Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (7 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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But when he left, and he would as Justin had, she’d be devastated. Now was the time to pull back. Go away for awhile and let him finish his business. Then when it was safe, she’d come back and he’d be gone.

He kissed the top of her head, and whispered, “Stop thinking, let the music inside you, feel the notes.” His voice flowed like warm honey into every cell in her body. She sighed. It was too late to run. She knew it, and so did he.

Streaks of gold and pink colored the sky as the sun began to disappear behind the trees. The band had played for almost an hour. The leader stepped up to the mike.

“We want to thank you all for being here. It’s great to see such a large community response. We have two more numbers to play, and then we’ll be finished. Have a good week, folks.” He raised his hands, and music filled the park.

“Let’s get out of here before we’re caught in the crowd.” Ethan helped her stand and grabbed the blanket. A number of other people had the same idea, and cars began a steady move along the narrow road toward the exit.

Morgan stretched in her seat as Ethan got into the slow-moving traffic. “It was a lovely evening, thank you.” She turned to smile at him.

“You’re welcome. I enjoy music. I’ll take you to hear a symphony after all this is over.”

“Will you still be around?” She held her breath, waiting for his answer.

“Wherever I am, you’ll be with me.”

Her heart sank. He was trying to pacify her. Tell her she’d be in his heart is what he meant. Why did she have such poor luck with men?

Ethan reached across and took her hand. “What’s wrong? Are you so determined to live here that you wouldn’t consider relocating with me?”

She jerked her head around. “You’re serious? You hardly know me. Most men aren’t impressed after they’ve been with me for a while.”

“What idiots.” He squeezed her hand. “I think they were afraid of you.”

Now she turned in her seat to face him. “What do you mean?”

“Honey, you’re beautiful, bright, the kind of woman an insecure man would be constantly afraid of losing, so he rejects you first.”

“What an interesting theory. You’re not afraid of me?”

“I’m not insecure.” Ethan glanced in his rearview mirror. “Hang on, honey.” He pressed his foot on the accelerator and the sports car raced down the street, turned a corner into a narrow alley, and sped toward the end.

Morgan closed her eyes and felt the car go to the left. When she looked again, they were speeding down another road away from town. In the rearview mirror, she spotted a black sedan hurtling along after them.

“Is it Mr. Brown?” She clutched the armrest on the door.

“His goons, most likely.”

Suddenly, Ethan yanked the wheel, and their car did a one-hundred-eighty-degree turn, heading straight for the sedan.

Morgan started to scream but closed her eyes instead. Whatever was going to happen, she wasn’t going to look. Her muscles tensed, waiting for the inevitable crash of metal.

“You can open your eyes now.” He spoke with a touch of humor in his voice.

Instant anger ripped through her. “What the hell were you thinking?” She turned to look behind and saw the sedan come face-to-face with another car, swerve, and fly through the air, hitting flat and hard on the side of the road. A plain, gray car sped toward them.

“You can relax. They’re my guys.”

“Relax!” Her voice screeched. “You and your friends are insane.” She wanted to spit nails she was so angry, more than she had ever been before.

He didn’t respond, but he did slow to the speed limit and shortly afterwards parked in the underground garage where he lived. He came around and opened her door.

“I’m not getting out. You can take me back to my place. I’d be safer there than what I just went through.”

“Like hell.” He reached in and picked her up and strode across to his private elevator.

Out of the corner of her eye, Morgan saw the plain, gray car pull into another parking slot. She turned her attention back to Ethan and frowned. “Take me home.”

Ignoring her, he got on the elevator and said a set of numbers. The lift started upwards. Heat sizzled around them. Neither spoke until he stepped into the condo.

“Put me down,” she ordered. “I am not staying with you.”

She stared into his eyes. They’d turned icy gray. His face a mask of sexuality, hard planes and tight mouth, a pulse beating in his cheek.

He let her body slide down against his steely frame. One hand held her lower body tight against his obviously aroused cock. Reaching behind her, he slammed the door shut, and then pushed her hard against the wall. In a second, he had ripped the button off her pants and yanked them down and away, along with her panties.

His mouth clamped over hers. Her heart beat hard and fast, and she shivered with a mixture of excitement and fright. She’d set something into motion, and had no control at this point. His strong, masculine scent pulled at her, and fluid gushed from her pussy. His fingers slipped between her tender, sensitive folds and into her aroused pussy. Her inner muscles immediately clamped around them. She moaned deep in her throat.

Ethan pulled back and stared into her eyes. “You’re mine, and I’d never do something to injure you. Never, at any moment back there, was I out of control.”

She started to protest.

“Shh, don’t talk.” The words were spoken softly. “Don’t say anything, except that you want me. Or if you don’t, then tell me to stop.”

Morgan stood there encircled by his arms, looking deep into his eyes. Her whole body shook with the need to have him inside her. And yet the anger still shimmered, and she wanted to tell him to go to hell. But something in his face and eyes stopped her. A slight flash of vulnerability? Maybe she imagined it. Whatever it was didn’t matter. She did want him, very much.

