Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (3 page)

BOOK: Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“I heard what I thought was a man’s muffled scream and pushed the curtains aside to peer out the window into the back alley. I didn’t think I was visible, since the light in my room was off, but it turned out the light from my computer screen must have been enough to illuminate my face. A man was raping a younger man, and after he’d finished he beat him so bad.” Kylie shuddered as the images flashed across her mind again. Every time she closed her eyes she saw that bastard violating the smaller man and then beating him half to death.

“I called the cops, but he must have heard them coming. Just before he took off running, he looked up and stared right at me. He made a slashing motion with his finger across his throat in warning and then disappeared.”

Kylie hadn’t even realized she was crying until Eva reached out and wiped the tears from her face. Then her friend pulled her into her arms and held her while she cried. When her tumultuous storm finally abated, she released her and sat back.

“Did the police catch him?”

“No,” Kylie croaked. “The police took my statement and the next day I went into the precinct and worked with their artist, but they haven’t been able to find him. The fucker doesn’t have a record, the DNA the authorities took from the victim didn’t match up to anything on their database, and the victim isn’t talking. From what the police have said, he may well know who hurt him but is either too scared to press charges or doesn’t want to relive his nightmare.”

“Why do you think you’re in danger?”

“I’ve had threatening letters. I’ve handed them over to the police but they weren’t able to get any prints or DNA from them. He must have come back and found out who I was. You know that my name is on the mailbox in the foyer like everyone else who lives in my building. He had to have come in and got my name and then looked up my phone number. The bastard had to be wearing gloves. I have been too scared to go outside and when I needed something I ordered it online and had it delivered. When I called the cops about the letters they were kind enough to send someone over to pick them up. I’ve also had phone calls in the middle of the night.”

“What?” Eva paused to swallow as if she had a lump in her throat. “What do they say?”

“That’s just it. Whoever it is doesn’t say anything. All I can hear is heavy breathing and then whoever it is hangs up.”

“Have you told the police all this?”

“Of course I have.” Kylie inhaled deeply when she heard the slight hysteria in her own voice and then released it slowly. “The cops even tapped my phone, but the prick always hangs up before the trace can be made. They can’t do anything unless this asshole makes a move. Until then, their hands are tied.”


“Exactly.” Kylie flung her book aside and stood. “The cops suggested I go and stay with friends or relatives for a while. I decided to do one better and move. At least this dipshit doesn’t know where I am anymore.”

“I’m glad you’re here. My men can protect you and so can their cousins. You’ll be safe here, Kylie.”

“I can’t stay here, Eva. If this asshole finds me, I’ll be putting all of you in danger.”

“No, you won’t. I’ll be on my three-week honeymoon in five days’ time. There is no way I’m letting you leave. If this guy manages to find you, what are you going to do when he comes after you?”

“I can look after myself, I have for years.”

“Damn it, Kylie. What if he comes after you with a gun? You can’t dodge bullets and you aren’t bulletproof.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Kylie wailed before taking another deep breath, trying to get her fear and emotions under control. She released it with a long, drawn-out sigh. “I’m going to find somewhere to live. I can’t stay here for the rest of my life.”

“No, you aren’t going anywhere. I’ll talk to my men. They’ll figure something out.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. The more they know, the more danger they’ll be in. God, Eva, I shouldn’t have come here at all. I should never have accepted being your bridesmaid, but I missed you so damn much.”

Eva walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her. It had been so long since she’d been held, and the offer of comfort broke down the walls she had kept herself hidden behind. Kylie was so tired she didn’t know how much longer she could keep going. If she didn’t get a good night’s sleep soon, she was scared she was going to break.

Eva eased back and kissed Kylie on the cheek when a knock sounded on the door. Kylie turned her back as her friend went to let whoever was there in, trying to compose herself and made sure no moisture was left on her face.

“Is everything all right in here?” Quin asked, and Kylie heard the door close again.

