me when I’m screwing up -- kinda like when you litter trained me.”

She sagged against the cushions. He wasn’t asking for the moon and stars, just some understanding. She stifled a giggle. She remembered trying to get Roman to use the litter pan. He resisted at every chance until she tossed him into the litter. Then he understood.

“You were a quick study,” she said.

“I had a good teacher.” Roman smoothed a lock of her hair between his fingers. “Just give me a chance. I’ll make you proud.”

“Roman.” She needed to breathe and think… and not be so attracted to him. “You make this hard. I want to kiss you. A lot. I want to snuggle up with you, but you’re not the cat. You’re a man. I’m not sure what to do.”

“I’ve still got the same soul even if it’s in a different package.” He kissed her cheek, then her lips. “I’m not giving up on you, but to make you feel better I’m sleeping in the guest room.” He stood, but didn’t walk away. “I’ve got the eyes and reflexes of my cat. I’ll keep an eye on you. I can’t help it -- you’re my mate. Will you help me be the man I’m supposed to be? The man you need?”

She stared at him. Not more than six hours ago, he’d been her cat. Part of her wanted him to argue with her and beg her to allow him into her bedroom. The rest of her appreciated the space. “Leave the door cracked.”

She wasn’t sure why she’d said that. Was she going to check on him?

“I’m a shout away.” Roman dipped his head, then strolled down the hall to the guest room.

Jessa waited until he turned out the light, then headed to her own bedroom. She had so many things to think about. John was out of her life. Maybe Roman was right. John had treated her like shit. Then why did she miss him? Because of her stupid low self-esteem? No, she appreciated the security of being with someone. She’d never been the woman men chose. She always ended up being the pity date. Her heart ached. John hadn’t been any different than the other guys she’d known. He
deserve her.

What about Roman? She flopped on her bed and closed her eyes. A vision of his body came to mind. She swallowed a moan. If she could’ve hand-selected a man, he’d’ve been the one. Perfect abs, just the right amount of black hairs on his chest… long legs and a great smile. He even had perfect hair. The man worked her bathrobe like a pro on a catwalk and seemed so comfortable in her apartment. But he’d been her cat -- he’d better have been comfy in her apartment. He had to be too good to be true.

He wanted her to teach him to be a human. Then she’d show him the way to do things like kiss -- although he did that well. She brushed her breast with her fingertips. A jolt of awareness ran through her body. He might not have known much, but he knew how to make her respond. He’d need to learn how to… fuck. Even thinking the word turned her on. Her skin prickled and fever slid through her veins. He’d never had sex. What would it be like to make love to him? Kind and tender? Or would he be commanding?

She slipped her hand beneath the waistband of her panties and sweat pants. Her already slick pussy throbbed. She flicked her clit with her fingernail. Happy tremors resonated within her. She imagined his strong arms around her. Even if only for a little while, she wanted to be Roman’s girl.

She opened her eyes and froze. Why the hell was she playing with herself when the man she lusted after was in the other room? He’d said he was just a shout away. Should she shout? And freak him out? He’d think she was hurt or upset. She shucked her sweatpants and socks and then climbed off the bed. Time to head across the hall.

“Roman,” she whispered and eased the guest room door open. “Are you asleep?”

“No, Jess. I’m usually running berserk about now and getting hollered at for keeping you awake.” He rolled onto his back. “What’s wrong? I didn’t hear anyone in the apartment.”

She slipped under the covers beside him. When she bumped his hip with hers, she touched bare skin. He’d ditched the robe. Jessa eased onto her side and stretched her arm across his belly. “I’m going to teach you to make love.”

Chapter Four


Jessa shoved the blankets aside. For early November, the weather had been unseasonably warm. She’d also had the heat on from the prior cold snap. Then again, the room could’ve been an icebox, but the fever in her veins would’ve kept her toasty.

“I can’t wait to learn all you have to teach me.” Roman turned to face her. He kissed away anything she’d been planning to say. With his fingers in her hair and his cock nestled between her legs, he tugged her on top of him.

Excitement sparkled in her brain. Every time Roman touched her, she moaned. He palmed her ass and sucked her tongue. The bit of scruff on his cheeks abraded her skin.

Jessa broke the connection first. She sat up. “When you’re making love to a woman, you have to tease her.”

Roman nodded. He pinched her ass and smiled. When she sighed, he cupped her breast. “Like this?”

“Uh-huh.” Jessa rocked on his lap, rubbing his erection against her sopping pussy. “Put your hand under my shirt.”

“Take it off.” Roman grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and eased the garment up over her head. She barely noticed the temperature change. Nothing mattered but Roman.

“Come here,” he commanded and tugged her down on top of him, chest to breast. He thrust his fingers into her hair again. Starting by her ear, he kissed a path of fire across her cheek to her lips. He let go of her hair, but continued to hold her. “I’ve wanted to do this since you adopted me.”

Odd thing to hear from the man who’d been her cat, but somehow the revelation fit. She gasped for air and raked her nails down his pec. The man was rock hard everywhere. Shimmers of delight pooled in her belly. The more she ground her lace-covered clit over his dick, the closer she came to orgasm. No, she told herself. No coming yet.

Jessa sat up once more. “I need to prepare you.” Plus she wanted to lick that cock. She wriggled down his body to his legs, then wrapped her hand around his dick.

“Jessa.” His eyes widened and his lips parted. He flattened his palms on the mattress. “What are you going to do?”

“Make you feel good.” She pumped her fingers, stroking him and pulling his foreskin down. When he tensed, she leaned over and flicked her tongue across the blunt head of his erection. Roman shivered beneath her.

“I love when you touch me like that.” He gripped the sheets in both hands. “Fuck.”

“Then you’ll really love this.” She engulfed him in her mouth. His tangy taste exploded on her tongue. He wasn’t like any other man she knew and in a great way. He allowed her the freedom to enjoy and explore him. She cupped his balls, then released the suction on his cock.

Roman planted his feet on the bed and groaned. His nipples beaded. “Holy shit.” He rocked his hips, nudging more of his dick into her mouth. “I -- I can’t hold out any longer. Stop and come here.”

When she sat up, he dragged her to his chest and then flipped her underneath him. She liked when her partner allowed her the freedom to learn his body, but she loved the way Roman took control of the situation. He peered down at her, hunger in his eyes.

“I need to make love to you,” he murmured. Roman opened the catch on her bra, exposing her breasts. “Beautiful.” He buried his face in her chest, sucking on her nipple.

She couldn’t breathe or think. The world stopped moving and time slowed down. She wrapped her arms around Roman. She’d never find a man like him ever again.

Roman tugged her panties to the side and lined his cock up with her pussy. “Mate,” he whispered. “Mate.” His eyes flashed.

Mate? Her brain began to work again. He’d mentioned something about being her mate, but did she want the connection forever? “Wait.” She placed both hands on his chest, stilling him. “We need something.” Jessa reached into the nightstand and withdrew a condom. “Back up.” She wriggled out of her panties as he scooted out of the way. When he climbed on top of her again, she tore into the packet and then sheathed him. “Now we’re ready.”

BOOK: Cat Groove (Stray Cats)
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