Read Candy Apple Online

Authors: Tielle St. Clare

Candy Apple (10 page)

BOOK: Candy Apple
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Kiah chuckled. “Looks like she wants to have you for

“What?” She jerked. “Uh no. I mean, yes but no…we should

They all sat down and made short work of the meal. She
barely tasted it and almost wondered why they’d stopped what they’d been doing
for something as silly as chicken.

From what she could tell, the two men were just going
through the motions of eating as well—their eyes stayed focused on her and she
had the most unreasonable urge to squirm.

“I’m done,” Kiah announced, dropping his knife and fork on
his plate.

“Yes, lovely meal, Tasha.” Nathan’s voice was cool and
sophisticated, just what she’d come to expect from him. The sexy blaze in his
eyes told her he wasn’t as in control as he appeared.

“Let’s clean up.”

Kiah was standing and grabbing plates before the words
finished leaving his mouth. Nathan followed and within minutes the two of them
had the table cleared and all the dishes piled in the sink.

She sat at the table, sipping the cool white wine Kiah had
brought. It was sexy to see men in her kitchen—cleaning.

Dishes piled carefully in the sink, they ran the water,
wiped their hands on the kitchen towel and turned back to her.

“Let’s go.”

Almost identical in their movements—she no longer thought
they looked exactly alike—they started across the kitchen. Tasha held up her
hand. Both men froze like players in a game of Mother May I?

“That’s how you clean up?”

They looked at each other, nodded and shrugged, turning back
to face her with almost innocent eyes.

“Who is going to wash those? I don’t have kitchen elves.”

“What? Oh.” Nathan nudged Kiah with his elbow. “We’ll wash
them later.”

“We will? Oh right.” Kiah nodded. “We will.”

Tasha sat there for a moment. She knew Nathan’s mom had died
when he was very young and clearly Kiah’s mom had never made him do the most
basic chores.

Yeah, that was going to stop here and now.

She looked at the two men standing in her kitchen—shirts
gone, rock-solid muscles and hard-cut abs.

Okay, so maybe she didn’t need to do the lesson here and
now. Later. Later was good.


As if her agreement released them from their frozen states,
they continued forward, pulling her up out of her chair.

“Where’s your bedroom?” Nathan asked.

“Upstairs,” Kiah answered.

The edges of Nathan’s eyes tightened and he took a slow
breath in but then he nodded.

“Let’s go.” He grabbed Tasha’s hand and led the way. Kiah
seemed willing to take up the rear. They reached the top of the stairs and
Tasha tugged Nathan toward her bedroom. She’d made a habit of keeping it clean
on the off chance the three of them decided to lift the “no-sex” ban.

And that night was obviously tonight.

She led them into her room but her confidence faded rapidly.
How was this going to work? Downstairs was one thing—it had just sort of
happened. This seemed more deliberate and a whole lot more nerve-racking. She
walked to the corner of the bed and waited, suddenly shy. She stared at the
carpet for several seconds before finding the courage to look up.

Kiah and Nathan stood, shoulder to shoulder, arms crossed,
staring at her.

“Take off the shirt,” Kiah instructed.

Fingers trembling, she reached for the bottom of the
t-shirt, pulling it up and over her head. A faint hiss from one of the men gave
her a little boost of confidence. She lowered her hands but her fingers
twitched with the urge to cover herself.

“Not yet, babe,” Nathan said. “Now the panties.”

Feeling very much on display, Tasha hooked her thumbs into
the waistband of her panties and pushed them down.

Matching groans echoed through the room as she straightened.
Just the hungry looks in their eyes renewed the rush of moisture into her

They didn’t speak but as a unit they moved. Nathan scooped
her up and placed her on the bed. He kicked off his shoes and stretched out in
front of her.

Kiah’s warmth covered her back side moments later, the rough
material of his jeans teasing the backs of her thighs.

Without a word, they took up where they’d left off
downstairs. Nathan kissed her lips while his fingers stroked her breasts. Kiah
bit down on the nape of her neck even as his hand slid between her thighs.

