Read BWWM Interracial Romance 2: Open Heart Online

Authors: Elena Brown

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Women's Fiction, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BWWM Interracial Romance 2: Open Heart (5 page)

BOOK: BWWM Interracial Romance 2: Open Heart
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Finally he brought his lips against her firmly, sucking her clit between them and Ashley shuddered all over as his tongue began flickering across it even more quickly than it had her nipples, sending jolts and tingles of sensation through her body. She was shouting, almost screaming with pleasure as she got closer and closer, moaning out in near-sobs of need. Tony sucked as much of her pussy into his mouth as he could, his lips pulsing around her, his tongue driving out any ability to think, and Ashley reached orgasm in seconds, writhing and arching on the bed, unable to contain the waves of pleasure that rocked her. She cried out his name again and again, grabbing at him, at the sheets underneath her, at nothing at all. Tony continued his assaults all through her orgasm, slowing down only when her convulsions began to abate and she collapsed to the bed, shuddering in the aftermath.

He kissed a path up along her body slowly, his hands firmly stroking and rubbing up and down along her waist, her hips, and her arms. He kissed her deeply, taking his time, and Ashley could taste herself on his lips and tongue, the flavor mingling with his sweeter, wine-drenched taste. “You are absolutely gorgeous when you come, Ashley—has anyone ever told you that?” Ashley shook her head in a daze, smiling without being sure why. “Then no one you’ve ever been with has appreciated how fucking hot you are.”

She could still feel the hardness of his cock pressed against her, and Ashley shook off the languor that gripped her, feeling guilty that she had taken so much pleasure without giving some in return. She reached down between their bodies and gripped him firmly, stroking Tony’s erection through the fabric of his clothes. Tony groaned, pressing his face against her neck and thrusting against her touch in a spasm.

“It’s not fair for me to have all the pleasure,” Ashley told him, finding the fly of his trousers by touch. Tony chuckled, low and breathless, and pulled himself off of her, climbing out of the bed quickly. Ashley was almost disappointed; she liked the weight of his body against hers, liked the feeling of him pressed against her. But her disappointment was short-lived; Tony stripped out of his pants, pushing his underwear down over his hips with his pants and kicking off his shoes. Ashley moved to strip off her stockings, but Tony shook his head, forestalling her.

“Leave them on,” he said with a little grin. “You look amazing in them.” Ashley blushed at the compliment. She looked down along his body, taking in the tight, wiry frame—he had precious little body hair anywhere, and his pale skin almost seemed to glow in the light. Her gaze finally moved down to his hips, and the hard cock just beneath. He was bigger than she would have thought, thick, almost purplish, the tip of his cock beginning to leak a stream of precum. Ashley licked her lips unconsciously, thinking of what it would be like to have him in her mouth.

The next moment, Tony climbed into the bed once more, covering her body quickly and settling between her legs. “You said it’s been a long time?” he asked her. Ashley could feel the heat of his cock pressed against her pussy, teasing her as he rocked his hips against hers slowly. She nodded. “Mmmm, I actually kind of like that,” Tony murmured, kissing her lightly on the lips. She felt him reach down, and the tip of his cock rubbed against her clit, making her tingle all over even as the heat built up inside of her once more.

“You do?” Ashley said, confused. Tony nodded, and shifted his hips against hers. He thrust into her slowly, pushing past the initial resistance of her body gently but firmly, letting her feel every inch of his cock filling her up. Ashley moaned, her legs draping around his body seemingly of their own will.

“It means,” Tony said, panting slightly as he thrust more deeply into her. “It means that you have no—expectations.” Ashley’s legs tightened around him, her inner walls flexing as his cock began to move in and out of her slowly. Tony rocked his hips against hers as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her all over. It was unlike any experience that Ashley could remember; even with Kent, who she had married, she hadn’t felt such an intense, deep-down need for more, a craving to feel him inside of her forever.

