Capturing The Marshal's Heart (Escape From Texas) (6 page)

BOOK: Capturing The Marshal's Heart (Escape From Texas)
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Her hips bucked under his hand, and she drew up a leg close to her bottom to brace a foot on the springy mattress. As she lifted her hips, she rotated them and pressed against his hand.

Slade kept up with her movements and dropped kisses on whatever bare skin he could reach, his own skin warming as he pleasured her body.

“Oooh, I’m on fire.” Jazzy’s head tossed from side to side and her hand reached up to caress her own nipple, plucking at the tight bud with an increased tempo. “Help me, Slade.”

The confusion in her voice didn’t match the unashamed way she touched herself. But Slade was too busy concentrating on her arousing body to contemplate that question. He scooted down a few inches and kissed his way from the rounded top of her tit to its rigid peak. His tongue swirled around the tip and he blew on it, enjoying how it puckered at his touch.

Jazzy grabbed the back of his head and held him in place. A throaty moan escaped.

His tongue flicked across her taut nipple, making it bead even tighter. Then he drew it into his mouth and continued swirling his tongue around the tight bud. The strokes of his tongue matched those of his fingers. His own need raged and he pressed his shaft against her hip.

“Slade!” Jazzy cried out at the same moment she clamped a hand onto his shoulder and jerked her hips.

From deep inside came waves of her completion, as dewy drops of her ecstasy dripped along his fingers, but he kept massaging her bud until her body quit shaking and relaxed. When she lay limp in his arms, he gently brushed the damp tendrils of hair off her forehead and cheeks.

She turned her head and looked up, specks of flickering lamplight reflecting in her shining eyes. “Your hands are truly wonders of nature.”

Was that awe he detected in her voice? How could that be?

She shifted, let her hand trail down his side, and caressed his hip. “You certainly are a patient man.” Her fingers ran his rigid length and back to circle the head, stroking with gentle touches.

He hissed out a breath. “For good reason.”

Her soft hand encircled his shaft and started a sensual massage, alternately cupping and rolling his balls in her palm. Her thumb rubbed the underside, while her fingers rippled along his sensitive shaft.

All rational thoughts fled and his body acted purely on instinct. Possess and claim. He pushed off the mattress enough to untie her pantaloons and strip them down her legs. Finally, he could look at her body in all its exquisite naked glory. But he was past the point of gazing—he had to have her. “Jazzy, I need to be in you.”

She smiled and held up her arms. “Take me, my warrior.”

With his knee, he nudged her legs apart and eased close to her opening. The head of his shaft probed her cleft and entered slowly. Seeing his length disappearing into her muff of wet brown curls excited him further. He wanted to savor the experience of their bodies coming together, but the sensations were too strong.

A single, deep stroke and he was home. “Ah, my princess.” He felt warmth spread from the inside of his body to the edges of his skin. A warmth that ran deeper than the action on this mattress. Being one with this woman felt so right.

Then he flexed his hips to withdraw to her opening and then thrust inside again. Deep and hard.

“Yes!” Jazzy arched and the points of her tits brushed his chest. Her legs wrapped around him, and she moved her hips from side to side against his groin, increasing the friction.

They moved in rhythm, caressing bare skin, nibbling at hot flesh and racing the other to the finish. Slade heard only a pounding in his ears and thrust deeper and faster, straining to stay in control until Jazzy caught up. But when she raised her head close to his chest and licked his nipple, he lost it.

One hand clamped onto her hip, he pushed himself as deep as he could go and thrust once more, exhaling a loud groan as his seed pumped inside Jazzy.

From deep within, her body clamped him tightly, milking his rigid dick, and her cry of pleasure echoed his.

He slumped over her body, breathing heavily onto her neck, waiting for his blood to slow its racing.

Within moments, he felt her fingers making lazy trails up and down his back. He grunted and tried to lean some of his weight on an elbow, barely able to lift his head high enough to look into her face.

Her eyes flashed and a wicked smile covered her saucy lips. “That was wonderful. What shall we pretend now?”

Chapter Four

Jazzy fought against the sting building behind her eyes. Never had a man paid attention to her intimate needs. She’d always been the one to worry about the customers getting their money’s worth. Movements she used had always been one of several routines. Even the words she’d spoken just now sounded rehearsed to her own ears.