“No,” Eva replied in a croaky voice and began to explain what Kylie had witnessed.

“Fuck,” Quin’s footsteps sounded behind her and then she was being pulled up against a large masculine frame. Kylie wasn’t attracted to Eva’s men, even though she found them extremely handsome. But when Quin put his arms around her, she felt safe for the first time since she had witnessed the crime taking place, and she didn’t want to let go. She’d had enough of being alone and scared, but Quin, Gray, and Pierson weren’t hers and she couldn’t rely on them. They would be leaving with Eva and she would have no one again.

Kylie had to shore up her defenses and stand on her own two feet. She had for a long time now, so why would today be any different?

“I’m sorry I snapped at you before.”

“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. You’re obviously under a lot of stress. We’ll keep you safe, Kylie. I promise. Trust us to protect you,” Quin murmured and kissed the top of head before releasing her.

“That’s not fair to you, your brother’s, or Eva. You’re getting ready to get married and I don’t want to interrupt your plans.” She drew in a ragged breath and began to pace. “After the dress fitting tomorrow, I’m going to find a place of my own.”

“No,” Quin stated in a loud, cold, hard voice. “There is no fucking way you’re leaving.”

“You can’t stop me. I’m an adult and make my own decisions,” Kylie shouted and then spun away as her bedroom door was pushed open, again.

“What’s going on?” Xavier asked as he took a couple of steps into the room. Kylie glanced over her shoulder and saw the rest of the men were right behind him. She turned to face them.

Xavier pinned her with his eyes and her breath hitched in her throat. He had to be around six foot five and he was solid as a rock. His muscles bulged and flexed as he crossed his arms over his massive chest and held her gaze with his blue eyes. Kylie released the breath she had been holding and hoped to God that he didn’t see the way her nipples stood up and took notice. She shifted restlessly from one foot to the other and then clamped her thighs together tightly as her clit began to throb and moisture dripped from her pussy to her panties, soaking the crotch. Never had she reacted so strongly to a male as she did to this man and his brothers.

Xavier was too ruggedly masculine to be considered handsome, but boy did he have an aura of manliness she had never encountered before. If it hadn’t been for his slightly too long brown hair and his full lips, which helped to soften his machismo, she may have been scared of his powerful appearance.

She was finally able to wrench her gaze from his, but she was immediately enthralled when she connected with a pair of green eyes. Lachlan was just as impressive as his brother but not as tall. He was around six four, and even though he was ripped and muscular he wasn’t as big as Xavier. His hair was a deeper brown than Xavier’s and shorter. And although he was handsome in a more classical way, he also had a ruggedness about him that only enhanced his good looks, making him appear just as manly as his brother. His square jaw had dark stubble, and he looked a couple of years younger than Xavier.

Kylie crossed her arms over her chest, hoping the three men who were staring at her hadn’t noticed her prominent nipples, and once more shuffled on her feet. Her eyes shifted again and locked on to a pair of gray eyes staring back at her. William, or Will, as his brothers called him, had sandy-brown hair and was looking at her as if she was the last woman on Earth. He was the youngest and the shortest of the three Badon cousins, and though he was a lot leaner than his brothers, his biceps and pecs bulged as he crossed his arms over his chest.

They were three very handsome, impressive men and they got her motor revving like no other man ever had.

Kylie managed to remove her eyes from Will’s, and as she did, she became aware of Quin’s voice rumbling quietly as he explained why she was so upset. Once Quin finished speaking, the silence in the room was almost deafening.

Xavier stepped forward and cupped her face. “There is no way in hell you are leaving. Your life is in danger and it’s our job to protect you.”

“No.” Kylie stepped away from him until her back connected with the wall behind her. “I’m not staying here and putting you all in danger. I couldn’t live with my conscience if something happened to you. You’re all just starting your lives. I’m not going to be the reason one of you ends up hurt.”