Tony’s thick, hard cock rubbed all along her inner walls, and somehow he was rubbing right up against her clit at the same time, the combination making Ashley squirm and writhe mindlessly, pleasure mounting inside of her every moment. He kept his pace slow, almost torturously so, while Ashley met each of his thrusts, pushing her hips down into his. She kissed everywhere her lips could reach, flicking her tongue out to taste his sweat, and trailed her hands all over his body as if she could read him like braille. She felt the ripple and bunch of his lower back as his thrusts began to speed up, the tension in his ass muscles as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. They were both moaning, crying out with pleasure, touching and tasting each other everywhere. Ashley’s thighs gripped Tony’s waist in desperation as she got closer and closer to orgasm, and when she finally reached her second climax, she cried out almost as loudly as the first time, shocks of sensation so intense they might have been pain shattering through her body. Tony was only a heartbeat behind her, and Ashley let out a long, low moan at the feeling of his heat flooding, rushing into her.

They collapsed to the bed, their limbs tangling, and when Ashley came back to herself, she admired the striped pattern their bodies made, light layering over dark layering over light, like the pattern of light through a slanted picket fence. Tony lifted himself up and kissed her. “You know,” he said, playing with her braids musingly, “I know you were worried about not being any good—but I think you may have been the best partner I’ve ever had.”

Ashley rolled her eyes. “I am not going to be taken in by some line,” she told him.

Tony’s bright blue gaze met hers.

“I’m serious. You feel amazing, you look absolutely stunning when you’re not in the middle of coming—and when you are coming, you look like an angel.”

Ashley blushed and buried her face against his chest, hiding from his scrutiny. “Shut up,” she said, shaking her head. “Stop being so charming! You already got me in bed with you.”

Tony laughed, pulling her face away and kissing her. “If I’m not charming, how will I convince you to go at it again in ten minutes?”


Ashley woke up uncertain of how she felt. Physically, she felt better than she had in  months; Tony had brought her from one orgasm to another, steadily, for hours—he had insisted on ‘examining’ her, taking on a mock-professional air as he kissed every inch of her body and then went down on her once more, tongue rippling against her clit until spasms of pleasure made her breathless. Before they had finally fallen into a deep sleep together, he had coiled his pale arms around her and brought his hand down to her pussy, rubbing her until she was shaking against him, almost begging him to stop but so wrapped up in the sensations he was giving her that she couldn’t speak—and couldn’t stand the thought of the pleasure ending.

Tony greeted her in a plush robe when she got out of bed; he poured her a cup of coffee and draped a robe around her, kissing her lightly on the lips when she found the kitchen. “I haven’t had a night that amazing in a long time,” he said, smiling almost shyly at her. “You are an incredible woman; you know that, right?”

Ashley shrugged off the compliment, her mind full of misgivings in spite of how good the sex had been, how charming Tony’s company was. She made herself stay for breakfast, acceding to Tony’s boast that he made excellent French toast, and managed to keep her thoughts to herself. She didn’t have to be at the hospital until the evening; she was on call for the night shift—so she might not have to work at all, but more likely some catastrophe at two in the morning would erupt, and she would be pulled out of the on-call bunks to respond to it. She felt more rested than she had been in months, but she still wasn’t sure how she felt about Tony.

He called his driver and, after a brief argument, agreed to split the cost of her overnight parking; she didn’t want to take his money at all. It made her feel like the date was somehow illegitimate, as if she had only stayed because he was going to pay for her parking. Tony gave her half of the cost of the parking and said, as he kissed her goodbye, “I hope we’ll both have time in our schedules to get together again soon—you should see what I can make for dinner.”

Ashley didn’t outright reject the idea of seeing him again, but she was deliberately vague, not knowing if she wanted to or not. She knew he was the best partner she had ever had sex with; she knew that he was charming. What she didn’t know was whether she was ready to actually see someone yet—or even if she was ready to start looking for a boyfriend, she wanted that boyfriend to be Tony.



