Read Captured by Desire Online

Authors: Donna Grant

Tags: #historical romance, #series, #exotic locations, #Romance, #steamy romance, #werewolf and vampire

Captured by Desire (6 page)

BOOK: Captured by Desire
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“I see.” She moved to stand beside him. “How long will we wait before we start walking again?”

He glanced at her and watched as she untied her braid and loosened her hair. He loved her hair, the silky feel of the strands as they passed through his fingers.

Cristian cleared his throat. “I don’t know. The Wendigo won’t wait long. He needs to feed, but he wants to see if we’ll make a mistake.”

“Hmmm,” she said and looked up at him with eyes filled with desire.

Instantly, his cock swelled. What was it about Jules that made his body react so quickly to her, even in the midst of such danger? There wasn’t an answer, and he really didn’t want one.

He pulled her against his chest and captured her mouth. Her lips were full and soft, tempting him as only she could.

Her arms came around him as her nails teased his neck and scalp. Cristian’s need for her consumed him. He desperately wanted to be deep within her, to feel her heat wrapped around him again. Only there did he find peace he hadn’t known he needed.

He turned and pushed her back against a tree as he rubbed his cock against her. She moaned into his mouth. In a frenzy of arms and hands, he loosened his pants until his aching cock sprang free, and she managed to get one leg out of her trousers. Instantly, they were back in each other’s arms.

“What is it about you?” he asked. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

She grinned and kissed his neck. “I feel the same way. I don’t understand, and right now, I don’t care. I need you, Cristian.”

Her words sent him reeling. He lifted her until her legs wrapped around his waist. Her eyes were bright with excitement as he raised her until the tip of his cock moved against her sex.

Jules gasped at the wonderful sensation. “Oh, my.”

She had wanted to explore his beautiful body, to run her hands over his tight muscles and hard body, but it would have to wait until next time.

It had been her intent to try and seduce him, but she hadn’t expected to see or feel the desire that slammed against her. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep her hands off Cristian.

There was something about him that had bewitched her. Even knowing the Wendigo was waiting for them couldn’t stop the lust that urged her forward.

That lust was spiraling out of control now as he slowly filled her, only to pull out. Again and again he teased her, making her moan with need and squirm against him as her desire mounted.

But no matter how hard she tried to move her hips, he held her in his strong grip. He hadn’t caressed or kissed any other part of her, but already she could feel her orgasm building. He knew where to touch her, and how to touch her, to give her the most pleasure.

Just as she thought she couldn’t take it any more, he began to thrust faster, harder. Deeper. He filled her completely. Jules moaned at the wonderful new sensations flooding her.

Her first lover had never made her feel this amazing, beautiful…wanted. Only Cristian could. Jules let the world fall away while pleasure coalesced into a tight knot low in her belly.

She squeezed her legs around Cristian and heard his answering moan. Each of his thrusts sent her higher, building her toward unimaginable pleasure.

And then she exploded with a fierce climax and spiraled into an abyss of pleasure. With her body still pulsing, she locked gazes with Cristian, and he pumped in and out of her before he throwing back his head and shouting as his orgasm claimed him.

Chapter Seven



Jules unlocked her ankles, and Cristian pulled out of her before they collapsed onto the ground. She blinked up at the clear blue sky above her.

“Other than the fact we have very little food, I wouldn’t mind never leaving this place.”

Cristian rolled onto his side and propped his head up on his hand. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m not...human?”

“I can’t keep my hands off you,” she said with a grin. “Isn’t that answer enough?”

He shrugged one shoulder. “It could be.”

It was then she realized he was curious about her reaction to him. She turned onto her side to face him. “No, Cristian, it doesn’t bother me that you aren’t fully human. I’m intrigued by what you are, and my body certainly knows what it wants.”

“And you? What do you want? You should be married by now.”

“At one time I wanted that dream. It faded, though.”

He twirled a leaf between his fingers. “And when your father dies? What will you do then?”

“I wish I couldn’t say I haven’t thought about it, but I have. I’ve no desire to go out into society again, and one doesn’t find a husband without being seen. I think I’ll go work for one of his colleagues, recording their findings and keeping their house, much like I do my father’s.”

“That’s a nice plan.” He tossed aside the leaf and moved his hand to her. His finger skimmed over a patch of bared skin at her waist where her shirt had rucked up. “I think you’re meant for so much more. A body such as yours, a passion such as yours, shouldn’t be shut away.”

Jules had a hard time focusing as he pushed up her shirt with his hand, his finger inching closer and closer to her breasts. She wanted him to touch her, to tease her.

“Did you hear me?” he whispered in her ear.

She nodded, unable to speak.

“Just think what it could be like making love every day, in every room, and in every position you could think of. No more hiding your sexuality, no more denying the needs of your body.”

Jules arched her back, silently begging him to touch her breasts. His words hit too close to the dreams she once had, dreams she had buried away, never to be thought of again. And yet, here he was, dragging them to the surface and making her think that it could be possible once more.

She gripped his head and tilted his face as she leaned up to kiss him. He had fired her blood with a mere touch, urging her desire with just a look from his green eyes.

It was too much for her to resist, especially when she had already tasted the pleasure he could give. A saint wouldn’t be able to deny him, and Jules was far from a saint.

She kissed him as she’d never kissed before. She filled it with all the longing and passion and desire she’d stored up during the past few years. He answered with a kiss that made her soul cry. His lips were hungry and demanding as he took control of the kiss.