“Kylie, the men of this town are very protective and dominant,” Pierson said. “All we have to do is let everyone know you are in danger and they will be on the lookout for any strangers. There is no way in hell anyone will get to you if the whole town is on alert.”

“You guys have enough to do and on your mind without having to worry about me. I think the best thing would be if I just leave. Don’t you realize that Eva could get hurt?”

“That won’t ever happen.” Quin pulled Eva up against his side. “We take care of our women. This asshole after you would have to go through us before hurting either of you.”

“That’s just it.” Kylie covered her mouth when a sob escaped. “I don’t want that happening.”

“We’ll make sure Kylie is protected.” Xavier stared at her as if daring her to refute him, but she could see by the determination in his eyes that if she argued with him, she wouldn’t stand a chance in hell. And by the indomitable set of Lachlan’s and Will’s clenched jaws they were just as dogged of mind.

Kylie sighed and pressed her fingers to her aching eyes. She was just too tired to argue and deal with any of them right now. She’d already had one outburst tonight and she didn’t want to make a fool of herself with another. “Can we talk about this in the morning? I just want to crawl into bed and sleep.”

“Okay,” Quin finally answered. “I can see how exhausted you are. Try to get some rest, honey. We’ll see you in the morning.”

Gray and Pierson sighed but left her room. Eva escaped from Quin’s embrace and gave her a tight hug. “I love you like a sister, Kylie. Please don’t leave?” Eva whispered for her ears alone.

“I’ll think about it.” She released her friend. Quin guided her from the room and she was left alone with Xavier, Lachlan, and William.

Will’s voice drew her gaze. “Kylie, I know you don’t know us, but we’ve been working as bodyguards for over eight years. We can protect you if you’ll just let us.”

“I–I…Shit.” Kylie turned away from three piercing gazes, and even though she was no longer looking at them, she could still feel their eyes on her.

“Think about it, sugar. We’ll talk to you in the morning.” Lachlan and Will headed toward the door with Xavier on their heels. Xavier paused in the doorway, looking at her over his shoulder.

“This isn’t over, baby.”

Kylie sighed and sank down onto the edge of the bed as the door closed. Her mind and emotions were in turmoil. Even though she wanted to stay, she knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. Putting everyone around her in danger wasn’t conducive to her peace of mind in the least.

She undressed and pulled her sleeping shorts and T-shirt on. She knew from past experience that she would have trouble falling asleep. The violent incident was as fresh in her mind as if she had just witnessed the crime, and even though she was exhausted and her head was aching, she knew it would be hours before she finally succumbed to sleep.

She tried envisaging sitting near a brook with birds chirping around her and the sound of water gurgling over rocks but her thoughts were too scattered. She readied herself for another sleepless night, but this time it wasn’t the visions of the crime she witnessed that preoccupied her mind. No, tonight she was surprised that her mind was spinning from the instant attraction she felt for the three Badon cousins. Now
scared the absolute shit out of her!


* * * *


Kylie was typing rapidly, her fingers flying over the keyboard of her laptop as she transcribed medical facts for a doctor. Her hands froze when she thought she heard a muffled shout. Her desk was close to her bedroom window and all she had to do was spin a little and push the curtains aside to see out into the lane beside her apartment building. Her eyes searched the alley until they lit on two male figures. One was very tall and big and the other looked to be thin and gangly. She let her eyes adjust to the dimmer light outside after looking at her bright computer monitor, and when she did, her hand flew to her mouth as she gasped.

The large man had pinned the smaller man to the ground, facedown, and had his jeans and underwear down around his ankles. And then she nearly yelled with fury when her brain finally registered what she was seeing.

Kylie’s eyes glanced toward her desk and quickly grabbed her cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. When the despatcher answered, Kylie gave her name and address and reported what she was seeing. She was vaguely aware of the dispatcher saying that someone was on the way when the bastard finished raping his victim. Then Kylie watched in horror as he punched and kicked his victim until the smaller man was lying on the cold, hard concrete in the alley without moving.

BOOK: Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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