Tony sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, trying to force his brain to comprehend the report that was in front of him. He had gone over it three or four times, and every time it seemed to get more difficult. He shook his head to try to clear it, and looked out through the windows of his office. Miami’s skyline wasn’t quite as impressive as New York’s, but there were enough sprawling buildings to make it interesting and distinct. He realized that his focus was being continually interrupted by thoughts of Ashley and sighed, running his fingers through his hair. It had been weeks since their date, and while they hadn’t completely lost touch with each other—she responded to his messages fairly quickly, and he was regular about sending them—they were no closer to a second date than they had been the morning after. He wondered if he had come on too strong; if he had pushed her too hard to come home with him.

Tony closed his eyes and pictured Ashley mentally, calling up the lush curves of her body, the deep velvet of her pussy, the burnt caramel of her breasts with their dark brown nipples. He groaned, feeling the shot of heat travel straight to his cock, a pulse of lust that rose up whenever he let himself think of the talented doctor. He clenched his teeth, exhaling sharply. She was too gorgeous not to think about regularly; he had, on more than one occasion, relived their night together in the shower, pumping himself until he finally got relief—and it wasn’t enough.

He forced his mind to think of less erotic things, and remembered with a little smile to himself the way she had firmly argued against him paying for her parking all on his own. “I’m not broke—I can afford parking, and it was my decision to go home with you instead of getting my car out of the garage,” she had said, her hands on her hips, in a position that made him want to lift her up onto the breakfast bar and have her one final time. He wondered why he hadn’t.

Tony licked his lips and sat back in his chair. There was so much about Ashley that he liked; above and beyond her gorgeous body, he had been fascinated by her interest in medicine, and the fact that she had been determined to pursue that field from such a young age. Even beyond the amazing sex, he wanted to get to know her better. It was a strange feeling for him—one that made him pause as he realized it.

For almost his entire adult life, Tony had never had any problem in getting a woman to go on a date with him. He thought of the moment he had asked Ashley on their first date together; she had almost rejected him immediately, using the excuse of hospital and personal policy against dating patients. Tony grinned, thinking he had more than one reason to be fond of his niece; if it hadn’t been for her, he wasn’t sure if he could have pressed his case successfully. He thought that what intrigued him about her most was the fact that she wasn’t running after him. For the first time in his life, he had met a woman who had no interest in throwing herself at him. Normally, he had only to flash a glimpse of his Centurion card, or simply be around a woman in his tailored suit and obvious wealth, and she would agree to any kind of date he wanted. Even when he went out dancing, it was easy enough to get a woman to go home with him; a few drinks on his tab for her and her friends, a lavish tip to the staff, and he could have any woman in his bed with almost no effort—or even more than one woman at once.

Ashley, however, didn’t seem to be as obviously interested. He knew for a fact that she had been attracted to him. He hadn’t been imagining that—surely not. And he knew that she had reached orgasm several times in his bed; there was no false modesty there. So why hadn’t they had a second date? It had been almost two months, and they just didn’t seem to be able to match up their schedules. He knew that Ashley was legitimately busy; any hospital doctor would be, much less one so talented and dedicated. He suspected that she took on shifts above and beyond her schedule, that she was the kind of doctor that her superiors could count on to come in on her day off to take care of a staffing shortage. She was efficient and personable.

He would never be able to forget the way she had taken the time to explain everything to his niece Amanda; Ashley had sat down and told Amanda what they were going to do and why, breaking it down so that the girl wouldn’t be afraid. It was easy to see why she worked in the pediatric unit so much—and the Emergency department as well. The way she had taken him down a peg with such ease told Tony that Ashley was a woman who was not afraid to offend a person in the name of honesty. He had absolutely been out of line—hungover, only staying with his niece because he loved her. If it had been a friend’s child, he would have told them to figure out a way to take time off. But Amanda had always been special to him, and when his brother had called him in a panic, worried for his sick daughter but under pressure from his job to show up for an important meeting, Tony hadn’t even hesitated.