For a moment, it was too much. She couldn’t process the
different caresses but then she realized it didn’t matter. She just had to
experience it. Let it happen.

Needing to touch, she reached out, caressing whatever hard
male flesh she could find. Kiah rolled closer, his jean-covered thigh riding up
over her hip, the bulge of his cock sliding into the crack of her ass.

Nathan continued the untamed kisses mixed with seductive
sucks to her nipples.

Her head swirled. It had to be a dream. Never could she have
imagined Kiah and Nathan in bed with her. Together. No. That wasn’t precisely
true. She imagined it but she never thought it would happen.

Yet, everywhere she moved, her hands met hot sexy skin.

“I need to be inside her.”

Her blurry mind cleared enough that she was almost positive
it was Nathan who spoke. He lashed his tongue around her nipple then licked,
teasing the sensitive peak with wild flutters that filled her pussy with a deep

The seductive caresses were too much for her body. She
needed to be fucked.

Kiah groaned. “Me too.” He whispered the words against her
lower back.

By some unspoken command, Kiah lifted away and she was
rolled over onto her back, Nathan on top of her, his bright blue eyes staring
down at her. She’d kept her glasses on so she could see every moment. The
hunger in his gaze made the ache in her pussy worse.

He kissed her then raised his head. Kiah had already opened
her bedside table and from the corner of her eye, she saw him hold up a couple

“Perfect. Let me have one.”

Kiah yanked the strip of condoms out of reach.

“Why do you get to go first?”

Nathan shrugged. “Because I’m older.”

“By a month and that excuse stopped working when we were
twelve. I should go first.”


“It was my idea.”

“Right. Like we both haven’t thought about this.”

“But I’m the one who took the initiative.”

Tasha huffed out a sigh and collapsed back onto the bed, her
desire fading quickly as she listened to the two men bicker.

“What?” Kiah asked, looking down at her.

“Are you okay, babe?” Nathan stretched out beside her, a
look of concern in his eyes.

“No. I’m not going to lie here and listen to you two fight.”

Nathan scoffed. “We aren’t fighting.”

“This is just entertainment,” Kiah clarified.

“I don’t think you’re that funny.”

“Fine.” Nathan sighed and pushed up onto his knees. He held
the palm of his left hand out flat and curled the fist of his right above it.

Kiah took the same position.

Tasha stared. She blinked and stared again. They

“Wait.” She shoved her hand between the two men. “You’re
going to play rock, paper, scissors to see who fucks me first?”

Both men blinked and looked at her, identical quizzical
looks on their faces.

“It’s the only fair way to do it,” Kiah said.

“Unless you want to choose,” Nathan added, a touch of
challenge in his voice.

Kiah nodded and she knew she couldn’t be the one to make
this decision. Despite the bold look in Nathan and Kiah’s matching blue gazes,
she knew whoever she
choose would have their feelings hurt.

She shook her head.

They nodded and looked at each other.

As if they’d done this hundreds of times before, they
pounded fist to palm. One, two—

“Ha! Paper covers rock,” Nathan announced.

“That’s one.”

“What? You didn’t call two out of three.”

“It’s always two out of three.”

Tasha sighed dramatically and played with the corner of the
pillow. She squirmed a bit, her hips wiggling against their knees.

The movement seemed to capture the attention of both men.
She blinked and stared up, realizing that she did indeed have their focus.

She arched her back, pressing her breasts forward, curling
her hips downward.

Those wicked blue eyes—all four of them—skimmed down her

As if transfixed, they both gave themselves a shake and
straightened up.

“Let’s finish this.”

Kiah nodded his agreement.

One, two—

“Ha!” Kiah smiled. “Rock breaks scissors.”

“Final,” Nathan growled.

One, two—

Tasha wouldn’t admit it but she held her breath, waiting.

“Ha!” Nathan pushed Kiah away. “Rock breaks scissors and
this pretty little thing is mine.”

Chapter Eight


Dear Diary,

Nathan and Kiah making love to me at the same time—it has
to be the most romantic thing ever!


Kiah leaned down and gave her a fast, hard kiss before
moving away. She vaguely heard him grouse that Roshambo was a stupid way to
make a decision anyway.

