Read Caressed by Moonlight Online

Authors: Amanda J. Greene

Caressed by Moonlight (18 page)

BOOK: Caressed by Moonlight
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Chapter Twenty-Five

Dorian could not believe his weakness. He had allowed his fear to rule him. Leaning against the railing, the sun warming his skin, he cursed himself as a coward. The mere possibility that Victoria might reject him and the new life that was destined by the Fates had terrified him. His fear had kept him from telling her that the past night was the last night of her mortal life. She was his mate and as such she would never age, never become ill, and never die. She was now queen of his clan. He no longer had to sit in the darkness of his home alone, no longer had to lay awake in the late hours of the morning alone. He now had a mate, a lover, and a partner to share his life with. But would she accept and welcome their never-ending future together?

Their marriage had been hasty and out of necessity for her.

She needed a hero to rescue her and her sister and he just happened to fit in the rusty suit of armor. In truth, he had wanted to help her, but he had spoken the mortal's binding vows for all the wrong reasons. He wanted her in his bed. To use her until he tired of her and then he would move on and go home. He would support her and little Margaret for the rest of their lives, giving them every possible comfort. But after that first night, after he had made her good and truly his wife, he knew he had been wrong. There was no leaving and forgetting this woman. He had been an idiot to think otherwise.

Dorian shuddered as he remembered the night Falcon arrived. His heart had ached, his stomach had tightened as loneliness and despair filled his heart. The thought of leaving her had been torture, but he had his duties, his responsibilities. He was king of a dying clan and in order to save them, he would have to sacrifice his own happiness. Now, it was Victoria's happiness that was to be sacrificed.

He slammed his fist down on the wood railing. The ship trembled and the crew backed away. The shifters knew better than to be near the vampire chieftain when he was angry, none wanted to lose any body parts.

That worry, however, did not affect the Black Knight.

Falcon casually sauntered up to his old brooding friend.


“Either she did not take the news well or you didn't tell her.”

Dorian shot a hot glare over his shoulder and Falcon shook his head. “You need to tell her.”

“I will.”

“Before we reach land, preferably. Being surrounded by vampires and still thinking you're mortal would be terrifying.”

“I'll tell her.”

Falcon nodded and sat on a step leading up to the captain's deck.

“She won't reject you, if that is what you are thinking.”

“How do you know?” Dorian snapped. “When did you become a seer?”

Ignoring his friend's surly tone, Falcon said, “She is your mate. The two of you were destined to be together. She can't refuse you.”

“She doesn't love me.”

“How can you be sure of that?” he tossed back. “She came to your rescue, did she not? And she accepted your other half.”

“That takes courage.”

“What makes you think you are so unworthy, Dorian?”

Another glare that was chilling to the bone was flung his way. He was pressing a bit too hard but he wasn't about to stop. He was slowly going to tear down Dorian's stonewall even if it left him with a few more scars.

“Or perhaps I'm asking the wrong question,” Falcon mused with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew his next question was going to fire off Dorian's temper. “What makes you think Victoria is so unworthy?”

Dorian whirled around and Falcon flinched from the fury that colored the king's face.

“You're out of line, knight. Perhaps, I need to remind you of your place.”

“I think not.” Falcon stood. “I'll be going before you rip my head off, if you don't mind.”

“Smart choice,” Dorian bit out.

Falcon inched past him and headed for the threshold that led below. The sun was high in the sky and sleep beckoned him.

“She is perfect,” Dorian whispered.

Victoria was everything he had longed for and never thought he would have. He knew as king he was to die. He never expected to be spared the fate that befell all who had been royalty.


He had been given an incredible gift and in truth he didn't feel he deserved it. What made him special? Why was he to rule forever?

His thoughts turned soft as he imagined spending the rest of eternity with Victoria. Making love to her every night and waking up next to her every morning would be bliss.

He went cold again.
It will only be heaven if she will have

Victoria dressed and went to find Margaret who was already dining on supper, Ophelia at her side. Victoria was shocked; she had slept the entire day away.