Tony picked up his phone and flipped through the contacts until he came to Amanda’s number. He hesitated a moment; was he texting her too frequently? He had decided to send her text messages rather than calling her because he knew that she was a busy woman; a text was something she could answer when she was free, could take her time to get to—or answer quickly when she had a minute to spare. A call would put pressure on her to devote her attention to a return call.

He decided to go for it.
Hey, beautiful,
he typed,
are you free any time soon? I’ve been spending too much time in the office for my own sanity.
He sent it and waited, trying to turn his attention back to the report. Tony knew it was important—any report that was brought to him as CEO was something that deserved his attention—but it was difficult to force his mind onto the subject at hand when he was thinking of Ashley.

Sooner than he could rightfully expect, his phone chirped, announcing a response to a text.
I’m so sorry, Tony, but I’m incredibly busy.
It read, and he wondered if she really was sorry—if he hadn’t somehow driven her away.

We lost one of our best ER docs in a car accident last week, and they’ve asked me to double up.
It was plausible, and Tony was happy for Ashley at least in terms of the amount of money that she was surely making.

I have days off, but I’ve been on the go so much that I just end up sleeping all day. I’d be terrible company.
He sent back a text saying that he understood—that he admired her dedication to the job. He asked her to get in touch when things calmed down a little more at the hospital, and decided to leave it alone at that.

Tony managed to read through the report and make a decision, sending off an email and deciding that he really had spent far too much time in his office of late. Since Ashley wasn’t available to distract him from the grind of his work, he would visit with his friend Vince.

Vince had been Tony’s mentor when Tony had first started to get Beaumont Financial off of the ground. It had been a risky venture, but when Tony approached the older man with his business proposal, Vince had immediately latched onto him, not only happily investing in Tony’s company, but also giving Tony regular advice—sound advice—on how to manage it as it grew. He was someone that Tony could count on not only for an outside perspective on life, but also for a good time when he needed it. Vince had gotten wealthy in the financial industry as well, and he managed his businesses so efficiently he had time for a lifestyle of clubbing, cruises, and working vacations; he had told Tony at one point that it just made sense for him to work while relaxing—it was the maximum in efficiency. “Why should I bust my ass in an office for fifty hours a week, when I could put in the same fifty hours anywhere in the world?”

Tony didn’t necessarily subscribe to the same system of working remotely—he liked to be on hand, available for his executives to come to in person when something went astray in the company—but he admired Vince’s success. He got into his car and had Ben take him out to Vince’s house. The last time he had checked, Vince wasn’t out of the country, but the man would hop on a private jet to Barbados at a moment’s notice. He took out his phone once more and, after looking at the response from Ashley, saying that she’d certainly get in touch with him when she could; he opened up his phone directory and found Vince. He called the older businessman. “Hey, Vinnie,” he said the moment the man came onto the line, “I’m heading over—you at home?”

The older man laughed. “Yeah, man, I’m hanging by the pool. See you when you get here.”

Ben took the quickest route; Vince lived right on the ocean, a private strip of beach attached to his house. The traffic—as always in Miami—was terrible, and as Tony watched the scenery crawl past the windows, his mind went back to Ashley once more. He wondered if the only reason he was so intensely interested in her was because she didn’t seem to reciprocate. It was true that he’d never been with a woman who had so constantly—if politely—brushed aside his advances. But he couldn’t think that that was all there was to it. If it was just a matter of wanting what he couldn’t have, he would have gotten over it long before; would he?