Her protective instinct rose to the surface—to make sure
that no one’s feelings were hurt—but hunger flared in Nathan’s eyes and
distracted her, sending sparklers into her core. Every bit of desire that had
faded while they’d played their little game reignited with one look.

“I’ve missed you, babe.” He kissed her lips. “Missed being
inside you. That one night wasn’t enough.”

He slid his hand between her legs, dipping his fingers into
her passage. He moved slowly as if he knew the delay might have cooled her
desire. He brushed his finger over her clit, just a tease but the delicious
shivers that ran into her pussy made her want more. She tipped her hips upward,
trying to ease him deeper.

“Shh, not yet, babe. I want to taste those pretty tits
before I sink into this slick, wet cunt.”

A low, deep groan rumbled through the room and it took Tasha
a moment to recognize the source—Kiah.

She looked to the right and saw him. Somehow she’d imagined
that he’d left. Instead, he was sitting in the flowery high-backed chair that
stood in the corner of her bedroom. More often than not it served as a flat
surface for all the junk she could pile on it.

Tonight, it held Kiah. He looked incredibly masculine
sitting there amongst the pale pink flowers that surrounded him. His chest was
bare. His pants were opened and his fingers were curled around his hard cock,
stroking up and down the full length.

Breath caught in her throat. She blinked and stared,
momentarily captivated by that big hand pumping against that thick shaft.


The firm, masculine voice penetrated the fog created by the
delicious sight of Kiah touching himself.

She blinked and looked up—Nathan.
That’s right. Strong,
sexy Nathan. And he’s going to fuck me.
Excited little shivers raced into
her pussy, reminding her that she’d gone without for a month—a month of
touching and tasting but not coming.

Based on the hungry look in Nathan’s eyes…she had no doubt
she’d be coming tonight, probably more than once.

The promise of an orgasm—maybe more than one—sent her
surging upward, digging her elbows into the mattress and pressing up, offering
her lips. He leaned down and took her mouth in a searing caress that sent heat
through her entire body.

He finally released her lips and she collapsed down, drained
of much of her strength, but the wicked tingles that had started her evening
returned with a rush and throb of need.

“You okay with this, babe?” Nathan asked, his voice low. She
loved Kiah’s wild side but she clung to Nathan’s solid strength. She knew he’d
never try to force her into something she didn’t want.

He pressed his cock between her legs, the tempting heat and
the delicious thickness pulling a groan from deep inside her chest. Well, maybe
he might try to seduce her a little bit.

“Oh yesss.”

Nathan grinned but didn’t move his cock away from her pussy.

“No, babe. Are you okay with Kiah watching?”

The hesitation in Nathan’s voice tugged at her heart. She

“You?” she asked because this had to be a little weird for

“Hell, babe, his eyes are locked on you. He won’t even notice

A hint of laughter shimmered at the corner of Nathan’s gaze.
He snagged the condom strip and pulled one off.

He placed the condom beside her hip, within reach but he
didn’t move to put it on, not just yet. Instead, he skimmed his hands down the
front of her body.

Her beautiful tits swayed with each breath. He knew her
desire had waned in the last few minutes. If he and Kiah were going to do this
on a regular basis, they needed to work a few things out before they got into

But for now, she belonged to Nathan.

He shifted up, slipping his knees beneath those pretty
spread thighs, letting his cock press against her slit. For a moment, all he
wanted to do was stare at her. God, she was gorgeous. Naked and lush and so
ready to be fucked.

She opened her eyes and met his gaze, the hint of a blush
painting her cheeks.

“What?” she asked, her chin rising just a little as if she
was bracing herself for his response.

“Just thinking how beautiful you look.” He scraped the curls
away from her face, staring down into her changeable eyes. He could lose
himself in that stare, spend the rest of his—

“She’s going to look even better when she’s coming on
cock so can you get a move on?”

Kiah’s snarky voice snapped Nathan out of his dream. He
turned and glared at his cousin. Kiah raised his shoulders, eyebrows and hands
as if to ask a silent “what?”