“Take me.”

He moved slightly. She heard paper ripping, and then he was putting a condom on. He placed his cock at her opening and slowly entered her wet, slick pussy.

“You’re so damn tight,” he groaned. “Am I hurting you?”

“You’re so big, but don’t stop.”

“Open your blouse.” He pulled her legs up and tight around his waist. “Now move your bra up.”

She did as he said, exposing herself to him. His mouth moved down and suckled on her breast. A tight coil pulled inside, straight from her breast to her womb. She gasped for air as her whole body began to tingle.

Ethan pushed hard and slipped all the way in, and then he began to move in a fast rhythm. His mouth pulled on her nipple in concert with his movements below. Morgan lost all awareness of her surroundings. Her body met his every thrust, and begged for more. Still, she was reaching for something. She threw her head from side to side.

“Let go, darlin’, let go. I’ll catch you.” His words, spit out between his raspy breaths, sent an aching wave of heat and pressure exploding straight out of her. In the distance, she heard her voice saying his name. Seconds later, he shouted his own relief.

For several minutes, the only sound was their heavy breathing. Ethan leaned his head against her forehead.

“This wasn’t exactly how I pictured our first time getting together,” Morgan said.


“No. But I’m not going to let you win every argument we have this way.”

His mouth turned up in that dazzling smile that made her heart rate soar and her insides turn into mush. “Want to bet?”

“Not right this minute.”

“Good.” He kissed her mouth. Still holding her legs wrapped around him, he headed for his bedroom. “I’m not through yet.”

Just his words had her pussy hot and needy. He dropped her onto his wide bed. Her blouse and bra went flying across the room.

He strode into the bathroom and returned with a condom. After putting it on, he straddled her body and leaned close. “If I had my way, I’d keep you naked all day and night.” Her insides clenched in response to his words. “In fact, I may just do that on our honeymoon. I’ll hide all your clothes.”

“Slow down. Nothing’s been said about marriage.”

“Haven’t you realized yet that I have no intention of letting you go?”

Morgan tried to slide from under him, but he tightened his thighs around her and held her head still. When he leaned down, she saw the fire in his eyes. His mouth covered hers and his tongue began to stroke in and out. She felt her pussy wet and ready as he moved his cock into place. She tried to regain some control, to think about his comments, but her mind was gone, leaving only the desire, the fire, the intense need to be a part of him.

When he plunged into her, her muscles grabbed him tight. Her heart soared, and her only awareness was of captivating pleasure, his wonderful scent, and waves of desire flooding over her. His hard cock had filled her fully, and the sweet taste of his ravishing mouth had her moaning. Her orgasm hit her sudden and hard. She grabbed onto him as the only solid in a world gone crazy. She soared out of herself and into a dark sky, with silver stars and tiny flashes of lightning. She gulped for air, and was barely aware of his body moving once more, in deep against her womb. She heard his groan of release.

* * * *

Ethan pulled her into his arms. “Sleep.” She snuggled her head into his shoulder and closed her eyes. Her body relaxed, and he smiled at her soft snore. He stared down at her lush body curved tight against him.

Had it only been yesterday since he met her and rescued her from the picnic? It was as though his body recognized her on some innate level, deep in his soul. Just now when they’d made love he’d wanted to claim her, make her his in a way she wouldn’t forget. He’d let himself enclose her completely with his scent, his touch, his taste. She might not be sure of what she wanted yet, but her body recognized him. She had become pliant, free flowing, accepting him on the level needed to be his wife.

The hardest part would be getting her and Justin together. He could and would marry her without Justin, if necessary, but he didn’t want to lose the special, unique relationship he and his brother had developed over the years. They’d always planned, as most of the men in the community did, to marry and share a wife. It worked well. When one group was gone, a husband was left to take care of and guard his wife and family.

He carefully moved off the bed so as not to wake Morgan. Pulling on his jeans, he went into his study and picked up the phone.

“Justin, this is Ethan.”

“What’s up? You having problems with Morgan?”

“Not at all, but I’m going to send her to you later tomorrow.”

“Things getting dangerous?”

Ethan chuckled. “In more ways than one. Listen, I’m going with her to her office in the morning. I intend to let Bill know she and I are an item, and she’s resigning. I’m also going to let him know where I live.”

“Is that smart?”

“I want to rouse Mr. Brown’s temper to a raging fire. I’m hoping he’ll start making mistakes, and I can follow him to the leader.”

“So, you want to use Morgan as bait and then get her out of danger?”

“You got it. I’ll expect the plane to be ready to pick her up. Be at the airport by noon, but it may be later before we get there. Also send in the full team.”

“No problem.”

“Oh, and Justin, I love her. You let me know what you want to do when I get back. One way or another, I’m marrying her.” Ethan cut off the connection. It was in Justin’s ballpark now, but he’d better remember to treat her well, or he’d answer to him.

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Rescue Their Bride [Wyoming Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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