After giving her big sister a hug, Margaret pulled away and smiled. “Dorian said you weren't feeling well, Tory. But he promised you would get better and come to see me.”

“Of course I would come to see you.”

“I'll fetch you a plate, my lady.”

“Thank you, Ophelia.”

Victoria visited with Margaret and put her to bed before she went in search of her husband. But she only found Falcon in his assigned cabin, bent over his desk.

“I have not seen his majesty since this afternoon,” he said, pausing in his letter writing. “I would check up top and if he isn't there, I would just wait. He’ll come around.”

She nodded and left him alone in his small cabin.

She mounted the stairs and walked a quick lap about the deck. Not finding her husband, she shrugged her shoulders and retreated back to their chamber.

Lighting a candle, she went to the bay window and sat on its thin bench. The moon was bright and it seemed to whisper to her.

“Did you sleep well this afternoon, kitten?”

Victoria jumped at the sound of his voice. She had not heard him enter.

“Yes,” she answered, once her heart stopped racing.

He crossed the room and sprawled out in his chair before the window.

Dorian patted his lap and without hesitation, Victoria went to him. He laced his arm about her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder.


“I'm going to tell you a story and you must keep in mind that it is true, no matter how unbelievable it may sound.” She nodded. “There are four races that inhabit this planet, the humans, the vampires, the witches, and the shape-shifters or Weres. For the most part humans live in complete ignorance of these other species existence, but it wasn't always this way.” He took in a deep breath.

He was going to tell the complete gruesome truth.

“Vampires slaughtered whole villages and laid waste to any and all humans that crossed their paths, until the witches decided to step in. They took it upon themselves to save the mortal race.”

“How many vampires were there?”

“Four, but only three were murderers.”

“Dimitri was the fourth and the others were the Fathers,”

she stated.

“You catch on quick, kitten.” He smiled then his face turned stone again as he continued, “Some witches possess the ability to see into the future. They knew that one day vampires would rise in number and be ruled by a monarchy. So, in an attempt to control the vampire population they placed a curse upon every vampire that spoke the vows that made him or her chieftain.

The witches stole our leader’s immortality and then began to hunt the fledglings, the vampire's brood.”

Dorian tilted her chin up so he could gaze into her eyes as he finished his tale.

“However, there is a sliver of hope attached to this damning curse.”

“What was it?” Victoria asked when Dorian did not continue.

He cleared his throat as he search for the right words.

“When the right monarch ascends to the throne his mate will be created.”

Victoria's breath caught in her throat as his words settled in her mind.

“The curse has claimed many rulers over the centuries and I thought my fate would be the same. I did not believe that the witches would ever allow such a thing.” He kissed her lightly.

“Until I married you. You are my mate, Victoria.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but he placed a finger against her lips and shook his head.

“I’m not finished yet. Save the questions, please.”

She nodded.


“When the vampire has found his intended, he must bond her to him, but she must be willing.” He paused as he thought of his next words. They had to be perfect. “Last night you learned what I was. You accepted me and saved me from starvation and insanity. When I drank from you, I took too much. You teetered on the brink of death. Not knowing any other way to save you, I gave you my blood.” Dorian ignored her gasp and placed his hand over her hip that bared the brand of destiny. “Unknowingly, I tied you to me.”

Victoria’s hand fell to his.

“You are immortal now, Victoria. Upon the next full moon your transition will take place.”

She pushed herself to her feet.

“Am I going to be like you? Am I going to be a vampire?”

“Not exactly.”

Her breathing was fast as she collapsed back on the cushioned bench of the bay window.

“This can’t be,” she shook her head in shock. This was all too much, but she knew it was true. It had to be true, she could feel it in her heart that it was the truth. It was all meant to be.

“I won’t have to drink blood, will I? I don’t think I could.”

“Only on the night of your transition,” he said. “You will not have the same restrictions as vampires do but you will have all the benefits.” He leaned forward and took her hand. “You will be my queen.”