Jules was powerless over her body when Cristian was near. And he knew it. She could only sigh with pleasure while his hands moved to her sex and parted her curls to fondle her sensitive flesh. He pushed a finger inside of her, making her moan.

Inch by agonizing inch, he kissed down her neck, parting her shirt as he did. He found her breasts, teasing each nipple with his hot tongue until she writhed on the ground. Then, his mouth once more began the journey down her stomach to her hips. His warm breath fanned her sex, and Jules bit her lip in anticipation. He moved lower tugging down her trousers further before nipping the inside of her thighs with his teeth before softly flicking his tongue over her clit.

Jules jerked at the intense pleasure that ran through her like lightening. And before she could recover, he repeated the motion again and again, each time bringing her higher and higher.

It was too much, the pleasure too powerful. Jules was blinded by the desire filling her, the need within her surging. She was drowning, sinking…tumbling in all that was Cristian.

All too soon her body began the familiar tightening. Any moment she would shatter. Then, suddenly, Cristian rose up and entered her in one powerful thrust.

Jules groaned and gripped his arms. She could feel him shaking and knew his own desire overwhelmed him. Just when she thought he would begin to move within her, he pulled out and turned her over onto her hands and knees.

She looked over her shoulder at him as he rose up on his knees and entered her from behind. Jules moaned at the fullness of him, at how deeply he filled her. To her surprise, he ran his fingers through her hair before he allowed himself to thrust, slowly, powerfully.

All Jules could do was ride the passion he was giving her, gasping with the onslaught of the pleasure that filled her from such a position. And when he leaned over her, kissing her shoulder as his hand moved to her sex to fondle her clitoris, she could only close her eyes as her moan caught in her throat.

He kept her hanging on the edge of her climax, wringing cry after cry from her. She shook with the force of her need, and all the while she silently begged for more.

“You were made for me,” he whispered, his voice harsh from his own desire.

She wanted to agree, but the words wouldn’t form. Jules dug her fingers in the earth as he took her even higher, daring her to follow him.

And she would. She would go anywhere Cristian led her.

“This is what you need every day. Me. You need me, Juliann.”

She nodded. He grabbed her hips and slammed into her again and again. The feel of his flesh hitting the back of her thighs only made her blood burn hotter.

Then he was leaning over her again, his hands teasing her nipples until they were turgid peaks. “I can give you this.”

Jules opened her mouth to tell him how much she wanted that when he squeezed her nipples. The pain mixed with the pleasure made her cry out.

“Tell me what you want,” he urged breathlessly.

It made her heart pound to know he was as affected as she by their lovemaking. “You,” she managed to get out.

He pulled out of her only to thrust deep. “You have me.”

Jules’s heart skipped a beat at the honesty in his words. She knew Cristian’s statement had been more than just about his body. It nearly caused her to orgasm right then.

He knew her body so well that he instantly stopped moving. Jules cried out and tried to rock back against him, but his strong hands kept her hips still.

The only sound was their harsh breaths and her heart pounding in her ears. Since he wouldn’t let her move, she did the only thing she could. She clamped down on his cock.

Cristian groaned and whispered her name, his voice harsh with need. He began to plunge inside her, his arousal stroking her flesh until she was in a fever pitch.

“Now, Jules. Come with me now.”

As if his words had finally released her, the climax swept her. It was so powerful, so consuming she couldn’t move. When Cristian gave a final thrust so they peaked together, she felt a second wave take her.

They soared together, their bodies, hearts, and souls bonded with invisible strings. They were slow to come back down after such a high.

Jules found it difficult to breath after such an experience. She said not a word as Cristian pulled out of her and then rolled to his side, pulling her with him as he did. She snuggled against him, hating that she loved the feel of his strong arms around her as her head lay on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

It would be so easy to give her future to him, and she feared she may have already fallen for him even when she hadn’t meant to. How had one man come to mean so much to her in just a few days?

A smile tugged at her lips when his hand began to play with her hair. She didn’t fight the sleep that began to pull at her.


* * * *


When Jules woke, it was to find herself alone. She rose up on her elbows and glanced around the dense Carpathian forest. There was no sign of Cristian.

Slowly, she began to dress, all the while telling herself that Cristian would never leave her stranded as the men had done. He would be back. She had no doubt.

But an hour later, she began to worry that she was truly alone on the mountain with a creature she had no way of battling. She walked from one symbol to another in a vain attempt to calm herself. When all she managed to do was work herself up into a mass of anxiety.

Her head jerked around when something moved through the forest. Her blood began to pound loudly in her ears as she expected to see the Wendigo at any moment. Only it was Cristain who burst through the trees.

She sighed in relief, too frightened to be angry with him.

“I’m sorry I left without waking you, but you needed the rest,” he explained as he came to stand in front of her.

A bead of sweat trickled down the side of his face and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

“Where did you go?” she asked.

He grinned. “I went to find us some shelter for the night.”

“I gather from your grin that you succeeded?”

He nodded and winked. “It’s a cave farther up.” He turned and pointed to a ridge of the mountain. “The only way in and out of it is through the entrance. I’ve already written the symbols at the entrance to keep the Wendigo out.”

“We just have to get there.” Jules swallowed and tried to ignore the terror that clutched at her heart.

He smiled. “I’ve gotten you this far. I’ll get you to the cave.”

“And food. Please tell me you’ve found us some food.”

“No, but I will. Just as soon as I know you’re safe, I’ll gather some wood and food for you.”

She blinked, unsure that she had heard him correctly. “You mean for

BOOK: Captured by Desire
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