He opened his mouth to call Kiah an asshole, but before the
word could leave Nathan’s mouth, Tasha’s hand met his cheek. She didn’t slap
but she pressed, physically turning him until he looked down at her.

“Fuck me.”

The stark, simple words made every thought of Kiah
evaporate. Nathan leaned down and took her mouth in a deep kiss, driving his
tongue between her lips the way he wanted to plow his shaft into her cunt.
Tasha moaned and pushed up, meeting him, taking what he gave and demanding
more. The heat from her slit warmed his thigh as she rode him, rocking slow,
subtle pulses against him.

Lights started to spin behind his eyes. Fuck, it would be so
easy to come like this, just rubbing against her hot skin, but no, he needed to
be inside her.

He lifted his hips away, ignoring her soft gasp as he pulled
his cock back.

“Don’t worry, babe. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her world tipped off its axis for a moment when he took away
the delicious pressure against her clit.

Tasha blinked and stared up at Nathan. The command to “fuck
me” seemed to be working but why—

Before the words could form in her mind, she realized he’d
stripped off his trousers and briefs, leaving him gloriously naked. He snatched
the condom off the bed and placed the tip over his cock. The faint trembling of
his fingers as he rolled the latex up his shaft made her tummy quiver.

She reached out, sliding her hand beneath his, stroking his
cock and easing the sheath up higher and higher.

“Oh fuck, babe.” He thrust into her grip. “I’m going to come
if you—”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled it back, holding it to the
mattress. Her eyes locked for a moment on his cock then she slowly lifted her

“But I want to touch you.”

His mouth quirked up into a half-smile. “Maybe later.” He
leaned down and planted a fast, hard kiss on her lips. “I want to come when I’m
inside your sweet cunt. Your pretty hands are much too tempting.”

As if that settled it, he sat up on his heels and finished
rolling the latex up shaft. His eyes remained locked on hers as he pushed
forward, the thick tip stretching her pussy as he eased his cock inside her.

It had been more than a month since she’d fucked either man.
More than a month since she’d had an orgasm. Her pussy, wet from the delicious
foreplay downstairs, accepted his cock, burning a little as his width filled

She knew it wouldn’t take long for him to make her come. Her
body had been primed for this. Her fingers grabbed the firm rounded globes of
his ass and held on, pulling him deeper. The heavy shaft sank into her cunt.

“Wait!” Kiah called out.

Nathan froze above her, his cock half buried in her pussy.
His forearms contracted and she could feel him pulling on the sheets as if he
struggled for control.

“I can’t see anything.”

Nathan rolled his eyes.

“Let her ride you,” Kiah suggested.

The muscles at the base of Nathan’s neck convulsed and she
suspected he was crushing a snarl. His cock eased a little deeper into her

“What do you think, babe? You want to ride me so my cousin
can watch?”

An unexpected shiver raced into her cunt. Nathan moaned as
if he felt it too.

“I guess that gives us our answer, doesn’t it?” He pumped
forward, driving his cock inch by inch into her pussy. When he was fully
seated, he stopped and stared down. “Ready?”

She nodded, her awareness so centered on the thick rod
filling her cunt that she wasn’t listening, wasn’t really paying attention.

His hand grabbed her ass and held her tight against him, his
cock buried almost fully inside.

With one smooth move, he rolled over, flipping onto his back
and planting her on top.

She gasped, her mind catching up with the sudden shift. She
was on top. On top of Nathan.

Instinct urged her backward and she sat up. The motion
settled his cock even deeper into her pussy, teasing her clit with that wicked
final inch.

“That’s it, babe.” Nathan’s soothing words barely penetrated
as she struggled to find her breath. The thick shaft felt huge inside her
pussy. Her hands slid away from his shoulders and landed on her knees.

Nathan stroked her hips and the outsides of her thighs. The
motions were almost comforting but the desire in his stare kept the need
pulsing in her core.

“Touch your breasts, Tasha,” Nathan commanded, his words humming
with power and lust. “You know how I love your pretty tits.”

Her fingers trembled a little as she glided her hands up her
sides and cupped her breasts, running her palms around the heavy curves,
lifting. Nathan’s cock twitched inside her.