Victoria did not know what to think. The thought of living forever was certainly appealing especially since she would be with Dorian, but what about her sister? What would they tell her?

“What of Margaret?” she asked.

“She will remain mortal and live out her life. If you’re worried that she will notice neither of us aging, you are wasting your time. She will never know. I have masked my age many times before; we will appear older as she grows up, just like normal humans would. It’s a trick that I can play on a mortal’s mind.”

“But I will see her die.”

Dorian watched as Victoria’s eyes glazed over with fear and sorrow. In a blink he was by her side pressing her to him.

“Yes,” he said softly. “That is a burden we all have to bear.

I watched my family and friends die, one by one. It is hard to handle, but I will be there for you. I will help you.”


Wiping her tears away with the back of her hand, she sat up. Her mind was a jungle of new and disturbing information that she would need to sort out, but that did not stop her from adding to it.

“What of your people, Dorian? Will they accept me? Will they do anything to Margaret?”

“You have nothing to fear, my kitten. You are their queen and they will love you. Margaret will be taken care of. No one would dare hurt her. She is a princess after all.”

“And the feud?”

“I will protect you and my new sister-in-law. You must trust me.”

“I do,” she whispered against his lips.

“You have no objections to being my mate?”

“Do I have a choice?”

His stomach knotted. “No.”

“What’s done is done, correct?”


She kissed him and all his doubts of their future happiness melted away, but his fears did not. Kal and the Red Order still threatened his clan and now they directly threatened his new family.


Chapter Twenty-Six

The anchor plunged to the depths of the dark sea as the small boat was lowered. Falcon sat, cradling a sleeping Margaret in his lap, while Dorian wrapped a strong arm about his wife’s waist.

Dobbins commanded the oars and slowly they made their way to the rocky shore.

“I don’t trust this place,” Falcon stated, his voice low, his body tense for action.

“Scared?” Dorian taunted.

Falcon snorted and studied the secluded cove. Trees stood tall and threatening, concealing the mysterious vampire clan that dwelled within. His eyes narrowed as a slim figure, draped in a black velvet cloak, emerged from the shadows.

The tiny boat came to a stop, its belly scratching along the rocks. Dorian climbed out, his boots disappearing in the cold water. He lifted Victoria up and carried her to the uneven shore.

Falcon followed, his eyes never leaving the ominous creature that stood but two yards away.

“I must say, I never expected you to take this route home, good move Dorian,” the figure said.

“Very rarely do I make a bad one.”

The figure inclined its hooded head in agreement. “Many questioned your motive for skipping off to England, but I never did.”

“I’m glad that you had faith in me.”

“We are warriors, Dorian, you and I. We think alike.”

Long, graceful hands emerged from the over sized cloak to push the hood back.

Falcon’s breath caught. He knew that soft voice could not belong to a man, but he had never suspected it belonged to such a beautiful woman.

“Sonya, may I present my mate, Victoria.”

“Oh, great stars in heaven,” she exclaimed before rushing over and gathering Victoria in a tight embrace. “Welcome! I am honored to meet you.” Backing away she smiled. “I am so glad that Dorian has found you. You don’t know how much this means to us that one of our kings has found his queen.” Then taking Victoria’s hand in hers, she urged the small party to follow her.


Dorian watched with a broad grin as the two women entered the forest. Turning to his friend, he said, “You can breathe now, Falcon, she is gone.”

Falcon’s cheeks turned a light pink as he realized that he had been holding his breath.

“Dobbins, you may begin unloading the ship and the crew can come ashore.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Dorian turned back to Falcon and lightly patted Margaret’s head. The girl was a sound sleeper; no amount of commotion could wake her.

“Come. Let us get Margaret out of the cold.”

The old fortress stood like a proud soldier amongst the trees. Sonya led Victoria up the steps to the hall; the men close on their heels.

“Would you like some wine or perhaps some hot cider to chase the chill away? Winter is coming and the air is growing cooler each day.”

“Some cider would be perfect.”