But not tonight. This was exciting and unusual, and she aimed to enjoy it while it lasted. She aligned her body alongside his hip and ran her fingers up his thigh, leaving a trail of twitching muscle. This big, strong man was reacting to her simple touch, and he wasn’t even paying for the privilege of being naked together in the bed. “Now, you just relax. My turn for a little fun.”

She slid from the sheets, grabbed the coverlet from the foot of the bed, and swathed her body. The cloth covered her from breasts to toes, cinched in place by her arms held close to her side. When she turned back to Slade, she dipped her chin and only looked at him through downcast lashes.

“I present myself to you, sir. My name is Aileana and I was sent here by my father, Laird of McShane.” Slade’s black hair and dark brown eyes reminded her of a fierce Scottish hero she’d read about in
The Young Ladies Journal.
Reading adventure stories in the dime novels had been a favorite way to pass an idle afternoon at Miss Veronica’s before the place opened for business.

Slade raised his head and looked at her with wrinkled brows. “Jazzy, what are you…”

A fluttering settled in her stomach. Would he think this playacting was too silly? Or would he play along like before?

“Who’s Jazzy?” She tossed her hair over her shoulder and smiled. “Sir, my name is Aileana.” Taking small steps, she paced along the length of the bed, turned, pulled the swath of fabric away from her feet, and dipped a shallow curtsy. “I believe my father’s steward delivered the bride price earlier today. The contract has been struck.” She’d read this once in a novel and thought the situation sounded romantic. Two strangers forced into an intimacy that neither sought, but one which must be lived…sometimes with a happy ending.

“Bride price? What the devil—” A light flashed in his eyes and he nodded. “Ah, the steward from Castle McShane. Now I remember.” A slow grin spread across his lips and he rubbed his jaw with a cupped hand. “Didn’t I negotiate for horses as well?”

Jazzy thrilled at his acceptance of the role. She kept her chin lowered, making short glances from the sides of her eyes. “I am doing as I was bade. I know nothing of the financial arrangements, sir. How may I address you? As Laird MacCallum or by your given name, Logan?”

“I prefer Mac.” He rolled to his side and supported his head with his hand, the movement pulling the sheet below his waist. Tanned skin and taut muscle rippled above the white cotton.

Her chin came up and she couldn’t tear away her gaze from his muscled abdomen with its sprinkling of wiry, black hair. The memories of his hard body rubbing against hers were too fresh. Anticipation grew, flushing her skin and making her tingle all over. Sudden heat bloomed between her thighs and she pressed them together.

“Ah, the maiden likes what she sees?” A husky chuckle sounded. “I appreciate that in a woman.”

She closed her eyes for a moment to help clear her thoughts. Staring was not the proper action of a blushing maiden. How should she act? Too many nights had passed since she’d first come untouched to a man’s bed for her to remember. But that might not be the way of this playacting. Her memories of her first time were not pleasant.

With renewed resolve, she stepped next to the bed and relaxed her arms, letting the cloth unwind. “Does the laird wish to inspect the goods offered in the contract?” Without anchoring, the coverlet’s weight slowly dipped lower and teased him with a glimpse of her rounded charms.

“I contracted for a blushing bride, but you seem too sure of your actions to still be a maiden.”

He is right!
Especially since he’d just seen her naked—a rare privilege. She stilled and tilted her head and let her long hair slide along her cheek, partially obscuring her face. “Aye, my la—Mac. Some may see it that way.” She shrugged and the sheet slipped another inch, one nipple peeking over the edge. “Father spent most of his time with my older brothers and let Nanny Erskina raise my sisters and me as she wished. My nanny trained us all to the ways of the marriage bed.”

“She did?” Slade’s hungry gaze followed the coverlet’s descent and a muscle jumped in his jaw. “From the steward’s description, I thought you’d be taller.”

She sucked in a breath, resisting the urge to stop the playacting. He’d better be kidding because she hated being called short. “I assure you, sir, my height is quite adequate.” A wriggle of her shoulders dumped the coverlet in a heap at her feet. She slid a knee onto the mattress and leaned forward on her hands, being sure her breasts plumped between her arms. Too many minutes had passed in the talking part. Her hands itched to get to the doing and touching.

But that wasn’t what a maiden would do. “I must rely on you to tell me what you like.”