“Show me, babe. Let me see you touch those tight nipples.”

Lost in the sensation, she followed his instructions, easing
the tips of her breasts between her fingers and thumb and slowly pinching down,
adding pressure until it became too much.

“Shh, shh.”

She hadn’t even known she’d made any noise.

“Damn.” The low, awed tone echoed from the corner of the
room, reminding her that Kiah was watching.

Having Kiah there made her cheeks warm but also sent another
rush of heat into her pussy. Needing to move, she shifted, unconsciously
rolling her hips and moving Nathan’s cock within her passage.

He closed his eyes and his lips pressed shut as if the
sensation was too much. A lovely surge of power moved through her soul. With
one more caress to her nipples, she slid her hands down her body, skimming
across her thighs and stopping on Nathan’s chest. She continued the gentle,
rocking pulses, not really thrusts, just working his shaft inside her. Her
fingers curled down, brushing over the flat peaks of his nipples.

He arched his back, moving in to her caress. She pressed a
little harder, letting her nails bite into his hot skin. His eyes fluttered
open and he raised one eyebrow as he met her gaze, the fire in those blue eyes
told her she had his full attention.

She rose up, letting about half his cock slide out before
she sank back down. It wasn’t hard or fast but she felt every inch sliding into
her pussy, teasing her clit. Loving the shiver that raced into her core, she
repeated the motion, and again, taking her time, every stroke slow and
definite. Her head tipped back and she closed her eyes, letting all her senses
focus on the cock moving in and out of her pussy.

It was seductive, almost soothing, except for the delicious
jolts to her clit. Those kept her on the edge.

“Damn it, Tasha.”

She blinked her eyes open and looked down at Nathan.

“What?” She gave another pulse to his cock. “It feels so

“Take it all, babe. It will feel even better.” He grabbed
her hips and held her in place, grinding his hips against hers for a moment
before he let her move. She placed her hands on his shoulders and once again,
she eased her hips up but this time when she would have stopped about halfway,
he guided her higher. The shivers lasted a little longer.

She gasped, her breath catching for a moment before she felt
Nathan’s hands pulling her back. She came down as he thrust up, the pressure
swelling quickly in her pussy.

“That’s it. Good, babe?”

She nodded and allowed him to urge her back up, higher on
her knees. According to every sex book she’d ever read, “woman on top” meant
she was in control. Only she didn’t feel in control. And she didn’t care. She
fell into his rhythm, guided by his hands and his words, until she was fucking
him hard with each stroke.

Tasha rocked her hips, driving him deeper, harder, faster.
Her body was locked in pure sensation, needing the delicious climax she knew
was just out of her reach.

“That’s it, babe. Fuck me. Fuck that sweet cunt on my cock.
Go on.”

She let Nathan’s voice fill her head, guiding her even as
his hands tightened on her hips. He held her in place as he thrust up, driving
deep into her pussy.

She couldn’t stop the shout that broke from her throat as
she slammed down, forcing him deeper until every inch of her pussy was full.

“Come on,” he growled, his voice floating through her head
like whispers of smoke. “Let me feel it, babe. I want to feel you come. Let me
feel this sexy cunt squeeze my dick.”

His words plowed through her very being, heightening her
arousal, sending her close to the edge. He slipped his thumb over her clit and
pressed down lightly. The gentle pressure exploded into her core. She tipped
her head back and screamed as the wicked pulses surged through her pussy.

Nathan cried out and flipped her over. She landed on her
back, his cock still buried in her cunt. She barely had time to breathe before
he drew back and pounded into her. Three hard deep strokes and he tensed,
holding his shaft hilt-deep in her passage.

She blinked and stared up at him, his beautiful face even
more sexy with the stunned, satisfied look in his eyes. She pressed up and gave
him a kiss. For a moment, she lost herself in the sensation of his softening
cock in her pussy, his sensual lips caressing hers. Too soon, he retreated,
pulling his cock from inside her, leaving her empty. Nathan snarled over his
right shoulder and rolled over, taking up the space beside her on the bed.

BOOK: Candy Apple
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