Sonya threw the heavy doors aside as if they were nothing but gossamer curtains. Her strength was a little alarming. The warmth from the blazing fire in the hearth bathed the large, sparsely furnished room. A handful of chairs and stools stood before the fire with only a long dining table and benches to give them company.

“I will have it sent up to you, but first allow me to escort you all to your rooms. You must be tired, it is late.” She glanced over her shoulder at the young girl in the warrior’s arms. “And the little one could use a bed.”

She showed them to a door at the far corner of the dark hall.

“These are my private chambers,” she announced. “You will not be disturbed here. I must warn you to watch your step. The stairs are just beyond this door.”

Even though she had informed the group, Victoria still stumbled on the first step. Sonya caught her before she fell to her knees. Smiling she said, “They are tricky.”

The stairwell was dark with only a torch here and there to light the way. Dorian kept his hand on the small of Victoria’s back as they ascended. Finally, they came to the second the floor.

“This first room on the left will be the warriors,” she announced, her eyes meeting Falcon’s for the briefest of moments.


“The second may be the girl’s and the one directly across from it is all yours, Dorian. I wish you all a pleasant night.” With that, she turned and floated back down the stairs.

“Dorian, could Margaret sleep with us? I don’t want her to wake up alone in a foreign place.”

“Sure, kitten,” he said placing a kiss to her brow. “I’ll take the snoozing bundle, Falcon.”

Gently taking Margaret in his arms, he bid a goodnight to his friend and followed his wife.

A fire had already been lit. Victoria sighed as its heat chased away the chill in her bones. She flopped on the large four-posted bed and closed her eyes. It had been a long day. Dorian had driven her crazy all morning and afternoon with his lovemaking and Margaret had dragged her all about the ship playing one game after another. When she heard land had been sighted, she was too intrigued to go below and sleep. She stood on the deck between her husband and friend as the land grew closer and closer.

“Where are we?” she had asked. The wind had been cool against her cheeks as the ship cut through the water like a sharp knife.

“We are in Livonia,” he answered.

“Is this where your clan is?”

“No, my clan is based in the Transylvania Principality of the Habsburg Empire.”

“But that is nowhere near here,” she exclaimed. “Why did we sail so far north?”

“Sailing to a French port or even one in the Mediterranean would be suicide. The hunters are thick in western and eastern Europe, but they would never enter the north. This is Shaw witch territory and no one would dare enter their land uninvited.”

“Oh.” Feeling like an ignorant child, she wrapped her arms about herself, pulling the fur coat Dorian had draped over her shoulders, closer. “Why are we here?”

“One reason is that no one would guess I would take this way home. Another is because Queen Sonya is an ally of mine and if I plan to infiltrate my own lands undetected, I will need her help.

The last reason is she has the fastest horses ever created; the Shaws bless them. They will cut travel time in half.”

Victoria rolled over on the bed as she once again wondered how an animal could run so fast. She had wanted to see the horses, but the stable was behind the keep and Sonya had led her directly

inside. Perhaps she could visit the stable tomorrow, for now she was completely exhausted.

Dorian placed Margaret beside her sister. He whispered loving words to Victoria before she drifted off to sleep. Then, he stealthily left the room. Falcon stood in the corridor holding the bottle of cider.

“A servant just brought this up. Victoria had requested it.”

“She is sleeping but I could use a warm spicy drink.”

They descended the stairs and pushed open the door to find Sonya sitting before the hearth. Falcon took in a sharp breath. He had heard tales of this warrior queen’s beauty but none had described her accurately. The firelight shimmered across her flaxen hair and gold eyes, which were focused on him.

“You are a Black Knight, are you not?” she inquired.


“What clan do you belong to?”

“Validus,” he answered, proudly squaring his shoulders.

Sonya carefully looked him over.

“Latin for strong and powerful,” she whispered the definition as she calculated the warrior. “Hadrian’s clan is full of men that fit the description. What is your name, knight?”

“Falcon Kenwrec.”