His expression stiffened, his eyes dark and smoldering, then he flashed her a slow grin. “I like your hands on me.”

That would be easy. She cupped her hands in front of her mouth and blew short breaths on them, then rubbed them briskly until they warmed. With slow movements, she ran her fingers along his shoulder and down his arm to the crook of his elbow. Blocked by the odd angle of his body, she pressed against his shoulder until he dropped back on the mattress.

She liked the way he was going along with her game. “My sisters at the castle have instructed me in many ways to provide pleasure. I have been told my hands are quite skillful.” She massaged a firm shoulder and worked the muscles of his bicep, alternating between deep pushes and gentle caresses.

“Can’t deny that.” A groan rumbled in the back of his throat. “Your touch does amazing things.”

At the sound, her hands stilled. She was giving pleasure to a man without her hands being anywhere close to his groin. This was another first, and Jazzy fought to keep hold on her heart. Too easily, Slade’s words or deeds brought out tender feelings, ones she couldn’t hope to have returned by an honest businessman like him.

A finger ran along her jaw. “Hey, pretty lady, why’d you stop?”

“Thinking of what I’ll do next.” She dipped her chin so he couldn’t read anything in her expression. She could not let on how important this night was. “Would you like me to rub your back?”

“I’d rather you put your hands somewhere else.”

At the roguish look in his eye, she glanced toward his waist and saw the sheet was raised several inches off his lower body. Playacting or not, she was impressed. “Um, Mac…” She had to bite her lip to hold in a sigh. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”

“Miss Aileana.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her hand down to his body. “This is where I want your hands.” He angled his hips and rubbed his stiff wand against her hand.

The moment of decision. In her head, Jazzy wanted to keep this coy game going. To feel again the excitement of gentle glances and virginal touches. To forget all the men from her past who’d crossed the threshold of Room 9 at Miss Veronica’s. To pretend they’d gained more from their time spent with her, more than the use of her body in exchange for a few coins.

Again, Slade pressed his stiff member against her hand. His throaty rumble sounded low and needy.

Heat radiated on her palm. Every cell in her body cried out for what she knew this virile man could give her. Had given her. Her hand inched under the sheet and closed around his engorged shaft, one finger at a time. Old habits almost moved her hand into a quick, pumping action. Instead, she released her grip and ran feathery strokes along the impressive length.

Tonight was different and new. Tonight was to be of her choosing.

“I’m sorry I did not ask for a bath to be prepared, my laird. Nanny Erskina taught us the simple pleasures the act of bathing can produce.”

“No water here,” he spoke through gritted teeth.

From under lowered eyelids, she watched a muscle in his jaw jerk and shifted her weight on the bed. “I could run down to the kitchen and fetch some.”

With narrowed gaze, he clamped a hand on her wrist and held tight. “The woman who is to be my wife does not fetch.”

Even in playacting, the word struck a chord in her heart. At his possessive touch, she felt a thrill run through her body and bead her nipples. A twinge low in her abdomen distracted her for a moment, and she felt compelled to gaze directly into his eyes. A flush heated her skin at the hunger in his gaze. “I wish to please you, Mac. Simply tell me how.”

“Touch me. Anywhere.”

She was helpless not to obey his command. Her core throbbed in expectation and she squirmed. How long could she deny what her body ached for?

Starting at his knees, she ran her hands up the outside of his legs, and then drew them to the inside of his thighs before tracing a path to his knees.

“Ah, Aileana, your hands are so soft.”

Had his voice trembled a bit? She ran her hands up his legs, enjoyed the rough texture of crisp hair, and anchored them on his hips. “With your permission, I must get closer.”

He cleared his throat. “Please do, miss.”

Like mounting a horse, she slung her leg over and straddled both his legs. She lowered her bottom to lightly rest on his thighs, but kept most of her weight on her knees. Her hands moved along his stomach and over his chest, caressing with small circles and long strokes. The sensation of her sensitive palms gliding over his firm skin made her aware of every inch of his body. The roughness of the hair on his chest, the leathery skin of his shoulders that had seen too much sun, and the puckered skin along his ribs on his left side. Her fingers gently explored and she leaned closer to get a better look. “Is this a scar from a gunshot?”

BOOK: Capturing The Marshal's Heart (Escape From Texas)
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