He finally arrived at Vince’s house and told Ben he would call him when he needed him. Ben snorted, knowing that it might be a day or even two before his services would be required again; whenever Tony and Vince got together, time seemed to fly past in a haze of alcohol and a riot of late-night lights. On more than one occasion, Vince had managed to convince Tony to take a spur-of-the-moment trip to the Bahamas, or the Dominican Republic. It was only about an hour away by plane; and the clubs in those island nations were something else. There had even been one occasion when Tony had gone to Vince’s house, only to find himself in Rio the next day, unaware of quite how he and Vince had wound up there. He told himself that he wasn’t going to go along with any crazy plans at the last moment; he was going to stay in the country, even if Vince got pissed.

“Yo, how’s it going?” Vince called as Tony came through the house. The older man was sprawled out in a lounge chair, taking in the last of the afternoon sun next to his pool. By his side was a cup of coffee, a tablet, and a cell phone—evidence that while Vince was lounging, he was not loafing.

“It’s going,” Tony said. He sat down in a chair nearby. Vince called out for one of his household staff to bring a bottle of champagne.

“Why so glum, chum?” Vince asked him, sitting up in the lounger. Tony shrugged. The housekeeper brought the champagne he had requested, and Vince poured them each a glass.

“There’s this woman I saw a while back,” Tony said. He took a sip of the champagne. “Great woman. A doctor. She was taking care of Mandy at the hospital, and I asked her on a date. We went out, had a great time, ended the night at my place, and now she won’t go out with me again.”

Vince snorted. “So? Drop her. A working woman’s no good for guys like us, Tony.”

Tony shook his head, rolling his eyes. “She’s great—smart, talented, really passionate about her job.”

Vince raised his glass. “Tony, my boy, you’ve got a great head for business.”

Tony raised his glass and they both drank.

“But when it comes to women you’re an idiot. There are tons of women out there that’d run after you with nothing more than a smile from you. Why should you chase after someone who isn’t interested?”

Tony wanted to argue the point, but it was too easy to assume that Ashley was just being polite in continuing the contact. He was frustrated by the lack of a second date. “We had a great time though, man. You should’ve seen her too—she’s the hottest woman I’ve ever been with.”

Vince rolled his eyes. “You’re in Miami, man! You want a hot woman, go walk South Beach—they’re a dime a dozen. You’ll find five just as hot as the girl who got away, and more willing to jump you.”

Tony grimaced. He didn’t want a woman who would throw herself at him. He wanted a challenge—he wanted to at least pretend like the arid glamor of wealth wasn’t what attracted someone to him.

“Look, I’ll prove it to you. Go out with me tonight. We’ll hit some clubs, see some gorgeous women, and you can take one home with you—hell, take home three. They’re all willing for it when it comes down to it. You’ll forget all about doctor whats-her-face.”

While Tony didn’t like the idea of easy women, the thought of forgetting about Ashley for a few hours had a certain allure. Maybe it would help him get his head straight, take away some of the power she’d developed over him. It couldn’t hurt.

Tony changed into one of Vince’s going out suits; they weren’t exactly the same size, but Vince tended to wear his suits a little tighter in fit than Tony, so it was close enough. They finished off the bottle of champagne, and loaded into Vince’s Maserati, headed down to the strip. Tony knew from experience that his wealthy friend had connections at all the best clubs; Vince knew the managers and owners, had a permanent spot on the VIP list everywhere he wanted to go. If he didn’t, he just made friends with the owner and secured the spot from that point forward. They went from one club to another, and Tony waited for the magic moment when he could forget about Ashley—maybe he’d run into another woman, someone challenging and flirtatious, who would take his mind off of the talented doctor.

The moment never materialized. Instead, Vince gradually got drunker and drunker, and Tony had to cut back early in the night, worried for his friend. By the fourth club, Vince ended up passed out in the VIP lounge, not thrown out altogether simply because of the fact that he was the owner’s friend.

The bouncers asked Tony to help his friend. “We can’t kick him out, but he’s not exactly a valuable person in the club right now,” one of them said, looking away.

BOOK: BWWM Interracial Romance 2: Open Heart
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