“Hadrian’s second? I am thrilled to finally meet you. I have heard that you have brought some peace to your clan at last.”

“It wasn’t easy.”

She inclined her head. “Have a seat and uncork the cider.

In the morning, I will send another bottle up for Victoria.”

Goblets were quickly brought and the warm cider was poured. They sat in silence as they sipped the sweet liquid.

“Do you happen to have any news of my clan?” Dorian asked.

“Only that another village has been destroyed.”

“That isn’t news.” Dorian sighed. He was tired of being informed of villages being burned to the ground. “What of Kal?

Has he tried to contact you?”

“No,” she said, shaking her head. “In fact, he has been ignoring my letters. I was suspicious when he began to spread rumors about why you left. He made it clear to all that would listen, their mighty king, would never return. He said you had abandoned them.” She took a sip of the cider. “I knew it wasn’t true, but to test his motives I sent him a letter offering aid.”

“What exactly did you propose?”


“I told him that I would be more than happy to send a legion of men to replenish your army. I even offered my land as a refuge for your people. The Red wouldn’t dare cross my border.”

No one would dare threaten Sonya’s border for within her land the strongest yet most peaceful of witch clans resided, the Shaw. She had a special pact with them that ran deeper than race or blood.

“But he ignored my letter and the many that came after it. I would say that he is deliberately leaving your people open for attack.”

“He is,” Dorian hissed between clenched teeth. “He wants to start his own clan.”

“Now, that is just ridiculous,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

“He isn’t strong enough to create fledglings and he can’t honestly believe that you would allow him to do such a thing.”

“Apparently, I have a price on my head.”

Sonya laughed, the sound would forever echo in Falcon’s heart.

“Tell me,” she said once she brought herself back under control. “What is your ingenious plan?”

He sat his goblet on the floor and leaned forward, dropping his voice so low that she and Falcon were only the ones who could possibly hear.

“You will write another letter offering assistance and Falcon and I will deliver it.”

Her brow wrinkled in thought for a moment and then her eyes grew wide. “You will wear my colors, carry my banner, and ride my horses.”

“No one will stop us or question us if they think we are your knights.”

“Surely you will be recognized the closer you get to your castle. You can’t walk up to the front gates.”

“I have a private entrance,” he answered. “I do have another favor to ask of you though.”

“Go ahead and ask.”

“May Victoria and her younger sister, Margaret, stay here?”

“Of course, I would love their company. However, I don’t believe your wife will stay.”

“What do you mean?”

“She will follow you and I will be powerless to stop her.”


“Powerless? You, the Warrior Queen, your name strikes fear in every vampire’s cold heart, would be powerless to stop a mere woman?”

“I am a hardened warrior but you seem to forget that I am a woman too. She is your mate, Dorian, and she belongs at your side.”

“She belongs some place safe.”

“The safest place in the world for her is in your arms.”

“Not when I’m attacked by a band of hunters,” he pointed out.

“You can’t make me believe that you would allow anything or anyone to hurt her,” she argued.

“I can’t take her with me.”

Sonya sighed and shook her head.

“I will protect them, you needn’t worry.”

“I won’t.”

“When do you want the letter?”

“By tomorrow evening,” he answered.

“And when do you plan on leaving?”

“Tomorrow evening,” he repeated.

“You shall have it.”

“Thank you, Sonya. This would be impossible without you.”

“I owe you a large debt, Dorian. There is no need to thank me and once again, I bid you both a good-night.”

Falcon stood and took her goblet. Giving him a smile, she walked to the door that led to the stairs.

“Smitten are we?” Dorian raised a brow raised.

Clearing his throat, Falcon resumed his seat. “She is right you know? Victoria won’t like this. She threw a fit the last time you planed on leaving her behind.”

“I am doing this for her safety,” he defended.

“I know, and so does she, but that doesn’t change anything. She will want to be with you.”

“She can’t.”

“Go on and try to explain it to her. It didn’t work the last time and I highly doubt it will work this time.”

“It will.”


BOOK: Caressed by Moonlight
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